• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:アメリカのバス料金について和訳お願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。  メトロカードは7日用のカードしか使えないと言うことでしょうか。     とは、言っていないようですが下記をお読みください。 2。  それと、現金で支払う場合はこの内容からだと、25セントコインで払わなければならなくなりますよ  ね。片道5ドル50セントなので、25セントコインで22枚じゃらじゃら払えと言うことなのでしょうか。     はい、そうです。 3。  訳     料金:     メトロカード®は、(スタッテン島鉄道 SIR を含む)ニューヨーク市の MTA全列車、およびローカル、リミテッド、セレクト(3種の)バスに使えます。     エクスプレス•バスは、7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard あるいは Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard のみ使用できます。     全部のバス、およびセレクト•バスサービスでは、貨幣料金箱の機械が、ちょうどの料金を貨幣で受け付けます。ドル紙幣、1セント貨幣、50セント貨幣は受け付けません。 (ま、5セント、10セント、25セントの貨幣しか自動的に機械処理できないと言うことでしょう、ちょうどと言うのは釣り銭が出ない、と言うことだと思います)


  • "a dollar fifty"の訳について

    とっても簡単な質問で申し訳ありませんが、会話文で、"The bus fare is just a dollar fifty."というのは、「バス運賃は1ドル50セントです」という訳であっているのでしょうか。 普通、この後ろの"cents"は省略するものなのですか? 例えば、$1.78という表示があれば、"a dollar 78."と表現するのですか?

  • センター対策の問題なのですが、解説お願いします。

    センター対策の問題なのですが、解説お願いします。 次の絵の説明として適切な記述を選びなさい。 A This is a poster which makes an appeal that we should use buses more frequently. There are two cars and a bus in the poster. Of all the vehicles, buses are the greenest. “The Greenest” means “the cleanest”. And buses occupy less space. That’s why we should use buses more often to clean the air, lessen traffic jams and save the environment of the earth. B You can see a poster which encourages us to use buses more often. Buses stop running engines when they stop at crossings or traffic signals. That’s why we can say buses are “the Greenest.” They use much space but can have many passengers in them. Therefore, buses are economically friendly. To save fuel supplies, we have to use buses as often as we can!

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    先日、サンタクロースについての本?を貰ったのですが、英語が全く分からない私は 全然理解できませんでした(>_<) どうか、長いですが訳していただけたら嬉しいです   A red suit and a long white bread. Big black boots and a bag full of toys. A giant sleigh pulled b eight flying reindeer. This is the image most Americans --- and now Japanese, too – have of Santa Claus.  Look at this 1921 Christmas card from Finland. Carrying a pig with a ribbon around its neck seems like a strange thing for Santa to do. Is the pig a gift? It’s hard for us to say. In the next card, from 1941, it’s another pig which is pulling Santa Claus’ sleigh, instead of reindeer. You see, there is more than one way to imagine Santa Claus. We will never forget waking up to find gifts from Santa. Nowadays, children all over the world believe in Santa, no matter what religion they follow. But in the beginning, it was quite different. Most historians agree that the original Santa Claus was a Christian bishop named Saint Nicholas, who lived in Turkey in the fourth century. Saint Nicholas was said to be especially kind to children, giving them gold coins. In Scandinavian countries, pigs were thought to symbolize fertility. When the story of Saint Nicholas came to Finland, it was mixed in with their old custom of offering pigs to the gods. In this way, people from different cultures developed various original Saint Nicholas images and legends.  As time went by, different European cultures added their own touches to the Saint Nicholas story. In 17th century Germany, for example, Saint Nicholas’ Day evolved from a village festival into a family event. They also introduced the idea of the season, the first tree was placed in the living room of an individual home in 1605. In the Netherlands, children were told that Saint Nicholas flew on a white house, and came down the chimney into the living room. While they were sleeping, he put gifts in their wooden shoes. Scandinavians later added the white fur we now see on his hat and coat. In Britain, Saint Nicholas was given the name Father Christmas, translated from the French “Pére Noël.” The Dutch called him Sinterklaas, from which we got the Americans name Santa Claus. In 1822 an American named Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas” for his children. Here people finally began to imagine Santa Claus as a happy, elderly man in a sleigh led by eight reindeer. In the 1850s, the cartoonist Thomas Nast provided the first images of the “modern” Santa in a series of magazine illustrations. Tracing Santa’s American past is easy; he comes from the words of Moore and the imagination of Nast. 大変申し訳ございません

