• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その17))


  • Today is my birthday. To think of my whole condition, I have been worked so hard.
  • I'll have a meeting with my doctor today.
  • To think of those days, I enjoyed drinking a cheap cola every day. But now I've quit because it's luxurious to me.


  • ベストアンサー

 ここはこうしたほうが自然かも、と、私だとこう書くかもがあれば、でちょっとやってみます。 >1 今日はオレの誕生日かぁ、考えてみるとオレもこんな体でよく30年以上も仕事頑張ってきたなぁ。 >Today is my birthday.To think of my whole condition,I have been worked so hard. It's my birthday today. Thinking of my whole condition, I have been working so hard. I'm ** (years old) from now on. I wonder how I've manage to keep working on so hard with my poor health. >2 今日は病院の先生と相談の日だな。(独り言) >I'll have meeting with my doctor, today. I'll have a meeting with my doctor, today. I realized I've got to see and talk with that doctor today. >3 思えば、一缶33円だかのコーラを毎日一つ飲むのが楽しみだったな、今は贅沢だからやめたけど >To think of those days, I enjoyed to drink about 33 yen's coke everynight after working in my home. But I quited it. Because I think it is an extravagance to me. Thinking of those days, I enjoyed drinking an about 33 yen coke every night after work in my home. But I've quit it. Because I think it is an extravagance to me. I used to drink a cheap coke, 33 yen's or so, everyday in the evening for the sweet of life. Now, I don't because it's a bit too much for me. >4 昨日、娘から借りたビバリーヒルズ高校白書のDVDを英語の字幕をつけて観ていたら、ほとんど、中学校で習う単語ばっかりなのに字幕が無いとさっぱり聴き取れなかった。 >Yesterday, I watched "Beverly Hills 90210"'s DVD with english subtitled,which my daughter lent to me, the words that almost I learned in a junior high school! But I can't understand what they say without the english subtitle. Yesterday, I watched "Beverly Hills 90210" DVDs with English subtitles, which my daughter lent me and most words in it were easy ones I learned in a junior high school! But I can't understand what they say without the English subtitles. Yesterday, my daughter lent me "Beverly Hills 90210" DVDs with English subtitles and I watched them. Almost all lines were in easy words I must have learned in a junior high school. But, I couldn't get them without the subtitles. >5 ぜんぜん話は違うけど、俳句か川柳だかで、それにつけてもお金の欲しさよとかって考えた人は天才だと思った。 >By the way, I think he is great who was the first say that "Anyway all I want is money "in Haikus or Senryu. By the way, I think that person is a great one who was first said that "Anyway all I want is money "in Haikus or Senryus. Well anyway, someone invented an almighty phrase to add Haikus or Senryus, "I don't care anyway, what I want is money", it's impressive for me. That person must have been great. (俳句や川柳に続けるので、一応、7・7音節を心がけて見ました)



おはようございます。 今やっとPCが立ち上がりました。いつまたダウンするかもしれませんので お礼だけさせていただきます。 本当にありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

1 今日はオレの誕生日かぁ、考えてみるとオレもこんな体でよく30年以上も仕事頑張ってきたなぁ。 It's my birthday today. I must say I did well to have worked for over 30 years with this body. 2 今日は病院の先生と相談の日だな。(独り言) Today I have to meet with my doctor for consultation. 3 思えば、一缶33円だかのコーラを毎日一つ飲むのが楽しみだったな、今は贅沢だからやめたけど Thinking back, it used to be my daily pleasure to drink down a can of Coke. Was it 33 yen a can? I stopped the habit though, thinking it was too much of a luxury (thinking it was a waste of money). 4 昨日、娘から借りたビバリーヒルズ高校白書のDVDを英語の字幕をつけて観ていたらほとんど、中学校で習う単語ばっかりなのに字幕が無いとさっぱり聴き取れなかった。 Yesterday, I watched the DVD my daughter lent me. It was "Beverly Hills 90210". I watched it with English subtitles. I recognized most of the words from my English lessons at junior high school, but I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying without the subtitles. 5 ぜんぜん話は違うけど、俳句か川柳だかで、それにつけてもお金の欲しさよとかって考えた人は天才だと思った。 On a totally different topic, I thought whoever said that, "Anyway, all I want is money." in a Haiku or a Senryu was a genius. [注] ワビサビが散りばめられていて、こういう文章もよいものですね。



おはようございます。朝5時からPCを作動させて今たちあがりました。 とにかく、ありがとうございました。

