
  • ビクトリアベッカムが夫デビッドにインタビューするテレビ番組(Victoria's secret)の描写。
  • インタビュー時にビクトリアがデビッドに対して冷淡な対応をする。
  • ビクトリアが失言したことで一時的に注目を浴びるが、対象がモデルのナオミ・キャンベルであるため、デビッドに対する影響はなかった。
  • ベストアンサー


よろしくお願いいたします。テレビ番組(Victoria's secret)でビクトリアベッカムが夫のデビッドにインタビューしたときの描写です。 David answers in monosyllables-because as Victoria explains to the camera, she had told him that makes him very hard to interview. Victoria managed to land herself in deep water yet again by making a few unguarded remarks in the making of Victoria's Secrets, although for once it resulted in public favour swinging in her direction-because the object of her tactlessness was the model Naomi Campbell, who is famous for her temper tantrums, rather than poor old David. *長いので省略しましたが、この前の文はVictoriaが「I can't do this!」とpatient voiceで言って、デビッドのハグを押しのけてsolemn faceでchatを続けた。という下りがあります。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

最初の1文をどう訳すか少し迷いました。なぜここでbecauseなのかが、いまいち、 よく分からなかったので。下の訳で、この前の部分と整合性があると良いのですが。 直訳調ですみません^^; デビッドはそっけない返事をする・・・なぜなら、ビクトリアがカメラに向かって 説明したように、そのことが(=つまりデビットがいつも短い返事をすることが) 彼とのインタビューを非常に難しくすると、ビクトリアが彼に言ったからだ。 ビクトリアは、Victoria's Secretsの製作過程で、いくつか脇の甘い発言をし、 またもや自らを苦境に陥れた。もっとも今回だけは、人々が彼女の側につくという結果 になった。というのも、彼女の軽率な発言の対象がいつもの可哀想なデビッドではなく、 カンシャク持ちで有名なモデルのナオミ・キャンベルだったからだ。




その他の回答 (1)


芸能界には疎いので回答になっているか分かりませんが、何となく感じることは・・ David answers in monosyllables-because as Victoria explains to the camera, she had told him that makes him very hard to interview. デビッドはyesかNoだけそっけなく答える・・というのもビクトリアがカメラに向かって説明をするが如く、彼女は夫にインタビューに答えることを難しくするような事情を説明したからだ。 Victoria managed to land herself in deep water yet again ビクトリアはなんとか深刻な苦境から抜け出した by making a few unguarded remarks in the making of Victoria's Secrets, 番組で脇を甘くすることで although for once it resulted in public favour swinging in her direction 今回だけは、そのことが結果的に視聴者の受けを得、彼女に味方をしたのではあるが -because the object of her tactlessness was the model Naomi Campbell, who is famous for her temper tantrums, rather than poor old David. と言うのも彼女の機転が利かない(攻撃の・受けの・ほめ言葉の・質問の)対象は夫ではなくあの短期でヤンチャものキャンベルであっから。 全文があればもう少しはまともな回答になるかもしれませんが・・・・





  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    Chamber music dominates, but so does the confronation between solist and orchestra, the type of communal encounter that is for Marry the raison d'etre of music -making. Marry shun isolation, being drawn insted to the sort of musical context in which a spirit of reciprocal reaction grows from the need to establish a mutual rapport in duos, trios, quartets and every other poible combinations. Here, her volcanic expressivity has to take account of the discipline and balance that must be collectively agreed upon with her fellow performers, who can often be quite different in nature, and are in turn called upon to respond in kind to her impassioned playing. これらなのですが。。。もう訳がわかりません゜(゜´Д`゜)゜ 頭が変になりそうです。 どなたか、お力添えをお願い出来ないでしょうか?

  • 翻訳お願いします2*急ぎ

    前の続きです。 It didn't become a great success because the company had no experience with children's books and did not bother to advertise.But mixed critiques would't stop him from drawing;he was convinced that these drawings were perfect for children. Bruna was influenced by the developments in Dutch graphic design of the De Stijl Movement.He is inspired by Rietveld's Schroderhuis(in his hometown),which he thinks is fascinating because of its color and shape simplicity.By limiting the size of the pages to 155x155mm he managed to downsize the costs of his books and fit them exactly into tiny hands. Miffy's appearance chaneged in 1963.Her attitude,the shape of her face,her arms, legs,ears,everything gets a little more tension.It makes her lool moie self-confident.Bruna is always in pursuit of simpler,more perfect forms.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The firing of Scott Weiland is mentioned at the end of the interview. The interviewer asked if they let Weiland know ahead of time that Bennington would be replacing him. Dean joked, “He changed his numbers years ago and never forwarded them to us.” Bennington praised Weiland, “We wish nothing but the best for Scott. Great singer, helped participate in making some of the best records of all time, wish nothing but the best for him.” The other members of STP did not join in on praising Weiland.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    In an interview in the new issue of Classic Rock, Slash was reluctant to address Weiland's recent comments, saying "I don't even want to give him this attention, to tell you the truth." ※ 『Slash』と『Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 3段落に分けた中盤部分となります。 難解な部分も含め、意訳大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 I know one client met her soul mate and was idyllically happy with him, but for some unexplained reasons she began to have terrible nightmares after meeting him that didn’t seem related to her soul mate at all. It later emerged in therapy that the meeting had dragged up other forgotten memories of a past incarnation, and a traumatic event that had happened in that past life just before she met her soul mate. In her subconscious memory, the wonderful meeting of her soul mate and this terrible event were linked. Other effects can be more direct, like sensing what your soul mate is doing.

