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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Adm. John Harveyさんが言ったこと)

Adm. John Harveyさんが言ったこと





  • meet requirementとthat

    I've found a good property that I think meets all your requirements.という文章で、まずこのthatはpropertyの説明のthatですか?それとも単なるandのような役割のthatですか?文章でthatがあるとき、単にandみたいなthatもありますよね? 次に、I think meets all your requirementsとありますが、I think meetsとSがつくのはどうしてですか?3人称単数でもないし、動詞動詞で並んでますよね?それともここに何かが省略されているということですか?

  • I wrote an e-mail to John. -Vol.2-

    Johnへのemailです。 より自然な英語表現をご指導ください。 John, how are you doing? I haven't got your emails for about a week or so now. But it's OK. I know you need to work hard but I sure want you to know I worry about you all the time. You know what, John? I'm going out toninght. Oh, didn't I tell you about a party tonight? We are talking to each other, dancing with a lot of people, drinking up everything that they have.〈g〉 Besides, THE Ken is supposed to come to the party! (You remember him? I do hope so.〈g〉) Isn't it great, is it? Maybe you cant't imagine how excited I am now! I've been looking forward to seeing him for over a year. We all hope he will perform a dance in front of us, just like he used to do. He's really something and you know that, John.〈g〉 And I do hope Ken and I will have a lot of time to talk to each other tonight. Oh, I gotta go now, John. I don't wanna keep anybody waiting.〈g〉 I'm hoping I will see your email when I come home late tonight. John, I'm almost running out of patience, actually.〈g〉 Please keep in touch. お時間ありましたら、お願いいたします。

  • An email to John #3

    Johnへのemailです。 より自然な表現をご指導ください。 Hi, John. How's it going? Thank you for your loooong email! I read it first thing in the morning! John, I want you to know I'm real happy to get it from you. And also, I'm so glad to hear you've got promoted! Congratulations!! I know you can make it sooner or later because you've been working that hard for years. But, John, to be complete honest, I have now mixed feelings. I mean, I'm afraid your work is gonna become more hectic than it is now. Well, I want you to know you are no longer twenty-something boy, John. 〈g〉 Please take it easy and good care of yourself. And if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know, okay? I'll do anything, whatever it takes, to make you feel better. Oh, BTW, did you see the photos I sent to you the other day? Yes, I had them taken at the party. Did you find me among a lot of people? Now you see how I dressed up, I hope you like it.〈g〉 John, Ken hasn't changed a bit, though he's got a few lines here and there.〈g〉 We had a very good time with him. Oh, he gave me a message for you. He wants to see you when he goes to the U.S. around this June, if you happen to have some time. He's gonna email you soon to make sure you're still alive.〈g〉 Well, I gotta go and get started. Please take care and keep in touch. お時間ありましたら、お願いいたします。

  • 正規表現で改行に置換するとき

    英文で、一文ずつ改行させたいと考えています。 それで、ピリオド+スペースで改行するように、次のような置換を行いました。 「 \.\s 」→「 \.\n 」 その結果、 This is a pen. That is a pencil. ↓↓ This is a pen. That is a pencil. のような場合はOKです。 しかし、「i.e. (つまり)」「e.g.(例えば)」が文中にあると困ったことになります。 I'm John, i.e. the president of the US.  ↓↓ I'm John, i.e. the president of the US. 質問) 「i.e.」と「e.g.」を除いて置換することはできるでしょうか?

  • I wrote an e-mail to John.

    Johnにあてたe-mailです。 英語で考えて書きました。 より自然な英語表現をご指導いただけないでしょうか? Hi, John. How's it going? I hope everything is just fine. I haven't e-mailed you for a couple of days. I'm sorry about that. But I wasn't up for doing anything for some reason. I'm a bit getting better so I feel like writing to you now. These days, I sometimes imagine that we are talking with each other, joking around, and playing with words in English, in person. Don't you think it's great if we can do that? Yes, Yes, I know... you will NOT come to Japan. All right, then I WILL fly to you for sure one day in the future. But please don't forget about this, John. I want you to be the very first one to see in the airport when I get there, okay? 〈g〉 Listen, John, learning English is very interesting for me, though I sometimes find it difficult to keep learning in some ways. But I don't want to give it up no matter what. You know why? Because I want to laugh with you, speaking English. 〈g〉 John... but to tell the truth, I think this way. "If only you could understand Japanese and listen to me." 〈g〉 Do you remember something you promise me? Yes, you learn ONE word in Japanese a day, okay? Well, I hear somebody calling me 〈g〉, so I have to go now. Please take care and stay in touch. お時間ありましたら、お願いいたします。

  • 英語の問題で分らないのがあるので教えてください。

    空所に入る最も適切な語句を選んでください。 [1]John asked me ( ) would leave. (1)that you (2)that I (3)when I 次の(1)(2)の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適切な語を入れてください。 [2] (1)He said to us, "Please don`t wait for me if I am late." (2)He asked us ( ) ( ) wait for him if he was late. [3] (1)She said, "Let`s leave the baggage at the station." (2)She ( ) that ( ) should leave the baggage at the station. [4] (1)My father said to me, "I`m going to repair the fence. Help me, please." (2)My father told to me that ( ) was going to repair the fence and asked me ( ) help ( ).

  • Where does that leave us?について教えてください。

    DVDで英語の学習をしております。 その中で、 Where does that leave us? の表現がありました。 アルクで調べたところ、 Where does this leave us? で、 ”このことで、私たち(の関係)は、どうなるのですか?” と、ありました。 この表現を使って会話文を作ってみたのですが、 自然な使い方と言えるのでしょうか? John: ... Tony, listen... I have something to tell you. Tony: Hi, John, what's up? Something happened to you? Need some help? John: Yeah, well... uh..I thought you were the best friend I got in the whole world... Tony: ...John, I don't understand. What are you trying to say? John: Okay, then I'll tell you straight out. Tony, I happened to hear you and my girlfriend were kissing in the school backyard yesterday... Tony: ...Uh, well.. John: Do you have any idea where that leaves us? お時間ありましたら、お願いいたします。

  • except that ~の訳を教えてください。

    Sarah Palin has been Alaska's governor for less than two years. Earlier, she was mayor of the town of Wasilla for six years. SARAH PALIN: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." のPalinさんのコメント部分で 前半は「小さな町の町(市?)長は地域のまとめ役みたいなもんだと思います。」だと思うのですが、それに続く exept that you have actual responsibilitiesの意味がよくわかりません。 意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • that 文章中での区切り

    I didn't think that it is important for us. という文章を区切って読みたい時、 I didn't think / that it is~. と、読むのですか? それとも、 I didn't think that / it is~. と読むのですか? つまり、'that'はどっちに入るのかということです。

  • この英文を日本語訳にしてください。

    Hello Yai, Are you traveling soon to the US? You go to Virginia. I went there for vacation few years ago, to Virginia City. Very crowded and long beaches. There are many interesting places there, I hope you like the American style of life, it's very different from Canada. Keep in touch Yai, Cheers, Beto