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  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

その映画の内容を知らないので、確かなことは分りませんが、Alabama 州は南部の州ですし、ダニとも無縁ではないのかもしれません (田舎というイメージもあるのか?)。人種差別の激しい(激しかった?)州ですね (インディアンの虐殺なども有名だし)。好ましくない代表として結びつけたのか? ただし、推測です。他にきちんとしたいわれか理由があるのかもしれません。





  • 翻訳してもらえませんか?

    ヤフオクで投稿者から下記の質問を貰って返答に困っています。 日本語でないと無理だし、海外との取引もできませんと断りたいのですが、質問の意味と返答の仕方を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 Hello seller, My Name is Mrs Linda Angelina from Russia Base In Alberta,Canada.I want to make an urgent purchase for your item pasted on Yahoo Auctions for my Son in Nigeria,and i will be paying you $1,500.00 USD so payment will be done through Bank Transfer However i want you to reply me to my Email via (mrslin*****@gmail.com) Await your quick response. Thanks

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかた、 翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか? 誤植があるかと思いますが、意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Your moon trines his sun. This is an ideal combination for a close, personal relationship whether it be a close friendship or love relationship. This gives psychological and emotional compatibility, It draw you and him together. You enjoy each other's company and will always feel just a little fascinated by each other. Each will feel that the other person is special an enliven something in your life. You have a lot in common and the ability to share enjoyable times together. Her is likely to be the decision maker or the more dominant person in the relationship. You will see yours identity enhanced by the association and your life improved by the decisions he makes. He will receive emotional support from you which contributes to a greater sense of being alive and cared about, an ability to achieve his personal goals. He misses this when he is alone. He may appreciate

  • 翻訳お願いします。え

      I don't remember when I first realized I was an American. Pledging allegiance to the flag at age six. Registering for the Selective Service at eighteen. Joining the Marines at twenty. I'm certain, though, that long before any of these happened, I was made quite aware that I was first, a Mississippian―a Jacksonian in fact―a southerner, a son of parents who were not themselves Mississippians, but Arkansans,and so slightly different from me. AII these unique local identities, of course,Presume me to be an American, since the Republic, the country and principles it embodies contain all the others. Thus, anything about me and my productions that I might attribute to being a Southerner,etc., can also be attributable―by radiating logic-to being an American

  • 英語翻訳

    何度か辞書、翻訳ツールを頼りにこの長文に臨んだのですが、いかんせん実力不足で理解ができません。 解答、訳が付いておらずお手上げ状態です。 貴重なお時間を割くようで、大変恐縮ですが、どなたかこの長文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? とても助かります。 It is often said that there is no love like amother's love. Once in a while, however , there are cases in which a man comes to love his mother a little too much. They can become fixated on them, or too attached to them. They have difficulty separating themselves from the woman who brought them into the world and raised them. You might be surprised to find that history has no shortge of famous men who had a mother complex. The effect of this complex differs from person to person as well. J.M. Barrie wrote the wonderful story Peter Pan, which has become one of the best-loved children's books of all time. In the book ,there is aplace called Never-Never Land, a place where children never grow up. In real life "Lamie" would dress in his dead brother's clothes and spend long hours in the dark with his mother, consoling her over the death of his brother and her son. Some say this is the reason he did not grow much from his teenage years on. In order words, he stopped growing. Later, in adulthood, this short man wrote memoirs about his mother that shocked people all over England. He was clearly a man who adored his mother. Houdini was one of the greatest magicians ever. His specialy was breaking out of dark places from which there was no escape. Some phychologists think that Houdini was really trying to experience childbirth over and over again. This is the reason that he put himself into dark, dangerous places from which he had to break out into tha world of light. It was similar to a baby's body coming out into the world. After his mother passed away, Houdini went from phychic to psychic because he hoped to find someone who could put him in touch with her. Some saw him spend hours lying on his mother's grave, talking toward the ground. Apparently, he was unsuccessful at communicating with his mother, though he did succeed in creating a greater distance between his wife and himself. Yukio Mishima, the renowned Japanese writer, spent his childhood as the object of a tug-of-war. His groundmother, a tough woman who emphasized discipline and manners, and his mother, an emotional and outgoing woman, battled to influence young Yukio. His grandmather passed away while he was a teenager, but taught him to function smoothly in the world. Consequently, he spent most of his time with his mother, whom he adored. Aftr his death, his mother supposedly said, "At last, my lover has returned to me." Mishima presented himself as a tough, disciplined, "manly" man, while in private, he kept male lovers in a passionate, emotional worlds. Did this have something to do with his complex over his mother? The effect of a mother complex on an individual can differ from person to person. Though the cause was the same for all of these three men, the results were very different. Too much of a good thing can be bad for us. Eating too many sweets, for example, leads to token, amother's love is special, but too much of it can be unhealthy.

