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AfDB Board Approves the Establishment of ClimDev-Africa Special Fund

  • The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved the establishment of the Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) Programme Special Fund (CDSF).
  • The approval is subject to ratification by the Board of Governors, after which a Governing Council will be created to oversee the CDSF. The implementation will follow the bank's rules and procedures.
  • The CDSF, a joint initiative of AfDB, the African Union Commission (AUC), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), aims to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction in Africa.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

お礼をありがとうございます。素人の書いたものですから、至らない点は多々あるかもしれません。 いくら素人とはいえ、少しは意識していることがあります。 それは、kastrovさんがお書きになられている「意味の通った訳文」という点です。 読んで何のことか分らないでは、「誤訳」よりも価値がないのではないかという考えからです。 ただし、これが「契約」にかかわる文章とか、「法令」や「技術」に関する文章だとか、そういうものである場合は別で、一読しただけでは分らなくても、正確に忠実に(前置詞がどの範囲にかかるかなど、細部のチェックが必要になるでしょう)、逐語訳のような直訳の方が好ましい場合もあるかもしれません。 幸いにも(?)この文章の場合は、ある基金が設立されて、その基金設立の「趣旨」はこういうことである、ということが書かれている。 要するに「趣旨」を了解してもらえばいいわけですから、安心して(?)かなり思い切った訳し方をしたかもしれません。 adaptation が訳されていないとのご指摘、訳文を書いている時には気づきませんでした。見落としです ^^) というか、何しろ、practices が動詞だろうか名詞だろうかと迷ったような有り様でしたので・・・ (A) - (C) は、箇条書きで、すべて名詞節の文ばかりのようですね。 into development という部分を見て、何かを「発展させる」ために、何かをすること、という文だと思いました。 その前に value という語がある。これで「価値を高める」という訳語ができました。 何の価値かというと、the value 以下。 demonstrate も訳が漏れておりました ^^) 要するに、その価値を「実証する」ということらしい。 pirot という語があるので、それは「試験的な」ものであると分る。 adaptation を訳文に取り込めば、「現在主流である気候情報の価値を高めるための、試験的な適応の試みの実施」となるかもしれません。 demonstrate を取り込めば、「現在主流である気候情報の価値を高めることを明らかにするための、試験的な適応の試みの実施」などとなって、忠実に訳そうとしたがために、読む方としては、何だか意味が分ったような分らなかったような気持ちになりそうです。 それでは、文を読んでもらう意味がない。 この英文は、名詞を連ねた、ずいぶんと回りくどくて「説明的」な文であると感じました(あまりに簡潔だと、「それらしい」文書に見えないのを嫌ったのかも。また、始めから英語で書かれたのかどうかも疑わしい)。 言いたいことは、この基金はその「試験的な試み」をサポートすることが目的のひとつだ、といっていると取って、日本語の文として簡潔にしました。 adaptatiion を訳さないことが、この文を理解する上で、大変な誤りを引き起こすという可能性はないだろうという見地からです。 (4) の文に関しては、意味のまとまりごとに区切って訳しておいて、最後にその文が何を言いたいのかということを考えて、そのパーツを組み合わせて訳文にするという感じの方法をとりました。 始めに主語と述語だけの訳文を書く。それから、細部を継ぎ足していく。そんな感じで訳文を書いていきます。 パソコンなので、そういう作業がやりやすい。 全くの素人のやったことだけに、説明するのもうまくできませんが、種を明かせば、ざっとこのようなことでした。 しかし、kastrovさんには、ご自分のやり方とか流儀があるかもしれないと思います。



