
  • 高校2年の教科書の文章には、子供が友達の家を褒めることが親を不快にさせ、子供が親の存在を避ける結果になるという内容が含まれています。
  • 子供の親に対する失望は避けられないものであり、それによって子供は親の信頼性を疑い、自己判断力を養い始めます。
  • 子供は、親が間違いを認めたり、公平さを守る姿勢を見せることに敬意を払います。しかし、親がそれを拒否すると子供は許し難く思います。
  • ベストアンサー


高校2年の教科書の文章です。長文ですみません。意味などわからないことが沢山あります。よろしくお願いします。 (1) Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a strong disapproval of their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. (2) They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or try to find fault with the friends' parents. (3) Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behavior on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and makes them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit. (4) Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, but they seldom realize that they have caused this themselves. (5) Disappointment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and individuals, is to some degree inevitable. (6) Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that it can hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. (7) Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they realized how much belief their children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child. (8) If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it. (9) The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects a parent who admits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust. (10) What the child cannot forgive is the parents' refusal to admit these accusations if the child knows them to be true. (質問1) (3)で、shocks とmakesの主語は、a loss of dignity and descentだと思いますが、   なぜ単数で受けているのでしょうか。 (6)で、hopeの主語は通常、「人」ではないでしょうか。このような使い方は正しいのでしょうか。 あるいは、it can hardly hope for them to stand up to a realistic evaluation の for them の省略形でしょうか。 「彼らが、現実の評価に立ち向かうことは、望むことはできない。」となるのでしょうか。 文章の意味・いいたいことがよくわかりません。 themが子供達なら、子供たちは、親を信頼しているので、現実の評価に立ち向かって ゆくのではないのでしょうか。 themが親なら、親が現実の評価に立ち向かうことができないのは、ごく当たり前だから、 わざわざここで述べる必要もないのではないでしょうか。 (7)で、infallibilityとは、辞書には、絶対確実とありますが、信念と訳せばよいのでしょうか。 (9)で、代名詞の使い方ですが、his passionは子供の熱意だと思いますが、   he is wrong のheは、a parentでしょうか。   ひとつの文章にあるheが指すものが前後で変わることがあるのでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(3)Such a loss of dignity and descent into ... A and B が、同時に起こると考えられる時は、単数扱いになることがあります。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Slow and steady wins the race. 等のことわざでも見かけます。 (6)hope が必ずしも、人を主語にしていない例は見つかります。 次の辞書で "it hopes to"で検索すると、 http://eow.alc.co.jp/it+hopes+to/UTF-8/ に示された様な用例が出てきます。 また、"it can hardly hope to" で、Google 検索すると、この質問文を含めて、けっこうたくさん用例に出会えます。一部を紹介します。和訳は、拙訳です。 * No cultural history has yet done justice to this fundamental state of affairs, and it can hardly hope to do so. いかなる文化史もまだこの基本的な状況を正当に取扱ったことはありませんし、それ(文化史)が、そうすること(正当に取り扱うこと)をほとんど望むことはできません。 * If India cannot take a free stand on Iran, it can hardly hope to claim an independent foreign policy. インドがイランに対して自由な立場をとることができないならば、それ(インド)は独立した外交政策を主張することをほとんど望むことができません。 * And Iran keeps threatening to wipe Israel off the map, which it can hardly hope to do without nuclear arms, そして、イランはイスラエルを地図上から抹消すると脅迫し続けています、そしてそのこと(イスラエルを地図から抹消すること)を、それ(イラン)は核兵器を使わずに行うことはほとんど望むことができません、 ちなみに、質問の文では、it = a high ideal of their parents を指しているように思います。「親に対する高い理想が、現実の評価にほとんど耐えることを望めない」ではないでしょうか? (7)infallibility 少し難しい日本語ですが、「無謬性(少しの誤りもないこと)」等の訳語が適当ではないかと思います。 <参考> http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/infallibility (9)おっしゃる通りです。文脈から判断が付く場合には、このように、人称代名詞が、受けている名詞が、違うこともあります。 ★ <参考> 以下にこの文の和訳があります。 http://homepage2.nifty.com/masako-taki-1272/eibun-seisyun-01.htm



saysheさま 例文の引用まで、親切に有難うございます。

その他の回答 (2)


