• ベストアンサー




nearlyがあるので、すんでのところで側転しそうになったと訳はどうでしょうか。 私が警察を追い出され、ジャックが降格されて、ボブびっくりなら意味も通りそうですし・・・



回答ありがとうございました。 nearly があるので、確かに、実際にはしなかったけど、と言う意味があるんだと思います。


  • 英文和訳です

    but every book that I picked up had few sentences which didn't contain anywhere from one to nearly all of the words that might as well have been in Chinese この文の意味がわからないです。特に、might as will have been の箇所が文法的によくわからないです。英語力のある方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文解釈

    以下の文章中に"babies who received a total of nearly 800,000 doses of rotavirus vaccine"とありますが、800,000 錠を服用した赤ちゃんを調査の対象としたのでしょうか。 それとも調査した赤ちゃんたちが服用したワクチンの合計が800,000錠なのでしょうか(例えば、10,000人×80錠)。 (常識的に考えると、一人で800,000錠も服用するはずがないので、後者だと思いますが、文法的にはどのように判断すればよいのでしょうか) Shui and other researchers examined the records of babies who received a total of nearly 800,000 doses of rotavirus vaccine, including 300,000 first doses. They were looking for incidents of intussusception, the medical term for this kind of blockage. わかるかたがいらっしゃいましたら、教えていたけないでしょうか。 -------前後の文------ “Because the rotavirus vaccine is given to almost every child in the United States, it’s crucial to monitor the vaccine’s safety,” said Shui. Shui and other researchers examined the records of babies who received a total of nearly 800,000 doses of rotavirus vaccine, including 300,000 first doses. They were looking for incidents of intussusception, the medical term for this kind of blockage. “We did not find an elevated risk of intussusception following any dose of the vaccine, and especially following the first dose,” she said. -------出展------- VOA news http://www.voanews.com/content/rotavirus-vaccine-is-safe-study-finds-141259913/180535.html

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 1The winner of the uprising having been put down was Ulbricht who was able to consolidate his power position and could count on Soviet support for lack of other suitable leaders, particularly since his opponents within the Party were arrested. 2On 19 July the Western High Commissioners voiced their protest at the Soviet action and called for the restoration of ‘normal conditions of life’. 5It soon became clear that Great Britain had no interest in providing East German citizens with any help. 6The British High Commissioners, Sir Ivonne Kirkpatrick, held the view that the intervention of Soviet troops had been legitimate. 7For him the USSR also had the right in principle to keep control of their zone if necessary by force.

  • 英文解釈お願いします。

    The two scientists who announced it had been premature, and no one else was able to extract significant amounts of energy by the process. prematureはどのように訳出するのですか? It was reported as weaker than gravitation, made itself felt for only limited distances of a few yards, and varied for different chemical substances. feltはどのように訳するのですか?

  • 和訳御願いします。

    和訳御願いします。 For nearly 100,000 years, the planet had been gripped in glaciation. Ice sheets placed a swathe of the northern hemisphere under a dead hand, extending their thrall as far as south as New England and Wales.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Döring also appealed for neutrality because of the economic interdependence of the West African colonies and their common interest in dominating local populations. On 6 August, the Cabinet in London refused the offer of neutrality and Bryant on his own initiative, after hearing that the French in Dahomey wished to co-operate, sent Captain Barker and the District Commissioner of Keta to Döring, with a demand the surrender of the colony and gave 24-hours to reply. The next morning the British intercepted a wireless message from Döring that he was withdrawing from the coast to Kamina and that Lomé would be surrendered if attacked. A similar proposal for neutrality from Döring had been received by the Governor of Dahomey, who took it for a declaration of war and ordered an invasion. A French contingency plan to seize Lomé and the coast had been drafted in ignorance of the wireless station at Kamina, only 37 mi (60 km) from the Dahomey border. Late on 6 August, French police occupied customs posts near Athieme and next day Major Maroix, the commander of French military forces in Dahomey, ordered the capture of Agbanake and Aneho. Agbanake was occupied late on 7 August, the Mono River was crossed and a column under Captain Marchand took Aneho early on 8 August; both moves were unopposed and local civilians helped to see off the Germans, by burning down the Government House at Sebe. The ~460 colonists and Askaris retreated inland, impressing civilians and calling up reservists as they moved north. Repairs began on the Aneho–Lomé railway and the French advanced to Porto Seguro and Togo before stopping the advance, once it was clear that Lomé had been surrendered to British forces. The British invasion began late on 7 August, the British emissaries returned to Lomé by lorry, to find that the Germans had left for Kamina and given Herr Clausnitzer discretion to surrender the colony up to Chra, 75 mi (120 km) inland, to prevent a naval bombardment of Lomé. On 8 August, the emissaries took command of fourteen British soldiers and police from Aflao; a telegraph operator arrived by bicycle and repaired the line to Keta and Accra. The British flag was raised and on 9 August, parties of troops arrived having marched 50 mi (80 km) in exhausting heat. Over the border, Bryant had arranged to move the main force by sea and embarked on the Elele on 10 August. Three other companies had been ordered to Krachi, to begin a land advance to Kamina. The Elele arrived off Lomé on 12 August and the force disembarked through the surf. Arrangements were made with the French, for a converging advance towards Atakpame by the British and the French from Aneho, a French column under Maroix from Tchetti in the north and the British column at Krachi under Captain Elgee.