再度、お答えくださり感謝します。 趣旨を理解してもらうことを重要視して誤訳を恐れずに思い切った訳文を作るというご意見、参考になりました!私はそもそもニュースの趣旨が理解できていなくて・・・なので訳をつくるにも苦労してしまいました。 翻訳者の資質として英語力以前に翻訳するテーマについての知識があること、とよく言われます。 (4)の構文把握方法は、なるほど、ブロック毎に区切ってみればいいのですね! >素人のやったことだけに いえ、とんでもない!英語力まるでない私としては大変助かりました。英文のいわんとしている事が理解できればあとは国語力の問題ですし・・。 本当にありがとうございます! この質問はこれで締めさせて頂きます。ありがとうございました。 実はこのニュース記事には続きがあります。もし気がむかれたら訳してみてくださいませ・・。 Formulated to be implemented in two phases, the first phase has an indicative budget of about US$ 136 million for the 2009-2012 period while activities for the subsequent second phase up to 2020 are estimated to cost about US$ 800 million. CDSF will involve the mobilization and sensitization of development partners and donors, as well as Regional Members Countries. DFID has already pledged £10 million to support ClimDeve-Africa Fund. Other AfDB bilateral donor countries including Denmark, Norway and Sweden have also signaled their interest in financially assisting the CDSF. The Bank has accumulated extensive experience in initiating, hosting and implementing projects and programmes using special funds and other resources earmarked for financing specific initiatives. Some of the funds hosted and managed by the Bank include the Africa Water Facility (AWF), NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility, the Special Fund for the Reconstruction and Development of the Great Lakes Region, the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) and the Congo Basin Forests Fund (CBFF) which is also in the area of protection of African ecosystems. The consideration for the Bank to host the CDSF is therefore in line with the Bank’s mission and capacity to mobilize technical and financial resources to ensure appropriate climate information to promote sustainable development planning in Africa. The CDSF will be continually replenished to support long-term adaptation to climate change.


その他の回答 (1)

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

(2)The Board of Directors approval [理事会の承認] is however subject to [~に支配されて] the ratification [裁可] of the Board of Governors [連邦準備制度理事会], upon which a Governing Council [運営評議会] shall be created to provide technical oversight [監視] of the CDSF while its broad implementation [実施] shall be subject to rules and procedures of the Bank. ただし、理事会の承認が有効であるためには、連邦準備制度理事会の認可を得られていることが前提である。その上で、CDSF(アフリカ開発銀行気候問題特別基金)に技術的な指導を行う運営評議会が作られ、その実施全般については、開発銀行の規則と手続きに基づいて行われる。 * upon which の前で一区切りさせてみました。 (4)CDSF will implement [実施する] programmes that strengthen national and sub regional [準地域的な] institutional [制度の] capacities to overcome the lack of necessary climate information, analysis and options required by policy and decision makers at all levels within the current context of threats of climate change. CDSF(アフリカ開発銀行気候問題特別基金)は、国家および地域的な制度上の能力を強化して、現今の気候変動の脅威という問題にかかわる、プログラムを実施する。それは、政策立案者・政策決定者が必要とする気候情報、分析と選択肢を補うものである。 ・(C)Implementation of pilot adaptation practices that demonstrate the value of mainstreaming climate information into development. 現在主流である気候情報の価値を高めるための、試験的な試みの実施。 何しろ語彙力がないので、ほぼ、「英辞郎 on the Web」に頼って訳してみました。 → http://www.alc.co.jp/ きちんと全体を見直せば、手を入れなければ、とてもまともな文として読めないかもしれませんが、第一段階としては、まぁ、こんなものになりました。所詮、素人のお遊びに過ぎませんが、ご参考にでもなれば幸いです。



丁寧に訳してくださってありがとうございます。 (4)「Program」は「within the current context of threats of climate change.」に係るのですか!それぞれの節が離れすぎててわかりませんでした(泣)。 どう訓練したら、こういう関係性がわかるようになるのでしょうか・・。 (C)の「adaptation(適応)」は訳さなくてもよいのですか? また、「demonstrate the value of mainstreaming climate information into development.」は、私が単語を1個1個訳してつなげると「主流な気候情報の価値を発展に向かって説明する」という変な訳になってしまうのですが、どうやったら回答者様のような意味の通った訳文に導くことができるのでしょうか・・? もしお時間がありましたら、再度教えていただけないでしょうか?



