• ベストアンサー


(1)Research on OCD sufferers has found certain physiological trends. (2)OCD sufferers have less serotonin than the average person. 上の2種類の文章があるのですが、同じような文章でもなぜそれぞれsufferersの後に(1)の文章では”has”になり、(2)の文章は”have”が付くのでしょうか? 特に(1)はなぜhaveにはらないのかが疑問であります。


  • ベストアンサー

>(1)Research on OCD sufferers has found certain physiological trends.  この文の主語は、単数扱いされるResearchです。複数形のsufferersは、主語を説明する句の一部ですので、これによってhaveになることはありません。 >(2)OCD sufferers have less serotonin than the average person.  この文の主語は、複数形のsufferersです。OCDは形容詞的にsufferersを修飾しているだけなので、これによってhasになることはありません。





その他の回答 (1)

  • coldshot
  • ベストアンサー率14% (30/208)







  • 英文での数学の文章問題です!

    英文の文章問題がニガテで・・・どなたか解き方を教えてください.よろしくお願いします. (1) A market research company discovers that, in the average month, the average Canadian spends $135 on three forms of entertainment: movies, music, and video game. If the average Canadian spend $10 per month on video games than they music, and 3 times as much on movies as the do on music, how much dose the average Canadian spend per month on each from of entertainment? (2) You have $2000 that received as a gift and want to save for one year to put towards next year’s tuition. The money can be invested in two ways. You can put in a one- year GIC or invest the money in mutual funds. If you put in a one- year GIC, you will receive 4% simple interest over the next year. If you invest money in mutual funds, you earnings will depend on the market growth rate. You will receive simple interest on the $2000 at a rate of 1% less than the market growth rate, but will have to pay a $200 brokerage when you withdraw the funds. For which values of the market growth rate will you make more money from the mutual funds than you will from the GIC?

  • 次の文章について質問させてください

    In an experiment, 2 groups of mice---one whose diet included ginkgo extract and one that had a normal diet---were taught to navigate a maze. The mice whose diet included gikgo were more likely to remember how to navigate the maze the next day than were the other mice. However, the ginko may not have directly enhanced memory. Other studies have found that ginkgo reduces stress in mice, and lowering very high stress level is known to improve recall. この文章で、Neither the mice who received the ginkdo nor the other mice in the experiment exhibited physiological signs of higher-than-normal stress.が正しいとすると上の議論は成り立たないらしいのですが、私はどちらかというと上の議論をより証明しているのではないかと思うのですが... つまり両者とも高いストレスレベルでないのならginkgoは働かなかったのだから上のmay not have directly enhanced memoryはここでは正しい事になるのではないのでしょうか?

  • 文章解釈 

    添付ファイル文章に関する質問です。 "Show me that the good life doesn't consist in its length, but in its use, and that it is possible-no, entirely too common-for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little." 1. in its useは「人生の使い方」と解釈して合っているでしょうか? 2. Show me that (the good life doesn't consist in its length, but in its use,) it is possible-no, entirely too common-for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little. 「長い人生を生きてきた人がほとんど生きてないことが可能である、いや、あまりにもありふれすぎたことであることを示しなさい。」 it is possible-no, entirely too common-for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little の解釈がわからないです。 live too little というのはどういう文法になっていて意味はどのように取ればいいのか分からないです。 little は副詞として予想しているのですが、自信がないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • I have found those books

    I have found those books on New Zealand ( ). 1.more practical than amusing 2.more practical than amused 3.rather practical than amused 4.so practical as amused Jack is taller than I ( ) three inches. 1.by 2.for 3.with 4.in Barcelona is now the second ( ) city in Spain, just a hair-breadth behind the Spanish Capital, Madrid. 1.large 2. larger 3.largest 4.less large He has read as many English books ( ) in his class. 1.than nobody 2.than anybody 3.as nobody 4.as anybody 訳と解答お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

