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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:「英文熟考」下巻(8)の文章ですが、最後の行のthanはasの間違いで)




#1 でも述べたように、behind はもともと前置詞なので比較級はありません。 したがって、程度を強める far「はるかに」を介在させることで比較表現が可能になります。 すなわち、比較級なら farther[further] behind than ~ (farther というれっきとした比較級が用いられています) 同等比較なら as far behind as ~ たとえ、behind than ~ということがあったとしても、今回の文については so far の説明がつきません。


  • この英文の訳

    自分でも頑張ってみたのですがうまく訳せなかったので、訳し方教えてください。 ちなみに内容は脊髄についてです。 The lowest part of the brain stem ,the medulla oblongate ,is continuous with the spinal cord below. The spinal cord is composed of tracts of nerve fibers that allow two-way comduction of nerve impulses. The sensory(afferent) fibers carry neural signals from sensory receptors ,such as those in the skin ,muscles ,and joints ,to the upper levels of the CNS. Motor(efferent) fibers from the brain and upper spinal cord transmit action potentials to end organs. ※ brain stem→脳幹 medulla oblongate→延髄 spinal cord→脊髄 sensory receptors→感覚受容器 CNS→中枢神経

  • F1関連の英文記事の読めない文章

    http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96836 上記記事内の文章の一部です。 【】で括ったところの英文の構造がおおまかでもよくわかりません。 Schumacher's tally was most certainly helped by the fact that he was able to make up so many positions in the opening stint of races - 【because he often qualified further down the field that his car was capable of.】 the field that~ はthe fuct is that~ みたいに読んだらいいのですかね?

  • 新聞記事の和訳をお願いします。

    メルケル首相の携帯電話への盗聴に関する記事です。訳して頂けませんか。よろしくお願いします。 Analysts said Thursday that although some of Europe’s outrage over NSA spying in recent months was more for domestic consumption than because of genuine surprise, the shock in Germany did stem from a sense that a line had been crossed.

  • ES細胞はどこから?

    Embryotic Stem CellsでしたっけES細胞。医学の分野ではヒトのES細胞も研究対象になっていることと思いますが、いったいどこで、どのようにして、手に入れているのでしょう?

  • 不自然な英文e-mail(間違いをおしえてください)

    こんにちは。 先日、自分自身で英文e-mailを書きました。しかし、表現が不自然だと思うところがとても多くありました。どうか、このe-mailの表現を添削することを通じて不自然な表現の訂正をお願いします!(気になったところだけで結構です!) 引用: Dear ○○○, Hi, I am in Katmandu now. It's second day for me here. This is very good city to pass time, so that I am always strolling in the city and reading some books in the small cafe restaurant (astonishingly there are many pretty good restrant to pass time^^). But Seeing past my shoulder to the days before here, it makes me a little shiver..It was beyond my imagination, actually, I have never imagined this travel had been this hard way... In fact, I struggled to this small city... Sufferings Detail: 1. Because of High fever(38 Celcius), no appitite(vomition), water-like something and loose emotion, I was hospitalized for two days in DELHI. When I arrived there, it's even difficult for me to walk! I was said 45 kg. 10 kg lesser than my ordinary weight! It was terrible expression. It was 7th day in India. I couldn't eat any solid meals for 5 days! (...to be continued.)

  • 英文での数学の文章問題です!

    英文の文章問題がニガテで・・・どなたか解き方を教えてください.よろしくお願いします. (1) A market research company discovers that, in the average month, the average Canadian spends $135 on three forms of entertainment: movies, music, and video game. If the average Canadian spend $10 per month on video games than they music, and 3 times as much on movies as the do on music, how much dose the average Canadian spend per month on each from of entertainment? (2) You have $2000 that received as a gift and want to save for one year to put towards next year’s tuition. The money can be invested in two ways. You can put in a one- year GIC or invest the money in mutual funds. If you put in a one- year GIC, you will receive 4% simple interest over the next year. If you invest money in mutual funds, you earnings will depend on the market growth rate. You will receive simple interest on the $2000 at a rate of 1% less than the market growth rate, but will have to pay a $200 brokerage when you withdraw the funds. For which values of the market growth rate will you make more money from the mutual funds than you will from the GIC?

  • 3行の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    すみませんが、こちらの英文の和訳をお願いします。 『I will also be leaving some of them for the company that is moving into our current space. The idea is NOT to open the boxes when we get to the new office. I am pretty exhausted but it will be over in another week.』

  • 英文の間違いを教えてください

    間違っている文やアドバイスなどあれば教えてください。 Second I am going to talk about dreams. Many people have a lot of dreams. And many people want to dream come true. For example, I want to be a singer and I want to learn it . (たとえば、もし私が歌手になりたくてそれについて学びたいとする) I think that a big city have many school than a small town. (わたしは小さい町よりも大きい街のほうがたくさん学校があると思う。) I live in a big city in a big town for dream come true. And we can know new information there.(それに、新しい情報を手に入れやすい) Therefore, I want to live in a big town. よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    Aristotle belived that the heart, not the brain, was the seat of mental processes and that the brain was a cooling system for the blood. 大体でいいのでお願いします

  • 次の英文のasは何ですか?よろしくお願いします。

    Victoria went on to put her foot in it a couple of months later, both by publicly demanding that David be given a pay rise-£25,000 a week is not enough, she explained-and by saying that one day, he would almost certainly play for another team abroad. ↓ But that was as nothing compared to a recent interview she gave to Jerry Springer. asはなくてもいいように思いますが、as nothing と nothingはどう違いますか?