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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:外人に漢字を教える)




日と月が並んで明るいというのが名という漢字の成り立ちがどうかわかりませんが。。。。。 「月がが太陽より暗いので月を大きく書くんです。」 なんていう言葉の遊びはいかがでしょう。



回答ありがとうございます。 >「月がが太陽より暗いので月を大きく書くんです。」 これは私が小学生で習字を習っていた時に聞いたことがあります。これも面白いかもしれませんね。


  • 和訳お願い致します。

    This earth apparently so still and steadfast,lying in majestic repose beneath the aestherial vault,is a globular body of comparatively insignificant size, whirling fast through space round the sun as the centre of its orbit, and completing its revolution in the course of one year, while at the same time it revolves daily once about its own axis,thus producing the change of day and night. The sun,which seems to lead up each morning from the east and, traversing the skyey bridge,slides down into the west,is relatively to our earth motionless. In size and weight it inconceivably surpasses it. The moon,which occupies a position in thr visible heavens only second to the sun and far beyond that[that=the position]of every other celestial body in conspicuousness, is but a subordinate globe,much smaller our own, and revolving round the earth as it's centre,while it accompanies it [it=the earth]in its[its=the earth's]yearly revolutions about the sun.Of itself it has no luster and is visible to us only by the reflected sunlight.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。(翻訳サイトで訳したものをそのまま転載するのはおやめください。) 1 The sun is too bright for the astronauts to look at. 2 The astronauts can see many man-made satellites as well as the earth. 3 The moon doesn`t reflect light but it makes its own light. 4 Objects such as stars are very far away from the astronauts.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 What do astronauts see from their spaceship? What does space look like to them? They see blackness around them at all times. The stars are bright spots in the darkness. The nearest star, our sun, is so bright that they can`t look directly at it. They look at it only through windows that dim its light. The astronauts can see the earth. The other planets are very bright. They can also see many man-made satellites. They look bright against the blackness. But why does space it self look black? To find the answer, we should know what kinds of things we can see. We only see thing when light reaches our eyes from them. Seeing is really seeing light.

  • it is worth while to ~以下の英文に関し

    It is said sometimes that a man is lucky because he has many friends. I am not so sure. It would be truer to say that he is lucky if he possesses a few deep and sincere friendships. Since friendship is so invaluable, it is worth while to endeavour to understand its nature and to discover how it can be secured. it is worth while 以下の英文なんですが、英文を多く読んでおられる先生方なら、to discover以下がto understand its natureと並列されていると容易に理解されることと思います。私は多くの英文を読んでいないせいかto discover以下がto endeavour と並列されていると勘違いしました。この勘違いを英文の構造上から考えて避ける方法はありませんか? 又もし、it is worth while to endeavour to understand its nature and it is worth while to discover how it can be secured. というのが本意である場合、どのように言えばいいのでしょうか? it is worth while to endeavour to understand its nature and it is also worth while to discover how it can be secured. なんてalsoを入れたら英文としてスマートにはなりませんか?返って不自然になるでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 使い分けを教えて下さい。

    One day, Galileo made his own telescope. He used it to study the stars and planets. “What a surprise! The moon is so beautiful, but it has so many craters!”    He would look at the stars and the planets through the telescope every night. この英文で、1行目に the stars and planets    そして、3行目に the stars and the planets となってますが、なぜこの様に書き方を使い分けてるのですか? 教えて下さい、宜しくおねがいします。

  • 長文の中でのtoについて

    Usually the appliance is so new,so shiny, and so expensive when we buy it that its mortality is no more acceptable to us than our own. (たいていの場合、その器具を買ったときには、とても新しく、輝いていて、高価でもあるので、私達には自分の寿命と同様にその寿命がつきることなど受け入れられないのである) という英文があるのですが acceptable to us のto usはどのように訳すか困っています。toは自分の中で「~へ」や「~に」と決め付けていてわからなくなっています もしかしたら、このto usは「私達が」と訳すのでしょうか?  となるとtoには「~が」と言う意味があるのでしょうか?