  • 和訳お願いします(会計監査の文書です)

    とある会社の決算監査の報告書(序文)お一部です。 和訳をお願いできますでしょうか? Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The information, except for that portion pertaining to the year ended March 31,2011, marked "unaudited", has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additinal procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the U.S.A. In our opinion, except for that portion marked "unaudited" on which we express no opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    I take it for granted, then, 'that all my readers accept the doctrine of Organic Evolution, or the belief that all species of plants and animals have bad a derivative mode of origin by way of natural descent ; and, moreover, that one great law ormethod of the process has been natural selection, or survival of the fittest. If anyone grants this much, I further assume that he must concede to me the fact, as distinguished from the manner and history of Mental Evolution, throughout the whole range of the animal kingdom, with the exception of man. I assume this because I hold that if the doctrine of Organic Evolution is accepted, it carries with it, as a necessary corollary, the doctrine of Mental Evolution, at all events as far as the brute creation is concerned. For throughout the brute creation, from wholly unintelligent animals to the most highly intelligent, we can trace one continuous gradation ; so that if we already believe that all specific forms of animal life have had a derivative origin, we cannot refuse to believe that all the mental faculties which these various forms present must likewise have had a derivative origin. And, as a matter of fact, we do not find anyone so unreasonable as to maintain, or even to suggest, that if the evidence of Organic Evolution is accepted, the evidence of Mental Evolution, within the limits which I have named, can consistently be rejected. - The one body of evidence therefore serves as a pedestal to the other, such that in the absence of the former the latter would have no locus standi (for no one could well dream, of Mental Evolution were it not for the evidence of Organic Evolution, or of the transmutation of species) ; while the presence of the former irresistibly suggests the necessity of the latter, as the logical structure for the support of which the pedestal is what it is.

  • 英作文教えてください。

    ____の英文を教えてください。 ()内の単語を必ず使って作る英文です。 1.イギリス人にとって天気はいつも予測がつかないようです。(unpredictable) For ___ it seems that ____________. 2.週末はもっと、変わりやすくて涼しく、時々雨が降りそうです。(mucu/changeable/cooler) The ___ is likely to ____________, with ___ times. 3.天気予報士は、出かける前に天気予報と道路状況をチェックするよう、ドライバーにアドイバスをしています。(check/set out) The forecaster is ___ drivers ____________ and road conditions ______. 4.次の数日間の天気予報は不安定で雨が降り、イギリス中で雷雨の可能性があります。(possibility/thouderstorms) The forecast ____________ is unsettled and ___, with the_______________ the UK. 5.バーミンガムのすべての学校は、さらなる雪と凍結状態が予想されるため金曜日は休みのままでしょう。(remain closed/conditions) All ___ Birmingham ____________Friday, as more _______________expected. 6.ロンドンの赤い2階建てバスは、イギリスのシンボルになっています。(symbol) The _________ buses in Londn ____________ Britain. 7.バスは最近たくさん改良されてきました。(improvements) Buses have seen ____________ years. 8.ロンドンは24時間都市で、バスは夜じゅう走っています。(throughout) London is a 24-___, so buses _________. 9.ロンドンの主な名所を見る一つの方法は、屋根がない2階建てバスに乗ることです。(way/London's/sights) One ____________ is on an ___-top, double-decker bus. 10.もしバス路線になじみがないなら、バス停の案内板をチェックしてください。(bus routes/ information board) If you're ____________, check any _______________. お願いいたします。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Its provisions applied to all daimyo equally. The military lords were forbidden to: move troops outside their own frontiers; from political alliances among themselves; maintain more than one castle in their domain; marry without shogunal approval. Later prohibitions made it illegal for daimyo to do such things as coin money, enter into direct relations with the court of foreigners as coin money, enter into direct relations with the court of foreigners except with the express permission of the bakufu, ior build large ships except for trade. The military house legislation succeeded in its primary object of protecting the Tokugawa against daimyo attack and ushered in the long period of Tokugawa peace. Civil war, like religious war, became a thing of the past.