  • 翻訳 英語

    翻訳お願いいたします。 途中までは訳してみたんですが、後半がわからないです。 至急お願いいたします。 As they left the church the music was by Bach, the organ played by someone e lse today, for usually it was his task. Groups formed in the small graveyard that was scattered around the small grey building, where the piano tuner's father and mother were buried, with ancestors on his father's side from previous generations, There would be tea and few drinks for any of the wedding guests who cared to make the journey to the house, two miles away, but some said goodbye now, wishing the pair happiness. The piano tuner shook hands that were familiar to him, seeing in his mental eye faces that his first wife had described for him. It was the depth of summer, as in 1951, the sun warm on his forehead and his cheeks, and on his body through the heavy wedding clothes. All his life he had known this graveyard, had first felt the letters on the stones as a child, spelling out to his mother the names of his father's familiy. He and Violet had not had children themselves, though they'd have liked them. He was her child,it had been said, a statement that was an irritation for Belle whenever she heard it. She would have given him children, of that she felt certain. 彼らが教会を去った後、バッハの音楽が流れていた。そのオルガンを弾いていたのはピアノ調律師ではなく、他の誰かだった。 その仕事は彼のなのに。 グループは小さな墓地で形成されていた。 それは周りに小さい灰色の墓があり、ピアノ調律師の父、母も埋葬されており、父の前の世代の先祖も埋葬されている。 そこには紅茶やいくつかのお酒があるだろう。

  • 英字新聞翻訳 添削のお願い その2

     http://okwave.jp/qa/q9211762.html の続きです。この記事に関連する日本語のサイトも見てみましたが、(4)、(7)、(8)などどう訳したら良いのかわかりませんでした。 それぞれの名前が決まるまでのエピソードを紹介していることは、わかるのですがきちんと理解できませんでした。どなたか添削をお願いします。 (1)Tennessee is the second U.S. state to be recognized with an element; California was the first. テネシー州は、元素を思い出せるアメリカ第二の州である。 カリフォルニアが最初である。  → テネシー州は、カリフォルニアに続く元素を思い出させるアメリカの二番目の州である。 (2)Element names can come from places, mythology, names of scientists or traits of the element. 元素名は、地名、神話、科学者の名前、元素の特徴があり得る。  → 元素名は、地名、神話、科学者名、元素の特徴に因んで付けられる。 (3)Other examples: americium, einsteinium and titanium. 他の例はアメリシウム、アインスタニウム(アインスタニューム)およびチタニウムである。  →例えば、アメリシウム、アインスタニウム(アインスタニューム)およびチタニウムである。 (4)Joining more familiar element names such as hydrogen, carbon and lead are: — moscovium (mah-SKOH'-vee-um), symbol Mc, for element 115, and tennessine (TEH'-neh-seen), symbol Ts, for element 117.  更に、水素、鉛のようによく知られている元素名のjoiningはmoscoviumモスコビウム(mah-SKOH'-vee-um) シンボルMc, 元素番号115、tennessine テネシウム(TEH'-neh-seen), シンボルTs 元素番号117. (5)The discovery team is from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. 発見チームは、合同原子核研究所(ロシア:ドゥブナ)、オークリッジ国立研究所及びバンダービルト大学(テネシー)、及びローレンス・リバモア国立研究所(カリフォルニア)である。 (6)Vanderbilt physics professor Joseph Hamilton, who played a role in the discoveries, proposed naming an element for Tennessee. ジョセフ・ハミルトン(バンダービルト大学?物理学教授)、そして、彼は発見における役割を果たした。テネシウムの元素名を提案した。 → 発見者であるジョセフ・ハミルトン(バンダービルト大学:物理学教授)は、元素名としてテネしウムを提案した。 (7)He had hoped to use the symbol Tn, but it had been used in the past and couldn't be assigned to the new element. 彼は、元素記号Tnを使うことを希望していたが、すでに使用されており、新しい元素に再び割り当てることはできない。 (8)— oganesson (OH'-gah-NEH'-sun), symbol Og, for element 118. -118の元素のオガネソン記号(元素記号)Og (OH'-gah-NEH'-sun), (9)The name honors Russian physicist Yuri Oganessian. ロシアの物理学者Yuri Oganessianに敬意をはらった (9)The element was discovered in Japan, and Nihon is one way to say the country's name in Japanese. その元素は日本で発見された。そしてニホンは日本語で日本国を示す一つの方法である。  → その元素は日本で発見されたが、ニホンは日本語で日本国を意味する。 (10)It's the first element to be discovered in an Asian country.  これはアジアの国で発見された最初の元素となった。 (11)The public comment period will end Nov. 8. 民間意見調査期間(公示期間)は11月8日に終わる(だろう)

