
  • 小説の一部では、主人公の娘であるレイチェルが頭のいい女性であることが明かされます。彼女はシカゴ大学で生化学の博士号を取得し、プリンストンの大手製薬会社で研究者として働いています。しかし、彼女は母親と同じように使い古された決まり文句ばかりを使っており、現代の知恵のゴミ捨て場に詰まっている状況です。
  • 「much like her mother before her」というフレーズは、レイチェルが母親と似ていることを示しています。つまり、レイチェルに向かって話すときの母親と同じように、彼女も使い古された決まり文句などを使っているということです。
  • 「hand-me-down ideas」という表現は、使い古されたアイデアや思考パターンを指しています。レイチェルはそうしたアイデアをよく使っており、新鮮さや独自の考えを欠いていることを表現しています。
  • ベストアンサー


以下のパラグラフのbut以下の文章がわかりません。レイチェルは主人公の娘です。 (Rachel is not a stupid person. She has a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Chicago and works as a researcher for a large drug company outside Princeton,)  but much like her mother before her, it's a rare day when she speaks in anything but platitudes-all those exhausted phrases and hand-me-down ideas that cram the dump sites of contemporary wisdom. much like her mother before herは、「レイチェルを前にしたとき(レイチェルに向かって言うとき)の母親とそっくりで」、という意味ですか? 「レイチェルは頭のいい娘だが、彼女に向かって話すときの母親と同じように、使い古された決まり文句しか普段は言わない」ということでしょうか? hand-me-down ideas というのもよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします!

  • engg
  • お礼率90% (926/1022)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

ご推測でほぼ正解です。 hand-me-down ideas〔お下がりの考え、親からの受け売りの考え〕 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=hand-me-dow it's a rare day when she speaks in anything but plastitudes~ は二重否定になっています。 「教訓以外を話す日は滅多に無い」 『しかしレイチェルに対して母親がするのとそっくりに、擦り切れてボロボロになった文言だの、 親譲りの二番煎じの考えだのという、現代の智慧袋からガラクタだけを拾ってきて 詰め込んだような教訓を垂れない日は滅多に無いのだ』



ありがとうございます! hand me downで成句なんですね! hand downで調べてしまって、気が付きませんでした。 お礼が遅くなってすみません。

その他の回答 (2)





すばらしい訳をありがとうございます! お礼が遅れてすみません!

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> but much like her mother before her  その文章だけからの推測ですが、「彼女がどういう人であるかということ以前の問題として、彼女は母親によく似ていた」 という感じに読めました。 > hand-me-down  これはたとえば下記の辞書に定義されているように、「使い古された、月並みな」 のような意味ではないかと思います。



ありがとうございます! お礼が遅くなってすみません!


  • とても急いでいます。この文章の訳、お分かりの方教えていただけませんか?

    この日本語訳を教えていただきたいのです。 また加えて、「them」が何をさしているのか教えていただけますでしょうか? 恐縮ですが宜しくお願いいたします。 She was not eager for fresh acquairements among her thoughts, any more thn for fresh acquaintances among her friends;just as she liked faces to be familiar, so she liked ideas to be well-tested before she admitted 「them」 to the priviledge of her intimacy.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Maybe she panicked when she saw the barries were down on the other side. She dropped her bicycle and spilled all the groceries in her basket. People on both sides were calling to her, telling her to run because a train was coming, but she just stood there.Then suddenly a brave young man jumped over the barrier on the other side,ran to the woman, put her on his shoulder and carried her to safety.The train came in on the track closest to me, so she wouldn't have been injured, but still it was a scary moment.When the barriers came up again, some other people picked up the woman's bicycle and groceries for her.If the railway company doesn't make that crossing safer, it's only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured there.

