• 締切済み

英語を日本語に訳して下さい! お願いします


  • utakataXEX
  • ベストアンサー率69% (711/1018)

lmbo は Laughing my butt off の頭文字。 「超爆笑」みたいな意味ですが、butt は「ケツ」の事で、あまり品の良い表現ではありません。 「あの娘、誰よ。っていうか超受けるんだけど!ギャハハ、指が!超受ける!ヒー!」 みたいな感じかな? fingerは他の意味があるかもしれません。 英語の質問は英語カテでね。


  • この日本語を英語にするとこれであっていますか?

    まず、ループ・カンワルとは誰なのかについて説明したいと思います。ループ・カンワルは都会育ちで中等学校教育を受けている、インドの中では裕福な家庭で育ちました。理学士の学位を持つ金持ちの農夫の息子と結婚しました。ループ・カンワールはよく実家に帰っていました。結婚生活はわずか8ヶ月でした。 First, I would like to talk about that who is Roop Kanwar. She is a city-bred people and she received secondary education, so she grew up lapped in luxury. She married the man who has a rich fermer father and Bachelor of Science. She usually came back her home because he had no job. That’s why she was joined with her husband for only 8 month.

  • 英語を日本語に訳してください!お願いします!

    tokyo-born 【名前】 may just be graduating from her architecture degree course from Toyko University, but she has already won several awards for her work, and which name her one of the best graduates in Japan. She was awarded a residential design prize in 2008 for her ‘●●●’ composition for multi-family living, while she also won the highest design award at her university the year before that for her coursework. She considers her award-winning design for an apartment complex as her best work so far, even though she is looking forward to more independent work soon after her official graduation. Her dream job would be with ○○○’s practice and her tutor △△△ counts among her main design influences.

  • 日本語を英語訳したのですが、合っていますか?

    伝えたいことを英語にしてスピーチする授業があるのですが、これで合ってますか……? あってなければ、直しや表現の修整をお願いします!! 【日本語】 私の家族を紹介します。彼女の名前はリベラです。彼女は猫です。私達はいつも彼女に癒されています。1年前、私の友達の家で生まれたのをきっかけに、彼女は私達の家にやってきました。もう今では大切な家族の一員です。 【英語】 I will introduce my family. Her name is Rivera. She is a cat. We are always healed her. 1 year ago, in the wake of was born in the house of my friend, she has been doing in our house. And on the other now is a member of the important family. よろしくお願いします!!

  • 日本語訳してください!あなたは中国人ですか?ときき

    Nope, but all my friends just know me by Cherry Chau. I got the name Chau cause of my brother's girlfriend. She is haft Chinese. On my first year of high school she went on my computer and changed my family name to her family name, Chau. She thought it would be funny because my name is Cherry and her name is Sherry.

  • この英語を日本語に訳してください。

    この英語を日本語に訳してください。 Last Sunday, when I was waiting for a friend in front of tha atation, I met my elderly neighbor. She had a big bag with her, and she was going to walk across the street. When the light turned green, I helped her with her bag, and we walked across the busy street together. She said ''Thank you'' many times to me. That made me very happy.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (4) As a queen, Hatshepsut's powers were limited. When a king took the throne, he became a god and the middleman (or middlegod?) between the heavenly gods and the people. One of his most important jobs was to please the gods. That guaranteed the desired balance known as ma'at. Egypt could then flourish. No king meant no ma'at, which meant no flourishing. Egyptians would be doomed to the chaos of the Intermediate Perimds. If Hatshepsut hoped to maintain ma'at, she must first become a king. She needed to show the people that the gods were pleased with her as the ruler, that the gods recognized her as king, and that she herself was indeed divine. What better way to prove her divinity than to claim that it was the gods' idea in the first place? Who would question a choice made by the gods? (5) Hatshepsut set out to show Egypt that she was no mere mortal, but the daughter of the great god Amun, who personally chose her to be king. To justify her kingship, Hatshepsut made up a story of her birth and commissioned artists to illustrate it. In the final scene Hatshepsut is presented to all the gods, who recognize her as king. To be sure there was no doubt about her destiny, Hatshepsut included in the text these words, supposedly from Amun himself, "This daughter of mine...I have appointed successor upon my throme.... It is she who will lead you. Obey her words and unite yourselves at her command." (6) In just seven years Hatshepsut transformed herself from a dutiful co-ruler into a deity. She wore a king's crown and clothing. She carried the king's staff. She even hung the king's ceremonial hairpiece, a braided beard, from her ears with string.

  • 日本語の意味になるように,(   )内に適切な1語を入れてください。

    日本語の意味になるように,(   )内に適切な1語を入れてください。 (1)部屋をそのままにしておきなさい。 Leave the room(   )it is. (2)値段が高すぎることを除けば,これは大変よい本だ。 This is a very good book(   )(   )the price is too high. (3)生きているかぎり,私はあなたの親切を忘れません。 I’ll not forget your kindness(   )(    )(   )I live. (4)会うたびごとに私は彼女を好きになる。 (   )(   )I see her, I like her more and more.

  • 英語の翻訳!

    英語の翻訳をよろしくお願いします! Do you know how the female mosquito decides who to bite? She chooses her victims carefully. She uses sensors to find her victims. These sensors are on her head and her legs.

  • この英文は日本語で何と訳せばいいでしょうか?

    She was a great globe-trotter, and her conversations were incongruously seasoned with references to far-fetched places. She would go along for days without opening her mouth, prowling through the corridor with her hands in the pockets of her jacket and her face locked in meditation. Then suddenly she would buttonhole Mr.Brook and launch out on a long, volatile monologue, her eyes reckless and bright and her voice warm with eagerness. 長くてすみません(/_;) 自分だとどうしても自然な日本語にできなくて・・・ 英語に堪能な方よろしくお願いいたします(>_<)

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    こちらの英文を日本語に訳してください。 The boys flipped over her. And she hadled herself remarkably well, con-sidering the temptations. Even today, it doesn't matter where she goes, nothing has changed. She looks so extraordinary the men are still whistling and trying to pick her up. Most of the time it’s her own faultー she just loves a good-looking guy. I think she just has that animal thing… よろしくお願いいたします。
