• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

抜けているのはvigorですか。なら with以下はrecoverを修飾してると考えるべきですね。 抜けているのは気がついてましたけど、指摘するのを忘れていました。 で、recoverは自動詞として使われていますね。(with以下は目的語になり得ません。withが前置詞ですから) もちろん主語は The stock marketです。 with ~は、別にrecoverだけに限らず、幅広く使われますので、特にrecover と with の相性が良くてというわけではないでしょう。 特別なつながりがない場合は普通辞書には載りません。





  • seeの意味と構文

    こんな文章に出会いました。 The hunger for access to the EU market has seen many US companies accept regulation that they have fought against at home. この文章の意味が分かりません。具体的には、「EU市場参入への渇望」と「多くの米国企業は、自国では戦って(服従しないで)いる規制を受け入れる」を has seen がどう結ぶのかが分かりません。辞書で see を調べたのですが、適当な訳(意味)を見つけることが出来ませんでした。その次に、hunger に「渇望する人々」という意味がないか調べたのですが、ありませんでした。また、seen と many の間には that が省略されていると考え、see that の構文を調べてみたのですが、こちらも文を全体がすっきりと通るようなものがありませんでした。 どなたか、教えて下さい。

  • 日本語の訳を誰か教えてください!

    The stock market has come to south.この意味を日本語で教えてください!!お願いします!

  • 訳を教えてください

    Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp. today announced that it has received notice from the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Panel that the listing of the Company's common stock will be transferred from The NASDAQ Global Market to The NASDAQ Capital Market effective with the opening of trading on October 28, 2008. この文におけるbe transferredの意味がわかりません。普通株の上場先がNASDAQ Global MarketからNASDAQ Capital Marketに変更になったということでしょうか? また、effective with the opening of trading on October 28, 2008. とは10月28日から取引開始ということでよろしいのでしょうか?

  • 完了形、過去完了形

    (参考書より) The deaf person said he had been struggling for many years but he had now come to terms with his disability. had been... had ... となっているのは、 "said"言った、のが過去だから、という認識 で、have been...have..では"said"と合わず不自然、 という認識で合っていますか? また、この文章から、The deaf person said を 省いて、「その耳の聞こえない人は、長年苦悶し続けた が、今では自分の障害が受け入れられる」という事実だけ 書きたい場合、"has"か"had"どっちでしょうか?? The deaf person has been struggling for many years but he has now come to terms with his disability. ↑ こんな文章? 

  • liquidの使い方について質問です。

    liquidの使い方について質問です。 This device is desinged so that solvent vapor is absorbed with activated carbon, released with steam to recover it as liquid. 「to recover it as liquid」液体として回収する。 の部分ですが、この場合“a”は必要ですか? またliquidを辞書の例文などみてみるとaがついていたり、いなかったり。どなたか使い分け方等ご存知でしたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • The air hung heavy with the silence

    The air hung heavy with the silence that followed the granting of the genie's wish. Aladin's eyes filled with tears. Had the genie felt so little for him that with his freedom, he had disappeared? With all that they had gone through together, and all that the genie meant to him -mentor,teacher,friend- Aladin had hoped that the genie would stay....even if he were free. 上記のアラジンとジニーの描写についての文の意味をご教示頂けないでしょうか? 特に"him that with"のthatが良く分かりません。

  • この英文を訳してください。

    The politician failed to justify hiring so many secretaries. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします! Market value Market value can only be calculated for publicly-traded companies,but it is very easy to measure. Simply take today's share value,as listed on the stock market,and multiply it by the number of shares outstanding. The result is a measure of what the company's investors believe the company is worth. A problem with market value is that it reflects not just facts and analysis of the company's value,but also investors' emotions. When overall share prices are falling,investors tend to panic and sell their shares as well,forcing down a company's share price for reasons that have nothing to do with the company. Share prices are often artificially increased for similar reasons. So the advantages of market value are that it is easy to calculate and usually provides a good,objective measure of what the company's shareholders think it is worth. Disadvantages are that it may only be calculated for publicly-held companies,and that companies' shares may be undervalued or overvalued for emotional reasons. よろしく お願いします。

  • 英語の問題

    1:The latest information is that he is going to () mayor. (1)vote (2)run for (3)sit for (4)come across 2:It seems that the rainy season has () in. (1)taken (2)got (3)fallen (4)set 3:Really talented people don't () off. (1)shake (2)fly (3)show (4)get 4:He waited for hours at the station, but Monica (). (1)fails to come (2)failed to show up (3)failed the rain (4)was failing to arrive 5:A fire () in the neighboring store last night.(1)broke up (2)broke on (3)broke off (4)broke out ()に入る解答と和訳お願いします

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Although it failed to achieve the decisive victory each side hoped for, the Battle of Jutland confirmed British naval dominance and secured its control of shipping lanes, allowing Britain to implement the blockade that would contribute to Germany’s eventual defeat in 1918.