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Numerousの用法とは?100 numerousの意味とは?


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これらは別に「100 new bank buildings」「100 types」でも意味は通じます。 ただ、numerousによって100という数を強調しているのです。 「多数の数を表す」の「多数の」にカッコをつけて解釈してください。





  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    French and Belgian air crews flew at a very low altitude to bomb and machine-gun German troops, trains and aerodromes and shot down three German aircraft. The attacking divisions of the French I Corps, crossed the Yperlee from the north-west of Bixschoote to north of the Drie Grachten bridge-head and drove the Germans out of part of the swampy Poelsele peninsula but numerous pillboxes built in the ruins of farmhouses further back were not captured. The French crossed the upper Steenbeek from west of Wydendreft to a bend in the stream south-west of St. Janshoek. Keeping pace with the British, they advanced to the south bank of the Broombeek. Mondovi blockhouse held out all day and pivoting on it, the Germans counter-attacked during the night of 16/17 August to penetrate between the French and British. The attack failed and the next morning the French and British troops on the army boundary, had observation across the narrow Broombeek valley. Apart from resistance at Les Lilas and Mondovi blockhouses, the French had achieved their objectives of 16 August relatively easily. The German garrisons at Champaubert Farm and Brienne House, held out until French artillery deluged them with shells, which brought the German defenders to surrender after thirty minutes. The French took more than 300 prisoners, numerous guns, trench mortars and machine-guns. North and north-east of Bixschoote, the ground sloped towards the Steenbeek and was dotted with pillboxes. Just west of the junction of the Broombeek and Steenbeek, were the Les Lilas and Mondovi blockhouses, in the angle between the streams. The French artillery had bombarded the Drie Grachten bridge-head for several days and reduced it to ruins, the concrete works being easily hit by heavy artillery and on 16 August, the French infantry waded through the floods and occupied the area. On the Poelsele peninsula the German defenders resisted until nightfall before being driven back, as the French closed up to the west bank of the Martjewaart reach of the Steenbeek. North and north-east of Bixschoote, the French reached the west bank of the St. Janshoek reach and surrounded Les Lilas.

  • Stylish and Sophisticated

    It is a well stated fact that shoes are the perfect reflection of a man's character. At workplace, well polished and stylish formal shoes( http://www.queenia.co.uk/shoes.html ) helps to give a complete look. In fact, formal shoes only makes a man look more professional and elegant. Thus, selection of perfect formal shoes for men is definitely important. There are various brands which specially design formal shoes for men. But, before selecting these shoes, you need to consider on the material of the shoes. Generally, pure leather or patent leather shoes look glamorous and stunning. But, men generally detest the idea of moving around at malls and comparing the products for a perfect pair of shoes. For them, online shopping comes as a great relief. These days with the popular option of online shoes shopping, you also need to be careful about the size of your feet. Again, when you are going for different brands, you should also be aware that different footwear companies have different standards of measurement. So, it is preferable if you take prior measurement and stick to a single brand. Again, since online stores does not give the chance of trial. So, you should understand the terms and conditions of the company. So, take care of the few important guidelines and go for online shoes shopping. Major Brands is one of the most fashionable online store which showcases a reviewed range of formal shoes for men and formal shoes for women. In addition, you can also get outfits like business wear, party wear and many more. Managed a proficient team of experts, you will definitely have a great time shopping here. In fact, with the comfortable online shoes shopping, most people these days are quickly shifting their interests to online shopping. In fact, this online store is the crucial store house of brands like Aldo, Charles & Keith and many more. Again, when it comes to fashionable accessories like sunglasses and watches, you can also get these here. It would be more appropriate to state that it is a one stop shop for fashion and style. See more at: http://www.queenia.co.uk/evening-dresses.html

