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Protein-protein interactions and calcium entry through the NMDA-type glutamate receptor


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  • slatanic
  • ベストアンサー率50% (1/2)

専門が違うのでなんとも言えませんが、概ねこんな感じだと思います。 NMDA型グルタミン酸レセプター(受容体)によるカルシウムの移動とタンパクータンパク相互作用は、中枢神経におけるシナプス発達と可塑性を制御する。EphBレセプターチロシンキナーゼは、興奮性シナプスがNMDAと結合、クラスターを形成する部位に局在する。われわれは、EphBレセプターがNMDA型グルタミン酸レセプターの機能を調整する機構について明らかにした。皮質ニューロンの初代細胞におけるEphBのEphrinB2活性化は、NMDAレセプター依存のカルシウム流入を増強する。 専門性の高い語句は、それぞれぐぐれば出てきます。


  • 和訳お願いします

    although most mRNAs use TREX, TREX-2 and NXF1 receptors to transit through NPCs, a subset of mRNAs use CRM1, the major protein-export receptor.

  • 英語、特に化学分野の英語に詳しい方

    下記英文の大意をおしえてください。 We have examined the agonist-dependent internalization of FLAG-tagged muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4 subtype (M4 receptor), which was transiently expressed in HEK293tsA201 cells. We had presumed that the internalization of M4 receptors would be enhanced by coexpression of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) as was the case for muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 subtype (M2 receptor), because M4 receptors as well as M2 receptors have two Ser/Thr clusters in the third intracellular loop (i3) which was supposed to be phosphorylated by GRK2

  • ”医学論文訳”

    ”医学論文訳” We stained brain tissue from animals exposed to orally administered P7C3 for 30 days for doublecortin(DCX), a microtubule-associated protein that serves as a marker of neurogenesis by virtue of transient expression in newly formed neurons between the timing of their birth and final maturation. う~ん・・、むずい。

  • この英文の訳

    自分でも頑張ってみたのですがうまく訳せなかったので、訳し方教えてください。 ちなみに内容は脊髄についてです。 The lowest part of the brain stem ,the medulla oblongate ,is continuous with the spinal cord below. The spinal cord is composed of tracts of nerve fibers that allow two-way comduction of nerve impulses. The sensory(afferent) fibers carry neural signals from sensory receptors ,such as those in the skin ,muscles ,and joints ,to the upper levels of the CNS. Motor(efferent) fibers from the brain and upper spinal cord transmit action potentials to end organs. ※ brain stem→脳幹 medulla oblongate→延髄 spinal cord→脊髄 sensory receptors→感覚受容器 CNS→中枢神経

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    In this sense,rice does much better.It contains far less fat than bread, and white rice contains less than one-tenth of the fat in both breads.Protein is a substance our body needs in order to grow and remBesides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of magnesium in brown rice is seven times as much as that in white rice.Whole-wheat bread contains more than three times the amount of it than in white breads.There is also a largeain healty.Both kinds of bread have around four to five times as much protein as both kinds of rice have.

  • To make the mostの訳

    Delicious juices and smoothies based on the colours of fruits and vegetables. Because colours influence our wellbeing in all kinds of ways, starting with the nutritional benefits of colourful foods. To make the most of the experience, sip one of our vitamin cocktails, protein shakes and frozen coffee delights. 「To make the most」ってどういう意味でしょうか?

  • 以下の文章の訳を教えて下さい。

    In comparison, several therapeutic agents known to induce CYP3A4 including A, B, and C were examined for their inductive properties toward CYP3A4 in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Consider, for example, that the existence of a single human thought requires the highly complex interaction of hundreds of neurons. In order to separate mind from brain, it would be necessary to think of each neuron as something distinct from its function, which is a little like trying to separate the seawater that provides the substance of an ocean wave from the energy that gives the wave its shape and motion. The existence of the wave requires both elements: without energy, the wave would fall flat; without water, the wave energy would have no expression. In the same sense, it is not possible to separate individual neurons from their functions; if it were possible, then a thought could be feed from its neurological base, and the mind could be seen as something separate from the brain, a free-floating consciousness that could be considered a “soul “.

