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  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)



  • 英語動画の訳

    大学1年生です。 http://video.nytimes.com/video/playlist/environment/1194821066219/index.html  の、「art」の「City Critic: Finding the Real Santa」という動画の内容を、 (右上の四角から「City Critic: Finding the Real Santa」と検索したほうが楽かもしれません;) できるだけたくたん日本語で教えていただけませんか? 箇条書きで内容書いていただく感じでいいのでお願いします(;_;) 水曜までの宿題なんです… お願いします、助けてくださいっ

  • 日本語訳

    大学1年生です。 http://video.nytimes.com/video/playlist/environment/1194821066219/index.html  の、「art」の「City Critic: Finding the Real Santa」という動画の内容を、 (右上の四角から「City Critic: Finding the Real Santa」と検索したほうが楽かもしれません;) できるだけたくたん日本語で教えていただけませんか? 箇条書きで内容書いていただく感じでいいのでお願いします(;_;) 明日までの宿題なんです… お願いします、助けてくださいっ

  • 英語動画の訳

    大学1年生です。 http://video.nytimes.com/video/playlist/environment/1194821066219/index.html の「environment」の「Solar City」という動画の内容の情報を、 できるだけたくたん日本語で説明していただけませんか? 箇条書きで内容書いていただく感じでいいのでお願いします(;_;) 明日の宿題なんです… お願いします、助けてくださいっ

  • 英語動画の内容

    大学1年生です。 http://video.nytimes.com/video/playlist/environment/1194821066219/index.html の動画をだいたいでいいので日本語で説明していただけませんか? 箇条書きで内容書いていただく感じでいいのでお願いします(;_:) 明日の宿題なんです… お願いします、助けてくださいっ。

  • 英語の訳

    ニューヨークタイムスの新聞記事です。下記の訳を知りたいです。 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/world/asia/12codes.html?_r=1 ↑下記の文章が載っているホームページ A bus stop was crushed by part of a wall that had fallen from a nearby building in the city of Sendai, where a tsunami roared over embankments. Hidden inside the skeletons of high-rise towers, extra steel bracing, giant rubber pads and embedded hydraulic shock absorbers make modern Japanese buildings among the sturdiest in the world during a major earthquake. And all along the Japanese coast, tsunami warning signs, towering seawalls and well-marked escape routes offer some protection from walls of water. An oil refinery burned in the city of Chiba after Friday’s earthquake. In Japan, where quakes are more common than in the United States, building codes have long been much more stringent. These precautions, along with earthquake and tsunami drills that are routine for every Japanese citizen, show why Japan is the best-prepared country in the world for the twin disasters of earthquake and tsunami — practices that undoubtedly saved lives, though the final death toll is unknown. In Japan, where earthquakes are far more common than they are in the United States, the building codes have long been much more stringent on specific matters like how much a building may sway during a quake. After the Kobe earthquake in 1995, which killed about 6,000 people and injured 26,000, Japan also put enormous resources into new research on protecting structures, as well as retrofitting the country’s older and more vulnerable structures. Japan has spent billions of dollars developing the most advanced technology against earthquakes and tsunamis. Japan has gone much further than the United States in outfitting new buildings with advanced devices called base isolation pads and energy dissipation units to dampen the ground’s shaking during an earthquake. The isolation devices are essentially giant rubber-and-steel pads that are installed at the very bottom of the excavation for a building, which then simply sits on top of the pads. The dissipation units are built into a building’s structural skeleton. They are hydraulic cylinders that elongate and contract as the building sways, sapping the motion of energy. Of course, nothing is entirely foolproof. Structural engineers monitoring the events from a distance cautioned that the death toll was likely to rise as more information became available. Dr. Jack Moehle, a structural engineer at the University of California, Berkeley, said that video of the disaster seemed to show that some older buildings had indeed collapsed. The country that gave the world the word tsunami, especially in the 1980s and 1990s, built concrete seawalls in many communities, some as high as 40 feet, which amounted to its first line of defense against the water. In some coastal towns, in the event of an earthquake, networks of sensors are set up to set off alarms in individual residences and automatically shut down floodgates to prevent waves from surging upriver. Critics of the seawalls say they are eyesores and bad for the environment. The seawalls, they say, can instill a false sense of security among coastal residents and discourage them from participating in regular evacuation drills. Moreover, by literally cutting residents’ visibility of the ocean, the seawalls reduce their ability to understand the sea by observing wave patterns, critics say. Waves from Friday’s tsunami spilled over some seawalls in the affected areas. “The tsunami roared over embankments in Sendai city, washing cars, houses and farm equipment inland before reversing directions and carrying them out to sea,” according to a statement by a Japanese engineer, Kit Miyamoto, circulated by the American Society of Civil Engineers. “Flames shot from some of the houses, probably because of burst gas pipes.”

  • 次の動画の英語と英語訳をお願いします

    次の動画の英語と英語訳をお願いします。 8:33~ある男性がイタリヤは素晴らしいと話していますが、そのあと 8:46~メガネの男性が何か話しています。 英語と訳を教えてください よろしくお願いします。

  • この動画の訳下さい!


  • 動画の訳をお願いします。


  • 「君死にたまふことなかれ」の英語訳ってありますか?(てゆうか、英語訳していいんですか?)

    与謝野晶子さんの「君死にたまふことなかれ」の、 英語訳があったら読んでみたいと思ってます。 検索しても載っているページがみつかりません。 私としては、できれば中国語訳の参考にしたいのですが… そもそも日本人の悲劇を書いた作品が、 アメリカなどで翻訳されていいものなんでしょうか? 韓国では日本人を被害者扱いしているという理由で、 「火垂の墓」が放送中止になったくらいですから、 中国だって反日だから、「君死にたまふ~」を 中国語に訳されたら、中国人は怒ってしまいますかね? どうなんでしょうか?

  • 英語訳を教えてください