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    An advance down the right bank of the Suippes, towards Dontrien and St. Martin-l'Heureux and the Bazancourt to Somme-Py and Apremont railway, was obstructed by a trench system east of Aubérive and Bois de la Côte 152. The first German line in the south of this defensive zone, comprised several parallel trenches connected by communication trenches, with numerous dug-outs, concrete blockhouses and pill-boxes. A second line higher up the ridge, was joined to the first by the Leopoldshöhe Trench, a fortified approach from the north of Bois de la Grille to the Thuizy–Nauroy road. The Leopoldshöhe Trench was continued to the east, below the summits of Mont Cornillet, Mont Blond, Mont Haut and Mont Perthois, by Erfurt Trench. South of Le Casque and Le Téton, it became graben du Bois du Chien, Landtag Trench and then Landsturm Trench, to the positions on the east slope of the hills. The trench ran below and Côte 181 and Mont Sans Nom. Behind the German second line, the hilltops had been wired for all-round defence, connected by communication trenches. The crests of the hills, had been fortified on the south and north sides and in the northern slope of Mont Cornillet and the north-east side of Mont Perthois, were the defensive tunnels.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    German troops used the cover of factory buildings to advance and overran one battalion front, until pushed back by a counter-attack. The battle continued all day and around midnight, the 16th and 18th brigade commanders agreed to a withdrawal of the 16th Brigade, for about 500 yd (460 m) to a reserve line, dug from Touquet to Flamengrie Farm if the Germans attacked again. Soon after midnight on 24/25 October, another determined German attack began and during the night of 25/26 October, the 16th Brigade stole away in the dark and rain; from 24–26 October, the 16th Brigade had lost 585 casualties. From 25–26 October, the III Corps positions were subjected to German artillery bombardments and sniper fire but no infantry attacks. The division used the respite to dig deeper, build communication trenches and to withdraw troops from the front line into reserve, ready for local counter-attacks. After another big artillery bombardment on 27 October, the 6th Division was attacked and the 16th and 18th brigades repulsed the Germans and inflicted many casualties. A bigger German attack was made at dawn on 28 October, on an 18th Brigade battalion holding a salient east of the La Bassée–Armentières railway near Rue du Bois by infiltrating through ruined buildings. The German infantry of the XIII Corps divisions and Infantry regiments 107 and 179 from XIX Corps overran the British battalion but were then counter-attacked and forced back, leaving many casualties behind. A lull followed on 28 October, until 2:00 a.m. on 29 October, when the 19th Brigade was attacked south of La Boutillerie, which failed except for the loss of part of the front trench, until the brigade reserve arrived and forced back the Germans, forty prisoners being taken from the 48th Reserve Division of the XXIV Corps, which had been moved into line between the XIX and XIII corps.The III Corps was confronted by 4–5 German divisions, that had made numerous general and probing attacks but the situation up north around Ypres began to have repercussions. On 30 October, French ordered the corps to move all the reserves of the 4th Division north of the Lys to reinforce the Cavalry Corps, with the 6th Division organising its reserves to cover the 4th Division positions south of the river. By coincidence, big 6th Army attacks on the 4th Division front south of the river ended at the same time, which meant that the massing of reserves on the north bank could be done safely.

  • もっとより高度な英文が書けるようになるには、具体的に何を、どうしていったらいいのですか?

