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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の訳と文法の構造について)

Understanding the Structure and Translation of the Given English Sentence


  • k3eric
  • ベストアンサー率38% (8/21)

1|Application is open 2| to all eligible international students 3| to all universities 4|depending on the field 5| one chooses to apply. (構造) 1-2|open to A:「Aに開かれている」 ::3|(i) students + to universities 「大学へ(出願する) 生徒」 :::|(ii) application + to universities 「大学への 申し込み」 :::|students apply to universities : application of students to universities 4-5|(a)副詞句「申し込む事を決めた 分野に よって」 :::| :::|one choose to apply <the field> → the field (where) one choose to apply :::|「その分野に 申し込む事を決める」→「申し込む事を決めた 分野」  :::|#(where):関係副詞, <the field>:これは関係詞により省略 (和訳) 4-5|申し込む事を決めた 分野に よっては、 1-3|出願は 全ての相応しい国際的な 全ての大学へ出願する 学生に対して 開かれている。 あるいは 1-3|全ての大学への 出願は 全ての相応しい国際的な学生に対して 開かれている。 こんな感じだと思います。


  • 至急 この英文訳をお願いします!!

    The number of students receiving athletic scholarships is not necessarily proportional to the number of high school students participating in the sport. For example, basketball is one of the most popular sports among high school boys, but only about 7, 500 male college students are on scholarships in the sport. This means only one in 72 high school basketball players receives a college scholarship, compared to one in 23 in ice hockey

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    Due to the declining birthrate, Japan will soon see the number of applicants to colleges fall to equal that of students accepted by such higher institutions. This phenomenon is expected to occur in April 2007. Colleges are making painstaking efforts to attract an increasing number of prospective students. This struggle for survival will apply not only to private colleges but also to national universities whose status has been changed to that of independent administrative agencies.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    2007年の早稲田大学法学部の問題です。 Students at many universities in Japan are required to study a foreign language, usually English. Some universities require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. I agree with the request for students to study more than one foreign language.This is because not only japan but also other countrise all over the world have been heading for the globarization and foreign languages,especially English have been getting more and more important.If they don’t learn more than one language at their college,they may be left from international society.It is true that foreign languages are not necessary to some of them.However,they should not ignore the fact that there are international disputs around the world.So,they need to study foreign languages so that they can understand other countrise. 合格点(6,7割)を目指しているのですが、この程度ではやはり程遠いでしょうか? アドバイスや感想などありましたらよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文構造と訳を教えてください

    この英文が分かりません! (1)Even pure truth, which has no application whatsoever, elevates life. ➁From a practical point of view it is quite irrelevant whether the earth turns around the sun or the sun turns around the earth. ➂All the same, Galileo and Copernicus, by their discoveries, lifted human existence to a highter level. ➃The same may one day be said for our moonshots. ➄Science is life-oriented, life-centered. これらの英文構造と訳を詳しく教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 英文法の質問です

    It is necessary to make the fact ( ) all the students. (1)know (2)to know (3)known to(4)known by 答えは(3)known toなのですが、なぜ正解になるのかわかりません。 なぜでしょうか。

  • 英文訳をおねがいします。

    The Anderson Museum of Space located in downtown Anderson City has been one of the state's leading tourist attractions since it opened in 1989. Containing over 3000 artifacts - from tools to spacesuits to realistic recreations of spacecraft - ( )( ) related to the history of space exploration, AMOS attracts visitors from all over the world. すみませんが、訳をお願いします。 ( )( )のところには、 who are which is what is that are のどれかが入るのですが、私はwhat isかと思っているのですがあっていますか?

  • 日本語訳と文構造を教えていただけますか。

    An internationally-model person sees cultural variety of an enrichment to his life . He is open minded and makes an effort to be friendly to all people, regardless of race, creed, and color. He will not let one bad experience lead him to generalize about an entire people or race. He knows better than to believe that all Americans are hospitable, that all Englishmen are gentleman, or that all Japanese are polite. He judges people, then, ( )an individual basis.

  • 大学受験英作文添削お願いいたします 

    大学受験浪人生の者です よろしければ添削お願いいたします<m(__)m>   問題の設問 Students at many university in Japan are reqrired to study a foreign language, usually English. Some university require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. 自分の解答 I think that students need to study more than one foreign language. That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages.

  • 英文による数学の問題なんですが、、、

    Mr. Milou challenged the 15 students in his Statistics class with the following problem. The first two students each choose a number. The third student chooses the arithmetic mean of the first two numbers. Each successive student chooses the arithmetic mean of the numbers selected by all the students who have gone before. What is the number chosen by the 15th student? Explain your answer in detail. これが問題です。正解は「15」ということだそうですが、この問題文の解釈そのものにつまづいており、なおかつどういう計算でこの「15」という答えが導き出されるのか?という二重苦状態です、、。 ちなみに数学は超劣等性ですので、その解説は中学生にもわかるようにお願いします!

  • 難しい英文ですが文法的わかりません。

    Philosophy introduced a new element to the relationship with external opinion, what one might visualize as a box into which all public perception、whether positive or negative, would first have to be directed in order to be assessed, and then sent on to the self with renewed force if they were true, or ejected harmlessly into the atmosphere to be dispensed with a laugh or a shrung of the shoulders if they were false. (哲学は外部の意見との関係に、新たな要素を導入した。それは一個の箱をイメージしたもので、一般大衆の認識は、肯定的なものであれ否定的なものであれ、評価を下すために、まずそのはこの中に、導かねばならず、 その後、その認識が正しければ、新たな力を添えて自分自身に送ればよいし、それらが誤りであれば、一笑したり肩をすくめて処分するといった雰囲気の中に無邪気に放り出せば良いのだ。) 英文の解説に、 what one might から文の最後までの部分は、 a new element と同格。 dispense with のwithは、with a laugh or a shrung of the shoulders 「一笑したり、肩をすくめたりして」のwithである。 or ejected harmlessly は、or have to be ejected harmlessly の簡略形。 と書いてありました。 質問ですが・・・・ 文中のthen sent on ~は、 all public perception have to be sent on to the self with renewed force~ 文中のejected harmlessly ~は、 all public perception have to be ejected harmlessly  という感じで、have to be が省略されているのですか?