(3)で、shocks とmakesの主語は、a loss of dignity and descentだと思いますが、   なぜ単数で受けているのでしょうか。 ★主語はdignity and descentの複数ではなくa lossの単数だからです。 (6)で、hopeの主語は通常、「人」ではないでしょうか。このような使い方は正しいのでしょうか。 辞書にもhopeは「人が主語」になると書いてありますが、現実には物が主語になっている例もいくつか見られます。擬人法的な使われ方だと思います。 ★to stand up to a realistic evaluationはhopeの目的語なので、形式主語構文ととらえることはできません。for themを入れたとしてもそれはstand upするのがthemということであって、あくまでもhopeの主語はit(=a high ideal of their parents)です。そしてstand upするのもitなのでfor themの省略と言うことはないです。 (7)で、infallibilityとは、辞書には、絶対確実とありますが、信念と訳せばよいのでしょうか。 ★ここは難しいところです。infallibilityとandで結ばれているの直前のcharacterではなく、belief です。A and BのA,Bは同じような語を結ぶことが多いです。ここはどちらも「信念」というような意味ですのでまとめて1つの訳でいいと思います(infallibilityには宗教的な意味合いがあるようなので日本語になじみません) (9)で、代名詞の使い方ですが、his passionは子供の熱意だと思いますが、   he is wrong のheは、a parentでしょうか。   ひとつの文章にあるheが指すものが前後で変わることがあるのでしょうか。 ★heの前にa parentが出てきているので、指すものが変わっても問題ないと思います。

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

教科書にこんな文章が載っているとは! 私にはひっくり返りそうなくらいに難解です。 (3) 普通は A and B shock ... ですが、この文の場合、and 以下がその前の a loss of dignity を言い換えた (説明した) ものになっているように見えます。このような場合、主語を単数とみなすこともあるのではないかと思われます。つまり、and の前後に表現されていることが、「同一の対象物」 である、というところから shocks という形を取ったのではないか、と思います。まるで別物であれば、当然に shock という形になるはずです。 (6) これも悩ましい部分ですが、 it can hardly hope = it is hard to hope のようなものではないかと思います。だから、it は仮主語で、ある状況を表している。なお、stand up to ... は、私は 「評価に立ち向かう」 というより 「評価に耐える」 という意味ではないかと思います。「そういうことだったら、現実問題として評価の対象にできない」 (7) infallibility は infallible という語の名詞形ですが、infallible は incapable erring とか certain という意味があります。要するに 「ブレない」 ってことでしょうか。「信念」 でもいいと思います。 (9) 私もその he は a parent だと思います。必要に応じて代名詞の指し示すものが変ることはあると思います。



bakanskyさま ありがとうございます。よくわかりました。


  • 高校2年の英語の教科書の文章です

    高校2年の教科書の文章です。原典は、John Bowlbyの「Maternal care and mental health」です。 http://whqlibdoc.who.int/bulletin/1951/Vol3/Vol3-No3/bulletin_1951_3(3)_415-533.pdf の419ページあたりです。 The attachment of children to parents who by all ordinary standards are very bad is a never-ceasing source of wonder to those who seek to help them. Even when they are with kindly foster parents these children feel their roots to be in the homes where, perhaps, they have been neglectec and ill-treated, and keenly resent criticisms directed against their parents. Efforts made to 'save' the child from his bad surroundings and to give him new standards are commonly of no avail since it is his own parents who, for good or ill, he values and with whom he is identified. (This is a fact of critical importance when considering how best to help children who are living in intolerable home conditions). These sentiments are not surprising when it is remembered that, despite much neglect, one or other parent has almost always and in countless ways been kind to him from the day of his birth onwards, and, however much the outsider sees to criticize, the child sees much to be grateful for. At least his parents have cared for him after a fashion all his life, and not until someone else has shown herself equally or more dependable has he reason to trust her. 4番目の文章までは、大体「どのような環境で育っても、子供にとって実の親への愛情が あるので、悪い環境から子供を救おうとしても無駄だ」という意味だろうと思います。 5番目の文章から構文が判りません。 1) Theseはなにをさしているのでしょうか。前文でしたら、( )内でThis で受けているので、 Thisになるのではないでしょうか。 2) surprising は他動詞なのに目的語が見当たりません。 3) 前文までは、生みの親に無視されて育った子供の話ですが、急に生まれたときから 可愛がってきた親の話に変わっていて、つながりがよくわかりません。 4) despite much neglectとparent has been kind to him from the day of his birth onwards  の関係がわかりません。 6番目の文章も構文が判りません。 5) all his life の名詞句の位置づけがわかりません(S,O,C)。 6) herself はなにを指しているのでしょうか。 7) 最後の has he reason to trust her がまるでわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を教えてください(かなり長文です)(4)