    もっとより高度な英文が書けるようになるには、具体的に何を、どうしていったらいいのですか? should smoking be banned in all public buildings, including all business, restaurants, hospitals, and schools ? Explain your opinion ? Around 80 ~100 words. もっとより高度な英文が書けるようになるには、一体なにが必要なのかを具体的に教えていただきたいのです。日ごろしていることは医療問題は、英語ではなんというのだろう、インフルエンザにかかり、死亡者が増加しているというのはなんと英語で言えばよいのだろうと疑問に思った単語、文をインターネットで検索をして、言葉を増やしていることですが、わたしには足りないような気がしてなりません。もちろん調べる前には、自分の頭で知っている単語で書く訓練はしていますが、より高度な英文を書けるようにするには一体どのようなことが必要なのか、ぜひ専門家の方、英語を専門に教えている方からお話していただけたらと思いました。(こちらの賛成派、反対派の意見などは例として書いたので、添削のつもりではありません。より高度にかけるようにするには新聞などの文を暗記して書くということでしょうか? 賛成派の意見として書いたものです。 I think smoking should be banned in all public buildings. It is true that smoking have the right to to smoke, but they can smoke in their own homes to their heart's content. Smoking is harmful not only to smokers but also to people around them. In public buildings there are a lot of nonsmokers including young children and pregnant woman, who are affected by smoke more easily. Therefore, we should ban smoking in all public buildings. 次に、反対派の意見として書いたものです。 Smoking doesn't have to be banned in all public buildings. It is true that smoking is harmful not only smokers but also to people around them. However, if people smoke in a smoking area, notsmokers will not be free from the effects of smoking. So all public buildings should be divided into smoking areas and nonsmoking areas, and good vendiation systems should be installed. If we did so, smokers wouldn't annoy other people. In conclusion, we don't need to ban all public buildings. Instead we should have smoking areas in them.

  • 機械学習における rich, enrich の意味

    人工知能の論文で、rich という単語が頻出するのですが、「豊か」というふんわりした語感以外に意味がよくわからず困っています。 たぶん、「より多くの裏付けがある」という意味だと思うのですが、それでよいのでしょうか? それとも、学術語としてもっと厳密な意味があるのでしょうか? そして、なにか他に決まった訳語があるでしょうか?   以下に例をあげます(訳して頂きたいわけではなくて、この論文での rich の使用例として挙げるのみです)。 (1)…ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned 試訳)物理や心理についての直感的理論を学習の基礎に置くことによって、学ばれる知識を、より支えのあるものとし、より豊かなものにする。 (2)…using previous knowledge to make richer inferences 試訳)より豊かな推論のために、先行する知識を使って… (3)A primary job of learning is to extend and enrich these models… 試訳)学習とはまず第一に何であるかというと、これらのモデルを拡張し、豊かにするということであり… (4)…human learning is distinguished by its richness and its efficiency 試訳)人間の学習は、その豊かさと効率性が際立っており… (5)…learning these richly structured models from very limited amounts of experience 試訳)きわめて限られた量の経験から、豊かに構造化されたモデルを学習する… (6)This knowledge is often richly organized … 試訳)この知識は豊かに組織化され… よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Jugla was a defensive battle of the Russian Republic's 12th Army of the First World War from 1 to 3 September 1917. It was part of the German offensive called the Battle of the Gulf of Riga or Schlacht um Riga. The main objective for the Russian 12th Army was to prevent the German 8th Army from forcing the Daugava river and besieging Russian troops in Riga. The battle took place at the banks of the river Mazā Jugla. One of the main units involved was a brigade of 6,000 Latvian Riflemen from the 2nd Latvian Rifles under the command of Ansis Lielgalvis.German generals began to prepare for the battle as early as December 1916. It was decided to force the Daugava River at Ikšķile and quickly advance north and northwest. This had two main intended purposes: to cause the surrender of the Russian 12th Army and to capture Riga. This would also afford the benefit of straightening the German front line, which would allow a number of German divisions to be freed up and sent to France, where ultimately the fate of the war would be determined. On the morning of 1 September 1917, after a three-hour artillery bombardment, the Germans launched the assault and began the construction of three wooden pontoon bridges over the river Daugava near Ikšķile. 1159 German artillery guns fully suppressed 66 opposing Russian guns. Artillery fire forced Russian 186th Division to withdraw from the right bank of the Daugava, thus allowing the Germans to successfully cross the river. The commander of the Russian 12th Army, General Parsky, ordered the XLIII Army corps to counterattack the German bridgehead and deployed for this task four infantry divisions as well as the 2nd Latvian Rifleman Brigade. The Russian force, including the Latvian brigade, received orders in the afternoon of 1 September and started to move from Ropaži against the Germans. The 5th Zemgale Latvian Riflemen Regiment reached fortified German positions along the river Jugla in the late afternoon. After heavy shelling at midday of 2 September by German artillery, the German attack against Latvian Rifleman positions started. Intense fighting started along the entire 14 km front line of the bridgehead.

