• ベストアンサー




SPS700さん、同様、 He must be Yuk'S father. 彼はユクの父さんに違いない。 My mother may be busy today. 僕の母さんはたぶん今日は忙しい。 でいいと思いますよ。





  • 未来形にして下さい

    中学校レベルの問題なんですけど、 My father is busy. を未来形にすると My father is going to be busy, tomorrow. になるんですか?なんかbe動詞が二つあって変な気がするんですけど、大丈夫ですか?

  • わからないので教えてください(´・ω・`)

    全文を日本語訳に訳しなさい。 Your parents must be worried about not hearing from you. 語句を正しい語順に並び替えて、 全文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1My parents (aboad /going /my /objected to) 2He (going /my /to/ the dentist /insisted on) 3My husband (fond/ baseball games /is /watching /of) 4My mother (my father /complained of /busy /too /being) 5(give up you drinking should) 動名詞を使って英語で表しなさい。 1私はギターを弾くことに興味があります。 2私たちは彼女が試合に負けることを思いもしなかった。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    My father thinks of my mother, of how lady-like she is, and of the pride which will be his when he introduces her to his family. They are not yet engaged and he is not yet sure that he loves my mother, so that, once in a while, he becomes panicky about the bond already established. But then he reassures himself by thinking of the big men he admires who are married: William Randolph Hearst and William Howard Taft, who has just become the President of the United States.   My father arrives at my mother's house. He has come too early and so is suddenly embarrassed. My aunt, my mother's younger sister, answers the loud bell with her napkin in her hand, for the family is still at dinner. As my father enters, my grandfather rises from the table qnd shakes hands with him. My mother has run upstairs to tidy herself. My grandmother asks my father if he has had dinner and tells him that my mother will be down soon. My grandfather opens the conversation by remarking about the mild June weather. My father sits uncomfortably near the table, holding his hat in his hand. My grandmother tells my aunt to take my father's hat. My uncle, twelve years old, runs into the house, his hair tousled. He shouts a greeting to my father, who has often given him nickels, and then runs upstairs, as my grandmother shouts after him. It is evident that the respect in which my father is held in this house is tempered by a good deal of mirth. He is impressive, but also very awkward.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My parents, who had been married 31 years, divorced last September. The decision to officially divorce was made roughly a year ago, by my mother, who was the one who left. My father has moved on. While I may think it’s far too soon, I know he’s an adult. While I may thinkのmayはどのような役割でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語・無生物主語/話法

    ・ほぼ同じ意味になるように()に適語を入れなさい。 They must be disappointed at my decision. My decision must (   )(   ). ・ほぼ同じ意味になるように()に適語を入れなさい。直接話法→間接話法に変える He said to us,“Let's play cards.” He (   ) to us that (   ) play cards. 解答よろしくお願いします。

  • 中学英語について

    lookの使い方について教えてください。 look は自動詞と他動詞がありますが、以下の整理は文法的に正しいでしょうか。 S+V【自動詞】+M【前置詞句】:He looks at my father. (彼は私の父を見る) S+V【自動詞】+C【名詞】:He looks my father. (彼は私の父のように見える) S+V【自動詞】+C【形容詞句】:He looks like my father. (彼は私の父のように見える) 以下の用法はない? S+V【他動詞】+O【名詞】:He looks my father. (彼は私の父を見る)

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother died 10 years ago. My father, "Lucifer," started dating "Rebecca" within a week of my mom's funeral. After two years, my father informed me that he was going to disinherit my brother and me in favor of "Rebecca" and her three spawn. I begged my father not to do this, and told him he'd never see me or my kids again if he married her and disinherited us. He said he didn't care, and went ahead. Fast-forward to the present. Rebecca has died, and Lucifer is trying to "mend fences." Meanwhile, he admitted to me that he has spent my mother's entire trust on Rebecca and her three spawn, so I am out the money I was supposed to get from my deceased mother after my father died. 1 ここでのspawnはどのような意味でしょうか? 2 entire trustのtrustはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 out the moneyはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の質問です!!

