• 締切済み



  • macbain
  • ベストアンサー率37% (147/391)

 6番は1が正解ですね。「学校(での出来、成績)はどうでしたか?」という質問ですから、「そう悪くはありませんでした」が自然。「図書館で勉強するのが好きでした」はその後の文脈しだいではありになる可能性もありますが、これ1センテンスだけでは不自然でしょう。  8番は2が正解。「一緒に映画に行きませんか」「いいですね」  wouldは仮定法のwouldで、まだ本当に映画に行くかどうか確定していないので「実際にそうなったなら」niceなことだね、というニュアンスです。


  • [英語] ()に当てはまるものを教えて下さい><

    1. A: Would you like me to repair it for you? B: () (1) No thanks, I'd rather do it myself. (2) Yes, but I don't know how.  (3) Yes, would you please show me how? (4) No, I couldn't show you how. 2. A: Well, how did you enjoy the party, Jenny? B: It was great! I really had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for living me! A: () (1) Don't mention it! (2) Not necessarily! (3) No way! (4) Don't even think about it! 3. A: I'm sorry I didn't visit you last night. B: () (1) Thank you very much. (2) I'd rather not. (3) That's all right. (4) Me, either. 4. A: Why don't we go out somewhere tonight? B: () A: OK. Let's go and see that new action movie. (1) Because we don't want to go out. (2) No, we don't want to go out.  (3) Well, I'd prefer to rent a video. (4) Yeah, that sounds good to me. 5. A: What is the best way to get to Tokyo? B: By train, if you want save time. A: () B: That depends on the traffic. (1) How much does it cost? (2) How often do I have to change?  (3) Is there an express train? (4) How long will it take by bus? 6. A: May I help you? B: No, thank you. I'm just looking. A: () We have a lot more items upstairs. B: Oh, do you? You have a large selection, don't you? (1) Take your time. (2) Take it easy. (3) Do your best. (4) Hurry up.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします

    I've got to be going Nice talking to you Fine,thank you. And you? See you later Oh, that's nice Is everything all right? Take it easy That's too bad You're welcome I'm very sorry Oh ,what a shame! No,thanks Yeah, I've heard about you Nice talking to you, too Goodbye. See you later I haven't seen you for ages It was so nice to see you Catch you later No, nothing special Have a nice day

  • 適語補充問題の解答を教えて下さい(中学レベル)

    (1)彼は正直なのでうそをつけない。 He is(    )(    )honest a lie. (2)英語の手紙の書き方を教えてもらえますか。 Please teach me (    )to write a letter(    ) English,(    )you? (3)「窓を開けても構いませんか」「ええ、構いません」 “Do you(    ) my (    )the window?” ”(    ),I don’t ” (4)私は、昨日、歩いて学校へ行かなければならなかった。 I(    )(    ) go to school (    )(    )yesterday. (5)日本にこられてどのくらいになりますか。 (    )(    )have you(    ) in Japan? (6)私の父は英国製の万年筆を持っています。 My father has a fountain pen (    )(    )England. (7)私の家はあの赤い屋根の建物です。 My house is that(    )(    ) a red roof. (8)明日は雨がふるだろうか。 I(    )(    ) it will rain tomorrow. (9)私の姉は私の2倍のお金を持っている。 My sister has (    )(    )(    )(    )as I. (10)私には遊び友達がたくさんいる。 I have many friends(    )(    )(    ).

  • 会話問題が解けません

    一応自分でもやってみたのですが、答えに自信がないので解説をお願いします。 問題文「次の会話文を読んで、空所を補うのに最も適当なものを選びなさい。」 A:Front Desk. May I help you? B:Yes. This is room 702. There is something wrong with the sink in my bathroom. (1: ) A:Something is wrong with your sink, sir? (2: ) B:Certainly. The faucet is dripping. I can't sleep because of the noise. A:I'm sorry, sir. We won't be able to send someone to fix it until tomorrow morning. B:Tomorrow morning? (3: ) I can't sleep and I have a very important business meeting in the morning. A:The maintenance staff won't be here until morning. Perhaps we could move you to another room. B:Well, if you can't fix it tonight I guess that wil have to do. A:(4: ) Someone will be up to take your bags to the new room shortly. 1. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. 2. I should fix it soon. 3. Could you please be more specific? 4. That's not my problem. 5. Can't it be fixed before then? 6. I apologize for the inconvenience, sir. 7. I don't know what you are talking about. 8. Is someone fixing it? 9. Do you have someone available to fix it? 10.How did you break it? 私の答え 1番 5 2番 2 3番 9 4番 6 回答お待ちしております。

