• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の質問です!!)


  • (1)君の英語の辞書を借りてもいいですか。
  • (2)あなたは疲れているに違いない。顔色が悪いよ。(pale)
  • (3)もっと野菜を食べなくっちゃ。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

(May,Can) you help me with my homework?    Canだけど、ぶっきらぼうな言い方 (May,Must) I ask your name?      もちろん、どちらも正解。単に名前をきくならMay、デートショーの番組などで、相手の名前を尋ねな   くちゃいけないの?ということならMust. Don`t wait for me. I (may,can) be late.     これはmayですね。 You (may,must) be quiet in the library.     どちらも正解。You may be quiet in the library. But that's because you like reading books. おしゃべりな人に文句を言っているような文脈で、「図書館では静かにしているかもしれない。だがそれはそもそもおまえが本を読むのが好きなだけだろう。」というようなときはmay。図書館では静かにしていなくちゃいけないという時にはmust。どちらもありですね。 He is poor at singing. He (can`t,must) be a singer.     can'tが正解でしょうね。でも、最近の歌手は誰もが歌が下手だーーなんていうんで、皮肉たっぷりにHe must be a singer. という、ちょっとしたジョークになるかも。mustを間違いとまでは言えないかも? (1)彼女は明かりをつけたまま、眠ることができません。 (     ) with the lamp on.   She can't go to sleepとするのがよいと思います。他にShe can't sleepもありだと思います。 (2)彼は若く見えるが、40歳をこえているかもしれない。 He looks young、 but (     ) over forty.  he may be/he could beなど (3)次の日曜日に、空港まで車で送ってくれませんか? (        ) to the airport next Sunday?  Could you drive me/Would you drive me/Will you drive me/Won't you drive me (4)サラはパーティーに来なかった。休んだのには理由があるにちがいない。 Sarah didn‘t come to the party.(          ) for her absence. There must be a reason 次の文を日本語に直しなさい。 (1)君の英語の辞書を借りてもいいですか。 Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary? (2)あなたは疲れているに違いない。顔色が悪いよ。(pale) You look pale. You must be tired. (3)もっと野菜を食べなくっちゃ。 I am warning you. You should eat more vegetable. Listen to my advice. You really need to eat more vegetable. (4)これは誰のかばんですか. ニックのものかもしれません。 Whose is this bag? This could be Nick's. / This may be Nick's. (5)100メートルを14秒で走れますか.(second) Can you run 100 meters within 14 seconds? 以上でいかがでしょう?


その他の回答 (4)


No1の方に一票。 最近、アンサニストを無料の宿題や課題代行屋みたいに使うヤツが多過ぎますね。 しかも、「宜しくお願いします」とか、「誠に有難うございました」とかも書かないヤツも多いですね。 まぁ、そんなヤツに、真面目に答える方も、答える方ですが、、、 だから、日本人のマナーレベルはどんどん低下するのでしょうね。

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(Can) you help me with my homework? (May) I ask your name? Don't wait for me. I (may) be late. You (must) be quiet in the library. He is poor at singing. He (can't) be a singer. (1) (She can't sleep) with the lamp on. (2) He looks young, but (he may be) over forty. (3) (Will you drive me) to the airport next Sunday? (4) Sarah didn't come to the party. (There must be reasons) for her absence. (1) May I borrow your English dictionary? (2) You must be tired. You look pale. (3) You should eat more vegetables. (4) Whose bag is this? It may be Nick's. (5) Can you run a hundred meters in fourteen seconds?

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

(May,Can) you help me with my homework?    Canだけど、ぶっきらぼうな言い方 (May,Must) I ask your name?      もちろん、どちらも正解。単に名前をきくならMay、デートショーの番組などで、相手の名前を尋ねな   くちゃいけないの?ということならMust. Don`t wait for me. I (may,can) be late.     これはmayですね。 You (may,must) be quiet in the library.     どちらも正解。You may be quiet in the library. But that's because you like reading books. おしゃべりな人に文句を言っているような文脈で、「図書館では静かにしているかもしれない。だがそれはそもそもおまえが本を読むのが好きなだけだろう。」というようなときはmay。図書館では静かにしていなくちゃいけないという時にはmust。どちらもありですね。 He is poor at singing. He (can`t,must) be a singer.     can'tが正解でしょうね。でも、最近の歌手は誰もが歌が下手だーーなんていうんで、皮肉たっぷりにHe must be a singer. という、ちょっとしたジョークになるかも。mustを間違いとまでは言えないかも? (1)彼女は明かりをつけたまま、眠ることができません。 (     ) with the lamp on.   She can't go to sleepとするのがよいと思います。他にShe can't sleepもありだと思います。 (2)彼は若く見えるが、40歳をこえているかもしれない。 He looks young、 but (     ) over forty.  he may be/he could beなど (3)次の日曜日に、空港まで車で送ってくれませんか? (        ) to the airport next Sunday?  Could you drive me/Would you drive me/Will you drive me/Won't you drive me (4)サラはパーティーに来なかった。休んだのには理由があるにちがいない。 Sarah didn‘t come to the party.(          ) for her absence. There must be a reason 次の文を日本語に直しなさい。 (1)君の英語の辞書を借りてもいいですか。 Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary? (2)あなたは疲れているに違いない。顔色が悪いよ。(pale) You look pale. You must be tired. (3)もっと野菜を食べなくっちゃ。 I am warning you. You should eat more vegetable. Listen to my advice. You really need to eat more vegetable. (4)これは誰のかばんですか. ニックのものかもしれません。 Whose bag is this? (Whose is this bag? ) This could be Nick's. / This may be Nick's. (5)100メートルを14秒で走れますか.(second) Can you run 100 meters within 14 seconds? 以上でいかがでしょう?

