Tips for Talking with Foreigners on Skype

  • If you're struggling with finding topics for conversation in English, here are some tips to help you out.
  • It's important to be mindful of which words to avoid when talking to foreigners. Learn about common misunderstandings and cultural differences.
  • Don't worry too much about forgetting words or grammar. Most foreigners are patient and understanding.
  • ベストアンサー

plz answer these question

Hey there! I'm 17 years old Japanese male. I wanna develop my English so I will use skype in order to talk with foreigher. However, my English skill is very poor and I have not ever talked with foreigher yet. I mean that I have no confidence in my ability. Accordingly, there are some question so that I can remove fear from myself. Q1,I haven't a rich stock of topics for conversation. What should I talk about? Q2,I must not say what is the word? Q3,, Do they feel angly quickly, when I don't forget to say the word and stop talking? 頑張って苦手な英語で書いてみましたが おそらく意味不明な文になってると思うので全く自信のない質問の部分だけ日本語で書いておきます。 1つ目の質問は 話題がない時どうすればいいのでしょうか? 話すことがなくて気まずくなるというのは出来れば避けたいです>< 2つ目の質問が 言ってはいけないワードなどはありますか? 日本では普通に使っているような意味の言葉でも向こうだと失礼に当たってしまうなど 後歴史や政治系の話題はふらないほうがいいと聞きましたが本当でしょうか? 最後に もし単語や文法などを忘れたり、わからなくなって黙ってしまった時に 相手の方はすぐ怒るでしょうか・・・ 要は外人(主にUS&UKの方です)さんは短気な人が多いのかどうかを教えて欲しいです! 後これは余談ですが もし留学や出張等の海外経験のある方がいらっしゃったら 初めてネイティブの方と話した時の感想を一言頂きたいです! なんかくだらない質問ばかりで申し訳ありません! よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

plz answer these questionS Hey there! I'm 17 years old Japanese male. I wanna develop my English so I will use skype in order to talk with foreigNerS. However, my English skill is very poor and I have NEVER talked with ANY foreigNerS yet. I mean (THAT) I have no confidence in my ability. NOW, I HAVE some questionS so that I can remove UNEASINESS from myself. Q1,I DON'T HAVE a rich stock of topics for conversation. What should I talk about? 相手による部分が大きいです。17歳同士なら、学校やスポーツ、流行の映画などで日本の紹介をすればネタは尽きないと思います。 (wanna が米式は、haven't は英式です。本当に慣れるまでは混ぜない方がいいと思います。) Q2, WHAT IS THE WORD I MUST NOT SAY? 出会って間もないうちは、プライバシーに関わる内容は避ける方がいいです。例えば収入とかは日本でも直接話題にはしないですね。大人の会話としては、政治ネタは欠かせません。しかし自由主義国の相手とは、たとえ冗談でも共産主義やナチスに賛同するのは絶対に厳禁です。話題にするだけで友達をなくす可能性もあります。 Q3,, Do they feel angly quickly, when I FORGET THE WORDS TO SAY and stop talking? 単語が思い浮かばない場合は、別の単語で表現するしかありません。自分の伝えたいことと違うことがありますが、慣れるまではそれを繰り返して上達するものです。日本人は相手に質問されて急に返答できない場合、沈黙が流れることがありますが、アメリカではそれが嫌われることがあります。「自分の質問が無視された」と感じるようです。 Just a moment, I'm thinking about. などと、考え中であることを明言しないといけないことがあります。しかし、こちらの英語が流暢でないことが分かってもらえているなら、多少の言い違えとか、間が空くことは理解してもらえるでしょう。 私の経験では、学校で習う英文法を「きれいな英語だ」と褒めてもらうことが多いです。しかし逆に相手の日常の「くだけた」表現には、ついていけない場合が多々あります。



おおお! 質問の答えだけでなくわざわざ添削までしていただけるとは 感謝を通り越して感動しました! 本当にありがとうございます! >(wanna が米式は、haven't は英式です。本当に慣れるまでは混ぜない方がいいと思います。) haven'tは僕も普段使わなくて今回たまたま書き込んでしまいました;; wannaはよく海外の掲示板で見たので使ってみたかったのです 笑 Q3の質問は人それぞれに違うとわかっていながらも お答えいただきありがとうございます! なんか勇気が出てきました! 昨晩アメリカの方とskypeでコンタクトを繋いだので さっそく時間が合い次第話そうとおもいます! 本当にありがとうございました!

