• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー率35% (50/139)

forやofの訳し方はいっしょに使われている語句によって 変わるでしょうから、一概に「こう訳そう」とは言えない と思います。 辞書などに載っている例文をひたすら覚えるうちに 自然と訳せるようになっていくのではないでしょうか。 (私はその域にまで達していませんが) とりあえずhakkoichiuさん(No.2の方)にならって 意訳してみました。 (一部勝手に想像した部分あり) ---------------- 9.11からまだ半年しか経ってないのに、若者ときたら どいつもこいつもあのとんでもない日のことをもうネタにしてるよ。 学校の廊下とかたまり場とかに「ズガガガガ」とか落書きしてるし。 ---------------- あってるかどうかはわかりませんが、 私の頭の中にはこういう絵が浮かびました。





  • 意味を教えてください

    I was divorced for 10 years, and am now remarried. Four months after we said I do, my first husband left me (on Valentine's Day!) without a word. It was out of character for him not to come home, and I was so worried I reported him to the police as a missing person. If that wasn't enough, he left me owing the power and water bills, and our rent was three months behind. owing the power and water billsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    I have been dating an amazing man for the past six months. We are still at the “sleeping over several times a week” stage. We are absolutely incapable of sharing a bed and getting enough sleep. We have sex and cuddle a while, then he slips off to my guest room and sleeps there for the night. He says my bed is too soft. When I stay at his place, I think his bed is too hard. Our sleep styles are wildly different, and we’re both in our mid-30s and a bit set in our ways. He burritos himself in the bedclothes; I insist that the sheets must be tucked in order for me to feel secure. burritos himselfとtucked inの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • give up my integrity

    I’m closer to 30 than 25, bipolar (type II), and, most important, six days away from being six months sober. I am still learning what drinking three bottles of wine a night and passing out to reruns on Netflix for the last six years has done to me: I’ve given up my integrity; six days away from being six months soberは「6ヶ月のシラフ期間まであと6日」でしょうか?あと、given up my integrityの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • どうしても訳せません(><)

    以下の英文、1文目はいいのですが、 2文目以降、 もしすでに、コースへの支払いを終えている状態、あるいは終えかけている状態で、当該VISAを申請しているなら、、、月々の生活費も安くなるんじゃない、 といった感じに思ったのですが、ぜんぜん違いますよね(><) 教えてください。あと、that was at least six months long in the past four months. もよくわかりません。 すみませんが、お願いします! The money that you need depends on where you are studying and how long you are studying for. You may have to pay a lower amount for your monthly living costs if you are applying having completed a course, or are about to complete a course of study in the United Kingdom that was at least six months long in the past four months.

  • 英語が得意な方おられますか?日本語訳お願いします!

    英語得意な方おられますか?至急日本語訳にお願いしたいのですが…長文ですみません。翻訳ツールは使わずお願いします。 Social dialect researchers in Hackney,an inner city area of London,and an ethically very diverse area,have identified a new ethnic speech variety used by local teenagers,It has been Labelled Multicultural London English because it is used by adolescents from a range of ethnic backgrounds,including Jamaican,African and Asian backgrounds. As well as using monophthongs where other varieties use diphthongs (e.g.[fe:s]for face and [go:]for go),these teenagers have developed a distinctive vocabulary.They call their friends[blud]blood rather than mate,nang is their word for good, buff means attractive,While butters means ugly.In Multicultural London English a house is referred to as a yard, nuff means very,and trainers are creps.People are referred to as mandem.The researchers believe that the new variety has developed as a result of high levels of immigration in the inner city area along with the typical desire of young people to distinguish themselves from other groups,and develop a distinctive identity.Though it is strongly associated with Black British teenagers,it is in fact used much more widely and it is rapidly spreading.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    文構造がよくわからないので誰か英語が堪能な方和訳お願いします。 Substitute motor car,boot,suit of clothes , etc.,for skyscraper ,and one year ,three months,six months,and so on for forty years,and you have the gospel of any leader of any modern industry. Substitute~ は命令か 主語の省略(分かりきってる場合や一般のyouなど)でgospelは「絶対的心理」つまり「絶対に正しいこと」だと思うのですが… ちなみにこれは下線部なのですが、それを含めた全文はこうです。 Thanks to modern machinery,production is out-running consumption. Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial prosperity.The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another,the better for the producer. At the same time,of course, the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles.“The man who builds a skyscraper to last for more than forty years is a traitor to the buildings trade.”The words are those of a great American contractor. で下線部のSubstitute motor car,boot,suit of clothes , etc.,for skyscraper ,and one year ,three months,six months,and so on for forty years,and you have the gospel of any leader of any modern industry.です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • allとeach