  • porquinha
  • ベストアンサー率35% (289/817)

不躾過ぎ。 あなたの書いているのは、質問ではなく「問題」です。 質問はなんでしょうか。 解いて欲しいのならそう書いてはいかがでしょう。



  • 中3 英語の模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)できるだけ急いでその問題を解きなさい。 can /as/ the question /quickly/ solve/ as/ you. (2)雨が降るかもしれないから、今朝は散歩に行かないほうがよい。  may/had/go/it//rain/as/you/better/not/for/a walk (3)彼が正直者であるはずがない。 man /he /an /can’t /be /honest (4)彼は今家にいるかもしれない。 now /he /may/ home /at /be (5) あなたが毎日ここに来る必要はありません。(1語不足) here/ everyday/ you/it /isn’t/ for /to /come (6)赤ちゃんは面倒を見てもらうべきだ。 should /some /looked/ be /after/ by /the baby (7)そのメールには「あなたと一緒に買い物にいけません」と書いてあります。 I /be able to /won’t /shopping /you /says /with /the mail /go/ “/” (8)父は私をよく公園に連れて行ってくれたものです。 take /the park/ to/ my father /me/would /often (9)あなたは全てを答える必要はまったくない。 not/ all /all /you/ need /answer/ questions/ at (10)君は夜更かしをしないほうがよい。 sit /late/ had /up /better/ you/ not/at night             よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英語を訳してもらえませんか?

    Hello there!!! Maybe you already know or maybe not that our hostel is celebrating a birthday on 14th May!!:) We have honor to invite you for the party and celebrate with us that special day! It's gonna be a costume party and it will be really cool if you can bring with you your own, special and original costumes!! There will be FREE food, alcohol, great music. Then we are going to club to celebrate all night and we want to celebrate it with you because without you there won't be us:D

  • 英語の質問がうまく訳せません

    英語の質問されたのですが、うまく訳せません。 わかる方よろしくおねがいします。 You enter a warehouse. Their is ittle light, but you are able to find you way around. The sound of music draws you to corner of the warehouse. The are FIVE GHOUL CLOWNS, playing a dancing video game. The have razor sharp teeth and scary weapons. Magic can not afect them, They sense your presence and turn facing you. The run to you to attack. Time to fight! What character would you want to be to defeat them and how would you handle the situation? If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do? You can have dinner with your favorite character. And at this dinner you may ask one question. Who woud be the character and what would be your one question? What's number 1 on your bucket list? (Something you want to do before you leave the planet). What advice would you give to people getting started in ××? ××は趣味の内容です

  • 英語を日本語に訳してください

    (1) I’ll call you as soon as possible. (2) It was impossible for me to believe what she was telling us. (3) I’ll pick some strawberries for you. (4) The boy was pulling all days. (5) The plan hasn’t stopped ringing all days. (6) Don’t lean on the fence. (7) They couldn’t dig a tunnel through the mountain. (8) The tank was filled with oil. (9) The sign was swinging in the wind. (10) He was rubbing his face with both hands. (11) Can I Pay you tomorrow? (12) Did you receive my letter? (13) Could you lend me $5 until tomorrow? (14) Can I borrow your pen? よろしくお願いします。

  • ____にあてはまる英語教えてください

    ____にあてはまる英語教えてください 1. The teenager was arrested for _______________ driving, 2. They have ____________________ a campaign to raise \10 million for the child to go to the States for a heart transplant. 3. I left __________________ when he refused to shake hands with me. 4. The man is suffering from ________________ tuberculosis. 5. He ________________ this afternoon while he was playing golf with his customers. 6. The professor is too strict; I wish he could be a little bit more ________________ with his students. 7. The Japanese police have been rather reluctant to ________________ in domestic conflicts. 8. He _______________ all he had just eaten.

