和訳して下さい 京都の庭について書かれた文章です
Among the delights of Japan are its gardens,
not only because they are themselves beautiful but because
they inform us of an attitude toward nature.
Hills are not made to be bulldozed nor groves to be cut down;
rather,around the hill or within the grove,
one may create,working with nature, not again it.
Rocks, plants, a tree here or there may be shifted,
but the aim is to reveal the natural lines already there.
Nature is not something to conquer;
it is, instead, an environ-it, not the other way around.
And it Japan one can still see that ideal attitude: the house is a part of the garden;
the garden, a part of the house.
The days are now long gone, of course, when anyone held this attitude.
Another spirit has been judged more important it is all "destroy and burn",
just like anywhere else.
Yet this charge came late in Japan,
The old attitude was still alive until recently.
I remember, just twenty years ago,
watching workmen construct a wall near a tree which had a low overhanging branch.
When it became apparent that a collision would be unavoidable,
the workmen talked among themselves and then built a hole into their wall to save the branch.
With the attitude now vanished we are left only with those examples
made when the Japanese feeling for nature existed.
It is seen mainly in the gardens and it seen in its fullest in the gardens of Kyoto,
the early capital, a conservative city where the old is, at least, tolerated.
最初の文の「二重の意味」が何を指すかわからなかったのですが、下ネタということだったんですね。 下の2文は自然な日本語に直せなくて困っていたので、とても助かりました。 回答ありがとうございました!