• ベストアンサー

Diary of Kikakuとは何ですか?

ラフカディオ・ハーンの本の中に、以下の文章がありました。 Diary of Kikaku,とは何と言う本のことでしょうか? Kikakuは俳人の其角でしょうか? It would also seem that the trade of insect- seller (mushiya) existed in the seventeenth century; for in a diary of that time, known as the Diary of Kikaku, よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • purunu
  • ベストアンサー率42% (518/1214)

そうですね。 下記URL参照:



ありがとうございます! リンク拝見するに、思った以上に面白そうなので、翻訳を読んでみたいと思います。



  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    日本語に訳して下さい。お願い致します。(>_<) Christianity added the further idea that this universe had been created perhaps 6,000 years ago by God, in the course of five days. In sixteenth ── and seventeenth ── century Europe, the Ptolemaic story began to break down. Copernicus gave some powerful reasons for thinking that the earth revolved around the Sun, and the heretical monk Giordano Bruno argued that stars were suns and that the universe was probably infinite in extent. In the seventeenth century, scientists such as Newton and Galileo explored many of the implications of these ideas, while retaining as much as they could of the biblical creation story.

  • in that の使い方

    Einstein's Theory of Relativity was one of the greatest gateway innovations of the 20th Century in that it allowed scientists to view the possibilities of the universe in an entirely new light. (A) Century in that it allowed (B) Century, for it allowed (C) Century, allowing (D) Century when it allowed (E) Century by allowing   正解はBなのですが、意味的にin that = becauseのように覚えていたので、A/Bの違いが良く分からないのですがどなたか文法上のn thatの使い方を教えて下さい

  • 小泉八雲の本の一文の日本語訳を教えて下さい!

    小泉八雲(ラフカディオ・ハーン)の『英語教師の日記から(From the diary of an English teacher)』という話を英語で読んでいます。 どうしても日本語訳が難しい英文があるので教えて下さい↓↓ 【Of all the strange or beautiful things which I am thus privileged to examine, none gives me so much pleasure as a certain wonderful kakemono of Amida Nyorai.】 という英文の日本語訳なんです・・・ ※出雲の生徒達が彼(ラフカディオ・ハーン)を喜ばしたり、驚かせるために色々な日本の風変わりな物や美しい物を持ってきて見せてくれたりする日々を送っていた話の後に上の文が書かれているのですが・・・ 単語の意味は ・Of all=~の全ての中で ・thus=このように、だから、従って、例えば ・privilege=特権を与える 私なりに訳してみたものは 「私がこのように特別扱いをされ、与えられた変わった美しい物全ての中で、素晴らしい阿弥陀如来の掛け物ほどの喜びは誰も与えてくれない」 です・・・が、ちょっと不自然な訳ですかね・・・?! 英語にお詳しい方や、小泉八雲のこの話の対訳を読んだことある方など、ご指導下さい!

  • 英作の添削お願いします。

    受験に向けて英作の練習をしているのですが、とにかく英作は苦手で、 むちゃくちゃな英作だとは思いますが、宜しければ添削お願いします。 Why do you think many people are interested in collecting insect ? Write a passage of 5 sentences in English. ↑この問いに解する私なりの解答です↓ I think that many people are interested in collecting insect is well. It is not a sin to collect insect. Because they are beautiful and interesting and fascinating stories attached them. Collections sre very helpful in the study of insect. I want more kind of discovery that them by collecting.

  • 翻訳、よろしくお願いします

    Two wars followed the 9/11 attacks- one in Afghanistan, and oen in Iraq that began in 2003. The first decade of the 21st century was starting out as another century of violence. 何度もすみません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削してください

    この歌は16世紀半ばまで伝承で受け継がれた。またシェイクスピア(William Shakespeare)の「ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち(The Merry Wives of Windsor)」の劇中に曲名が出てきたりした。このことから当時いかに広く歌われていたかがうかがえる。他の資料などから、17世紀にはイングランドの誰もが知っている流行曲となったことがわかった。 ⇨This song was handed down until the middle of the 16th century. In addition, this song are appeared in “The Merry Wives of Windsor” by William Shakespeare. From this it can see how widely sung at that time. Furthermore, form other sources, it turned out that it became a popular song known to everyone in the 17th century in England. >伝承で受け継がれた というのをbe handed downで表しました。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 次の文中の文法というか言い方について質問です

    Still other secondary substances are not in themselves harmful to insects, but are characteristic smells or tastes that dissuade the insect from feeding b warning it of the presence of some other substance that is harmful. inは必要ですか? というよりin themselvesがあることで意味がどう変わりますか またbut以降は主語が長いために倒置がおきているんでしょうか。それで、harmfulが省略とか...? As the competition has progressed, fewer and fewer plants have remained as suitable food sources for any one species of insect; species of insects have thus tended to become associated with narrowly defined and often botanically restricted groups of plants. 後半、つまり狭い範囲の植物しか食べられなくなった、といった意味でいいんでしょうか あと;の前と後ろでany one species of insect/species of insectsとありますが後半はなぜany one species of insectとならないんでしょうか。意味的にそちらのほうが揃うと思うんですが

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    ☆These two are ancient arts ― ancient, at least, as we in America count age ― for their seeds were sown well over seven hundred years ago, and it was in the seventeenth century that they blossomed into full perfection. ☆There are many haiku, much of whose effect can be kept in accurate translation. 上記の英文を自力では訳しきれず、困っています。 何方か教えて頂けませんでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (17) Although myth and legend cloud the founding of Rome, archaeology shows that there is a trace of truth in these accounts. Latin-speaking herdsmen and small farmers did establish a settlement and build huts on the Palatine Hill in the 8th century BCE. These archaeological findings agree with the legendary foundation of Rome around 753. (18) As for the mingling of the Roman and Sabine peoples, cemeteries in Rome give evidence for that. Each early civilization followed a particular set of rules for burying its dead. But in Rome, archaeologists have found the remains of buried bodies and the ashes of cremated bodies―pronf that two different cultures existed side-by-side in early Rome. Thir is noe of many ways that archaeologists have found evidence of a real world that mirrors the ancient myths and legends of Rome.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The diffculties and disputes which attended the first revival of science have recurred in the present century in consequence of the growth of geology. It is in truth only the old question over again-precisely the same point of theology which is involved, although the difficulties which present themselves are fresh. The school books of the present day, while they teach the child that the earth moves, yet [they] assure him that it is a little less than six thousand years old and that it was made in six days. On the other hand, geologists of all religious creeds are agreed that the earth has existed for an immense series of years-to be [to be=it should be] counted by millions rather than by thousands:and that indubitably more than six days elapsed from its first creation to the appearance of man upon its surface. By this broad discrepancy between old and doctrine is the modern mind startled, as were the men of the sixteenth century [startled] when [they were] told that the earth moved.

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