      1:For every increase of five decrease Celsius in air tempature, the patients had a seven and one-half percent higher risk of migrain. Decreases in barometric pressure two to three days before the visit also appeared to trigger headaches, but to a lesser extent. 2:But they could not rule out the possibility of a smaller effect similar to that seen earlier for strokes. 3:A separate study has found that age, gender and where a person has extra body fat may affect the risk of migraine. 4:On average, those who were larger around the middle were more likely to have migraine than those of the same age with smaller waistlines. 少し多くなり、文章も抜き出しているのでわかりにくいかもしれませんがよろしくおい願いします。

  • a をつけるかつけないかの基準がわからない

    こんにちは♪英語の勉強をしています^^ Ham has more calories than chocolate cake. Ham has fewer calories than Potato chips. Potato chips have more calories than chocolate cake. Ham has a higher percentage of total fat than chocolate cake. Ham has a lower percentage of total fat than chocolate cake. Potato chips have more calories than chocolate cake or ham. Chocolate cake has a lower percentage of total fat than ham or potato tips. これらの文章で 1)aをつけるかつけないか 2)haveかhasか 3)fewerかlowerか の区別がいまいちわかりません アドバイスいただけませんでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします!

  • 下記の英文を訳して下さる方はいませんか?

    Between 1890 and 1960, both men and women married at steadily younger ages (on the average); they also began to have children sooner. Evidence obtained in 1972 indicates that the average age at first marriage had increased for both men and women (Troll, 1975), reversing the trend indicated in the figure. A trend that has continued, however, is for women to marry younger than men. One consequence is that women become windows, on the average, at younger ages than men become windows. お願いします。

  • (9)「大空のサムライSAMURAI!」の中の文章です。

    (9)「大空のサムライSAMURAI!」の中の文章です。 次の文章は、ラバウルの最前線基地(outpost)Lae(ラエ)のパイロットたちの状況を説明したものです。 The constant attacks, almost daily flying, and primitive living conditions reduced tempers to hair-trigger status. Nothing less than the most exemplary conduct on the parts of our officers prevented serious friction among the pilots-and this I consider the most remarkable fact of all at our jungle outpost. この中の Nothing less than the most exemplary conduct on the parts of our officers prevented serious friction among the pilots の文を 「搭乗員(パイロット)間の摩擦を防いだのは、(上級)士官たちの見上げた振る舞い(処理法)によるものであったことに他ならない。」 nothing less thanの訳は妥当でしょうか。

  • not less than…について

    「少なくとも」という意味であることは辞書にありましたが、その例文が… She has not less than seven children. (彼女は少なくとも7人の子供がいる。) とありました。しかし、notがあるので… She does not have less than seven children. となるのではと。意味も「7人以下の子供を持っていない」となりますし…。 notは普通「be動詞」やdoなどの「助動詞」にしかつかないのではないでしょうか?Not all…などの用法は理解できます。よろしければご指導ください。

  • history of depressionとは何でしょうか。

    PTSDについての文章で、『子供時代のトラウマも、PTSDの大きな原因になる』の後に、 Certain personality traits like shyness and a history of depression and anxiety disorders have been found to increase a person's risk of coming down with the affliction. とあるのですが、history of depression は訳すと何ですか。またanxiety disorders は『心配性』と訳してもいいでしょうか?全体のおおまかな訳も教えて頂けるとありがたいです!

  • エラーメッセージ012-871-816について知りたいです。
  • 常陽銀行のサービス・手続きに関連するエラーメッセージですか?エラーメッセージ012-871-816について、具体的な状況やエラーが発生した内容などの詳細情報を教えていただけますか?
  • エラーメッセージ012-871-816は一般的にどのようなアクションや状況で表示されるエラーメッセージなのでしょうか?常陽銀行のサービス・手続きに関連するエラーメッセージなのか、それとも他の何かのエラーメッセージなのでしょうか?