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Its provisions applied to all daimyo equally. The military lords were forbidden to: move troops outside their own frontiers; from political alliances among themselves; maintain more than one castle in their domain; marry without shogunal approval. Later prohibitions made it illegal for daimyo to do such things as coin money, enter into direct relations with the court of foreigners as coin money, enter into direct relations with the court of foreigners except with the express permission of the bakufu, ior build large ships except for trade. The military house legislation succeeded in its primary object of protecting the Tokugawa against daimyo attack and ushered in the long period of Tokugawa peace. Civil war, like religious war, became a thing of the past. 和訳 その規定はすべての大名に等しく適用された。 軍事力をもつ大名は次のようなことを禁止された:自国の国境の外に兵を動かすこと、大名同士の政治的同盟をもつこと、自分の領地に一つ以上の城をもつこと、将軍の許しなしに婚姻すること。後に制定された禁止令は大名が通貨や、通貨を用いて外国の宮廷と直接取引を開始すること、幕府の明確な許可なしに外国の宮廷と直接取引を開始する事または貿易以外の目的で大型船を建造することを非合法とした。軍事力をもつ大名への法律は、大名の攻撃から徳川を守るという一義的目的に成功し、徳川の長きにわたる平和な時代を導いた。宗教戦争のような内乱は過去の物となったのだ。

  • 15-1 お願いします

    日本語訳を!!  In 1819,a young man named James Prinsep boarded a ship near his home in Essex,England,and set sail for India,half a world away.His father,John,had made the family's fortune manufacturing indigo there 40 years earlier,and James had grown up listening to his father's romantic stories of the faraway kand.James had raced through his educatiom as quickly as he could,eager to get to India and see it for himself.Now 20 years old and fully qualified as an architect,he was at last on his way.  John Prinsep,James's father,had brought the first Western-style coin-making machinery to India in 1780 and manufactured copper coins to make doing business easier.(Before this,each India state had made and used its own hand-stamped coins.)James got a job in Calcutta at the mint his father had estabtlished.He was good at his job.He reformed the system of weights and measures and introduced a style of coinage that came to be used by the entire country.  In his spare ime,James became interested in archaeology.His love for old coins and enthusiasm for anything to do with ancient India was contagious.Many Englishmen living in India began to study Indian history more seriously(including a young man named Alexander Cunningham,the same Alexander Cunningham who would later discover the ruins at Harappa.)Soon James had friends,both English and Indian,sending him old coins and copies of inscriptions from all over India.  James spent hours admiring the portraits of long-for-gotten kings that decorated his old coins.Some of his oldest coins dated from the time of Alexander the Great,when the Indo-Greeks ruled northern India and Pakistan.Those coins had inscriptions in ancient Greek on one side,which he could decipher.But the meaning of the inscriptions on the other side,which were written in a mysterious squiggly alphabet scholars called Brahmi,baffled him.He thought they probably repeated the Greek information,but until someome could read Brahmi,there was no way to be sure.

  • 和訳お願いします

    If two American,girls vacationing in England hadn't stopped for five minutes in front of a shop window in the village of Newhaven, they would have been S25,000 poorer. Here's how it happened. The two girls, Betty and Jane had had a lovely holiday cycling around the lovely English countryside and now it was coming to an end. When they came to a little old village called Newhaven, they stopped to look at the shops for five minutes. They needed a present for their mother back in New York. Soon entered a little old antique shop which sold china, silver and all kinds of antiques. Mr Hubbard, the owner, asked if he could help them. "Yes," replied Jane, we need something for less than a dollar as a present. It's very difficult to buy any kind of antique for such a low price but finally Mr. Hubbard offered them a small bead necklace for just 70 cents, which they bought. When they got outside the shop Betty said, "It seems mean to give mother such a dirty-looking old necklace, but at least she couldn't buy it at a supermarket. Perhaps we can have it cleaned up a bit when we get to London. They went up to London that afternoon, then when they'd checked into a hotel, they took the necklace to Coghill's, a famous jeweller to have it cleaned. They 10 were told it would be ready for them to pick up the following morning. After a good night's sleep, they went to the shop and when they asked for the necklace, the man at the counter asked them to follow him to the president's office: In the beautiful room they were greeted but by Mr. Grisby, director of the not only by the president, was British Museum. Beside him in a red velvet-lined box, their necklace, now it looked different. Mr. Grisby said, "As you see, this is a necklace of beautiful black pearls, not beads. But more important is the fact that this is the most historical necklace in Britain. It belonged to Mary, Queen of Scotland who is said to have worn it in 1587 when she head cut off at the order of her cousin Queen Elizabeth 1 of England. At that time it was lost and we've been looking for it for nearly 400 years. Now you have found it. We hope you'll accept s25,000 for this necklace." Jane and Betty were so amazed they couldn't speak. They nodded their agreement.