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです

    Who knows, maybe it could be a really powerful shampoo that could be useful as a hair stretcher wwww Well, in my opinion, long hair does fit you well (^^) Plus I bet that your real hair does look great too, I wanna see it Yes! Nice to know that you're interested mostly to go here in Sao Paulo (^o^) I bet that you will really like Sao Paulo! There are several interesting points to visit, like Parque do Ibirapuera :3 Rio de Janeiro is a good city too, there are good points to visit too Specially the beaches! I heard once about Oita It looks like a cool city, it feels a bit more urbanized than I expected I hope someday I can go to Japan! More honestly, I want more to live there (^o^)

  • 英語の訳をお願いします

    Good morning. How are you? I'm not doing very well. I have the flu Fin, thank you. How are you? I have to go I'm sorry to hear that It was nice to see you I hope you will recover soon Goodbye. see you later Bad. I've got a cold Hi. How's it going? Oh, what a shame! Pretty good. How about you? Take it easy, and you'll get better soon I've got to be going Nice seeing yo Bye .Catch you later  

  • [英語]()に当てはまるもの教えて下さい><

    1. John : Do you have the time? Ellen : () John : I asked you what time it is now. (1) Go ahead. (2) One moment, please. (3) I beg your pardon? (4) I don't know about it. 2. George : I don't think I can attend the meeting tonight. Ben : () George : I have a terrible stomachache. (1) What's wrong? (2) What about you? (3) What do you say to it? (4) What happened to it? 3. Clerk : We don't sell cell phones here. You'll have to go to the phone store. Rick : () Clerk : That's simple. Go out the door, turn to the left and go straight, and you'll find it on this side of the street. (1) Is that so? May I go to the phone store? (2) Excuse me. How can I get a cell phone there? (3) I see. Could you tell me how to get there? (4) Would you be kind enough to take me there?

  • 私にとって難しいのですが、続けなければと思っています。今日も添削をお願いします。

    Hi, Everyone, as I said yesterday I played golf. Next time I come here, I will write about it. Today, I will write about my feeling. 今日も、よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi, My Crystal! As you know, I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday. Everyday I say it to me in my heart. What do you think about my dream? These days I am feeling it is so hard to me. Of course, when I see you I do to do my best. And I am thinking I want to see you everyday. When I am with you, I speak only English. I can’t speak well, but I feel comfortable to talk with you. Crystal, what do you think about my English? Did you get my feeling in English? I hope you get my feeling. Well, I have to clean up my room. I want to be with you more and more. But I say to you “Ciao for now, My Little Sweet crystal!”

  • 対話文完成の問題

    1)A:May I use your bathroom? B:( ) 1.Good morning! 2.Be my guest! 3.Amazing! 4.No kidding! →2? 2)A:Can I borrow your dictionary? B:( ) 1.Sure, go ahead. 2.Of course, get a move on. 3.Yes, let's start. 4.Certainly, give me up. →1? 3)A:I'm thinking of going to Spain on my next vacation. What's your plan? B:( ) 1.Have a nice time in Spain. 2.I think you should go there. 3.I've never been there. 4.I haven't given it much thought. →4? 4)Ken:Maria, there's something important I want to ask you. Maria:Really? What is it? Ken:Well, it's kind of hard for me to say, but, ummm... Maria:( ) You can ask me anything. Ken. 1.Then, stop it. 2.Don't worry. 3.Let's have some tea. 4.Don't get angry. →2? 5)A:Donna and I are going to a jazz concert tomorrow. ( ) B:That sounds great! 1.Have you ever heard it? 2.Let me go with you. 3.Please tell me your plans. 4.Would you like to join us? →2? 6)Hans:I'd like a cup of tea. Is the water boiling? Gretel:( ) but it won't be long. Hans:I'll get a cup out of the cupboard. 1.Yes, it just started, 2.It started boiling a minute ago, 3.Not yet, 4.No, but it takes a long time, →2? 問題文 ()に入れる選択肢 自分で考えた答え  の順に書いてあります。 解答の添削、よかったら和訳や解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語がうまく訳せません。修正や解答お願いします。

    外国人の人とのメールでよくわからないヶ所があります。訳をみていただきたいのですが、お願いします 1 I really like Okinawa, the sea out there is so nice and beautiful... 私はほんとうに沖縄が好きだ。海以外?はとてもよくて美しい。 2 but it tok me some time to get use to the different foods in Japan...but now I like the food very much. しかし日本の食べ物… 3 So I wonder do you thin you will ever come to America again?? わかりません 4 I hope to come to Japan again, and if we talk a little more maybe I can come and see you??well if thats O.k. with you. わかりません… 5 So have you ever talked with American Guy before...you seem like a really nice girl, glad to have meet you. まえにアメリカ人とはなしたことある? あなたとてもいい感じの女の子だから あなたとしりあえてうれしいよ 以上です お願いします。