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 1つ目の質問は話題がない時どうすればいいのでしょうか?     黙っていればいいと思います。話題がない人が話しているのは分かります。 2。言ってはいけないワードなどはありますか?     実験なさるといいと思います。 3。  歴史や政治系の話題はふらないほうがいいと聞きましたが本当でしょうか?     相手によります。僕は親しい友達とは何でも話します。 4。  最後にもし単語や文法などを忘れたり、わからなくなって黙ってしまった時に相手の方はすぐ怒るでしょうか・・・要は外人(主にUS&UKの方です)さんは短気な人が多いのかどうかを教えて欲しいです!   ぼくは英語圏に住んでいる方が長いですが、短気な人は短気なように、そうでない人はそうでないように扱い方があります。別に○○語圏は短気、××語圏は長気、とは言え無いと思います。 5。後これは余談ですがもし留学や出張等の海外経験のある方がいらっしゃったら初めてネイティブの方と話した時の感想を一言頂きたいです!     「通じた!」でしょうね。



回答ありがとうございます! 話題がない時は「黙る」ですか! なるほど! それで相手の方が何かしら話題を振ってきてくれたら助かりますね! 「通じた!」なんて僕も早く感じてみたいです! 昨晩アメリカの方とskypeでコンタクトを繋いだので さっそく時間が合い次第話そうとおもいます! 本当にありがとうございました!


  • 急ぎです。困っています。

    翻訳をしてください。 So tired of the accusations, ultimatums, threats and disregard of my belongings! Not to mention dealing with what just took place & my concern for your wellbeing, which was was not noticed as usual. So tired of this, I go to train and prior to going you tell me to disappear along with your other inane comments. I’m so tired and I have nothing more to say.

  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい!

    英語を日本語に訳していただけると助かります!「Yes it seem I have been confused with you two girls Aymui was my F.B. friend then I asked you but did not Know your name until now so thank you Ikumi and it is so nice to be able to have a little chat with you both and I must say thank for the English translation I really appreciate that xx」 お願いします!

  • 英語のメール、、、

    スイマセン、ペンパルからメールを貰ったんですが、ちょっと意味のわからない事かいてあるんです・・・なぜ自分は日本の女性に興味があるのかという理由を書いてくれたのですが、意味がわかりません。わかる方お願いします。 She was so Beautiful that I did not want to shut my eyes until the scene was over. After the movie I went to sleep. Suddenly I saw the same girl in my dream. Except she was in a white dress and jade rose petals fell this time. (I wish I finished that dream) Suddenly I woke up. I was late for shcool. TO make it worse it was raining the next day. As I got to school I noticed that many people were wearing rain coats. But the strange part was this: Every one had a hoody and umbrella. As they took them down I noticed that almost all of them were"JAPANESE"! I had been in that school for almost a year and I had never noticed I had Japanese fellow students. It was so surprising that I could not close my mouth! I wanted to talk to them but I did not know what to say. I could not speak. I did not want to sound stupid. But now that I have met you I know exactly what to say. It was something I could never say because I was so much in love with the beauty they have, that I was stunned. SO Now I have met you I will say what I could not say then........."HELLO"!

