• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

Where were the cats at the time?「その時,ネコはどこにいましたか」 They were in the yard.「庭にいました」



ありがとうございます>< 出来れば他にも教えてください・・・・


  • 英語の和訳

    学生なのですが 英語の和訳がわからないので よかったら教えてください! People often feel that cats are staring at them. Perhaps this is because cats'eyesare very big. Compared to their body size,they have the biggest eyes of all mammals. They can see six times better in the dark than people can. Cat owners also find that their pets spend a lot of time sleeping. Both domestic and wild cats sleep for sixteen to twenty hours a day. Sometimes cats which are playing suddenly lie down and fall asleep. But they can wake up right away and be ready to chase their prey at any time. Cat owners love watching their cats play with a string or a ball. It's true that humans first tamed cats because they were useful. But today,we keep cats as pets because they have cute looks and mysterious personalities. よろしくお願いします

  • この英語、、

    わかるかたいますか?(T_T) Wow this is where they been hiding at

  • 疑問詞教えてください。

    They play tennis in this park.(in this parkが答えとなる文に) という問題なので Where they play tnnis?にしたのですが答えは Where do they play tennis?になります。 なぜdoがはいるのか教えてください。

  • 英語の穴埋め問題の解説をお願いします。

    He look the first vacation ( ) two years with this company. (1) at (2) by (3) in (4) on   答えは(3)なのですが、他の選択肢が不正解の理由を教えてください。

  • 英語 文法 穴うめ

    ・(  )に入る適語を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. I was born ( ) February 29, 1992.   a: in b: on c: at d: of 2. Steve bought that PC ( ) only ten dollars.   a: to b: at c: in d: for 3. The concert will start ( ) seven thirty.   a: in b: at c: on d: with 4. ( ) my stay in Kyoto, I visited many famous temples.   a: During b: While c: At d: In 5. Do not speak ( ) your mouth full.   a: on b: at c:in d: with よろしくお願いします。何度もすみません_(._.)_

  • 穴埋め問題4問教えてください!

    1 On my way home I was caught ( ) a shower. ( for which, where, in which, whichの中から一つ) 2 You can hire a bicycle ( ) the hour at this shop.   ( within , in, into ,with の中から一つ) 3 外国へ行って初めて自分の国のことをいかに知らないかがわかる。   It is ( )( ) we go abroad that we realize how ( ) we know about our own country. 4 明日の最終講義を終えると、彼女はこの大学で20年教えたことになる。   After her final lecture tomorrow, she ( )( ) a teacher for 20 years at this college.

  • 英語 熟語 穴うめ

      英語の熟語についてわからないものが多数あり、投稿しました。多くてすみません。 【1】日本文の意味に合うように、与えられた文字で始まる適語を(  )に入れなさい。 (1)隔週刊の雑誌は二週間ごとに発売される。   Bi-weekly magazines are sold (e ) two weeks. (2)彼は毎朝、新聞を読むことにしている。   He makes it a (r ) to read the newspaper every morning. (3)ひと休みして、散歩に行こう。   Let’s (t ) a break and go for a walk. (4)あのカフェでコーヒーを飲みながら話すなんてどう?   Why don’t we talk (o ) a cup of coffee in that café? (5)急いだって無駄だよ、電車はもう出ちゃったよ。   It’s no (u ) hurrying, the train has already gone. (6)その灰色の石はダイアモンドだとわかった。   That gray stone turned (o ) to be a diamond. (7)外国で、言うことを理解してもらうのは難しい。   It’s hard to (m ) yourself understood in foreign countries. (8)昨日、昔の友達と偶然出会った。   I met my old friend by (c ) yesterday. (9)ブラッド・ピットの新作映画を見逃さないで。   Don’t (m ) Brad Pitt’s new film. (10)出かける前にパソコンを切るようにしなさい。   (M ) sure that you shut down the computer before you go out. (11)僕は、君に追いつこうと必死だった。   I was trying hard to (c ) up with you. (12)君はこの問題と何の関係もないよ。   You have nothing to (d ) with this problem. 【2】日本文の意味に合うように、(  )に入る適語を下の語群から選んで書きなさい。 (1)映画に間に合いたいんだったら、急いで!   If you want to be ( ) time for the movie, hurry up! (2)映画は時間通りに始まった。   The movie started ( ) time. (3)結局、彼らは15分遅れてその映画館に着いた。   Finally, they arrived at the theater 15 minutes ( ) time. (4)ジェームズはときどき、約束の時間に遅刻する。   James is late for his appointments ( ) time to time.   語群 in / on / at / for / from / behind / during  いつも投稿が多くてすみません。回答、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_

  • 英語の穴埋め問題

    英語穴埋め問題よろしくお願いいたします 語群 be, build, complain, date, last ,need, perform, preserve, play, reflect, remain ,take, throw 文 Sumo has religious orig ins and (1)back over one thousand years. For example, just before a match, the wrestlers(2) salt into the ring. This (3) an old Shinto purification rite. The present form has (4) unchanged for several centuries. In sumo, as in many Japanese arts, form and ceremony(5) an important role in creating the proper atmosphere. First-time spectators often (6) about the lengthy preparation, but the various actions, such as stomping feet, clapping hands, and tossing salt (7) an essentiすal part of the show. These rituals (8) before the bout have a historical value in that they capture and (9) the traditions and glory of the sport. They also have a psychological value for the participants, as well as for the spectators, as the anticipation and excitement slowly (10).While the formalities preceding the match (11) up to four minutes, the actual wrestling rarely (12) more than a minute. The amount of time(13) to determine a winner may be the shortest of any sport in the world. 長くてすみませんm(_ _)m

  • 英語の質問です。

    Q: What time do you ~~? A: I get up ~~ seven o'clock . Q: ~~ You watch TV in the morning? A: No, I~~ watch TV in the morning. Q: What time ~~ start work ? A: He starts work ~~. Q : Do they ~~ at ten o'clock? A: No, they go to bed~~. 明日テストなんですけど全く分からないので教えてください。 それぞれの~~に当てはまるものを教えてください。

  • 英語の文法問題です

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)This is the warehouse (which/when/where/in which) I used to visit in my rookie year at the company. 答:where (2)The committee finally approved of the plan (what/who/where/that) he had revised many times. 答:that (3)You should complete the documents by Friday, (which/where/when/why) we are supposed to submit them to the local government. 答:why (4)Please deliver this document to AIC Company, (which/whose/where/that) office is located in Chicago. 答:where (5)We will send you a guide including all the ways (why/how/where/which) show how you can submit your designs. 答:which (6)Dont't miss this opportunity (why/how/where/which) you can show your creativity. 答:where 僕の答えで合っているでしょうか?どなたかお願いします。