    Why Chinese Mothers Are Superiorという記事です。日本語訳教えてください。お願いします。 If the child comes home with a B on the test, some Western parents will still praise the child. Other Western parents will sit their child down and express disapproval, but they will be careful not to make their child feel inadequate or insecure, and they will not call their child "stupid," "worthless" or "a disgrace." Privately, the Western parents may worry that their child does not test well or have aptitude in the subject or that there is something wrong with the curriculum and possibly the whole school. If the child's grades do not improve, they may eventually schedule a meeting with the school principal to challenge the way the subject is being taught or to call into question the teacher's credentials. If a Chinese child gets a B—which would never happen—there would first be a screaming, hair-tearing explosion. The devastated Chinese mother would then get dozens, maybe hundreds of practice tests and work through them with her child for as long as it takes to get the grade up to an A. Chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that their child can get them. If their child doesn't get them, the Chinese parent assumes it's because the child didn't work hard enough. That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child. The Chinese parent believes that their child will be strong enough to take the shaming and to improve from it. (And when Chinese kids do excel, there is plenty of ego-inflating parental praise lavished in the privacy of the home.) Second, Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything. The reason for this is a little unclear, but it's probably a combination of Confucian filial piety and the fact that the parents have sacrificed and done so much for their children.

  • 英語の和訳

    They need to remember that nobody does it alone, and that single parents use social networks. There is no denying the difficulties of single-parent home. With the support from friends, single parents and their children can reap the satisfying rewards of watching their children grow up to be happy and healthy. 英文の和訳をお願いします。

  • 英語添削お願いします。(TOEFL-IBT)

    文法など至らない点が多く申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。 問:What do you think is the best parents? 解答: Children can’t choose their parents. In my case, I’m proud of my parents and I think I’m happy to be their child. What makes parents the best one depends on some reasons. I’ll explain them one by one. First, the best parents must have the ability to wait and see. To think of myself, it is natural that children can’t deal with the problem well at first. And in many cases, if they have enough time to try it again and again, they will surely make it. However, if their parents make them stop tackling the problem and help them, children will fail to accomplish their goals and lose their confidence. For example, when I was in my elementary school, my teacher gave me a lot of homework. I tried so hard to do it, but sometimes it was too difficult for me. I begged my mother for some help, but she refused it and said that she believed me that I could do it by myself. I didn’t understand what she said, and I felt she was not the best mother. Anyway, finally I did it and I was so proud of myself and felt I could do everything from now on. However, if my mother helped me at that time, I just finished my homework without getting confidence. Second, the best parents will give many experience to their children, for example, sports, traveling, and working. This is because what children have learned in their childhood will give them many choices of the future plans. If a father plays baseball with his boy, it can happen that the boy wishes he will be a baseball player. For example, my parents gave me the great experience with dogs and now I became a veterinary student. So, it is very important that the parents make their children experience many things to make their future shine. To sum up, the best parents should know children don’t belong to them. By thinking this way, they can wait and see how their children are doing, and do the best things in order to make their future soundful.

