• 締切済み


replaceの意味が二つあることを使ったジョークなんですが、どういう結局どういうことなんでしょうか? Mr. Kelly walked anxiously to the door of the house and knocked. When a sweet old lady answered, he said nervously, "I'm sorry, madam, but I have some bad news. I'm afraid I've run over your cat. I...I'd like to replace it." The old woman looked him up and down and said, "I'm game, but how are you at catching mice?"

  • 英語
  • 回答数6
  • ありがとう数1


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #2です。  大切なことを忘れておりました。ここは英語の問題ですね。  ” I...I'd like to replace it."  (1)「私はそれの代わりをあげたい」「私はそれの弁償をしたい」  (2)「私はそれの代わりをしたい」「私はその後任になりたい」  の二つの意味があります。弁償する場合は、何々(下記のように with を使って、例えば with a new cat 「新しい猫」)で弁償する、と言うのが普通です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/replace/UTF-8/  ですから、ケリーさんは(1)のつもりで言ったのを、この老婦人は(2)と解釈した、というのがこのジョークの鍵になっています。


素直に捉えれば、猫を引いてしまったのでお詫びに代わりの猫を、と言ったつもりが、猫の代わりにあなたがねずみを捕まえられるのというおかしな誤解にユーモアがあります。I'm game. なんて言ってくれる婦人は日本にもいなくなった昨今、ほっとするジョークを感じます

  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

「なんとか猫の代償をと思いまして」と言ったつもりが、婦人は「猫の“役割”の代償を」と解釈したわけですが、本当に面白いのは、「sweet old lady(かわいいおばあちゃん)」にとっての猫といえば「寂しい老後の相手をしてくれる、代償などあり得ない掛け替えのない家族も同然」と捉えがちなのに、このバアサマにとっては「単なる使い捨てネズミ退治機」だったってところが、ちょっとブラックユーモアなのではないでしょうか。

  • tkltk73
  • ベストアンサー率54% (171/315)

'replace' には「もとへ戻す」「返却する」という意味と 「~の代わりをする」という意味があります。 ケリーさんは 'replace' を「(猫の死体を)返却する」と いう意味で言ったのに対して、老婦人はそれを 「(ネズミを捕る猫)の代わりをする」という意味に 解釈したのが、この話の面白さです。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 ケリーさんは心配そうに玄関の戸を叩いた。やさしそうな老婦人が戸を開けた時、かれはぴりぴりしながら「御婦人、申し訳ありませんが悪いお知らせです。お宅の猫を轢いてしまいました。何とか代わりに、、、」老婦人は彼を頭のてっぺんから足のつま先まで観察して「いいわよ。あなた鼠捕まえるの上手?」と聞いた。 replace をケリーさんは、代わりの猫、老婦人はケリーさんが猫の代わり、と考えているところが壷です。  

  • 44753
  • ベストアンサー率19% (12/63)

大まかに言うと、 「奥さんごめんなさい。お宅の猫を車でひいちゃいました。代わりの猫をさしあげます。」 奥さんは彼の頭の先から爪先まで見て言いました。 「いいわよ、でも貴方、ネズミを捕まえられるの?」 代わりの猫をあげると言ったのを、自分が猫の身代わりになると取られちゃったんですね。


  • アメリカンジョーク???

    多分、アメリカンジョークの話だと思うんですが、 私には理解できませんでした。 教えてください! One morning Mrs.Perry said to her hudsband, "Jack, there's a meeting of our ladies' club at Mrs. Young's house at lunch time today, and I want to go to it. I'll leave some food for your lunch. Is that all right?" "Oh, yes," her hudsband answered, "that's quite all right. What are you going to leave for my lunch?" "This tin of fish," Mrs.Perry said. "And there are some hot, boiled potatoes and some beans here, too." "Good," Mr. Perry answered. "I'll have a good lunch." So Mrs.Perry went to her meeting. All the ladies had lunch at Mrs. Young's house, and at three o'clock Mrs. Perry came home. "Was your fish nice, Jack?" she asked. "Yes, but my feet are hurting." he answered. "Why are they hurting?" Mrs.Perry asked. "Well, the words on the tin were, 'Open tin and stand in hot water for five minutes'."

  • てんで?英語が分かりませんジョークみたい??

    誰かないを、いってるか教えてください He suddeniy said to me "let's break up." I was so sad,I cried .but now,I thank god that I met such a Wonderful 何だかワカンナイ、、、????

  • JOKEの落ちがわからない

    次のJOKEの落ちがわかりません..だれか教えて << Harley Davidson >>  Little John was sitting in the courtyard turning a bottle  of liquid back and forth, watching the bubbles.  The Priest walked up and asked him what he was doing?  Little John replied, "I'm looking at the most powerful  liquid in the world.  " The Priest said, "But John, Holy Water is the most  powerful liquid in the world. Did you know that if you put  Holy Water on a pregnant woman's belly, she will pass a  boy!"  Little John said, "Big deal! If you put this on a cat's  ass, he'll pass a Harley Davidson..."

