
  • 【英文の和訳】外国の方とメールをしているのですが英文を上手く訳せなくて困っています(;_;)自分なりに和訳をしてみましたが内容がよくわかりません。わかりやすく英文を和訳してください。
  • 【英文の和訳】技術のレポートについては、専門用語を使うことで自分の意思を表現しやすいですが、現在のレポートでは仕事の問題やその解決方法を詳しく説明する必要があります。しかし、これまでの経験で埋めるほどの内容がなく、どうやってこの問題を解決するか悩んでいます。
  • ベストアンサー


外国の方とメールをしているのですが英文を上手く訳せなくて困っています(;_;)一応、自分なりに和訳をしてみたのですがいまいち内容がよくわかりません。わかりやすく英文を和訳してください。あと、自分の和訳で間違っている箇所があったら指摘していただけると嬉しいです。 [1] About the event! It's actually pretty funny; I got some last minute important stuff to do at work so I didn't get a chance to attend :( I was so looking forward to it =/Stupid work xD [自分の訳] イベントについて!それは実際とてもおもしろい。私は最後のちょっとの間仕事ですべき重要なことがあった、だから私は出席する機会がを得なかった。私はそれをとても楽しみにしていた。くだらない仕事。 ※I got some last minute important stuff to do at work この部分の訳がわかりません。 [2] As for technical reports, they're not really that bad because when you specialize in a certain field you are familiar with all the terminology and it is easy for you to express yourself and what you want to say. The only problem with my report now is that I have to choose a subject (Typically a problem at work) and I have to talk about and describe the problem and how I solved it. I still have no idea what to write about because I won't be able to fill an entire 15 body pages with all that I have done at work so far. There's just not enough content and I have to pull this off somehow xD [自分の訳] 技術のレポートについては、それらは実は悪くない、なぜならあなたがある分野を専門にしているとき、あなたはそのすべての専門用語に精通しているから、そしてあなたにとってあなた自身やあなたの言いたいことを表現することは簡単だ。今私のレポートで、唯一の問題は主題を選らばなければならないこと(主として仕事での問題)、問題をどのように解決するかや問題の状況を述べたり論じたりしなければならないということだ。私はまだ何について書くべきかわからない、なぜなら私は今まで仕事でしてきたすべてで全15ページを埋めることはできないだろうから。ただ十分な内容がない、そして私は何とかしてこれをやり遂げなければならない。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • chima77
  • ベストアンサー率100% (1/1)

last-minuteは、「ぎりぎりの、最後の瞬間の、土壇場の」という意味の形容詞です。 原文が「last minute (lastとminuteの間にハイフン無し)」となっているので、この部分が形容詞とは気づきにくいですね。 I got some last minute important stuff to do at work.は、「土壇場で、仕事ですべき重要なことがあった」というような意味ですね。 last-minuteの定義については以下をどうぞ。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=last-minute&ref=sa



last minute が形容詞だとは知りませんでした…(´・ω・`) 回答ありがとうございました!!


  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    英文和訳をお願いします。 I think I have a very crazy life. But in a way it's wonderful in it's craziness. I mean I remember one minute going to the White House for a dinner, but I'm going on the train so I'm stuck in Pennsylvania Station having a hot dog. And you know a scant two hours later I'm meeting the President of China. So I think it's the ups and the downs that makes it so real. And so wonderful. I could be at a gymnast...a gymnastic meet for my daughter and the next minute I'm in, you know the hospital worrying about my father's care. I like to think I live a very full life, and a complete life, and I think that's what makes my life probably fun, difficult also, challenging,tiring, but also great. 自分の人生についての喜びを語っていると思うのですが、 何度考えても理解できません。 長文ですがよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳してください!

