Understanding Weather and its Effects

  • Weather is the result of the interaction of temperature, pressure, and humidity.
  • It refers to specific atmospheric conditions at a particular time and place.
  • Heating air causes its molecules to move faster.
  • ベストアンサー


(a) Weather can be (1.imagined 2.thought 3.considered 4.supposed) as the result of the interaction of three factors: temperature,pressure, and humidity. (b) Weather (1.is referred to 2.refers to 3.is referred to as 4.is referenced as) specific atmospheric conditions at a/an (1.particular 2.ordinary 3.special 4.usual) time and place. (c) When air is heated its (1.atoms 2.molecules 3.nuclei 4.particles) move faster. (d) The humman body is (1.made up of 2.consisting of 3.comprised of 4.composing) many parts, all working together in a (1.combined 2.concentrated 3.united 4.unified) whole. (e) The biological study of organisms such as plants and animals(1.proportion 2.correlation 3.particular 4.relation) to their environment and to other organisims is called (1.ecology 2.economy 3.etymology 4.physiology). (f)Petroleum is believed to be a material(1.immersed in 2.resulting from 3.occurring from 4.yielding from) the partial(1.decomposition 2.composition 3.combination 4.fission) of marine animal and vegetable organisms. これの( )内に適切なものを教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • inopy7426
  • ベストアンサー率57% (143/247)

a 3 b 2 / 1 *be referred to as=be called c 2 分子    d 1 / 1 *consist of は進行形にできない e 4 / 1 f 4 / 1


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    できるだけ、極端な意訳はなしで訳していただけると助かります。 スペルには注意しましたが、もしあったらすみません。 お願い致します。  Weather forecasting is the science of predicting what the weather will be like―weather we can expect rain, snow or sunny day. In japan, it goes back over 100 years. The first public weather forecast was posted in police boxes in Tokyo on June 1, 1884. Today, the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) is largely responsible for weather prediction.  Weather forecasting is a very complicated process, involving short‐range and long‐range forecasts. This is accomplished by collecting data on such factors as wind speed, water vapor and atmospheric pressure. These data are gathered mainly from satellites and from meteorological centers around the world. The data is then studied and processed and sent to local areas in the form of forecasts. Most weather forecasting these days is computerized.  Weather prediction is obviously vital for the economy. Farmers, airplane pilots, ship captains, fisherman all have to know what kind of weather to expect in order to do their jobs and make their contributions to the economy.  Whether forecasting is a service industry, which means that it does not sell a product, as department stores do, but gives out information and knowledge. It does the same type of thing that an engineering consulting firm does, for example.  Weather forecasting is undergoing many changes in Japan. In 1994, special tests for people who want to be weather forecasters were introduced. On May 18, 1995, the Japanese government liberalized the field, which means that private companies can now engage in weather forecasting. While the JMA is still largely responsible for Japan´s weather forecasting, more and more private companies are entering this new business, which can be very profitable. Foe example, one company specializes in providing data to private individuals such as golfers and tourists. For a certain fee, customers can call up and get information over the telephone on what the weather will be like.  The main difference between JMA and private companies is that, as a rule, private companies specialize in predicting weather in very small areas, such as around a golf course, or at the site of a soccer game, whereas the JMA looks after far larger areas. In other words, private companies concentrate on areas that are of interest to more specialized groups.  以上です。