    According to the office regulations, ( ) of the contracted employees gets promoted to full-time employee after working for six months. 選択肢 a, all b, each 答え each なぜ、空欄の後の動詞がgets複数形なのにeachなのですか? 詳しい解説お願いします。

  • 英文の間違い訂正問題の添削をお願いします

    間違い→訂正の順で、わからない箇所は?と書きました。 解説を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m --------------------- 1)The circumstance of a situation which communication takes place is called the context. takes→took 2)Perhaps many Japanese people are not comfortable unless they do not know someone's social or material status. Perhaps→? 3)Steven looked back and saw Jerry grew smaller through the brown haze until he was a tiny speck in the distance. was→hadbeen 4)John was sentenced for six months of hard labor in a military prison. for→to 5)Rarely the gold miners have found such big gold nuggets at this gold mine. mine→? 6)There isn't enough time to go over the details, but this paper is enough good. enough good→? 7)The worker objected for doing the work because he wasn't paid in full. for→to

  • よろしくお願いします

    I’ve been living with a roommate (someone I knew only through other friends) for about six months now and I’ve been noticing that from time to time, some of my food seems to go missing. It’s not a lot, just enough for me to notice. A cup of cereal here or there, some milk, handfuls of pretzels or chips, a couple of slices of bread, an occasional piece of fruit. I just seem to go through food faster than I used to when I lived alone. go through foodはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 未来完了(進行形)

    未来完了関連で質問があります。 1. ------------------------------------------------- 日本文に合う英文を選びなさい。    「私は8 月にこの本を書き始めました。年末には6 ヵ月以上執筆にかかっている ことになります。」 1. I started writing this book in August. About the end of this year, I’ll be writing it for more than six months. 2. I started writing this book in August. Till the end of this year, I’ll be writing it for more than six months. 3. I started writing this book in August. At the end of this year, I’ll have written it for more than six months. 4. I started writing this book in August. By the end of this year, I’ll have been writing it for more than six months. ------------------------------------------------- という問題で答えが4となっていました。 このby(~までには)と、継続を表すwill have been ~ingの形が 私の頭の中でつながりません。 このbyは、~の時点までには という意味ではないのでしょうか。 ~時点で という意味にbyを使ってなぜなるのかを教えて下さい。 また、代わりにatなどを使ってはいけないのかを教えて下さい。 あと、ついでですが、8月から12月までだと6ヶ月ないので、 このyearは4月~3月の会計年度を意味しているという理解で あっていますでしょうか。 2. By the time you got home, I’ll have cleaned the house from top to bottom. について 完了の意味の未来完了なのでそれまでに終わればよいということで この場合~までにはのbyが使われるのはわかります。 一方で、 単純未来にしてはだめなのかどうかがわからなくなりました。 By the time you got home, I’ll clean the house from top to bottom. 単純未来でも可能で、 完了の意味を強調するために未来完了が使われるのか、 それとも単純未来は不可なのか。 そこらへんを教えて下さい。 また、英辞郎に、 The new bank will start business by the end of 2005. という文があったのですが、、、 例えば、これを逆に未来完了にしてはおかしいでしょうか。 先の文との違いはなんでしょうか。 以上よろしくお願いします。