  • 英→日への翻訳をおねがいします。

    英→日への翻訳をおねがいします。 以下はある国際組織によるアフリカ大陸への経済支援に関する記事です。 本文中、?の部分が訳せなくてこまっています。 (ヘッドライン) AfDB and UBA Sign Landmark USD 150 million Loan to Facilitate African Trade Finance (本文) ?Tunis- 16 December 2009 On behalf of their respective institutions, Aloysius Uche Ordu, Vice President, Regional and Country Programs and Policy from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Faith Tuedor-Matthews, Deputy Managing Director, from the United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) signed today, 16 December 2009 two loan agreements for a total of USD 150 million. (中略) ?Coming at a time of severe credit constraints globally, this deal which represents the single largest commitment to a financial institution in the continent is a major recognition of UBA’s ability to support private and public enterprises across Africa”. わからないのは上の?から最後までです。 1個1個の単語の意味はわかるのになぜか大意がサッパリわかりません。 参考までに私の訳文は以下のとおりです。 ↓↓ 「この世界的に厳しい信用の制限の時代、大陸の経済機構への1個の最大の委託を象徴するこの取引は、UBAのアフリカ中の公私企業支援の能力を主に認識するものである。」 ↑↑ このように、意味がわからない文章になってしまい、自分でもサッパリわかりません。 (大体「信用の制限」って何よ?。「1個の最大の委託」って何だそりゃ?。「認識するものである」って誰が何を認識しているの?etc.) 1個1個の単語の意味は知っているのに全体文として訳すとどうしてこんなことになってしまうのでしょう・・。

  • 以下の英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    German colonies in Africa had been acquired in the 1880s and were not well defended. They were also surrounded by territories controlled by Britain, France, Belgium and Portugal.Colonial military forces in Africa were relatively small, poorly equipped and had been created to maintain internal order, rather than conduct military operations against other colonial forces. Most of the European warfare in Africa during the 19th century had been conducted against African societies to enslave people and later to conquer territory. The Berlin Conference of 1884, had provided for European colonies in Africa to be neutral, if war broke out in Europe; in 1914 none of the European powers had plans to challenge their opponents for control of overseas colonies. When news of the outbreak of war reached European colonialists in Africa, it was met by little of the enthusiasm seen in the capital cities of the states which maintained colonies. An editorial in the East African Standard on 22 August, argued that Europeans in Africa should not fight each other but instead collaborate, to maintain the repression of the indigenous population. War was against the interest of the white colonialists because they were small in number, many of the European conquests were recent, unstable and operated through existing local structures of power and the organisation of African economic potential for European profit had only recently begun. In Britain, an Offensive sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence was appointed on 5 August and established a principle that command of the seas was to be ensured and that objectives were considered only if they could be attained with local forces and if the objective assisted the priority of maintaining British sea communications, as British army garrisons abroad were returned to Europe in an "Imperial Concentration". Attacks on German coaling stations and wireless stations were considered to be important to clear the seas of German commerce raiders. Objectives at Tsingtau in the Far East and Luderitz Bay, Windhoek, Duala and Dar-es-Salaam in Africa and a German wireless station in Togoland, next to the British colony of Gold Coast in the Gulf of Guinea, were considered vulnerable to attack by local or allied forces.