  • ショートジョークなんだと思うのですが意味が分かりません。

    A blonde woman goes into an electronic store. She goes to an elrctronic store to buy a TV. She looks around and she calls over the salesperson. She says to the salesperson, "Excuse me, I'd like to buy this TV." But the salesperson says, "I am sorry, but we do not sell to blondes, blonde women." and she is angry and she leaves the store. And the next time she comes back. She is wearing a black wig on her head. and she calls over the salesperson and she says to the sales person, "Excuse me, but I would like to buy this TV." and the salesperson says, "I'm sorry ma'am, but we do not sell to blondes." and she is angry again and she leaves the store for the third time. Finally, she comes back, this time she is wearing a red wig, dark sunglasses, a totally different dress and she says to the salesperson, "Excuse me, I want to buy this TV." and the salesperson says, "I am sorry,but we don't sell to blondes." and she says, "well, how do you know I am a blonde?" and he says, "well ma'am, you are not looking at a TV, you are looking at a microwave." 「ブロンドの方には売れません。」「どうして私がブロンドだと知っているの?」「あなたが見ているのはTVではありません。電子レンジです。」だと思うのですが、BlondeとMicrowaveのひっかかり7意味が分らないのです。これってジョークなんでしょうか?

  • 英文法 間違いはどこですか。

    Someone knocked the door, and I said, "Come in, please!" いろいろ調べたのですが、どこが間違っているのかわからないままです。 どなたか教えていただけますか。

  • 和訳おねがいします

    Until one day I said to myself, " I am going to make a mark somewhere else," and I noticed that at the corner where we turned there was a wine store with Jewish initials. The next day I told him," I am not going with you. " So the old sister came running, " You will get lost. We will not be able to find you. " But I didn't listen. I walked out with my nose up, and I got to that store with the Jewish sign. I turned, and I got to my dressmaker.

  • ジョークが好きで送ってくるのですが、うまく訳せません・・・

    知り合いの外国人の人がジョークが好きなようで、メールに書いてきたのですが、私にはまず、うまく訳すことができませんでした。これは何といっているのですか? よろしくお願いします ■A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come in to the outer office. 若いビジネスマンは仕事を始めた。彼は美しいオフィスにアンティークな家具?  ■Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor,"Can I help you?" すみませんこれはわかりませんでした ■The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."  その人は言った・・・ 教えてくださいお願いします。

  • ジョークの意味が分かりません

    Gotta love us seniors During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, " How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age home?" "Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub." "Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup.." "No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?" ARE YOU GOING TO PASS THIS ON . OR DO YOU WANT T H E BED NEXT TO MINE? : 上記の英文の最後の方で、 Do you want a bed near the window?と OR DO YOU WANT T H E BED NEXT TO MINE? ですが、ベッドや窓、私の隣にベッドなど何を言いたいのか分かりません。 分かる方解説をお願いします。宜しく。

  • 英語のジョークと訳を教えてください!

    Homophone When we moved to northen California, my husband began deliberating about buying a sailboat. He struggled over our budget, and nagged me for help in his decision.I told him that it was strictly his choice to make, that I was with him either way, but he had to decide. One morning, as he hurried out the door on his way to work, I waved and said, 'Bye.' He broke into a big grin and called over his shoulder, 'I was hoping you'd say that!' Him& Hymn A woman had been very faithful in attending all her church's services for many years, and the minister wanted to reward her.At the next Sunday-evening service he announced, 'For her loyalty to the church, we shall reward Miss Jones by letting her pick three hymns for the evening.' 'Oh, goody!' exclaimed Miss Jones. And, pointing to various members in the congregation, she said, 'I'll take HIM and HIM and HIM.' 回答宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英語のジョークと訳教えてください!

    An 'F' In Sex A seven-year-old child returned from her first day in a new class sobbing bitterly.Her mother asked her what the problem was.The little girl showed her mother a form, listing her name, address, class,sex,etc.'Mommy, look,' she cried, pointing to the form.'they gave me an 'F' in sex and I didn't even learn about it yet!' Simple Reason Concerned, a man took his Rottweiler to the veterinarian.'My dog's cross-eyed,'he said.'Is there something you can do for him?' 'Let's have a look at him,' said the vet, lifting the dog up to examine his eyes.'I'm going to have to put him down,'he finally said.'Just because he's cross-eyed?' exclaimed the alarmed pet owner. 'No,' said the vet.'Because he's heavy.' 宜しくお願いします!!