  • 英語小問題

    わからなかったものを中心に書いてます。 お願いします。 ・次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように()内に適語を補いなさい 1He isn't back yet. Perhaps he missde his train. He isn't back yet. He ()()()his train. 2 It's a pity that you didn't tell me the truth. You ()()() me the truth. 3 It's a pity that laughed at his mistake. You ought () to ()() at his mistake. 4 You waited for me, but it was not necessary.  You needn't ()() for me. ・並び替えなさい。 1 You (at/be/if/laughed/will)you wear that silly hat. 2 Such a thing ought (about/be/not/spoken/to) in public. 3 Last night he (by/got/stopped/the police/while) he was driving home.

  • 英語の課題

    ご教授願います。4択問題です。 He has three cars, and four houses. He ( ) be poor! (1) ought to (2) can,t (3) mustn,t (4) used to

  • 英語の質問です!

    1Can you give me (some advices/ an advice/some advice)? 2(Each/Some/Both) of them has their own ability. 3Can you go to the party tomorrow? -Sorry, but I can`t . I have (another/other/the other) things to do. 4I forget to bring my pen. Will you lend me (the other/one/it)? 5There was (a large/many/a few) audience in the stadium. ] 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい 1None of them agreed with me. 2The police were looking for his wallet then. お願いします。

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いいたします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1.( ) you live long and die happy!  (1)Should (2)Would (3)Can (4)May 2.Democracy ( ) without freedom of speech.  (1)cannot surviving (2)not can survive (3)cannot survive (4)can't be survive 3.According to the law, you ( ) be 18 years old or over to obtain a driver's license in Japan.  (1)can't (2)must (3)might (4)may not 4.My father ( ) quit school when he was fourteen because of his poor health.  (1)had to (2)must (3)ought to (4)should 5.Our son's soccer uniform is still in good shape. We ( ) buy a new one for him yet.  (1)have to (2)must (3)don't have to (4)should 6.My Japanese teacher says everybody ( ) sutdy at least one foregin language.  (1)ought (2)should (3)may be (4)have to 7.I'd rather ( ) by taxi.  (1)having gone (2)going (3)to go (4)go 8.Since I'm very tired, I ( ) join the party tonigt.  (1)had not rather (2)would not rather (3) would rather not (4) had better not to 9.You had better ( ) your homwork soon.  (1)to finish (2)finishing (3)be finished (4)finish 10.We ( ) tell anymore about this just yet.  (1)didn't have better (2)had better not (3)had not better (4)haven't better 11.When he was a newcomer, he ( ) read several different newspapers every morning.  (1)used to (2) was used to (3)got used to (4)is used to 12.I ( ) this movie before, but I'm not sure.  (1)must see (2)might see (3) should see (4)may have seen 13.Katherine lost her purse yesterday. She ( ) it on the bus.  (1)must drop (2)must be dropping (3)must have dropped (4)must have been dropping 14.He ( ) have introduced you to his sister yesterday because she died three years ago.  (1)cannot (2)must (3)ought to (4) shouldn't 15.We've just missed the train. We ( ) left our office a little ealier.  (1)should (2)should out (3)should have (4)should not have 16.George and I had a great time at the party last night. You ( ) come.  (1)had to (2)might have (3)must have (4)ought to have 17.Mary couldn't help ( ) when she heard the news about the championship.  (1)to smiling (2)smile (3)smiling (4)to smile 18."Your apartment is really compact." "You may ( ) think this is small, but it's actually larger than average."  (1)good (2)well (3)better (4)best 19.There's no bus for two hours, so we ( ) as well take a taxi.  (1)might (2)must (3)would (4)should 量が多いかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。 スペルミスなどありましたらお知らせください。

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    翻訳をしていただけたらと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 In your future life together with this Soul Mate he will be quieter more reserved than you. You will often be the one to starts the conversation, or bring up topics for discussion more than him. But his opinion and advice will be very important to you, and you’ll seek it out. He will be the better educated and more bookish, or intellectual. He will have more know how and will seem to know more than you, or be able to find out more and to supply you with information when you need it for various things. You and he will hardly ever quarrel or be nasty and unpleasant with each other. But there may be many disagreements with those around you. You will always be tactful diplomatic careful and polite and loving with each other. You will have a similar mentality and communication will be one of the great strengths of this relationship.

  • CAD/CAMを担当することになった素人が直面する苦悩や必要な知識について紹介します。
  • CAD/CAMのソフト自体の使い方はそこまで難しくありませんが、CAMのパラメータ設定が難しい場合があります。
  • 加工知識がない場合でも最低限身に付けるべき知識や役立つ参考書についてもアドバイスします。