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    With the ground still frozen, assembly trenches could not be dug, so it was decided that the troops would assemble in the open for the attack. The artillery of II Corps began a destructive and wire-cutting bombardment on 14 February, using the new fuze 106 against the German wire, which proved an effective wire-cutter, although fog and mist made aiming and observation of the results difficult. At zero hour, four siege groups were to begin a bombardment of rear lines and machine-gun nests and four counter-battery groups were to neutralise German artillery within range of the attack. Artillery tactics were based on the experience of 1916, with a creeping barrage fired by half of the 18-pounders, beginning 200 yards (180 m) in front of the infantry and moving at 100 yards (91 m) in three minutes.

  • 英文を翻訳お願いします

    In general, wine is made from grapes. Pass me the salt,please. He will be an Edison. I don't mind eating fast food three times a day. A human being is the only animal that is gifted with speech. He said that necessity is the mother of invention. This is the house where Shakespeare was born. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never change my mind. The rescue worker grabbed the man by the hand. The knowledge of first aid is of great use. He was at a loss as to what to do. Mother went to see the school festival by train.

  • Jefferson Is El #34 質問10

    この文章はVOAの一節です。 学習を目的に、訳してみました。 間違いを指摘して頂きたいと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 www.manythings.org/voa/history <= Back [ Program 34 ] Next => The Federalists tried to make people believe that Burr was working with them, against Jefferson. Burr denied this. In a letter to Jefferson, Burr wrote: 連邦党は、ジョンソンと違って、バーは彼らとともに仕事をしていると、 国民に信じ込ませようとした。バーはこれを否定した。ジェファーソンへの手紙の中で、バーは(次のように)書いた: "Every Republican wants you to be president of the United States. Every good Republican wants to serve under you. I would be happy and honored to be your vice president. And, if you believe I could help you better in some other position, I would do so." 「共和党員は、みな、あなたがアメリカ合衆国の大統領になるように望んでいる。善良な共和党員は、皆、あなたの役に立ちたいと望んでいます。私は、あなたの副大統領になることを嬉しく思い、光栄に思います。 そして、もし、私が、何か他の立場で、より良く、あなたのお役に立つかも知れないと、あなたが信じるなら、私は、喜んでそうします」 On February eleventh, the House of Representatives began to count votes, state by state. Eight states chose Jefferson. Six chose Burr. The representatives of two states -- Maryland and Vermont -- gave each man an equal number of votes. There was no majority within those states. So neither man won the votes of those states. 2月11日、下院は、州ごとに、票の集計を始めた。8州がジェファーソンを選んだ。6州がバーを選んだ。二つの州の代表- - メリーランド州とヴァーモント州- -は、各人に同数の票を与えた。これらの州では、過半数にならなかった。それで、両人とも、この州の投票に勝てなかった。 *gave each man an equal number ・・各人に同数の票を与えた(?) *There was not majority 過半数にならなかった(やや疑問?) *nether man won the votes 投票に勝てなかった(?) *“*・・?”は質問の意味です。よろしくお願いします。

  • この文章の和訳をお願いします。

      Furthermore, ρ is the density of the planet and is taken to be 4.45g/cm^3 according to Lewis. The values of r_p/h are tabulated in Table I for various regions from the Sun. It is to be noticed that the planetary radius decreases as the increase in the distance from the Sun in the system of units adopted here.   Orbital calculations are performed by means of the 4th order Runge-Kutter-Gill method with an accuracy of double precision. よろしくお願いします。