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    この英文のわかる方、教えてください。 インターネットの翻訳サイトで翻訳しても不自然な英訳なのでわかりません。 どなたか英訳のできる方、ご助力いただければ幸いです。 The MIT License Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    A Flandernstellung (Flanders Position) from the Belgian coast, along Passchendaele Ridge and behind the Messines salient, to the defences of Lille, the Wotanstellung (Wotan Position, known as the Drocourt-Quéant Line to the British) from Lille to Sailly, was to be built behind the battlefields of 1915 at Loos, Vimy and Arras and the 1916 battlefield of the Somme. The Siegfriedstellung (Siegfried Position, known to the British as the Hindenburg Line) was to be built across the base of the Noyon Salient, from Neuville Vitasse near Arras, through St. Quentin and Laon, the Aisne east of Soissons to Cerny en Laonnois on the Chemin des Dames ridge. The Hundingstellung (Hunding Position) was to run from Péronne to Etain, north-east of Verdun behind the Champagne battlefields of 1915. The Michelstellung (Michel Position) was to cover Etain to Pont-à-Mousson behind the St. Mihiel Salient.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 One of the most interesting and yet underexamined processes in bulimia is the acquisition of bulimic behavior, particularly binge eating. The few studies that have looked at this problem have focused almost exclusively on particular social groups, for example, dance camps and athletic teams. This focus is not an accident. I wish to argue that social groups are at the very heart of the issue of symptom acquisition. Symptoms are spread from one member to another in these groups, and group membership is at the heart of the transmission. Groups that are most likely to transmit the symptoms of bulimia, most notably binge eating, are groups that are made up almost entirely of women of the same age. This includes dance camps and athletic teams as well as sororities, all-women dormitories, or workplaces comprising mostly women. Social groups are important to us. They serve to tell us who we are, what to think, and how to behave. The more we value the social group, the more we are willing to be influenced by it. The power of a group may be measured by the attractiveness of the group for its members, lf a person wants to stay in a group, he will be susceptible to influences coming from the group, and he will be willing to conform to the rules which the group sets up."

  • 次の英文を翻訳ソフトを使わないで,訳してください。

     The weather is probably one of the things we talk about the most. Everybody is a weather forecaster. The scientist who predict the weather are called meteorologists. They are now quite accurate about forecasting the weather over the next few days, but are less accurate over the next few weeks or months. Data from observation stations, ships, airplanes, weather balloons and satellites from all around the world are used by meteorologists to produce weather maps called “synoptic charts”. These are used to predict the weather. A typical synoptic chart is shown below. The lines on the map, called “isobars”, join places with the same air pressure. Winds blow from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure.  The equator is the part of the Earth that receives the most energy from the sun. The areas around the North and South Poles receive less energy from the sun. They also reflect a lot of the energy back into space, because they are covered by white snow and ice. So areas around the equator are hot and those around the poles are a lot colder. Nature tries to balance this difference in temperature, so energy in the form of heat is transferred from the equator to the poles by winds and ocean currents. This is what causes our weather. Factors that affect the weather include the location of land masses, the seasons, and the rotation of the Earth on its axis, which causes winds to be deflected. Climate is the description of the weather over the whole year.  Even in the modern world and with all our technology, we are still at the mercy of the weather. Typhoons, which occur in the western North Pacific Ocean, are very strong tropical storms that can cause enormous damage. To be called a typhoon, a storm must have winds of at least 120 kilometers per hour, but often winds over 200 kilometers per hour are produced. This same type of storm is called a hurricane in the North Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, and a cyclone in the Indian and western South Pacific Ocean. Warm seas are needed to create a typhoon. As the warm, moist air above the ocean rises, clouds of water vapor form, releasing heat energy and causing the air to rise even faster. More air rushes in at sea level and this air rises as well. This causes very strong winds and very heavy rain. To keep the storm going, the air at the top of the storm has to be blown away from it. The center of the storm is very calm and is called the “eye” of the storm.  On September 8, 1900 the city of Galveston in Texas was hit by one of the worst hurricanes of the 20th century. It was unexpected, and completely destroyed the city, killing more than 8,000 people. We now use satellites to track typhoons and predict their path. We generally have at least 24 hours’ warning of the arrival of a typhoon. So while we can’t control the weather, we are now better prepared for it than ever before. 【語句】 predict 「予測する」 observation station 「観測所」 isobar 「等圧線」 reflect 「反射する」  affect 「影響を及ぼす」 description 「説明」 typhoon 「台風」 hurricane 「ハリケーン」  Caribbean Sea 「カリブ海」(大西洋の付属海で,中米と南米大陸北岸,西インド諸島に囲まれた海域。北西部のユタカン海峡からメキシコ湾(Gulf of Mexico)に通じる。) cyclone 「サイクロン」

