• ベストアンサー




失礼かもですが..... CROWN-aikoさんの、 「I read a your email.Did this email mean : I couldn't buy #4406 ??」は、 →"I read your email. Does this mean that I cannot buy #4406??" ではありませんか。


  • 翻訳おねがい

    英語の得意な方、翻訳御願いします。 I have sent you an email in regards to clarification of your order back on 18/04 but you have not replied me since then. But your order is now awaiting assembly and we hope to have it sent by this week.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    海外ネットショップで植物を注文したのですが、 どうやらキャンセルになってしまったようです。 ですが理由がよくわかりません。 どなたか簡単でいいので理由だけでも訳してもらえないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 I am sorry but we can no longer ship to Japan. Your order has been updated to the following status. New status: Canceled For complete growing instructions for cuttings, seeds, and rooted plants please see: http://www.mauiplumeriagardens.com/about.php Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    いつもお世話になっております。長文ですが、翻訳お願い致しますm(__)m Unfortunately, we were unable to complete your order. Your card issuer advised us of the following reason: Your card has been declined. Common reasons: • You entered your security code or card details incorrectly • You have insufficient funds in your bank account • You supplied an issue number when one was not required • Payment was referred by your card issuer • You selected the wrong currency (No TIDs for Solo and EUR) Below are links to the items in your order, so you don't have to search through the website again. Just re-add the items to your basket and proceed to the checkout.

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    いつもお世話になっております。下記の文章を翻訳お願い致しますm(__)m This email is to update you on the status of your HealthPost order. So sorry but the Trilogy Everything Balm 95ml that you have on back order as part of your order is still currently out of stock and we do not have an ETA from our supplier. We have unfortunately had to cancel this product from your order. Can you please advise by return email if you are happy for s to dispatch the balance of your order -we will of course still honour our special and send you the Gift with Purchase Instant Radiance Collection. Looking forward to hearing back from you -however if we do not hear back from you by 1 April 2014 we will have to cancel your order.

  • こんにちは。質問があります。某翻訳サイトにかけたところおおよその事はわ

    こんにちは。質問があります。某翻訳サイトにかけたところおおよその事はわかったのですが、細かいところがいまいち分かりません。どなたかわかりやすく翻訳して頂ける方、よろしくお願い致します。 Dear ○○○○, Thank you for your email. If you could confirm, I sent a copy of the order confirmation for this order on October 26th. As noted on the confirmation, there was an approximate lead time of 14 business days for this item. Once stock has been delivered, your order will be processed for shipment within 48 hours. If you have further questions, please feel free to email again. Regards,

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Please be informed that your document has been filed for future reference. We await a utility bill in order to process your withdrawal. Once you have sent this, please resubmit your request on the Neteller site.  預けている金をネッテラーというネット銀行へ返金するよう私がブックメーカーへ要求しています。上の返事が来たのですが翻訳していただけないでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    こんにちは。 某翻訳サイトで翻訳したのですが、細かいところがよく分からない文章になりました。 わかりやすく翻訳して頂ける方いらっしゃいましたら、翻訳おねがいします。 Thank you for your email. In regards to your order, we are still within the 14 day time frame for the backorder. Since the order was finalized and submitted for processing on October 26, the manufacturer has given us an approximate delivery date of November 15th for stock. As noted previously, there is an approximate turn around of 48 hours to process this into inventory to then fulfill back orders. I will not have an exact ship date or delivery date until stock has been processed into inventory. Please note you will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order has shipped. Additionally, you can track your order on our website using the order number ○○○○○. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email again. Regards,

  • 英文翻訳

    Thank you for your order! The website collected your payment information for me, but your card has not been charged for the postage. I will do that when your order has been mailed, probably next Monday or Tuesday. I have everything on your list except the 1 oz YES drops; I only have the 1 oz YES spray at this time. I will have the YES drops probably by Monday or Tuesday and expect to send your order complete then. Postage will be billed when the package has been sent. です。 オーダーありがとう!WEBはオーダーを受付ました。でも、ポステージ がチャージされていません。 I will do that when your order has been mailed, あなたから、メールがHAS BEENされたらポステージしますよ。 <でいいですか?> I have everything on your list except the 1 oz YES drops; I only have the 1 oz YES spray at this time. I will have the YES drops probably by Monday or Tuesday and expect to send your order complete then あなたのオーダーを全部持っていますが、ドロップがなく、スプレー しかありません。ドロップは月曜か火曜日にきます。そして、あなたのオーダーを完全にして、送ります。 ここまであっているでしょうか? Postage will be billed when the package has been sent. ポスト代金は、荷物を送るとき払います。 でいいんでしょうか?代金払ってくれると。。ああ、またやってしまった。。

  • 翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか?

    海外のネットショップで買い物をしたのですが、 25日ほど経ってから下記のようなメールが送られてきました。 どなたか翻訳をお願い出来ませんでしょうか? Order Number: 123456 We are writing to you in relation to your recent order. We have generated an invoice for this order as the carrier requested, and sent this to the carrier, once the carrier receives this invoice they will look to proceed with your delivery. Please allow 48-72 hours for your parcel to be delivered. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused. Kind regards, よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳して下さい。

    海外通販をして発送が遅れているので理由について問い合わせました。 返信がきました。いまいち内容が理解できないので日本語に訳して下さい。 I understand that you have requested an order status update. I have reviewed your order and see that your order has not yet completed the shipping process. Please review your original order confirmation that was emailed to you. Located in the top right corner of the order confirmation email you will find an estimated order shipping date. This date represents the date we expect your order to complete the shipping process. If the estimated shipping date found on your order confirmation has passed, the item(s) on your order may be on backorder. Occasionally due to unexpected delays it may not be possible to meet the tentative shipping date originally provided to you. I am currently working to provide you a revised delivery estimate. Once I obtain a delivery estimate I will email you this information. Please know, your item(s) have been reserved for you and are on order with the manufacturer. We are doing everything possible to fulfill your order as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss other possibilities for fulfilling your order, please respond to this email or call and a Customer Service Representative will gladly assist you. Thank you for your patience. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.