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  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

あまり過去のことを遡って言っても説得力はないように思えます。 過去において、英国からオーストラリアに島流しになった囚人達がアボリジニーを虐殺した事実はあるかも知れません。過去に日本人が朝鮮人や中国人を虐殺した事実があるように...。 しかし現代においてそんなことは起きていません。 >If you stop killing human, I think, we can stop whale hunt. オーストラリアは現在、国として人間を殺してはいません。従ってこの論理でいくと我々は捕鯨を止めなければならないということになります。 皮肉なことに、国として人間を殺し続けているのは、戦争好きな米国や、死刑制度を持ち続けている我が国日本です。



回答ありがとうございます。 とくに英単語や文法については触れられていない様なのでお礼のみ。


  • 構造分析お願いします

    Evolution trace life on earth through millions of years of development from simple one-called creatures to increasingly complex plants and animals to human これの訳と構造分析お願いします

  • 英作の添削お願いします。

    There are certain things that animals can do but humans cannot do. There are things that humans can do but animals cannot do. What are some of these things? Write a passage of 5 sentence. という問いに対する私の英作です。 勉強不足で、むちゃくちゃな英作だとは思いますが、宜しければ添削お願いします。        ↓↓↓ There are four example. The first thing, human can understands the "red light stands for stop " relationship, but animals cannot understands. Second, human fight over paper symbols of wealth, but animals not fight over it. Third, animals struggle with each other for food or for redership, but humans not struggle with. Fourth, humans can use fire for cooking , but animals cannot use it.

  • 和訳

    Did you ever want to miss one day or just stop? I never even thought of stopping. other people helped,too,but I was often the one who said “Hey!come here and help me! ” You give a helping hand to those in need,and finally you will become a leader. 訳をお願いします。

  • 以下の英文を翻訳してもらえますでしょうか?

    メールの内容を翻訳機で訳してみたのですがよく意味が分からなかったので、上手に訳して下さると嬉しいです。 we dispatched all orders early this morning and we just your email now. it's not possible to get the unit back from the courier company now as it's a huge company handling millions of packets. the tracking no is 荷物の番号. the courier company will contact you with more details later during the day thanks

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    Hey! It's Emily. I absolutely love your art, especially the colorful deer one! I'd really like to try illustrated art in our store (shirts & tanks) to take it to the next level with unique drawings of landscapes, animals and even some badass characters. All within this wild west, southern living story. We run hundreds of dollars of ads each week and I can tag you in everything you make so you'll get exposure for your work too. Lmk what you think! We'd love to feature some of your work! Work like this is something we are looking for.... Would you like to work together? We could try the deer first?

  • 翻訳おねがします><

    Planet Earth is human beings' only home. Thus, we need to share it, like a large family living in a small house without mich space to spare. The family can only live happily together if they respect each other; if they do not - if any one member bullies another - happiness will never be theirs. This simple illustration should serve as an excellent tip on hou we can live in harmony here on this Earth of ours. Unfortunately, however , bullying still plagues human society in the form of conflicts and disputes among peoples of various nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and religions. Sinace prehistoric days, when human civilization first arose, people have been fighting against each other, mainly because civilization has made them greedy, demanding everything in more and more abundance. The economic gap between the rich and poor in society has often been the cause of conflicts, and human history has seen wars too numerous to count up until the present day. The Earth is subject to natural disasters of all kinds, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons , tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, and others. So why do we continue to waste our time killing each other and damaging the Earth's environment to the breaking point? The sooner we stop fighting each other in wars, the sooner the environment will regain its health. If a country has enough wealth to spare to conduct a war , it should instead direct that wealth to saving “ Mother Earth”. It has always been recent events have revealed that humans are the stupidest and most arrogant species of all becaus they are destroying their own irreplaceable home forever. よろしくお願いします><

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします All across the United States, honeybees are flying away from their hives and dying.Empty hives are causing a lot of worry about some important food crops. Bees give us a lot more than delicious honey. They are pollinators―they enable plants to produce the fruits and nuts we enjoy by carrying pollen from one plant or flower to the next. The wind pollinates oats,corn,and wheat,but many other plants(like apple and cherry trees and melon vines)depend on insects,bats,and birds. Animals pollinate about one out of every three bites of food we eat. And in the U.S.,millions and millions of bees kept by human beekeepers fly around doing a lot of this important work for food crops. Professional beekeepers raise honeybees,box them up,and send them on trucks to fields where farmers grow food. Bees live in groups of about 40,000 individuals called colonies. California's almond crop alone depends on about half the bees in the country,about 1.5 million colonies!

  • 英作文 添削お願いします

    外国に住んでみると、「人間、みな同じ」との感想を持つ。イギリス人と付き合ってみても確かにそう思えてくる。彼らが悲しみや喜びに反応する様や相手の立場を考える点はいかにも日本人に似ている。恥ずかしがりやで、すぐには友人になれないが、いったん友人になれば驚くほど互いに心の琴線に触れ合うことができる。 After living abroad,you can feel that all human beings are the same.I actually feel so when I make friends with Britain friend.How they respond to sadness and joy and how they consider the opponent's position are quite similar to those of Japanese people.Since they are shy,you can not make friends with them soon.But once you become their friend,you and they can deeply understand each other surprisingly. 添削お願いします。

  • 英語の和訳お願いします。

    Their first stop was an upstart city called Manchester. Early Victorian artists observed it from a safe distance,fascinated but wary,and well they might be. The safe distance,though,soon disappeared. Like an invading army,the mills and factories marched across the plain. The nation was in the grip of the world's first industrial revolution. It sucked the rural poor into new cities right across the land. But more than any other,it was Manchester that fired the Victorians'imagination. It was where you came if you wanted to see the future. In its dozens of steam-powered cotton mills,the rural immigrants got their first taste of a new world. The change must have been astonishing-the noise,the energy. This was a real revolution in the pace of life,a rupture in history. Places like this would change Britain beyond recognition. Today,Queen Street Mill is the last of its kind to survive intact.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Mike: Your memory isn't working. Have you forgotten when we used to hunt together in the back streets? Friend: You mean when we used to get up on the garage roof with some bricks and when the rats came out , we'd get them? Mike: Yes , we used to spend many a sporting evening that way. Friend: But you can't say something like that was hunting. Mike: Why not? And to our shame , we didn't even take them for food or their skins for clothes. We only did it to enjoy ourselves. As I remember , with your keen eye and strong arm , you were very successful. Friend: But they were only rats. And everybody knows that rats are no good. That's why when you're mad at somebody , you call him a dirty rat. You don't call him a dirty duck or a dirty bunny. Mike: True , a rat is a rodent , but so are the rabbit and many other cute little animals. So it is possible that you killed a 44th cousin of Mickey Mouse or even Bugs Bunny. Friend: Maybe so , but I'm not going to apologize for killing them , the dirty rats. Mike: How heartless! Some of them may have been loving mama rats , or caring daddy rats. Think of how many of their little ones you have made orphans and the childhood trauma they suffered. Friend: You're using the old trick of mixing apples and oranges. I'm talking about fur coats.