• 締切済み


下記の文の和訳を、分かる方よろしくお願いします。 I had at least 5 guys in suits with earphones come up to me yesterday in Taito city and try to get me to go into "massage parlors" .... I didn't understand the Japanese word for it so then they made some really weird hand gestures and I understood what they meant.... prettyyyy weird and unexpected lol.... you never told me about them hahaa >.<

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0




  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

昨日台東区?で耳にイヤホン付けてスーツを着込んだ5人ぐらいの男が近づいてきて、 マッサージ店に入るよう勧めるんだ。 言ってる日本語の意味がわからなくて、その内奴ら手で妙なジェスチャーし始めたんでやっと 分かったんだ。まったくトンデモびっくり仰天(笑) こういうのは教えてくれなかったよね。ハハ>.<


  • 英語が合っているか見てほしいです(>_<)

    『てかね、この前、実生活で最近知り合ったアメリカ人の女の子に告白されたの(笑) 最初、私のことを人間的に好きだって言われてるのかと思って(ありがとう。私もあなたが好きだよ。)って言ったら(Really???<333 I meant like "I have a crush on you" kinda like you.)って言われてビックリしたの(笑) 危うく相手が言ってるLIKEの意味を知らずに知らないうちに女の子と付き合うところだったんだ(笑)』と言ってくれたのですが、 『By the way, I was asked to go out with this American girl who I met in real life. I thought she liked me as a friend and told her that "Thank you. I like you too." but she shortly replied me "Really???<333 I meant like "I have a crush on you" kinda like you." and I got shocked lol I didn't understand of the meaning of LIKE and I was about to start dating with this girl lol』←英語合っていますか?

  • 高校英語教科書の和訳してほしいです。分かりません

    lesson9 semitic people invented the alphabet around 1500 B.C. They changed Egyptian picture symbols to letters that symbolized sounds. Until that time, symbols had shown simple meanings such as animals, tools, and things from nature. The alphabet was the first system that connected letters to sounds. The alphabet spread all over the world. The shapes of the letters changed. The Phoenicians began using them around 1,000 B.C. About 400 years later, the Greek, so this writing system became the alpha‐beta or alphabet. The alphabet had been used for more than 1,500 years when the shapes of most letters were fixed by the Romans. Interestingly, every letter in the alphabet has its origin. For example, the shape of ''A'' meant the head of an ox . In ancient times , oxen were important for pulling plows . ''B'' meant a house and ''C'' meant a throwing stick . Things and animals used in the alphabet were important for the people who were living about 5,000 years ago. Lesson10 When I was growing up, my dad and I used to fight all the time. I was 17 or 18. I had really long hair , and he hated it. I got into a motorcycle accident once . I was laid up in bed , and my dad had a barber come in and cut my hair. I remember saying to my dad, '' I hate you ! I will never forget this!'' He used to tell me , '' I can`t wait until the army gets you . When the army gets you , they will cut all that hair off, and they will make a man out of you.'' This was in 1968, and a lot of guys went to the Vietnam War from my neighborhood. The thing was that many of them didn`t come back . And even if they came back , they were not the same any more. I remember the day I got my draft notice . I hid it from my family , and three days before my army physical my friends and I went out . We stayed up all night . We were all so scared . And I went to my physical , and I failed . I could come home! When I walked into the kitchen , I saw my parents sitting there.

  • 英語の質問です。これはどういう意味ですか?

    they both became suddenly interested in me when they found out I never did things before..and he is a black guy which all of the black guys would like to date me and also other things I won't go into detail..so, does that explain why?

