• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語課題につまっています)



  • Tacosan
  • ベストアンサー率23% (3656/15482)

この辺に関して, あなたはどのくらいの知識があるんでしょうか? 「きれいな文章にできない」とのことですが, どんな感じなんでしょうか?



私が訳した結果として ガウス分布の確率密度関数は中心極限定理だけでなく、数学的な扱いやすさのためにも パターン認識において広く使われている。 後者では、加数の数が無限であるとき多くの独立確率変数の合計の確率密度関数が ガウス分布の確率密度関数となる傾向がある。 実際に十分に大きな数字に関してはおおよそ当てはまる。 という感じです。 すごく直訳くさい感じが残ってしまって… またThe latter以降の分の訳し方に自信がないです


  • 英語

    1:The day will soon come () everybody uses a computer. (1)the way (2)when (3)where (4)which 2:That story reminds me () l went to ltaly. (1)of where (2)where (3)when (4)of when 3:The people present were worried about Betty because no one was aware () she had gone. (1)of where (2)that the place to (3)that the place was (4)of the place to 4:We have a lot of holidays during the week from the end of April to she beginning of May. () we call it Golden Week. (1)That's why (2)That's because (3)It is the reason for (4)It is what 5:() you talk reminds me your father. He also had a good sense of humor. (1)The way (2)When (3)Which (4)Why 解答と和訳お願いします

  • 英訳についての解説

    和訳&解説お願いします。 Let X be the resulting matrix,having the feature vectors as columun. Compute the ML estimate of the mean value,m,and the covariance matrix, S, of N(m,S) and comment on the resulting estimates. It can be observed that the estimates that define the corresponding Gaussian pdf, although close to the true values of the parameters, cannot be trusted as good estimates. This is due to the fact that 50points are not enough to result in reliable estimates. Note that the returned values depend on the initalization of the random generator, so there is a slight deviation among experiments. 自分なりに単語の意味を調べて、ガウス分布に関する推定値を計算する際、おおよその値は求められるが信頼できる値ではない(50pointが信頼できる値として十分ではない)などが述べれらていることはわかったのですが、きれいな文章にできません。(特にNote tat 以降) もしよろしければどなたか和訳と訳す際のポイントを教えていただけませんか?

  • 英語の和訳

    英文の和訳のコツを教えてください。 It's cruel of you to say that. (そんなことを言うなんて君は残酷な人だ。) これを私は、あなたがそんな残酷なことを言うなんて。と和訳してしまいました。 of やto、as などが有るとどうすれば・・となります

  • 英語です。

    The number of children waiting to get into publicly certified nursery schools reached a record 48,356 as of October, up 2,298 from a year earlier, as the economic downt urn has prom pted more parents to work, government data show. The figure was the highest since comparable data began to be collected in 2001, when there were 37,191 children on waiting lists nationwide. (Kyodo News) この文章で質問があるのですが、 The number of children waiting to get into publicly certified nursery schools reached a record 48,356 as of October, up 2,298 from a year earlier, as the economic downt urn has prom pted more parents to work, は、 government data showのshowの目的語ですか?

  • 英語教えてください

    和訳してください His novels are not as popular as they used to be. That country is three and half times as large as Japan. The expressway is less safe at night than during the day. Which computer is the more compact of the two.

  • 今度貿易英語のテストがありますが、訳がわかりません。協力おねがいします。

    1.With reference to your letter of october27 inquiring for or goods,we are pleased to enclose a copy of our general. 2.We are enclosing price list no.1 which will give you the full details of our quotation 3.As requested,we have separately airmailed to you samples and technical information. 4.In reply to your request of may 1,we are sending two pattern books by courier service. 5.because of a great demand for the articles,oura stock have became very short. 6.It will be about two months before we can get a new supply of the item. 7.Item no.80 is no longer manufactured. In replacement, we recommend Item no.80A which is an impoved version of Item no.80. 8.the article you asked for will not be available till next february. 9.Unfortunately, the item you inquired for is our of make now. However, we have a similar articil in quality and enclose the sample and the price list for your consideration.

  • 英語が堪能な方へ、どうぞお願いします。

    英文をサイト翻訳で作りましたが、言い回しがおかしくないか見ていただけないでしょうか。 We will send the goods from Japan. It takes 4 weeks to 2-delivery, please understand. The goods of us, and then pack it very important with waterproof, so please do not worry. Goods, placed in a bag of opp, and I keep it carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. If there is a point of something noticed by the customer, please feel free to question us. If the goods If it were not in the description as, we will be happy to refund as soon as possible.We are happy of the most able to see your smile. The policy of our peace of mind, sincere, polite, we will do our best to our customers. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文章を和訳してください。

    メールを開くとこんなメールがあり、 大変恐縮ですが和訳してください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 We are pleased to inform you of the final announcemento of The sponsor lotto Online Promo programme held on fridy,march 4th 2011 The draw was done electronically with several email addresses provideed to this has pualifieded tothis office by webmail providers to enhance the utilization of the internet. Your email address was picked as one of the ten winning email addresses. This has pualified you to claim the total cash prize of 900 uea dolla incash

  • 英語*最上級

    英語に直す 1番近い交番はどこにありますか  [交番 police box] →(             ) あなたが今までに読んだ小説で1番長いのはなんですか [小説 novel] →(             ) あれは私が今までに見た最も美しい絵の1枚で →(             ) 空欄をうめる 航空運賃が1番安いからロンドンにしようかな I think I will choose London because the air fare is ( ). アテネがいいよ。運賃は1番高いけど50000ボーナスマイルが貰えるから I think Athens is the best.The fare is( ) ,but we can get 50,000 bonus miles. フランクフルトがいいんじゃないかな。往復運賃はロンドンの1.5倍だけど、ボーナスマイルは2倍貰えるから I'd like to go to Frankfrut.The price of a round-trip ticket to Frankfurt is ( ) times as high as that of a round-trip to London.But the bonus miles Frankfurt is ( ) as much as that for London.

  • 英語の和訳がうまくできなくて困っています。

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Nevertheless, one might speculate that deterministic way will play an increasingly important role, if only because they allow us to tap into our highly developed intuition as to the behavior of individual vortices. We do not have the same intuitive relationship to statistical theories, which in any event are plagued by the curse of the closure problem. ちなみに、 vortices:渦 closure problem:クロージャー問題 です。 英語苦手なので、よろしくお願いします。