• 締切済み




had he fancied a pizza =if he had fancied a pizza can't help ~ing「~せざるを得ない」 もし彼がピザを思い描いていたならば、どうなっていただろうか、 と思わざるを得ない。



回答ありがとうございますm(__)m! 理解できました!!(嬉) わからないもやもや解消できました(^^)


  • 文法解説

    ケビンがいなかったら、私たちはその試合に負けていたかもしれない。 (Kevin, for, had, not, it, been), we might have lost the game. 答え(Had it not been for Kevin), we might have lost the game. なぜHadが先頭? itは何を指してる? had not been forの意味は? 回答おねがいします。

  • 仮定法について

    If he had been a little more careful,the accident could have been avoided. He did what he had been told;otherwise he would have been scolded. の二文で後半のhaveの後にbeenが入ってるのって何でですか? 仮定法過去完了の場合、助動詞の過去+have p.p.ですよね? could have avoidedとwould have scoldedでは何でダメなんですか?

  • 和訳お願いします

    While other workers left their offices each evening to go home to a good dinner、Jeff Coe’s mind was on the thousands of people in his city who weren't so fortunate. For a year he had been in the habit of going to the square in front of the city hall to join member of the charity organisation Help the Hungry,where he customers:the homeless,old people dependent on inadequate pensions,drug addicts who had used all their money to buy cocaine. It was tiring,unpaid work,but rewarding in other ways. However the city government was not as appreciative as he might have hope. Several time Help the Hungry had been warned that it was against the law to serve food without a licence. "The licensing system is to protect citizens," mayor Ramos explained when asked why he had criticised the charity."Even if the food is free we have to have controls to ensure health standards are maintained." Aware of the regulation,Help the Hungry had applied twice for a licence but been turned down. Since they were cooking outside with simple equipment there seemed to be doubts about hygiene. Moreover hundreds of people applied for food licences every year,including hamburg stands and pizza sellers,and only some could be accepted.

  • 英訳教えてください

    英訳教えてください 1彼がもっと忍耐強ければ、きっと成功しただろうに If he had been (    ) patient , he might have succeeded. 2彼の振る舞いを見ていれば、彼は頭がおかしくなったのだと思っただろう If I had seen his behavior, I would have thought he (   ) crazy. 3風が強くなかったら、ピクニックはどんなに楽しかっただろうか If it hadn't been(        ),how (     )the picnic would have been! 4英語が話せたら、君の通訳をつとめたのだが If I (     )English , I would have acted as an interpreter (   ) you. 5バイクがあれば、暗くなる前にそこに着けたのに If (         )a bike, I could have reached there before it got dark. 6君がそこにいれば、あの有名な女優を見ることができたのに If you (   ) there,you could have seen that famous actress. よろしくお願いします

  • have been と had been

    (怪我をしていなければ)良い選手になれたかもしれない He could have been a good player. → 現役の選手(成績イマイチ) He could had been a good player. → 既に引退している (私が誠実だったら)あなたをもっと愛せたかもしれない I could have loved you more. → 現在も付き合っている I could had loved you more. → 既に別れている・亡くなっている という解釈で合っていますか? could/would have been は現在形に近く、 could/would had been は一種の過去形と考えていいのでしょうか?

  • mightをどう訳したらいいですか

    What might you have to ask a strenger to help you with ? mightの訳として、「可能性」なら、「何を尋ねなければならないかもしれませんか?」となって、日本語として不自然です。 「許可」なら、どう訳したらいいですか?また、なぜmayではだめなのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 意味の違い教えてください

    意味の違いがわかるように和訳をお願いします 1-1 I hope you are strong and healthy. 1-2 I wish you were strong and healty. 2-1 If you help him,he will be happy. 2-2 If you had helped him , he would have been happy. 3-1 If he had started yesterday, he would be in time. 3-2 If he had started yesterday, he' have been in time. 4-1 Two more days would be enough for the work. 4-2 In another week, I would have been back at home. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳

    1:Not having finished his work,the clerk couldn't go to the party. 2:Left to himself, John might have been at a loss what to do. 3:There being no bus service, I had to walk home. 4:I don't like being told what to do. 和訳をお願いします

  • 英語の和訳

    1:Miki and her family must be out of town. I have called several times,but there is no answer. 2:This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house. It must have been brokenduring shipping. 3:He can't be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the strike. 4:I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning. You couldn't have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. 5:Jim had a skiing accident,but he's all right. He's lucky,because he could have hurt himself badly. 6:This is a very important meeting. You ought not to miss it.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    One Saturday Tom takes Jiro to a food court for lunch. A:Wow! What a big place! You can find almost anything here, can't you? B:Yeah. But you're probably going to order a hamburger, aren't you? A:Just a minute.Yeah, I'll have a hamburger, two pieces of pizza, a tuna sandwiches and strawberry ice cream. B:Hey! Take it easy! You're not going to have all that for lunch, are you? A:Yeah. Maybe you're right. I'll just have two cheeseburgers, two pieces of pizza and a banana split. B:You'll get fat if you eat like that. In fact, you'll get fatter and fatter and won't be able to get into the plane when you have to go back to Japan. A:OK,OK! Just one cheeseburger with French fries, a hot dog with ketchup and mustard and a large cola float. Of course, everything was much larger than in Japan. The cheeseburger was almost bigger than the plate, the hot dog was a foot long, and the cola float was a giant. A was able to finish everything, but he didn't want any dinner that evening. The next time he didn't order so much. He didn't want to become the fattest boy in New York.