    昔の友人?恋人のような男性から2年ぶりに連絡が来ましたがあまりにも自分が英語を忘れすぎて彼のメッセージが正確に理解できません。。。なんとなくはわかるのですが正確に知りたいので分かる方、和訳お願いいたします。 自分の名前はAとしています。 I am glad that u are fine...i am good too ... i wanna say a couple of things to you! Back there, when we were at LA, i thing that didn't treated you the way that you deserve, and i wanna say really sorry aboute that A...you deserve to know that i have a lot of good memories about you and the good times that we had in LA I know that all this things happened a long time ago, but i want to say sorry to you anyway... U always were so nice to me, and back there i was to young and too immature to know that... So, this is your Brazilian friend saying sorry to you about something that happened almost 2 years ago, but still care about that...i know that we live really far way, but anyway, i wanna be ok with you Miss you A

  • 和訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    英語が堪能な方、和訳お願いします。 翻訳サイト以外でお願いします!!! I really want to know what you were thinking about us. I was upfront and honest with you and I was trying to give us a shot at happiness. I put my life on hold for you. If you were playing me the whole time than whatever. I just want to know and have some closure. I think I deserve at least that.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Remember also that astrology may not show certain things or I may not be able to interpret them so very clearly, so occasionally something may not show, or there will be just a vague outline there, as though the pieces of fate have not quite formed their picture and there are gaps in the fog. We stand at the gate of eternity and try and get answers. I promise always to do my utmost to interpret the message of the stars and to guide you to happiness if I can... Your soul mate’s chart should fit together with yours like a lock and key, or like four pieces of a jigsaw. When you meet you unlock this special fate and karma of love, and everything you have gone through will have meaning.. I shall look forward to hearing from you again. I am always here to guide you, when ever your inner soul directs you to write to me, I wish you peace love and happiness.

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    I still have many things to finish at work. But everything goes very quickly and smoothly because I know when all that work is finished ... we can enjoy a short break. so that when you arrive and for some strange reason we can't find each other so that at least you can reach me. how can I not find the prettiest girl in the airport!!! Would it be possible for you to give me your mobile phone number? I think I might call you once ... just to check if you answer with "moshi moshi" ... so cute ... Don't worry I won't do that. If there something you need me to get for you, please let me know ok?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 「What do people most often criticize about you? -There's no on-going criticism. I'm open to personal and professional growth and welcom the opportunity to improve.」 「I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and with the team would make me the best candidate.」 どなたか、お願い致します。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    it will please me and it will be an honor to finally meet you. the feeling i have this time is so intense that i hardly stay minute without remembering you and with wide imagination of how our life will be as husband and wife. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!

    I’d always have the feeling that you had be en taking a chance just on that, and that kind of love would be disappearing. というのと、 Then I’d always feel that you kept on writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. この2つです! 和訳お願いします!

  • おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。

    おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。 How are you? Do you have anything special planned for the long weekend? Or do you have to work on the national holiday. On Monday you have・春分の日, right? From・Wikipedia:・This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day for the admiration of nature and the love of living things. Prior to 1948, the vernal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called・Shunki k・rei-sai・(春季皇霊祭?). Love of living things? Is this a kind of Japanese version of valentines day? I'm also sorry for my late reply :) No really I'm not trying to be funny, I'm really really busy. My project is going quite well, actually it is going so well that management decided to take some people from my team and let them help with another project ... I guess this is my punishment for doing so well :( In April I need to go to Singapore again and maybe we'll have a Korean customer. I have never been to Korea, I almost wanted to ask if you went to Korea already ... but then I remember that you have never left Japan. I think it makes to pure Japanese ... not spoiled by foreign things ... maybe except me :) Although Singapore is very nice, the food is really nice in Singapore, I would prefer to come to Japan ... I really look forward to have diner with you again. You are so cute ... and beautiful ... Oh on the return flight from Singapore to Brussel I got upgraded to business class again. So I had a very enjoyable return flight. I think I deserved it after all the trouble I had to get there ... haha It's a petty that your movie is not on the internet ... I'm sure you would be a hit on youtube:) ・Why are you embarrassed? You should be proud that you have been chosen to be in the commercial. I will never be chosen for a commercial ... It's getting late again ... I better go to home ... otherwise my Japanese colleagues still want to have a video conference ...・ Really wish I could see you soon,

  • 和訳を助けてください。

    イタリア人が書いた英文が訳せず困っています。 英語として正しいのかどうかもよくわかりません。 以下の英文の和訳を助けてください! I ve always some problem to speak to you with familiarity, cause I know that for you it's very difficult and incorrect to speak about own situation, instead for me it's normal. 【私の精一杯の訳】 あなたと親しく話すには問題があります。と言うのも、あなたにとって自身の状況について話す事は、困難であり妥当ではない事なのだと思いますが、私にとってそれは普通のことなのです。