  • 日本語訳お願いします(;_;)

    He knew it was only a matter of time before Susan could ride the bus by herself. matter of time…時間の問題 もう一問お願いします(>_<) She was scared but she had to make the trip on her own. make the trip…仕事に行く

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    well there is a girl i like... a lot...maybe even love and we were in a relationship but other people we telling me i was to clingy and she would break up with me so i seperated us some and she said she thought us dating each other made me uncomfortable so we broke up...now we are talking and she said all the reasons she like me before she still sees in me and i dont know if i should give up on the idea of us dating again??

  • 訳をお願いします。

    I'd like to believe she felt badly for me all those years , but in a way it was always a selfish act on her part . Yes , she didn't want me to go through all that , but to turn a blind eye to what she knew he was doing to an eleven-year-old girl . How could she entertain little girls in the van and videotape them doing the splits and other things , all for her husband ? 以前に同じ文の訳をお願いしたのですが、一部単語が抜けていたので、改めて和訳をお願いします。宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    They really need her to come clean with anything else she knows about Phillip . I told her Phillip is not the man he portrayed himself to be . He never was . He used his con game for his first victim and then again on Katie Calloway , the victim he was in prison for before he kidnapped me . It's always been about what's best for him . All those times he would say the angels protected him that day that he took me from hill never once did he even think that I was the one in need of protection that day . I'd like to believe she felt badly for me all those years , but in a way it was always a selfish act on her part . Yes , she didn't want me to go through all that , but to turn a blind eye to what she knew he was doing to an eleven-year-old girl . How could she splits and other things , all for her husband ? She said she hoped one day that my mom could forgive her , and I said I wouldn't hold out for that . ある本の中の一節で、三箇所抜き出しました。わからないので、訳を教えてください。お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    I had to tell her that your father the doctor was coming because a woman like that who gets all of her money from her husband, she's not gonna believe a woman like me can afford a house like that. シチュエーションは、豪邸にその妻を訪ねた母と娘が、車で帰るときに 母親が口にした言葉です。母親は娘の父親が医者だと嘘を言っていて、 これに続く娘の言葉は「あなたのような女にはあの家は買えっこない」 みたいな感じです。

  • 英語の訳を教えてください。

    She had never met Peter Bacon before, but after he had listened to her presentation about her products he was convinced that the new shampoo would become a big hit.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    My mother came in from the pantry with a steaming pot in her hand. She stopped midway between the table and the fire, feeling the tension flowing through the room. She followed their stare and saw me in the corner. Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. Then she crossed over to me and knelt down beside me, as she had done so many times before. "I'll show you what to do with it, Chris," she said, very slowly and in a queer, choked way, her face flushed as if with some inner excitement. Taking another piece of chalk from Mona, she hesitated, then very deliberately drew, on the floor in front of me, the single letter "A." "Copy that," she said, looking steadily at me. "Copy it, Chris." I couldn't.

  • 訳の修正お願いします

    Eplからもらった文なのですが、訳がうまく出来ません。わかる箇所ありましたら訂正とただしい訳を教えてください。 (1)I see...so how good is your english??? I can speak a little Japanese, so I don't think communication would be a problem....but I know that it is very important to have. We were together for a long time, but it just never felt right...we would always have different opinons about things, and see would go to the club a lot...and dance and always try to meet new guys...she said she never cheat on me, but I really don't know??? わかった、(わあkりません)私はすこしだけ日本語はなせる、コミニュケーションとるのは問題ない。でもとても重要なことだ。 うちらは長い間一緒だった。(わかりません)いつも意見が異なった。クラブへいったり男と出会ったり (わあkりません) (2) But I'm much happier with her out of my life then in my life. So anyway, No I don't have any kids, and I have never been married before....I am single and looking for the right girl to spend the rest of my life with....who knows you may be her!!! You seem like a really nice girl and it seems like you have a great heart too. ・・・・・私はシングルで・・・さがしている。・・・あなたはほんとにナイスな女性にみえるし気持ちもすばらしい (3)I think next we will have to meet someday to really see if we have ssome things in common with each other. So how about you...do you have kids?? Would you consider dateing with me??? or am i to ugly??heheheheheh (あいたいようなことを言っているのはわかりますがうまく訳せません)