
  • スーパーマーケット、クラブストア、専門小売業者を通じて販売される特産コーヒーと紅茶に対して、Starbucksのホールビーンコーヒー、パッケージされた挽きたてコーヒー、Tazo®ティー、Starbucks VIA® Ready Brewが直接競合しています。
  • スターバックスのホールビーンコーヒー、コーヒー飲料、Starbucks VIA® Ready Brewは市場上のすべての他のコーヒーと間接的に競合しています。
  • Starbucksは、店舗運営のための主要な小売場所と資格のある人材に関して、レストランや他の専門小売業者とも競合しています。
  • ベストアンサー


Our whole bean coffees, ground packaged coffees, Tazo® teas, and Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew compete directly against specialty coffees and teas sold through supermarkets, club stores and specialty retailers. Our whole bean coffees, coffee beverages, and Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew compete indirectly against all other coffees on the market. Starbucks also faces competition from both restaurants and other specialty retailers for prime retail locations and qualified personnel to operate both new and existing stores

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

我が社の挽いていないコーヒー豆、挽いてパックに入ったコーヒー、タゾ茶(※1)スターバックスVIAというスティックコーヒー(※2)は、スーパーマーケット、会員制店舗(※3)そして専門小売店で売られている、スペシャリティーコーヒー(※4)や紅茶と直接競争をしている。 我が社の挽いていないコーヒー豆、コーヒー飲料、そしてスターバックスVIAスティックコーヒーは市場にあるすべての他のコーヒー類との直接競争をしている。 スターバックスはまた、最高の小売場所と新店舗および既存店両方で働く質の良い人材の面においても、レストラン業界や他の専門小売業者との競争に直面している。 ※1:画像参照 画像はアップルハーブティーですが、他にも緑茶など種類があります。 ※2:画像と紹介文をご参照ください。 (画像) ※3:具体的例としてはコストコのような会員だけが使える店舗を指します。 ※4:はっきりとした定義はありません。下記が参考になるかと。



載せてくださった画像やサイトをみると、想像ができて英文の意味も理解しやすくなりますね(゜o゜) 自分でも色々と調べて訳してみます(^^) ありがとうございました!!


  • 以下の英訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    Products other than whole bean coffees and coffee beverages sold in Starbucks stores are obtained through a number of different channels. Beverage ingredients other than coffee and milk, including leaf teas as well as our selection of ready-to-drink beverages, are purchased from several specialty suppliers, usually under long-term supply contracts.

  • 次の英訳をお願いしますm(._.)m

    Starbucks owns and has applied to register numerous trademarks and service marks in the US and in many additional countries throughout the world. Some of our trademarks, including Starbucks, the Starbucks logo, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Frappuccino, Starbucks VIA and Tazo are of material importance.

  • 次の英訳をお願いしますm(._.)m

    We believe that our customers choose among specialty coffee retailers primarily on the basis of product quality, service and convenience, as well as price. We continue to experience direct competition from large competitors in the US quick-service restaurant sector and continue to face competition from well-established companies in many international markets and in the US ready-to-drink coffee beverage market.

  • 以下の英訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    To help ensure sustainability and future supply of high-quality green coffees and to reinforce our leadership role in the coffee industry, Starbucks operates Farmer Support Centers in Costa Rica and Rwanda, among other locations. *green coffees=生のコーヒー *coffee industry=コーヒー産業

  • 英文和訳の質問です。

    下記文章の和訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 "Big-box retailers are back looking for space; junior-box player continue to be the most aggressive; traditional and specialty groceries are active; and our small-shop leasing also indicates a healthy trajectory." どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳のお助け依頼

    お手数ですが、次の2点について和訳をお願いします。 1.米国のDeputy Attorney General Attorney Generalは「司法長官」と思いますが、Deputy Attorney Generalは「司法副長官」でしょうか? また、AG officeは「司法長官官房」でしょうか? 2.次の文は、安全性が確認されていない化学物質を含むglasswareについて、その製造メーカーが裁判で和解した際の、和解内容を示したものと考えられますが、use in-store signsとin their own company storesとをどのように解釈したらよいのでしょうか? なおAとBは特定の会社名です。 While A and B Consent Judgments allow those companies to use in-store signs to deliver decoreated glassware warnings for any non-reformulated products in their own company stores, it is unlikely that signs will be an acceptable warning method in other stores, such as department and speciality retailers.

  • 次の文のandのつなぐものが分かりません。

    Competition and hard work are basic American values, but they also place a psychological strain on the individual. By contrast, the family is basically a noncompetitive, cooperative institution. Family members are not expected to compete against each other as they do against their peers in the outside worlds of business, politics, and education. Rather, the ideal of the American family is group cooperation to help achieve the fulfillment of each individual member, and shared affection to renew each member's emotional strength. 上の文の最後の箇所の and shared affection to renew each member's emotional strength. ですが、andで並列されている箇所が分かりません。 意味から考えると、「愛情を共有する(愛情が共有される)」とするならば、sharedがaffectionを意味上の主語とする分詞ではないかと考えました。 そして、affectionという名詞のコロケーションを考えると、achieve affectionという表現がもしあれば、 achieve the fulfillment and (achieve) affection というように andはfulfillmentとaffectionを並列しているのではないかと考えましたが、あっているか自信がありません。 どなたか、お分かりになりましたら教えてください。

  • 英訳を教えてください

     英文を訳さなければいけないのですが、どうしてもわからないので教えて頂けるとありがたいです。    Amelioration of the social conditions,attitudes,and pol-icies that contribute to child abuse and neglect has been stalled by other national priorities. Practitioners who struggle with these diffi-cult and disturbing cases receive little support. They feel alone and become overwhelmed and often “burned out.” There are no simple solutions to this grim state of affairs,but our clinical knowledge and experience do point to many positive directions. While work with maltreatment cases requires individualization, empathy, creativity, and flexibility, practitioners can benefit from a clinical practice per-spective that provides them with a framework for understanding and addressing the multifaceted needs of this population.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband and I have been married for 28 years, but our relationship has been at a brick wall for more than half of the marriage. For the past four years, we have lived under the same roof but completely separately, essentially as housemates. Up until now, I have made the decision to stay in the marriage because A) we have two daughters, both in their early 20s, and B) my husband is a pastor and I was once concerned about his image in the church community if we were to separate. Aggression and worrisome behavior have now entered the equation, and we have both accepted that our union is no longer salvageable. I am ready to start dating and move on with my life, as my husband has been doing for more than half of our marriage, but he still isn’t ready to upset the church community with the news of our formal separation. Personally, I am done putting up a façade. I am ready to move on from not only the marriage, but also the church community, but ultimately I do want to be the bigger person and respect my husband’s image. if we were to separateのところはif we separatedとも言えるのでしょうか?違いは何でしょうか?あと、the bigger personはなぜaではなくtheが使われているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文の和訳を教えてください(>_<)

    Starbucks 10-K reports, along with all other reports and amendments filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), are publicly available free of charge on the Investor Relations section of our website at or at as soon as reasonably practicable after these materials are filed with or furnished to the SEC. ※free of charge=無料で