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。

    Scientific investigation is not only used to advance science - sometimes scientific procedures are used to investigate a crime or to provide evidence in a criminal trial. This application of scientific methods for legal use is the fast-growing area known as "forensics." For example, when DNA, blood, a fingerprint, hair, or other tissue is found at a crime scene, investigators can often match the sample to the person from whom it came. Now we have learned that DNA samples that are found at the crime scene may be able to give us information about a person's eye color. As exciting as this development is, we should keep in mind that matching DNA from a sample to a suspect is still not very accurate. In fact, the most important use of DNA samples may be to eliminate people from suspicion. It is not possible to state with nearly 100% certainty that a particular DNA sample is from a particular person. However, it is possible to state with certainly that a particular sample did not come from a particular person. In recent years many people who were wrongly convicted of crimes have been cleared because their DNA was completely different from DNA found at the scene. Forensic medicine is very important, but it must be used very carefully. Nobody should be convicted of a crime based solely on DNA evidence.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    II Corps resumed operations to capture Nonne Bosschen, Glencorse Wood and Inverness Copse around the Menin Road on 22–24 August, which failed and were costly to both sides. Gough laid down a new infantry formation of skirmish lines to be followed by "worms" on 24 August. Cavan noted that pill-box defences required broad front attacks, so as to engage them simultaneously. The British general offensive intended for 25 August, was delayed because of the failure of previous attacks to hold ground, following the Battle of Langemarck and then postponed due to more bad weather. Attacks on 27 August were minor operations, which were costly and inconclusive. Haig called a halt to operations amidst tempestuous weather. In Field Marshal Earl Haig (1929), Brigadier-General John Charteris, the BEF Chief of Intelligence from 1915 to 1918, wrote that Careful investigation of records of more than eighty years showed that in Flanders the weather broke early each August with the regularity of the Indian monsoon. — Charteris which was quoted by Lloyd George (1934), Liddell Hart (1934) and Leon Wolff (1959). In a 1997 essay, John Hussey called the passage by Charteris "baffling". The BEF had set up a Meteorological Section under Ernest Gold in 1915, which by the end of 1917 had 16 officers and 82 men. The section predicted the warm weather and thunderstorms of 7–14 June and in a letter of 17 January 1958, Gold wrote that the facts of Flanders climate contradicted the claim made by Charteris in 1929. In 1989, Philip Griffiths examined August weather for the thirty years before 1916 and found that, ...there is no reason to suggest that the weather broke early in the month with any regularity. — Griffith From 1901–1916, records from a weather station at Cap Gris Nez showed that 65 percent of August days were dry and that from 1913–1916, there were 26, 23, 23 and 21 rainless days and monthly rainfall of 17, 28, 22 and 96 mm (0.67, 1.10, 0.87 and 3.78 in), ...during the summers preceding the Flanders campaign August days were more often dry than wet.

  • referred to asについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 The well-known legal firm of Peterson, Wong,and Lundgren, Inc., is commonly referred to as PML. referred to as PMLのasの品詞は何なのでしょうか? referred to のtoが前置詞だと思いますのでasは前置詞ではないと思いますがasの後ろに名詞がきており、わからなくまりました。 ご指導のほど何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • 英文契約書のparty/partiesの和訳について教えてください

    以下は3社間の英文契約書の抜粋です。 partyとpartiesをどのように訳し分ければよいでしょうか? A, B, and C may be individually referred to herein as a Party or Company and collectively referred to as the Parties or the Companies. 恐れ入りますが、どなたかお助けください。

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    下記にあるTo broker a deal is to communicate with both the buyer and seller as to acceptable price on anything sold or purchasedの意味を教えてください。 "A brokerage is a firm that acts as an intermediary between a purchaser and a seller. More commonly, a brokerage is referred to as a brokerage firm. To broker a deal is to communicate with both the buyer and seller as to acceptable price on anything sold or purchased. "