My food keeps disappearing: A roommate mystery

  • I’ve been living with a roommate for six months and I’ve noticed that some of my food goes missing from time to time.
  • I seem to go through food faster than when I lived alone.
  • What does 'go through food' mean?
  • ベストアンサー


I’ve been living with a roommate (someone I knew only through other friends) for about six months now and I’ve been noticing that from time to time, some of my food seems to go missing. It’s not a lot, just enough for me to notice. A cup of cereal here or there, some milk, handfuls of pretzels or chips, a couple of slices of bread, an occasional piece of fruit. I just seem to go through food faster than I used to when I lived alone. go through foodはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4112/5346)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

”go through ~" で「~を使い果たす」 です。 ←[句動6] ですから "go though food" で「食料を食べ尽くす」になります。 I just seem to go through food faster than I used to when I lived alone. 私が一人で住んでいた時よりも、どうも私は食料を速く食べ尽くしてしまうようなのです。 ⇒ 私が一人で住んでいた時に比べ、食料がどうも速く無くなってしてしまうようなのです。(同居人を疑っていることを示唆しています。)





  • 英文和訳のお願い

    以下の英語を分かりやすい日本語にお願いします。 I’ve been trying to explain to people for a long time what’s going on, but for some reason nobody listens.

  • 次の和訳をお願いします。 seemed impossible for us to climb that side of the mountain,because the slope looked steep and slippery. 2.he boughta ford instead of a nissan. 3.nobody knowswhether to go to the party or to stay here. 4.what a fool I've been!the answer was before me all the time and I couldn't see it.

  • 日本語に訳して下さい。

    I've been through more than a few relationship...and how with each time I felt as though i've lost yet another piece of me. I've taken every stone, every rock, every stick, every log thrown at me, the verbal, physical, even emotional garbage that came with them... I would take and keep all within, hurting only myself for that burden I decided to carry and drag along. I've never known a way to let it go. You've been there for me since day one never once judging me or the past i've lived nor the mistakes i've made. You've been more than understanding and so very patient. お願いします。

  • i've got some stuff you should readのyou

    母:[peeks out through the sliding doors] Stan, sweetie, we're gonna go to the mall. Do you wanna come? 息子:Mom, the mall is a way for the corporate fatcats to imprison you into a life of servitude. I've got some stuff you should read. この文なのですが、i've got some stuff you should readは、 母にいっている言葉ではないようなのです。 では、自分のことなのにyouを使う理由はなんなのでしょうか。 そして imprison you into a life of servitudeの意味も よくわかりません。 アドバイスおねがいします。

  • DANIEL POWTER の"Free Loop"の歌詞の和訳お願いします

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  • walked me through

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  • わからない問題

    Bill   I have some pictures to show you. I took them in Egypt,. Nacy  How wonderfull! Who ded you go there with, Bill? Bill   I went there with my father. Have you ever been to Egypt? Nancy ( ) But I hope to go there some day. (1)No,she hasn't (2)Never. (3)Yes,I've been there four times. (4)Long time no see! この問題で(1)は主語が違うので間違えとありましたが、No, I haven`t とすれば合うようになりますか? (2)Never副詞は単独で使えるものなのですか? 教えてください。

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    Yes i really enjoy your email ..please question me any time is that i am busy some time i get so mush calls all day about web site work or graphic design work ... and i travel all over Orlando to go to some business to make some ads or some website... and some time i work on my prototype site Call end went i have time to check my email i i try to think of a question .but my mine is thinking of something from work ..and that is way i am busy ... こちらの文章です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    We love to eat. That's our "thing." We go out to dinner, try new, unusual cuisines and eat our way through new cities when traveling. He even seriously considered taking a leave from work to audition for a Food Network show. Some of my best memories involve meals we've shared. And now what? I'll order sashimi, and he'll have ... seaweed? I have no issue with the decision itself; I've done every juice cleanse and 30-day challenge under the sun -- and I love me some seaweed. juice cleanseとは何でしょうか?あと、I love me some seaweed.の用法と意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします