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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳おねがいします!(ebay編))




簡単にいえば1500ドル+輸送量払ったら送るよ。ということです。 えっ?やばくないですか?1500ドルになってますよ!!一応全訳しときますね。 (訳)やあ わたしはあなたの1500アメリカドルの申し出を知りました。あなたが1500ドル+日本までの輸送費の合計費用を私がつくったオークションのチェックアウトで分割払いすれば、私は(あなたの要求を)受け入れます。 ありがとう。 私ができるのはここまでです。お役にたてずにすいません・・・・。



相手から変な金額で送ってしまったとメールきました。 自分全然気がつきませんでした! ご丁寧にご回答いただき、ありがとうございます。


  • 英訳(長文です)お願いします(eBay編)

    アメリカのeBayで欲しいベース(楽器)を見つけました。 日本への発送の可否の確認とちょっと予算オーバーだったので値引き交渉をしようと 以下のような文章を送りました。 ===================================== Hello. I am interested in your bass. How much for shipping to Japan? And could you please give me a discount? ===================================== そしたら以下のようなメールが立て続けに来たのですが・・・ 長文でちょっとわからず・・・。たぶんFedExだとこのぐらいでUSPSだとこのぐらいで うんたらかんたら~って感じだと思うのですが。 あと値引きの可否がどうなのかも良くわからず・・・。 どなたか訳していただくことはできませんでしょうか? ===================================== Hi. Thank you for your interest. I sincerely do not know how much it would be to ship to Japan. I can try to get an estimate only, but I will not know until I take the bass in the case and box to FedEx or UPS. That is why if you want the bass I suggest you purchase it knowing you'd have to spend a few hundred dollars in shipping, which you'd have to pay separately. To Japan it would not surprise me if it were in the $200-$400 range. I will try to get an estimate though. The starting bid is already below my break-even. The Buy-It-Now price is barely above it, so I cannot go below what it already is. Thanks again - ===================================== OK, based on the following dimensions: Weight: 25 lbs (11.4 kg) Length: 51 inches (129.54 cm) Height: 17 inches (43.18 cm) Width: 7 inches (17.79 cm) the FedEx website is quoting $435 for International Economy and $505 for International Priority. UPS' prices are similar: UPS Worldwide Expedited is $443 while Worldwide Saver is $514 (makes no sense). I prefer FedEx anyway. Keep in mind that they will require me to submit an Invoice/Receipt (showing value), Shipper's Export Declaration and Certificate of Origin. If these prices are acceptable to you, you can go ahead and make the purchase adding either $435 or $505 to the total for shipping with the understanding that (1) these are only quotes based on shipping today and if they end up charging me more that $20 for shipping than was quoted (and you paid) you promise to submit a second payment for the difference, and (2) that you also understand I have to declare the actual value/purchase price of the bass and that you will probably have to pay import duties (I do not know the laws in Japan, so I only assume you will have to, and if you do, I have an idea how much). Let me know what you think. Either way thanks for your interest, ===================================== Hello again. More info for you to consider: I went to a nearby FedEx store, and given the dimensions, the price was a little better: $420 for International Economy. This price includes insurance for the value of the bass. Without insurance, the price is $361. It could still change slightly if the dimensions or weight are different, but no unlikely. I would still ask to get a separate payment if the difference is greater than $20. Likewise, if I get charged an amount cheaper by >$20 as quoted, I will reimburse the difference. If you want the bass and want to save some $$, then the option to ship without insurance (loss or damage) is yours, but it would be a risk I would not take or recommend; again, the choice and risk are yours. Let me know - =====================================

  • 英訳をお願いします

    I've seen the invoice although is still asking to pay 48$. The total amount of the blades should be 24$ and not 48$. Is it possible for you to change it?