  • 英語のスパムメール?について質問です。

    最近、英語のスパムメール?がいくつか届きます。 遺産が手に入るとか、そのようなことみたいですが、それを受け取るのに名前とか住所とか知らせるように書いてあります。 もし、こういうのに答えると、どうなるのでし ょう。その後どのようにして、騙してお金を取ろうとするんでしょう。取られるお金自体無いんですけどね。 例 Barclays Bank London Barclays Bank PLC is registered in England. Registered No: 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. Barclays Bank PLC is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Ref: 9905240 From: Barclays Bank London Foreign Head of Operations Department Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.United Kingdom. CONTRACT #: MAV/FGN/MIN/009. Registered No: 1026167. ; 27/04/2010 Attention Beneficiary: PAYMENT NOTIFICATION Following the signal we received from our local banks & Affiliated bank in Africa/London Concerning your payment from reserve account they have with us, be That your payment will now be effected from our bank (BARCLAYS BANK PLC) London. During the auditing and verifying of your files it was discovered from the Records of outstanding transfer's due for payment. Many officials and some Of your agents from the source origin of your fund have delayed your payment for One reason and the other following the outcome of board of director's Meeting with other commercial banks here in London. We hereby bring to your notice that your name fails among the top twenty Contractor/beneficiary that will be receiving their payment, which has been Delayed. I wish to officially notify you that your payment is being processed And the part payment of Nine million, seven Hundred Dollars ($9.7Million USD) Will be released to you as soon as you re-confirm your information for us to Cross check with the one we have in our records. 中略 Kindly re-confirm your information to us so that this office can proceed Immediate for the approval and immediate release of your fund without further Delays. 中略 1) Your full name. 2) Contact Address 3) Phone, fax and mo 以下略

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Leahy announced that he would respond to one of the biggest complaints of the green groups by cutting the distance Tesco's products travel, especially by air. He would also switch some of the claim's road freight (he did not say how much) to rail. But he said nothing about reducing the journeys made by his customers. Shopping accounts for 20% for car journeys in UK, and 12% of the distance covered. By closig their out-of-town stores and replacing them with warehouses and deliveries, the surpermarket chains could reduce the energy costs of their buildings and (according to government figures) cut the transport emissions caused by shopping by 70%. Today, the Competition Commission publishes the initial results of its inquiry into the market dominance of the superstores. One of the issues it is investigating is the “land bank” accumulated by Tesco―a huge portfolio of sites on witch the company appears to be sitting until it can obtain planning permission. Many of them are out of town. If Tesco develops them, it will drag even more cars on to the road. Out-of-town shopping is incompatible with sustainability. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    About an hour later, when Franz Ferdinand was returning from a visit at the Sarajevo Hospital with those wounded in the assassination attempt, the convoy took a wrong turn into a street where, by coincidence, Princip stood. With a pistol, Princip shot and killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. The reaction among the people in Austria was mild, almost indifferent. As historian Zbyněk Zeman later wrote, "the event almost failed to make any impression whatsoever. On Sunday and Monday (28 and 29 June), the crowds in Vienna listened to music and drank wine, as if nothing had happened." Crowds on the streets in the aftermath of the anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo, 29 June 1914 The Austro-Hungarian authorities encouraged the anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo, in which Croats and Bosniaks killed two ethnic Serbs and damaged numerous Serb-owned buildings. Violent actions against ethnic Serbs were also organized outside Sarajevo, in large Austro-Hungarian cities in modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. Austro-Hungarian authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina imprisoned and extradited approximately 5,500 prominent Serbs, 700 to 2,200 of whom died in prison. A further 460 Serbs were sentenced to death and a predominantly Bosniak special militia known as the Schutzkorps was established and carried out the persecution of Serbs.