    (May,Can) you help me with my homework? (May,Must) I ask your name? Don`t wait for me. I (may,can) be late. You (may,must) be quiet in the library. He is poor at singing. He (can`t,must) be a singer. (1)彼女は明かりをつけたまま、眠ることができません。 (     ) with the lamp on. (2)彼は若く見えるが、40歳をこえているかもしれない。 He looks young、 but (     ) over forty. (3)次の日曜日に、空港まで車で送ってくれませんか? (        ) to the airport next Sunday? (4)サラはパーティーに来なかった。休んだのには理由があるにちがいない。 Sarah didn‘t come to the party.(          ) for her absence. 次の文を日本語に直しなさい。 (1)君の英語の辞書を借りてもいいですか。 (2)あなたは疲れているに違いない。顔色が悪いよ。(pale) (3)もっと野菜を食べなくっちゃ。 (4)これは誰のかばんですか. ニックのものかもしれません。 (5)100メートルを14秒で走れますか.(second)

  • 「英文添削していただけますか?」

    「英文添削していただけますか?」 下記の日本文を英文に訳しましたが、おかしな表現がないかアドバイスいただけたら 助かります。ちょっと長くてすみません。。。とくに過去完了などの時制がわかりません。  「父の日に御父さんにネクタイをあげて、ケーキといくつか料理を家族につくってあげたの。  昨日は一日中料理してた・・ 私は父が仕事でいつもいそがしかったから、子供のころ父と  遊んだことがないの。かれは相変わらず今もいそがしいけど。  とにかく、あなたがお父さんと楽しい時間が過ごせていたらいいな。(向こうは父の日の夜なので)  ところで、9月に友人の結婚式でグアムにいくの。 ハワイでなくて残念。。。  (メールの相手がハワイなので)」 「 I gave a tie to my father on father's day and I made a cake and some dishes for my family last night. I cooked all day yesterday.. I had never play with my father when I was child that he was always busy with his work. He is busy now as well though... Anyway, I hope you had a great time with your father today. Btw, I'm going to Guam in Sep for my friend's wedding. That's too bad its not Hawaii... 」

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Finally my mother comes downstairs and my father, being at the moment engaged in conversation with my grandfather, is made uneasy by her entrance, for he does not know whether to greet my mother or to continue the conversation. He gets up from his chair clumsily and says "Hello" gruffly. My grandfather watches this, examining their congruence, such as it is, with a critical eye, and meanwhile rubbing his bearded cheek roughly, as he always does when he reasons. He is worried; he is afraid that my father will not make a good husband for his oldest daughter. At this point something happens to the film, just as my father says something funny to my mother: I am awakened to myself and my unhappiness just as my interest has become most intense. The audience begins to clap impatiently. Then the trouble is attended to, but the film has been returned to a portion just shown, and once more I see my grandfather rubbing his bearded cheek, pondering my father's character. It is difficult to get back into the picture once more and forget myself, but as my mother giggles at my father's words, the darkness drowns me. My father and mother depart from the house, my father shaking hands with my grandfather once more, out of some unknown uneasiness. I stir uneasily also, slouched in the hard chair'of the theatre. Where is the older uncle, my mother's older brother? He is studying in his bedroom upstairs, studying for his final examinations at the College of the City of New York, having been dead of double pneumonia for the last twenty-one years. mother and father walk down the same quiet streets once more. My mot is holding my father's arm and telling him of the novel she has been read and my father utters judgments of the characters as the plot is made clea~ him. This is a habit which he very much enjoys, for he feels the utm superiority and confidence when he is approving or condemning the beh ior of other people. At times he feels moved to utter a brief "Ugh," whene the story becomes what he would call sugary. This tribute is the assertion his manliness. My mother feels satisfied by the interest she has awaken and she is showing my father how intelligent she is and how interesting.