  • 多数の強み

    24 Jan 2013 NATUREのフォーラムの記事です。 1:一歩進む より (1)It was in this setting that the authors found that not only were the known protein interactions of the GluA1 C-tail unnecessary for LTP, but also GluA2 (previously thought not to support LTP3) and even kainate receptors were sufficient to mediate LTP. This ‘molecular replacement’ of GluA subunits in neurons that are devoid of AMPA receptors can be rejected as being just as artificial as the experiments overexpressing them in the presence of endogenous AMPA receptors. 本実験では著者らはLTPではGluA1C末尾のたんぱく質相互作用が必要ないということだけでなくGluA2とカイニン酸受容体がLTPを媒介するのに十分な能力を持っていることを示した。 AMPA受容体の回避をするこのニューロン中のGluAサブユニットの分子置換は内在性AMPA受容体の存在における人工的なこのタンパクの過剰発現の結果と同様に拒絶された。 でいいのでしょうか。何が言いたいのかまとめられなくなりました。 (2)receptor can be recruited to synapses 受容体はシナプスに補足される でいのでしょうか。受容体がシナプスに結合するときのニュアンスを分子細胞学的に言うとどうなるのでしょ (3)how such rearrangements might lead to the capture of AMPA receptors. how mightの文章の訳がしっくりきません。 (4)Indeed, the abundance of scaffolding proteins, such as PSD-95, capable of corralling AMPA receptors in the synapse, is regulated by phosphorylation, and such proteins may have an underestimated role in synaptic plasticity— the process by which synapses grow stronger or weaker depending on their activity level. 実際にシナプスでのAMPA受容体の舗装の能力を持つSPD95のような足場タンパクの大量の存在はリン酸化によって制御され、そしてこれらのタンパクは活性レベルに依存し強くなったり弱くなったりして成長するシナプスによる処理としてしられるシナプス可塑性でのごくわずかな役割を持つかもしれない。 とunderestimatedの意味あいと全体的な文章把握ができませんでした。 2:2歩下がる より (5)Our interpretation of this observation is that the C-tail endows GluA1 with a competitive advantage to reach the synapse. 我々の解釈はこの実験でC末尾がシナプスに到着するため競合利益をもつGluA1を与えるというものだ。 (6)Alternatively, there may be competition for entering the synapse between different receptors that have different interaction partners at the synapse to control their lifetime there. If that is the case, if a competitor with several such partners, say AMPA receptors, is removed, then other receptors with minimal numbers of partners and interactions could enter and remain in the synapse. 代わりに寿命を制御するためにシナプスにおいて異なる相互作用共同者を持つ違う受容体間でシナプスに侵入するために競合的になると考えられる。この場合、もしもAMPA受容体などのパートナーのゆなものを持つ競合因子は除去され、その後、パートナーと相互作用がもっとも小さいほかの受容体がシナプスに侵入し、保持されるかもしれない。 でいいのでしょうか。 (7)Many scaffolding proteins regulate the complex structure of the postsynaptic density, and, according to Granger et al., structural changes may occur that do not require specific glutamate receptor types. that do not requireがどこにかかっているのでしょうか。 (8)So, one step forward, two steps back. The search for the mechanism underlying LTP is well into its third decade, and it looks as if it will continue to fascinate and elude neuroscientists for the next decade, too. 今回の結果は一歩進んで二歩下がったというものである。LTPの基盤メカニズムのための研究は第三基を迎える。そしてこれは次世代のために神経科学者たちを奮起させ続けるものとなるだろう。 でいいのでしょうか。fascinate and eludeの訳とtooの意味合いがわかりません。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The bad weather conditions however soon forced him to change the starting date several times until it was determined that the British main attack should commence on 24 of April and the rest on 30 of April. In accordance the British began the 2nd Battle of Doiran according to schedule but were soon forced to call off their attacks as it became clear that the rest of the Allies were not able to deliver their attacks on time. The dates for the attacks were finally set for the 5 of May in the Crna Bend and 8 of May in the Serbian and British sectors. In the Crna Bend sector the planned attack was assigned to the left right of the French Army of the East - the so-called First Group of Divisions(under the command of General Georges Lebouc) and to the Italian Expeditionary Force. Its primary task was to penetrate all Bulgarian and German lines in the direction of the town of Prilep and thus threaten the rear of the Bulgarian forces around the Vardar and Monastir. General Sarrail had surveyed the area and determined that the Italians and French should deliver a frontal assault against almost the entire length of the defensive line which caused serious doubt about the final success of the operation among the Italian and French commanders. In order to strengthen the Allies Sarrail also attached a Russian infantry brigade to the Crna sector forces a few days before the attack. The Bulgarians and Germans were well aware of the impending Allied offensive and decided to rely on the strength of their well prepared fortifications, strong artillery and machine gun fire while also placing as many troops as possible in the first lines and preparing sufficient reserves in case the Allies achieved a breakthrough and the need for strong counter-attacks arose.