• 締切済み



  • inopy7426
  • ベストアンサー率57% (143/247)

・モップを床に置く人が2つの配置をします。最初の配置は大きさ150cm でx軸の正方向に120゜をなしています。その合力が大きさ140cm で x軸の正方向に35゜になります。二番目の配置の大きさと角度を求めなさい。 ・合成力と一辺をあたえてもう一辺を求める問題だと思います。





  • Androidに関する英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Android OSに関する英文を、意味の通る日本語にして頂きたいです。 機械翻訳を行ったのちに自分なりに考えてみたのですがなかなか理解出来ずに困っています。 英語が得意な方、下記の文章を意味の通る日本語に訳して頂けないでしょうか。 対象の英文は、下記サイトの次の3項目についてです。 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY: Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION: Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR: 以下、対象箇所のコピペとなります。 Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY: A three dimensional vector indicating the direction and magnitude of gravity. Units are m/s^2. The coordinate system is the same as is used by the acceleration sensor. Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION: A three dimensional vector indicating acceleration along each device axis, not including gravity. All values have units of m/s^2. The coordinate system is the same as is used by the acceleration sensor. Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR: The rotation vector represents the orientation of the device as a combination of an angle and an axis, in which the device has rotated through an angle theta around an axis <x, y, z>. The three elements of the rotation vector are <x*sin(theta/2), y*sin(theta/2), z*sin(theta/2)>, such that the magnitude of the rotation vector is equal to sin(theta/2), and the direction of the rotation vector is equal to the direction of the axis of rotation. The three elements of the rotation vector are equal to the last three components of a unit quaternion <cos(theta/2), x*sin(theta/2), y*sin(theta/2), z*sin(theta/2)>. Elements of the rotation vector are unitless. The x,y, and z axis are defined in the same way as the acceleration sensor.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    以下の5文を訳してくださいm(__)m ▼Here in this area of overlap between the playing of the child and the Playing of the other person there is a chance to introduce enrichments. ▼The teacher aims at enrichment.By contrast,the therapist is concerned specifically with the child's own growth processes,and with the removal of blocks to development that may have become evident. ▼It is psychoanalytic theory that has made for an understanding of these blocks. ▼At the same time it would be a narrow view to suppose that psychoanalysis is the only way to make therapeutic use of the child's playing. ▼It is good to remember always that playing is itself a therapy.To arrange for children to be able to play is itself a psychotherapy that has immediate and universal application,and it includes the establishment of a positive social attitude towards playing.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Anxiety is a normal emotion that all people experience to some extent. Indeed, anxiety is generally seen as an essential part of the adaptive response to stressful or threatening stimuli. An appropriate amount of anxiety heightens caution and awareness in potentially dangerous or stressful situations, and so constitutes part of the "fight or flight" response. The feeling manifested in this anxious state is somewhat difficult to define, but may be described as a sense of unpleasant anticipation and excessive mental tension. Most people accept occasional anxiety as an integral part of normal life, but a significant number of individuals experience anxiety that is chronic, uncontrollable, and comletely out of proportion to the generating stimulus. In such individuals, anxiety has ceased to serve an adaptive purpose; it has become pathological, or, in other words, an anxiety disorder.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    下部のExcept when~~~ からの一文がどう訳してよいか分からないので、そちっらだけでもよろしかったらお願いします。 The freezing point of normal human plasma averages -0.54℃,which corresponds to an osmolal concentration in plasma of 290 mOsm/l. This is equivalent to an osmotic pressure against pure water of 7.3 atm. The osmolality might be expected to be higher than this, because the sum of all the cation and anion equivalents in plasma is over 300.It is not this high because plasma is not an ideal solution and ionic interactions reduce the number of particles free to exert an osmotic effect. Except when there has been insufficient time after a sudden change in composition for equilibrium to occur, all fluid compartments of the body are in (or nearly in) osmotic equilibrium. The term tonicity is used to describe the osmolality of a solution relative to plasma.

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    デザイナーに関する本を読んでいるのですが、この辺りが訳せなくて困っています。お時間のある方、よろしければ日本語訳お願いします。 From the beginning,Jean-Paul Gaultier has enjoyed a reptation as the enfant terrible of fashion. It is a subversive and yet strangely innocent image that he has always been keen to live up to. Of all the top designers,he is the most marginal,but also the best at incarnating the aesthetics,attitudes,desires and ambiguities of a whole generation of young people,not only in France but on an international level.The high level of recognition that Gaultier has achieved in London and New York is reinforced by the success of his perfume.

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    The fact is that an interconnected ecosystem of companies and data brokers, purveyors of fake news and peddlers of division, of trackers and hucksters just looking to make a quick buck is more present in our lives than it has ever been. 上の文の和訳をお願いします。文はテック関連のプライバシーについて書かれた文です。 あとは文法的な質問ですが、"of trackers and hucksters"は"peddlers"に、”just looking to make a quick buck"は”companies and data brokers, purveyors of fake news and peddlers of division, of trackers and hucksters"にかかるのでしょうか? 回答お待ちしてます。

  • 英文の邦訳を願います。

    While the language of the exclusions is slightly different between the two statutes, and neither has been tested in the context of a securities index being tracked by an index fund, both would very likely encompass a widely distributed and commonly used index like the S&P 500. The IAA excludes the publisher of any “bona fide” publication “of general and regular circulation” from the definition of an investment adviser. Investment Advisers Act §202(a)(11)(D), 15 U.S.C. §80b-2(a)(11)(D) (2018). The definition of an investment adviser in the ICA excludes the provision of advice through “uniform publications distributed to subscribers thereto.” Investment Company Act §2(a)(20)(i), 15 U.S.C. §80a-2(a)(20)(i) (2018). 上記英文の精訳をお願い致します。どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Displacement is one means by which the dream does this. In the first place, it is the effect of feeling which is displaced, so that what appears to be most important and full of emotion in the dream may be really of least significance, whereas an apparently trifling matter may be pregnant with meaning. The emphasis of the dream is thus displaced and so eludes the censor.

  • 英文の邦訳を願います。

    Yet Section 13(d) and its applicable rules do not only support an interpretation of mandate ownership. They place the ability to exercise de facto power above any formal legal title to the share, and make it in fact superior to any other type of ownership. The SEC has formally recognized the supremacy of the ability to exercise de facto power over any formal title to the share as a constituent element of beneficial ownership, by explicitly indicating that “the mere possession of a legal right to vote is not determinative of who is the beneficial owner inasmuch as another person has the power, whether legal, economic or otherwise to direct such voting.” 上記英文の,特に The SEC以降の邦訳をお願い致します。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    And Dobell wrote, This action has had the result of bringing the enemy to battle, and he will now undoubtedly stand with all his available force in order to fight us when we are prepared to attack. It has also given our troops an opportunity of displaying the splendid fighting qualities they possess. So far as all ranks of the troops engaged were concerned, it was a brilliant victory, and had the early part of the day been normal victory would have been secured. Two more hours of daylight would have sufficed to finish the work the troops so magnificently executed after a period of severe hardship and long marches, and in the face of most stubborn resistance. — General Dobell, Eastern Force The British press reported the battle as a success, but an Ottoman plane dropped a message that said, "You beat us at communiqués, but we beat you at Gaza."Dallas, the commander of the 53rd (Welsh) Division, resigned after the battle, owing to a "breakdown in health." Judged by Western Front standards, the defeat was small and not very costly. Murray's offensive power had not been greatly affected and preparations for a renewal of the offensive were quickly begun. The Second Battle of Gaza began on 17 April 1917.