  • 高校1年の英語の教科書にある文章です。

    高校1年の英語の教科書にある文章です。 In the same year, however, Joseph Lister applied Semmelweis' ideas to open wounded caused by accidents or surgery, and this saved many more lives. Lister said of Semmelweis: "I think with the greatest admiration of him and his achievement and it fills me with joy that at last he is given the respect due to him." Today of course everyone accepts that doctors and hospitals must be super-clean. But there's another lesson to be learned from the story, Semmelweis taught us how to conduct scientific research in medicine. He carefully listed possible causes, and tested them one by one against known facts and carefully-planned experiments. Clear thinking and a systematic approach led him past confusion, ignorance and prejudice to the true killer of thousands of women. Imagine his surprise, though, when he found that the killer had been - himself. 1.3行目の said of は辞書にないのですが、talk of ではないでしょうか。 2.think of の訳は 彼と彼の業績を賞賛します となるのでしょうか。 3.8行目のcarefully-planed はcarefully planed とニュアンス的にどうちがうのでしょうか。 4.9行目の文の構文がよくわかりません。 ~ approach led him to the true killer of thousands of women ならば、わかるのですが。 本文は、偏見などをtrue killer に導いた、ようにとれてしまいます。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語に自信のある方 和訳お願いします

    Now, when we compare teh account of the creation and of man given by the doctrine of evolution with that given in the Bible, we see at once that the two are in different regions. The purpose of giving the accounts is diffrent; the spirit and character of the accounts is different; the details are altogether different. The comparison must take note of the difference of spirit and aim before it can proceed at all. It is then quite certain, and even those who contend for the literal interpretation of this part of the Bible will generally admit, that the purpose of the revelation is not to teach science at all. It is to teach great spiritual and moral lessons, and it takes the factsof nature as they appear to ordinary people.When the creation of man is mentioned there is clearly no intention to say by whta processes this creation was effected or how much time it took to work out those processes. The narrative is not touched by the question, 'Was this a single act done in a moment or a process lasting throughmillions of years?' The writerof the Book of Genesis sees the earth peopled,as we may say, by many varieties of plants of animals. he asserts that God made them all, and made them resemble each other and differ from each other He knows nothing and says nothing of the means used to produce their resemblances or their diferrences. he takes them as he see them , and speakes of their creation as God's work. Had he been commisoned to teach his people the science of the matter, he would have had to put a most serious obstacle in the way of their faith. They would have found it almost impossible to belive in a process of creation so utterly unlike all their own experience. And it would have been quite useless to them besides, since their science was not in such a condition as to enable them to coordinate this doctrine with any other. As science it would have been dead; and as spiritual truth it would have been a hindrance.

  • 高校英語教科書の訳がわかりません

    高校2年の教科書の内容です。 全体的な意味はぼんやりとわかりますが、個別の文章の訳ができません。 よろしくお願い致します。(ミスプリがあったので、一度削除して再投稿しました) 出典は、 Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste 著者: Pierre Bourdieu http://books.google.co.jp/books? id=nVaS6gS9Jz4C&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=In+a+period+of+'diploma+inflation'&source=bl&ots=71mTrh_RfO&sig=zu nFV5hzz6GGujtl7ki1WiXCCAE&hl=ja&ei=JFT5TZXJFoeCvgP54cmbAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CB kQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=In%20a%20period%20of%20'diploma%20inflation'&f=false の143ページです。 (1)文のtheir qualificationsのtheir はなにを指しているのでしょうか。 (2)文の'when they themselves were still excluded from it'なにを除外されるときなのでしょうか。 また、they はothers を指しているのでしょうか。 (5)文のcollective disillusionmentの訳は、共通の幻滅となるのでしょうか。 collective disillusionmentが、work への不満の源である、とはどういう意味でしょうか。 social identityの訳は、社会的な個性となるのでしょうか。 on an temporary basis とはなにを指しているのでしょうか。 (1)In a period of 'diploma inflation' the disparity between the aspiration that the educational system produces and the opportunities it really offers is a structural reality which affect all the members of a school generation, but to a varying extent depending on the rarity of their qualifications and on their social origins. (2)Newcomers to secondary education are led, by the mere fact of having access to it, to expect it to give them what it gave others at a time when they themselves were still excluded from it. (3) In an earlier period and for other classes, these aspirations were perfectly realistic since they corresponded to objective probabilities, but they are often quickly deflated by the verdicts of the scholastic market or the labor market. (4) One of the paradoxes of what is called the 'democratization of schooling' is that only when the working classes, who had previously ignored or at best vaguely concurred in the ideology of 'schooling as a liberating force, actually entered secondary education, did they discover schooling as a conservative force, by being relegated to second-class courses or eliminated.(5)The collective disillusionment which results from the structural mismatch between aspiration and real probabilities, between the social identity the school system seems to promise, or the one it offers on temporary basis, and the social identity that the labor market in fact offers is the source of the disaffection towards work, that refusal of finitude?, which generates all the refusals and negation of the adolescent counter-culture.