  • 17-3日本語訳

    お願いします。  Because Ayurvedic doctors passed down their traditions orally for thousands of years before anyone wrote them down,no one knows about the doctors and nurses who helped develop them.We do know a little more about South Asia's greatest scientist,a man named Aryabhata,who was born in 476 CE.As a young boy,Aryabhate loved watching the stars.Even without a telescope,Aryabhate saw a lot.He saw that the moon was light on the side that faced the sun and dark on the side that faced away.He was the first person to come up with an accurate measurement for π,a number that is is used to calculate the length of curves.He realized that the earth and the other planets circled the sun,instead of the sun and the planets circling the earth.He also saw that the rising and the setting of the sun,the moon,and the starts was the result of the earth turning:“Just as a man in a boat moving forward sees the stationary objects(on either side of the river)as moving backward,just so are the stationary stars seen by the people at Lanka(i.e.,on the equator)as moving exactly towards the west.”  Because of what he saw and understood,he made a very accurate calendar-a great help to South Asians.All kinds of activities,from farming to religion to warfare,depended on knowing exactly what time of the year it was,or in other words,where the earth was in its yearly path around the sun.

  • 英語の質問です!!

    Watching TV, Satsuki learned that more than 40 years have passed since human beings landed on the moon. She was surprised that humana had gone into outer space so long ago. (2)(She did an Internet search so as to learn more about it), and read some articles on the moon landings. On July 20 1969, the first moon landing was achieved by U.S. astronauts Neil Aemstrong and Buzz Aldrin. The U.S. in the 60's was putting all its energies into the Apollo Program, a human moon-landing project, and the astronauts reached the moon aboard Apollo 11. Following this, five other Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon by 1972. Among the articles about human efforts to land on the moon, Satsuki found one referring to the Apollo 13 accident. Apollo 13 was launched on April 11 1970, and on the way to the moon, one of its oxygen tanks exploded. There was not enough oxygen left to do research on the moon. For fear that they would run out of oxygen, the crew decided to abandon the landing. The space ship circled around the moon and then returned safely to Earth. If the crew had not judged the situation calmly, tha result would have been a terrible accident. Satsuki was deeply moved by this story. From it she learned that even if something had happens we should stay calm and have the courage to give up something important instead of being reckless. (1)(2)を次のように書き換えるとき、空所に入る語を書きなさい。 She did an Internet search (    )(    ) she could learn more about it. (2)1969年から1972年までに、アポロは何回月面着陸したと書かれているか。 (3)アポロ13号の事故とは具体的にはどのような事故だったか。日本語で説明しなさい。 次のa~eについて本文の内容にあうものは○、間違ってるものには×を書け。 a.Humans achieved the first moon landing more than 60 years ago. b.Neils Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to land on the moon. c.The apollo 13 accident occurred on the way back to Earth. d.The crew of Apollo 13 had to change thier plans because of an accident. e.Satsuki thought we need to have the courage to be reckless sometimes. お願いします!!

  • 翻訳をたすけてください

    The CD offers information on single ply systems, maintenance and repair situations, and steep slope roofs. It is also a way for the contractor to differentiate his/her company by educating customers on why it is so important to choose a quality roof system and professional installer. この文章なんですが2文目のIt is~installer.までの部分がどれがどこにかかっているのかさっぱりわかりません。Itはひょっとして前の分のThe CDのことなんだろうか?と迷っています。ぜひ2文目の翻訳を助けてください。

  • 英文和訳

    so intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are people who speak it and use it as native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. 質問部分 最後の部分greatness is only that given to it by these people.のitがなにを示しているのかがわかりません。 ちなみに参考書の和訳にはこういった人々によって与えられる偉大さにほかならない。と書かれています。 よろしくお願いします