
  • 英語の問題がわかりません!助けてください!
  • 次の3つの問題についてわかりません。誰か教えてください。問題内容は線部に入るものを選べです。
  • 1. I want you to come to my office at _____ . A.then B.once C.all D.next 2. The goods Jack wanted to buy ____ out of stock last week. A.is B.are C.was D.were 3.The sports festival was ____ because of the terrible storm. A.postponed B.prepared C.proposed D.pointed
  • ベストアンサー


次の3この問題がわかりません。誰か教えてください。 問題内容は線部に入るものを選べです。 1.I want you to come to my office at _____ . A.then B.once C.all D.next 2. The goods Jack wanted to buy ____ out of stock last week. A.is B.are C.was D.were 3.The sports festival was ____ because of the terrible storm. A.postponed B.prepared C.proposed D.pointed

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

1はB 「at once」で、同時に(一緒に)の意味。 2はD 「 goods 」は複数形であり、「last week」は先週(過去)のこと。 3はA 文脈からして、猛烈な嵐「the terrible storm」によって延期された「was postponed 」が適当。


  • 英語の文法問題(TOEIC)

    The engineering manager sat at his desk in the corner of his room ( ) the materials for the following week's presentation. ()内に入る語は? (A) preparing (B) prepared (C) preparation (D) being prepared という問題なのですが、答えは(A)でした。私は(B)でも平気かな?と思ったのですが 答えでは、(B)(C)(D)は文法的に間違い と書いてありました。 どうして間違いなのか教えてください。;; 宜しくお願い致しますm(__)m

  • 英語の問題のコト

    (1)The Philippines has been trying to attract international investment   (   ) of three planned power plants in Luzon. (A)to build (B)for building (C)so as to build (D)in the build (   )のなかに、(A),(B),(C),(D)のうちどれかが入るらしいんですが... 僕は(B)かな?と思っているのですが、どうでしょう? とりあえず、(A),(C)はチガウ、とは思っていて、(B)と(D)で マヨッテいるのです。 (B)では素直すぎるし... できれば、意味も添えてもらえるとアリガタイです。 (2) (   ) change in the restaurant's decor occurred    after it was taken over by a first-food chain. (A)Most extensive (B)The most extensive (C)Extensively (D)Many extensive これも、(  )の中に(A)~(D)のどれかが入るらしいんですが、 これは(B)であってますか? 意味は、 「ファーストフードチェーンに引継がれてから、そのレストランの  内装は、劇的に変化した。」 でいいんですかね? うぅん...不安だ... どなたかお力ゾエをヨロシクです。

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。???のところに入る単語はどれですか?また、訳せなかったので自信はないですが2はC、4はB、5はBのような気がします。当たっていますか? 1.The receptionist usually asks patients to wait while she ??? to see if Dr.Gupta is available. (A)checks (B)checking (C)had checked (D)will check 2.All new staff ??? to complete a six-month training period before beng offered permanent accounting positions. (A)expectation (B)expectant (C)are expected (D)to expect 3.Every Monday, Defense Attorney Sanchez's secretary ??? with her to review her legal appointments for the week. (A)have met (B)will be met (C)neeting (D)meets 4.The phone call came while Professor Nakano ??? a student, so she could not answer it. (A)to counsel (B)was counseling (C)counseling (D)will counsel 5.Star Co. autmobile mechanics ??? repairing vehicles even in the worst types of weather. (A)been experiencing (B)have experienced (C)to experience (D)was experienced

  • 英語の問題を教え下さい。

    (1)It looks to me as if the lead actor (__) experience in action movies. (A)be lacking (B)is lack (C)lack (D)lacks (2)The country's largest multiplex cinema(__) in the middle of Westpark Mall. (A)is locate (B)is located (C)is locating (D)locates (3)My brother gave (__) two tickets for tomorrow night's sneak preview. (A)by me (B)for me (C)me (D)to me (4)The lead (__) while shooting the film and had to be replaced. (A)got hurt (B)hurting (C)is hurt (D)was hurted (5)My mother doesn't really approve of films, but lart weekend she let us (__) see the latest animated movie from Japan. (A)go to (B)going to (C)gone to (D)went to 上記の問題(1)~(5)の(__)にA~Dの中から正しいものを入れて、なおかつ英文を日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m

  • 英語の選択問題

    () the secretary was making arrangements for the meeting, the president called her to tell her that it had been postponed. a)Which b)As c)Although d)Whom 回答、解説お願いしますm(。。)m 予想は、asです…

  • 英語の問題教えてください!