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願いします。どちらも同じ長文から引っ張ってきた文です。一部分なので、わかりにくいかもしれませんが、お願いします。 ・I spoke to them in Spanish because I had thoughts and feelings that I knew I could only communicate to them in the language in which my mind works. I wanted to express myself genuinely, so that they could know me as I really am, rather than an English-language version of me. ・Not only did my mother not speak to me in Danish, but my parents were also both fluent In German and French and they refused to teach me those, too. They felt it would slow down my development in English, that I would get confused while working out how all the bits fit together. itの具体的内容もお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    Well, so what? So he learned that parents are vulnerable too? I explained ,y wretched feeling to him in words he could understand. Then, he consoled and encouraged me in the way that only three-year-old can. I feel enhanced by my children. They have added to, not taken away from, my life. When I look back to the early years I wonder how we managed. We had less stable working lives and significantly less cash, which meant no babysitters and few evenings out. I had long-standing back pain and was always either pregnant or lying down. But you can give love and attention from any position. The only thing young children really need from you is the sight and touch of you, and your two ears to listen to them. The point is everything changes. The confusion in bringing up children does recede. The love you feel for your kids is the most gratifying thing. Believe me. It's true.

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    Finding a new apartment is really slow but I am trying to do everything I can to make it go faster. Now I have to wait about 2 weeks again until I can continue the search because after I sent an application to one place, they said they need 1-2 weeks until they can actually receive it. But after that, I think I might be able to find someting quite soon.. It's a "more expensive" way of doing things, kind of. Before they let you move into one of their rental apartments there is a certain amount of money that you need to pay first. And because it is alot of money, not money people do it this way and that's why there should be more apartments available for me. It's about 15 000-20 000   but my parents said they can lend the amount to me, because they don't want me to borrow money from the banks. And this money is something I will get back if/when I move, so it's not like I would actually loose th ose 15000-20000  Q__Q Ah, I don't know if you understood, but yeah, Finland likes to complicate things. I still love you and miss you so much. And I don't think sending e-mails will change what I feel and think about you. But I'm sure that when we meet again in real life it will be ever better than before.

  • 和訳して頂けませんか?

    Just thinkin bout ya! I hope your safe and having fun!! I wanted to ask you that when ever you wanted to get rid of any of your wardrobe if I can buy them before you toss them!!Is that weird Lol!!?? I absolutely love your style of dress and jm tired of sweats! Lol!! i deserve better! So I am saving to do so! So please em remember meeee Keikoi!! Lol! Thank youuuu! Miss ya sis!

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    some guy called me on Wednesday and said my friend had told him that I might be interested in some event.. But he didn't tell me what the event was about because he said he wants to talk to me about it in person.. So we decided to meet next weeks Wednesday. It sounded a bit suspicious so I invited a friend to go with me. But yesterday I found out he's my friends' boyfriend, so I'm not so worried anymore (^_^;) Yesterday was my parents' 25 year anniversary. Dad always sends mom roses if he's at work, but now he contacted me and said his internet at work is not working so he asked me to order 25 roses for mom and also send her a card with a romantic poem (in Spanish of course). And he only contacted me like 2 days before the anniversary day and I was really busy during those days Q__Q I managed to do everything though, but it was a bit strange to be looking for a love poem for my mom, lol. She's the one who could've gotten me a work placement in Tokyo but I refused it later. But now she said its good that I didnt take the job because they had some problems there and that its better for me to just find a company in Kansai area. And she said there was one company where she has connections to, so she will most likely help me with that. Yay (^O^)

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    I'm also hoping to find someone in the future who loves me and doesn't just want something from me, but actually wants to be with me.. これはどういう意味ですか?

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    はじめまして。英訳をしてみたのですがどうしてもうまくいかないので、どなたか教えてください。 お願いします。 peel me to the core Don't go I will be there Wait for me to see my lotus I've never felt like this way Everytime You take a breath I'm rooted in you basement Since I can be your medicine my sense and tenseness go high Everytime you treat me weird I'm melted in you and I swell Monumentally Obsessively Love me Take me Take me for tomorrow Peel me peel me the core I have tol you that I would show you Peel me to that corner Everytime You take a breath I'm rooted in you basement Since I can be your medicine my sense and tenseness go high Everytime you treat me weird I'm melted in you and I swell Monumentally Obsessively Love me