• 締切済み



  • 10311219
  • ベストアンサー率22% (43/194)

1)was born on 2)was killed by 3)was fulled of 1)The soccor fans were excited at his additional goal. 2)Two firefighters injured in the fire. 3)He has called Jimmy since he was a little boy.


  • 英語の問題なのですが,この問題が分かりません.

    The Sun generates an average 3.74 × 10^26W of power . Assume the wavelength of the Sun’s radiation is 500 nm. a. Estimate how many photons the Sun emits every second. b. Estimate the temperature of the Sun. c. If 4.45×10^-8 of the Sun’s photons reach Earth, estimate the average intensity of this radiation on the Earth’s surface in (radius of Earth : 6.37×10^6 m) 英語の意味はなんとなく分かるのですが解けませんでした. どうかよろしくお願いします.

  • よくわからない問題

    例にならってかきかえる問題です。 1 例 I was eating chicken while I was watching TV. →I was eating chicken,watching TV. 1.While he was walking along the street,he thought about his problem. 2.She looks very pretty when she wears that hat. 3.Because she felt tired,she went home early. 2 例 (clear) He didn't agree. →It's clear that he didn't agree. 1.(clear) He didn't do his homework by himself. 2.(a surprise) She didn't talk to you at the party. 3.(possible) I'll be here again next Friday. 3 例 (I thought) The restaurant is near the station. →I thought the restaurant was near the station. 1.(I thought) Ann likes her aunt very much. 2.(Mary believed) Her father will be in London soon. 3.(I learned) The earth goes around the sun. 4.(They thought) We had a lot of things to do. 以上です。 多いですがよろしくお願いします><

  • 英語の問題を教えてください!!

    次の英文の動詞の誤りを正しく直し,全文書き換えなさい。 ⑴I have known Yuri since we are elementary school students. knownを書き換えると思うんですが、合っているとしか思えません。何に書き換えるんでしょうか、 ⑵The earth traveled around the sun. traveled をtravels に変えると考えました。 ⑶Turn right at the next corner,and you have found a post office on your left. turnを変えるのでしょうか、、 ⑷A new bakery has opened near my house yesterday. openedではないんですか? 教えてください‼︎

  • 訳がわかりません。

    The airplane she was one had to return to turn around and go back. 上記の意味がわかりません。 Air-Rage Grammy Gets 10-Year Flight Ban のNews からの内容理解確認文の一文なのですが、 The airplaneは had to return だったto turn around and go back するために・・・・。までは わかるのですが、she was one が どうthe airplaneにかかるのかが わかりません。そもそも she was oneも 「彼女は ひとりだった。?(暴行を働いてしまったウチの という意味???)」と それ自身の意味もわかりません。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の問題です!助けてください!

    次の3この問題がわかりません。誰か教えてください。 問題内容は線部に入るものを選べです。 1.I want you to come to my office at _____ . A.then B.once C.all D.next 2. The goods Jack wanted to buy ____ out of stock last week. A.is B.are C.was D.were 3.The sports festival was ____ because of the terrible storm. A.postponed B.prepared C.proposed D.pointed

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 31 August Beseler was made responsible for the security of the German forces around Antwerp from relief attempts from the west. Landsturm battalions were transferred from the Generalgouverneur appointed to administer occupied Belgium, Field Marshal Von der Goltz and a division of the Marinekorps was ordered to the area. On 1 September, the Belgians received information that the Germans were preparing to advance towards the Belgian western flank, on the Scheldt at Dendermonde. The Belgian commanders had received reports that the IX Reserve Corps and the 6th Division of the III Reserve Corps, were being relieved by the Marine Division and Landwehr troops. The Germans had received agent reports of an imminent sortie from Antwerp, troops concentrations in western Belgium and northern France and the arrival of more British troops at Ostend. With the concentration of more troops and Landsturm at Brussels underway, the reports caused no alarm. The Belgian Army Command considered that the German attack on 4 September was a feint and began to plan another sortie, to induce the Germans to recall the troops being transferred to France and to disrupt German communications in central Belgium. German troop withdrawals were observed from 5–7 September. A frontal attack was considered to be impossible given the extent of the German trenches but an attack on the eastern flank was considered possible. Two divisions were to remain inside the Antwerp defences, while three divisions and cavalry were to attack towards Aarschot. Important crossings over the Demer and Dyle rivers were quickly taken, Aarschot was captured and by 10 September, the cavalry reached the city of Leuven. The German 6th Reserve Division and IX Reserve Corps were recalled to the region, joining the 30th Division of XV Corps from Alsace, which conducted operations against the sortie between 10–13 September around Brussels. The Belgian advance was stopped and the army retired to Antwerp on 13 September. At Antwerp, the German concentration of troops on the south-eastern side of the line had left a gap to the north from the Dender to the Dutch frontier. The gap spanned about 13 miles (21 km) at the confluence of the Dender and the Scheldt rivers at Dendermonde, through which the defenders of Antwerp retained contact with western Belgium and the Allied forces operating on the coast and in northern France.