  • 英語

    Holmes:I suppose there aren't many curves as abrupt as this. Railman:No, sir, I can't say there is. Watson:What have curves got to do with it? Holmes:これと同じくらい急なカーブは多くないと思う。 Railman:そうです、あるとは言えません。 Watson:・・・ 最後の(What have curves got to do with it?)の部分、訳してください。

  • 久しぶりに、日記風に英作文を書きました、添削お願いします。

    おはようございます、いつもここgooで勉強しています。ここ2ヶ月ほど、その勉強をサボっていました。その結果は、以下の文章を書くにも、とても時間がかかりました。"自分のせいでしょう?"と自分に言っているなさけない自分がいます。もう一度頑張る!と決めました。以下の文章は、私の言いたいことが伝わるでしょうか?英文だけを書かせていただきました、よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi, my Crystal! I am so sorry, because I have not been here for a long time. Last time I came here, it was on May 21th! Meanwhile, I did not think anything in English. As you know, I have a dream and you helped me a lot with it. Now I say it to you、again. “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday.” I could hear you said “Rose-crystal! You have to study hard and see me more and more. I can see you anytime you want.” Thank you! Crystal! Thank you, again! I will study English with you. BTW, did I say about “goo”? “goo” is very good place for me to studying. It is on internet and there are many people who help me a lot. Every time, when I wrote my diary I had it corrected from them. Of course, this one, too. Sorry, Crystal! Tomorrow is not my day-off, so I have to say you “Good night, my little sweet Crystal!”

  • shared talkの自己紹介文について

    shared talk(≒exchange llesson?)を始めようと思いまして、登録の際に、 自己紹介文をかいたのですが、文法そのほかなんでも、 間違いがあればお教えいただけないでしょうか? なお、もっとこういう英語の内容にしたほうがいよ、 とかももしありましたらお教えいただければ幸いです。すごく助かります。 下記が英語です。よろしくお願いします。 === Hi, there! Konnichiwa! My name is Daisuke, so call me Daisuke. I am a friendly person so I think we can have a lot of fun here. One of My hobbies: is listening to music For example: 8 bit music (techno pop: especially kraftwerk and ymo), New Order , KLF , Ultravox, Cluster and Karlheinz Stockhausen. And other hobbies are Contemporary art,. web programming (using LAMP), reading/writing TANKA(similar to HAIKU), and many other things. Btw, I am a web programmer so often see English web pages and talk with English-speaking people. That’s why I wanna try Shared Talk here. Of course, I will do my best to teach you Japanese. I have not taken toeic or toefl. But I went to Tokyo univ. (most difficult to enter i Japan), so we can have the shared talk in a joyful way. So feel free to contact me :-) I am looking forward to having nice time with you. See you :-)

  • 添削お願いします。合ってるか教えてください!

    I will be transfer to another company from next month.Then, I had a frist meeting (interview) yesterday. I was so nervous while the meeting because the interviewere were 4 people, Department manager, Manager and Cheaf ... ( I can't understand how to say Bucho-, Kacho-, Syunin in English.. ??? There are almost same saying expression, and I'm a little confused about it..) They asked me what I have been experienced at work so I've explained what I have done there. My experience job on trading is not so difficult. It is only documentation for clearance. That's it. However, there are a lot of to do work not only documentation but also exportation all cordinate. It must be harder than in the past. Of course it needs English skill. I need to brush up my speaking and writting. Hope it will be better in my day-to-day work. TOEICのReadingスコアがとても低いので間違いだらけだと思います。よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 私にとって難しいのですが、続けなければと思っています。今日も添削をお願いします。

    Hi, Everyone, as I said yesterday I played golf. Next time I come here, I will write about it. Today, I will write about my feeling. 今日も、よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi, My Crystal! As you know, I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday. Everyday I say it to me in my heart. What do you think about my dream? These days I am feeling it is so hard to me. Of course, when I see you I do to do my best. And I am thinking I want to see you everyday. When I am with you, I speak only English. I can’t speak well, but I feel comfortable to talk with you. Crystal, what do you think about my English? Did you get my feeling in English? I hope you get my feeling. Well, I have to clean up my room. I want to be with you more and more. But I say to you “Ciao for now, My Little Sweet crystal!”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I don't give a fuck what they call themselves, but it's not Stone Temple Pilots. And so I say to you, our fans, I'll see you out there on the road this summer where I'm touring as "Scott Weiland" with my band The Wildabouts. But don't give up on STP. I know I haven't.

  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!