  • 英語のわかる方、翻訳お願いいたします。

    雰囲気は、こんな感じです。 姉妹の妹ミホが自伝を書きました。 それを姉のナオミに手渡すと とても喜んだのですが しばらくすると顔色が曇ってきました。 関係あるかないかわかりませんが 姉のナオミはレズビアンです。 その時の解説文なんですが 翻訳をお願いいたします。 Miho talks to her sister Naomi about some “personal” material she has in her book.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 段落が2つになっていますので、それぞれ内容が違うと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His health is not the most sturdy. He is slow to recuperate after illness, a little of the hypochondria in him so that any illness he gets however minor tends to be long and drawn out, and sinks him into invalidism, even if is just a flue or cold. He has a powerful sense of music and a faith in making the ideal a reality. He wants reality to be as he has dreamed it could be ...

  • 源氏物語の翻訳について

    いつもお世話になっています。 A.Waleyの”THE TALE OF GENJI”(桐壺)を読んでいます。 わからないところを教えていただいて 英語の勉強をしたいと思っています。 続きをよろしくお願い致します。 1) 『He could not remember his mother, but the Dame of the Household had told him how very like to her the girl was, and this interested his childish fancy, and he would like to have been her great friend and lived with her always.』 ●彼は彼の母親を思い出すことができなかった。しかし内典が彼女(藤壺)がどんなにとても彼女(母親)に似ているか彼に話し、そしてこれは彼の子供のような想像に興味を持たせ、そして彼は彼女の偉大な友だちになりたかったと思い、そしていつも彼女と一緒に暮らしたかったと思った。・・・・・? he would like to have been her great friend~・・・・would like toが「~をしたいと思う」で、have beenが完了形になっているので、ここは「彼女の偉大な友だちになりたかった」という訳になるのでしょうか? 2) 『One day the Emperor said to her, ”Do not be unkind to him.He is interested because he has heard that you are so like his mother. Do not think him impertinent, but behave nicely to him. You are indeed so like him in look and features that you might well be his mother.”』 ●ある日帝は彼女に言った。「彼に不親切にしないで下さい。彼はあなたがとても彼の母親のようだということを聞いたので興味を持っているのです。彼を無作法だと思わないでください、そうではなく彼にうまく(申し分なく?)振舞ってください。あなたは実に姿と形において彼のようなので、あなたは彼の母になるのももっともかもしれない」・・・・・・? 藤壺と光源氏は似ていたのでしょうか? he would like to have been her great friend~・・・・would like toが「~をしたいと思う」で、have beenが完了形になっているので、ここは「彼女の偉大な友だちになりたかった」という訳になるのでしょうか? 藤壺女御は光源氏の義母に(あたる存在に)なりますが、年の差があまりないですね? いつもより短めの投稿にしました。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語のわかる方、翻訳をお願いいたします。

    インタビュー記事です。 The cameras follow her from New York to Los Angeles, and she admits her lifestyle means she doesn't see her 14-year-old son as often as she'd like. ‘I'm a f**king renaissance woman!’ she declares at one point. Jodie has said in the past about her bold style: 'I got a lot of grief about two years ago for my faux-hawk. People were making fun of it on comedy shows. 'But I don’t like to walk with the pack anyway, so of course they are going to make fun of me. I don’t care. 'Anybody really creative is going to end up on those lists.' よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    Waiting The first and most important point in infant observation is the non-interference of the parent, usually the mother. She must refrain from initiating play or selecting which toys the child will play with. At the same time she is told to remain connected to the child and to immerse herself in his activity. As the parent empties herself of expectations, knowledge and desires in order to participate in an empathic way with her child's play, she starts feeling what he feels and merges with his emotional field. Watching In the presence of an observer, the parent watches her infant play and connects with him. When a mother speaks, what is important is not so much the content of what she says, but the subtle musical attunement to the moods and moves of the baby. The infant communicates his experience through his body, his face, his gestures, his screamings. The slightest moves on the baby's face are meaningful. The presence of the observer may allow the parent to develop awareness of her own simultaneous emotional reactions to the child's expressions and to understand her baby not through analysis, but through presence and awareness of what he does communicate of who he is and what he wants.