  • この問題の答えを教えてほしいです。

    この問題の答えを教えてほしいです。 並べ替え 1)その新しい映画はどこで上映されているのですか? (being/is/movie/where/the/screened/new)? 2)これらの油絵は日本の浮世絵の影響を受けたものですか? (oil paintings/were/Japanese Ukiyoe/influenced/these/by)? 3)私の弟の腕時計はジョージによって壊された。 (watch/broken/my brother's/by/was)George. 4)ギリシャ神話は長い間、語り続けられてきた。 (for/been/Greek myths/told/have)a long time. 5)入り口で入室許可証が警備員によって私に手渡された。 (by/handed/the pass/to/was/me/the guard)at the entrance. ほぼ同じ意味の受動態の文に書きかえなさい。 1)Everyone expects that the brass band in our school will win the next contest. (2通りに) 2)They kept all the soft drinks cool in the refrigerator. 3)We know that whales are mammals.(2通りに) ( )に適当な語を入れなさい。 1)多くの罪のない子どもたちがその戦争で亡くなった。  Many innocent children ( ) ( ) ( ) the war. 2)私は真美がいないことに本当にがっかりしている。  I ( ) really ( ) with Mami's absence. 3)彼はテニスの試合に勝って驚いた。  He ( ) ( ) ( ) his victory in the tennis match. 4)その手紙を読んでいるとき、彼女の目は涙でいっぱいだった。  Her eyes ( ) ( ) ( ) tears when she was reading the letter. 5)私たちは彼女の奇妙なふるまいに困惑した。  We ( ) ( ) at her strange behavior. 6)亮太は東京の郊外で生まれ育った。  Ryota ( ) ( ) and raised in a suburb of Tokyo. 7)私たちはバスが完全に止まるまで座っていなければならない。  We have to ( ) ( ) until the bus stops completely. 与えられた書き出しから始まる受動態の文に書きかえなさい。 1)Jane's appearance on TV surprised me. I 2)Who will take care of the sheep? By whom 3)The audience laughed at the politician. The politician 4)They say that the prime minister is against the plan. The prime minister  

  • 答えを・・・。

    答えが無くて困っています。 教えて下さい。宜しくお願いします。 A.かっこのなかの語を並び替えて、意味の通る文にしなさい。 Tom(asked,at,could,he,if,me,stay)my home for the night. Women(be,harder,seem,to,working)than men in this country. B.かっこのなかに適当な語を入れて「・・・に思われる」という意味の文を つくりなさい。 A lot of French people live around this area. →( )( )that a lot of French people live around this area. これはIt seemsだとおもうんですけどあってますか? Nancy knows a lot about Japanese food. →Nancy( )( )know a lot about Japanese food. これはseem toだとおもうのですがどうでしょうか? C.ほぼ同じ意味になるようにかっこのなかに適当な語を入れなさい。 The music room was full of girl students. →The music room( )( )with girl students. Not only rice but also wheat is grown in my town. →Wheat( )( )( )rice is grown in my town. D.日本語の意味になるように英文を完成させなさい。 第10回ペット・ショーは、この前の日曜日に市の催し物会場で開かれました The 10th pet show_______________at the City Fairground____________________. 小雨にもかかわらず、数千の人々がショーに参加しました。 ___________________the light rain,______________________people______________________the show. 犬をつれてきた人もいれば猫をつれてきた人もいました。 _________took their dogs with them,___________________their cats. このペット・ショーは子供達が動物を理解する手助けとなるでしょう。 The pet show will___________________________animals.

  • 否定・倒置の問題が分かりません

    一応自分でも解いてみたのですが、答えに自信がないので解答と解説を御願い致します。 1, The show was so popular that there were ( ) seats remaining. (1)enough (2)few (3)more (4)rare 自分の答えは(2)です。 人気があるショーのため、fewの「ほとんど~ない」という意味を使って、空席がほとんどないことを考えました。 2, It was so cold this morning that ( ) anybody went swiming. (1)all (2)almost (3)hardly (4)most 自分の答えは(3)です。 hardlyの「ほとんど~ない」という意味を使って、寒さのためスイミングに行った人が殆ど居ない状態だと考えました。 3, It was not ( ) tired for it was really an interesting book. (1)a little (2)too (3)all (4)at all 自分の答えは(4)です。 not at all「少しも~ない」という熟語を使って、「本を読むのに全く疲れなかった」という風に考えました。 4, There were very few, if ( ), people who actually saw what happened. (1)any (2)ever (3)many (4)not この問題は・・・解けませんでした。 文自体どの様な構造になっているか分かりません・・・。

  • 次の問題の答えを教えてほしいです!!

    ☆1.~5.に続く最も適切なものをa.~e.から1つずつ選びなさい。 またそれぞれを日本文に直しなさい。 1.This is the book [           ]. 2.Yokohama is the city [           ]. 3.Don't put off till tomorrow [             ]. 4.Bill is the man [             ]. 5.The man [               ]. a.who arrives first every morning b.which I bought the other day c.what you can do today d.whom I met at the airport yesterday is her father e.whose population is the second largest in Japan ☆[              ]に入る最も適切なものをa.~d.から1つずつ選びなさい。 またそれぞれを日本文に直しなさい。 1.He is [                  ] a walking dictionary. 2.She is not [                  ] ten years ago. 3.He is handsome, [                    ], very smart. 4.Linda missed the train, [                ], lost her ticket. a.and what is more b.and what was worse c.what she was d.what is called お願いします!!