  • 英文を読んで訳すのを教えてください。

    He started for the market with the cow. On his way to the market he met a man who had a pig with him. “Good morning,” said the man. “Good morning,” answered Jack. “Will you give me your old cow for this fat young pig?” said the man. Jack thought that it was a good idea. So he exchanged his old cow for the young pig. He walked on happily until he met another man who had some fine beans. “These are magic beans,” said the man. “’I’ll give you one of them, if you give me that pig.” Jack thought that it was wonderful to have a magic bean. So he agreed to it and carried the bean proudly back home. He showed the bean to his mother. “Is this all that you have got for that cow?” she said. “Now we have no cow to give us milk. All we have is this bean.” 次の文の指示された文を英訳してください。 (1)He walked on happily until he met another man who had some fine beans. これを解いてみると、 (1)彼はいい豆を持っている人に会うまで楽しそうに歩き続けた。 になりました。しかし、先生に間違っていると指摘されたのでどこが間違っているのか教えていたでけませんか。 出来れば意訳があれば教えてもらいたいです。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    In 1684,through computations by Picard,the earth's exact circumference was determined for the first time .Using the French astronomer's data,Newton applied the principle of gravitation to prove that the power which guides the moon around the earth and the planets around the sun is the force of gravity. The force varies directly with the mass of the attracted bodies and inversely as the square of their distances. Newton went on to show that this account for the elliptical orbits of the planets. The pull of graviy kept the moon and planets in their paths,balancing the centrifugal forces of their motions. Again,Newton failed to reveal his phenomenal discovery of nature's greatest secret. As it happened,however,other scientists were engaged in a search for a solution of the same problem. Several astronomer had suggested that the planets were bound to the sun by the force of gravity. Among these was Robert Hooke,Newton's severest and most persistent critic.But none of the theorists had been able to offer mathematical proof.By now Newton had won considerable reputation as a mathematician,and he was visited at Cambridge by the astoronomer Edmund Halley who requested his help.When Halley atated the problem,he learned that it had been solved two years before by Newton .Further,Newton had worked out the principal laws of motion of bodies moving under the force of gravity.Charatecteristically,through,Newton had no intention of publishing his findings.

  • doの意味

    このような文を見つけました。 When I was growing up, we learned that there were two kinds of girls. The girls who did were the bad girls with whom the boys had fun. The girls who didn't were the good girls whom the boys married. この文の中で出てくる、「did」と「didn't」の意味が分かりません。 代動詞かな?とも思ったんですが、なんか意味的にしっくりこなくて・・・。 どなたか、教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 英文和訳

    What is a good letter? Simply put, a letter is "good" when it achieves the purpose its writer had in mind. (1)The purpose may be to convince a potential buyer that she or he ought to become a regular customer, to collect a payment that is late without offending the reader, to win back a customer who has quit buying, to calm down someone who has been mistreated, to obtain a favor, or simply to win a friend. When the person who receives the letter reacts in the manner the writer hoped for, the letter is effective. 何がよい手紙であるのか?手紙によって、書いた人が心の中に抱いた目的が達成された時、その手紙は上手である。その目的は、買い手に、貴方は常連客になるべきだということを納得させるということかもしれないし、読み手を不愉快にさせることなく滞納している支払いを徴収することかもしれないし、買うのをやめようとしている顧客を説得することかもしれない、虐待された人を静めることかもしれないし、支持を得ることかもしれないし、単に友達に勝つということかもしれない。その手紙を受け取った人が、書いた人が期待した方法で反応した時、その手紙は効力がある。 うまく日本語に訳せません。添削の方よろしくお願いします。