    The teacher's association has annoused that the food and drinks () supplied at the annual conference will not be provided this year. (A)usually (B)hugely (C)evenly (D)strictly All passengers should present their () documents at the check-in counter. (A)boarded (B)boarding (C)to board (D)boards There is now increased competition among motor-vehicle manufacturers () has resulted in better cars at lower prices. (A)those (B)what (C)that (D)where Mayor Williams proudly described the city as a place where the citizens are () for their hospitality. (A)returned (B)known (C)taken (D)held Comco, Inc.,became the leading supplier of computer () last year, less than ten years after it was founded. (A)amounts (B)types (C)kinds (D)parts The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the bussiness of small retailers in this area than we () predicted. (A)original (B)originally (C)originated (D)originality The cost of repairing the water damage to the museum after the storm () to be more than one million dollars. (A)expects (B)is expecting (C)expected (D)is expected 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 次の英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    次の???に入る選択肢はどれだと思いますか?できれば詳しい解説(訳など)もお願いします。 1.Research revealed that recently the demand ??? a powerful household cleaner has increased faster than the supply. (A)for (B)as (C)to (D)in 2.The advertising campaign promoting the G-Max cell phone was so successful that sales rose 30% ??? only one month. (A)on (B)at (C)by (D)in 3.One of the alarm systems ??? the factory failed to pass inspection. (A)at (B)by (C)from (D)above 4.Invoices may be presented ??? clients after they are fully satisfied with a project we have completed. (A)to (B)on (C)during (D)behind 5.Advertisers will be informed of the cost of their advertisements ??? 24 hours. (A)between (B)by (C)within (D)before

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください。

    次の???のところに入る単語はどれだと思いますか?もし可能であれば、訳も書いていただけると幸いです。 1.At the end of the meeting,thecompany's board of directors ??? Mr.Sung as their new chairman. (A)were named (B)has been named (C)naming (D)named 2.The schedule for the Jakarta conference ??? within 24 hours. (A)was appeared (B)will appear (C)appearing (D)to appear 3.By the end of the month,the majority of the department employees had gone through their annual reviews,although a few were still ???. (A)waits (B)waited (C)waiting (D)wait 4.Ms.Chui's supervisor asked her to come into his office and ??? her notes on the Kiborne marketing project. (A)was brought (B)bring (C)were brought (D)was bringing 5.The clerk at grocery store ??? Mr.Rostov that the delivery delay was due to heavy traffic. (A)was assured (B) assured (C)been assured (D)assuring

  • この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 次の( )に適切なものを選びなさい。 1,"Our trip to tokyo was fun,wasn't it?'' "Yes,it was great! I'm really looking forward ( ) there again sometime'' a,go b,going c,to go d,to going 2,"How did you do on the test?" "I don't know.For some reason, they've put off ( ) the resolts until the end of the month'' a, announce b,announcement c,annoucing d,to announce 正しい英文になるように( )内の動詞を現在分詞または過去分詞に変えて適切な箇所にいれ、全文を書きなさい。 1,The boy is afraid of that dog.(bark) 2,They took the man to the hospital.(injure) 3,The woman tea over there is Ms.Morita.(drink) 4,Look at the basket with floweres.(fill) 5,The tall building by the library is the city hall.(stand)

  • 英語の問題で分からない所があります

    英語の問題で分からない所があります 解答が無い上に体調がすぐれない為 思う様に進められません どなたかお力添えを頂けると助かります 次の英文中の () 何に最も適する表現を a ~ d 1つ選びなさい  ・ I feel like ( ) to the movies tonight .   ( a: but go  b: to go  c: gone  d: going )  ・ I wish I ( ) a bird .   ( a: am  b: am not  c: were  d: could )  ・ ( ) do you think of this ?   ( a: How  b: What  c: Which  d: Whichever )  ・ She ( ) be a polite person to do such a thing .   ( a: must not  b: cannot  c: dare not  d: ought not )  ・ Hurry up , ( ) you will miss the train .   ( a: or  b: and  c: after  d: before ) 恐縮ですが 和訳や解説等も頂けると助かります 宜しくお願い致します。