  • この文章を訳してもらえませんか

    難しくて・・・、自動翻訳とかだとわけ分からないので Some people think that sustainable society would have to stop using nonrenewable resources, since their use is by definition unsustainable. That idea is an overly rigid interpretation of what it means to be sustainable. Certainly a sustainable society would use gifts from the earth's crust more thoughtfully and efficiently than the present world does. It would price them properly and keep more of them available for future generations. But there is no reason not to use them, as long as their use meets the criterion of sustainability already defined, namely that renewable substitutes should be developed, so that no future society finds itself built around the use of resource that is suddenly no longer available or affordable.

  • 英語訳してください。

    one day I took a sheet of orienting in some Indian language, and tried to find the words the page looked like nothing but a jumble of strange sharps. Even when I was concentrat i ng on one short,common word,it took a long time before I could recognize that word as sight and pick it out of the others. Ofen I would go right by it without nothing it. In the same way, it takes a child some time to get sufficiently used to the sharps of letters and words to be able to see at a glance that this word is like that one, and this other word almost like it, and this other word altogether different. So we must give him plenty of time and not be surprised or upsept by what looks like slowness or thoughtless error. When a child, having lookd for a long time at two words on a page without seeing that they are the same, suddenly exclains, "Oh, I see, they are the same!" we must not think that what he has done is trivial. We must realize that the child has made a real and important discovery. 訳お願いします。

  • (英作文)高校生が学校に携帯 禁止それとも?

    次の文のことで、お尋ねしたいことがあります。 「現在、日本の多くの高等学校では、生徒が携帯電話を持ってくることを禁止しています。これについてあなたの考えを書きなさい」 1.下にある曖昧な作文ですが、言いたいことが伝わっていますでしょうか? 字数は、気にしなくてよいのですが、100語以上を目安にしています。 添削してくださるのもとても勉強になりますが、でも、2あなた様ならどのような主張で、どう英語で表現するかを書いてくださるととても助かります。 3、下の書き方はよい書き方でしょうか?それとも悪い書き方でしょうか? 「この文は何が言いたいのかさっぱりわからない」という場合は、遠慮なくおっしゃってください。 どういう表現にすればよかったのかを、一緒に問題を考えてくださると幸いです。 []は段落番号です。 [1] I am for high school students from carrying cell phones because it is not necessary for them at school. [2] When you come back home late because of school club activities, it is possible for them to get in touch with thier parents everwhere. However, we see many bad students absorbed in using a cell phone without considering other people's feelings and ther are not aware that they are bothering other people on the train or in the bus. When their friends call them up and they try to answer the phone, they speak loudly on the phone while they are bothering other poeple. We should't allow them to carry a cell phone while they are not considerating others. [3] There seems many high school students who can concentrate on studying, though they have a cell phone. However, the fact is that there are many high school students using it by sending e-mail to their friends and our teachers told them not to use it and not to carry it in school. [4] When they get into college and they are able to be responsible for what they do, they should buy their own cell phone, not asking their parents to buy it. It is obvious that a cell phone isn't nessesary for them.