  • 英文を和訳してください。至急返事をしなくてはなりません。

    以下の英文を和訳してください。 至急でお願いできないでしょうか? 「Hello,Am Mr John from USA i am interested in your item that you have for sale it's urgently needed for my Wife who was sent to West Africa for assignment i will offer you $1,500USD including the shipping fee via EMS i will pay you via Bank to Bank transfer kindly get back to me.(****@hotmail.co.uk).Thanks」

  • オークションを出品中にきたメールです。詐欺でしょうか?

    以下のメールがヤフオク出品中に質問されてきました。 詐欺っぽいのですがどうでしょう・ 商品を郵送し、自分が受け取ったら振り込むと書かれています。 あと、3年前の中古PCを出品しているのですが、1500ドルというのも高額すぎると思います。皆さんのご意見を聞かせてください。  「Hello,Am Mr John from USA i am interested in your item that you have for sale it's urgently needed for my Wife who was sent to West Africa for assignment i will offer you $1,500USD including the shipping fee via EMS i will pay you via Bank to Bank transfer kindly get back to me.(*********@hotmail.co.uk).Thanks」

  • 和訳をお願いします

    As I was about to pay, it first seem to show free shipping, then it switched to 14$. Any chance you can offer free shipping on this item given my two recent orders.

  • ebayでの買い物でどなたか英訳をお願いします。

    ebayで買い物をしていて、値引き交渉をしています。 そしたら以下のようなめーるがきました。 最初は自分が300ドルと3000ドルを間違えたということだと思うのです、 それ以降がさっぱりで‥ どなたか日本語にしていただけませんでしょうか。 ------------------------------------ I can only assume that the $300 dollars is a typing error and you mean $3000. I would do $2500 for the bass and $500 for the shipping for a total of $3000 US dollars. I would send you my banking wire transfer information and once I receive the money I will ship the bass UPS with full insurance and tracking information. The bass is in perfect brand new condition I have only played it for less then 2 hours since I purchased it new. I have over 40 basses and guitars just trying sell some of them check out my other listing I have some interesting custom guitars up for sale right now, with more going up for sale in the future. Let me know. ------------------------------- よろしくお願いします。

  • 詳しい方、翻訳をお願いいたします。

    ebayで出品し落札され、商品をフランスへ送りました。(商品は万年筆です) その後、以下のようなメールが届きました。 お手数ですが、翻訳をお願いいたします。 Hi Sir, I received only yesterday your Pilot pen. This is not really your fault as you sent it quickly, I guess. The problem is rather with the carrier company you choosed. Here in France, it arrived with Chronopost company which asked me 23 U$ for the custom tax. I agree with that as Japan is not in the CEE. But they charged me 30 more U$ for presenting the parcel to the custom. The pen costed me 92 USD (auction) + 15 USD (post) + 23 USD (custom) + 30 USD (additional fee) = 160 USD ! I'm not OK with the 30 USD that I should not have to pay if you choosed another carrier company. Do you think you could something for me (the problem is that I bought this pen from you for my girld friend who intends to offer it to her brother and the final price does not match what I told her) ? Thanks in advance. Laurent Pironneau PS I think you can ask for a refund to the shipping company as they were quite slow : sent 25/11, received : 7/12

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    To save us both a lot of time and trouble I will pay the shipping to return the razor to you and ask for a refund of $410USD to my Paypal account. You can keep the other $54USD to cover your time for shipping and handling.

  • すみません。以下翻訳お願いします。

    I always ship via Fedex. Shipping to Japan is not cheap. Anyhow, you can get this with 119 USD including shipping fee. Thanks 翻訳ソフトで翻訳すると、送料と商品代金 トータルで119$で OKです と言っているのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • ebay(セラーとのやりとり)

    こんばんは。 ebayで28ドルのぬいぐるみを落札しました。セラーから『日本までの送料を見積もってください。』との事だったので、『送料を調べるので、荷物の重さを教えてください。』と返信すると Hi and thanks! That's it...$28 plus whatever shipping is. And lol...maybe add a little more because I always get killed with overseas shipping. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the little guy.---Ted とメールが返ってきました。翻訳してもいまいち意味がわかりません。どういった意味なのか教えていただきたいのですが、よろしくお願い致します。