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    翻訳お願いします 英→日 Any information will be shared with the applicant and not third parties. To help me understand your interest please share background information on your keen interest in this firm and also disclose your name and contact details in case we would like to get in touch.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The East African Campaign was a series of battles and guerrilla actions, which started in German East Africa and spread to portions of Mozambique, Northern Rhodesia, British East Africa, Uganda and the Belgian Congo. The campaign was effectively ended in November 1917. The Germans entered Portuguese East Africa and continued the campaign living off Portuguese supplies. The strategy of the German colonial forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel (later Generalmajor) Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, was to divert forces from the Western Front to Africa. His strategy achieved only mixed results after 1916, when he was driven out of German East Africa and Allied forces became composed almost entirely of South African, Indian, and other colonial troops. Black South African troops were not considered for European service as a matter of policy while all Indian units had been withdrawn from the Western Front by the end of 1915; the campaign in Africa consumed considerable amounts of money and war material that could have gone to other fronts. The Germans fought for the whole of World War I, receiving word of the armistice on 14 November 1918 at 7:30 a.m. Both sides waited for confirmation and the Germans formally surrendered on 25 November. German East Africa became two League of Nations Class B Mandates, Tanganyika Territory of the United Kingdom and Ruanda-Urundi of Belgium, while the Kionga Triangle became a mandate of Portugal.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Germany had established a protectorate over Kamerun by 1884 during the Scramble for Africa. In 1911, France ceded Neukamerun (New Cameroon), a large territory to the east of Kamerun, to Germany as a part of the Treaty of Fez, the settlement that ended the Agadir Crisis. In 1914, the German colony of Kamerun made up all of modern Cameroon as well as portions of Nigeria, Chad, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic. Kamerun was surrounded on all sides by Allied territory. British-held Nigeria was to the north-west. The Belgian Congo bordered the colony to the south-east and French Equatorial Africa lay in the east. The neutral colony of Spanish Guinea was bordered by German Kamerun on all sides but one, which faced the sea. In 1914, on the eve of World War I, Kamerun remained largely unexplored and unmapped by European invaders. In 1911–1912 the border with the French colonies of Gabon, Middle Congo, Ubangi-Shari and Chad was established and in 1913 the border between the colonies of Nigeria and Kamerun was defined. The German military forces stationed in the colony at the time consisted of around 1,855 Schutztruppen (protection troops). However, after the outbreak of war by mid-1915, the Germans were able to recruit an army of around 6,000. Allied forces on the other hand in the territories surrounding Kamerun were much larger. French Equatorial Africa alone could mobilize as many as 20,000 soldiers on the eve of war while British Nigeria to the west could raise an army of 7,550.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Germans offered surrender terms, which were rejected by Botha and the war continued. On 12 May Botha declared martial law and divided his forces into four contingents, which cut off German forces in the interior from the coastal regions of Kunene and Kaokoveld and fanned out into the north-east. Lukin went along the railway line from Swakopmund to Tsumeb. The other two columns rapidly advanced on the right flank, Myburgh to Otavi junction and Manie Botha to Tsumeb and the terminus of the railway. German forces in the north-west fought the Battle of Otavi on 1 July but were defeated and surrendered at Khorab on 9 July 1915. In the south, Smuts landed at the South West African naval base at Luderitzbucht, then advanced inland and captured Keetmanshoop on 20 May. The South Africans linked with two columns which had advanced over the border from South Africa. Smuts advanced north along the railway line to Berseba and on 26 May, after two days' fighting captured Gibeon. The Germans in the south were forced to retreat northwards towards Windhuk and Botha's force. On 9 July the German forces in the south surrendered.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Latema Nek was a battle of the East African Campaign in World War I. After the Battle of Salaita, General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, commander of German forces in East Africa, reorganised the defences to the north of the colony in anticipation of another assault. The Salaita positions were abandoned, and German forces moved south to the Latema-Reata Hills - which stood on the route to Kahe. The new defences were manned on March 8 by Major Georg Kraut, who had commanded the German defence at Salaita, with 1,500–2000 Schutztruppe and German officers.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Hindenburg and Ludendorff forced a return to the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare on 9 January 1917 and engineered the dismissal of the Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg and other opponents of the policy the next day. The policy was to resume on 1 February, with the intention of sinking 600,000 long tons (610,000 t) of shipping per month and knocking Britain out of the war in 5–12 months. Optimistic claims by the navy were less important to the decision, than the "desperate" position of the western armies and the decrepitude of Germany's allies. Another front in the west was to be opened by the resumption of air attacks on Britain. New aircraft had become available to replace airships, which had become too vulnerable to British counter-measures in 1916. Planning began in late 1916 and Operation Türkenkreutz began in May 1917. As part of the defensive strategy for the Western Front, five defensive positions were planned to form the basis of the Abwehrschlacht (defensive battle) expected in 1917.

  • 翻訳(英->日) SOS

    翻訳ideaください。  1・This figure is substantially higher than previous estimates from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which identified 10000 people in 2000, representing a population prevalence of 0.12%. 2. The impact of `A`( 注:‘A`は、内臓器の病気の名前の略) on absenteeism and producivity. 3. this will be a longitudinal study of the original study. 4. a particular reserch interest is to determine the rate of decline in lung function within the Japanese population and compare that to the decline measured in other population-based studies. 5. an additional reserch goal is to determine if there is any correlation between the rate of lung function decline with patient behaviors or therapeutic interventions(eg smoking cessation) 6. as the only population-based sample of patients in Japan, the study also offers a unique opportunity to quantify the impact of COPD in health care utilization and patients` ability to carry out their daily activities. です。加えて、 上記の4と6の population-based は、日本語でどう訳しますか?   また、 lung fanction decline はどのように 訳しますか? 2週間 の間 また たくさん SOSしますので おねがいいたします

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The British conscripted 120,000 carriers to move Belgian supplies and equipment to Kivu from late 1915 to early 1916. The lines of communication in Belgian Congo required c. 260,000 carriers, which were barred by the Belgian government from crossing into German East Africa and Belgian troops were expected to live off the land. To avoid the plundering of civilians, loss of food stocks and risk of famine, with many farmers already conscripted and moved away from their land, the British set up the Congo Carrier Section of the East India Transport Corps (Carbel) with 7,238 carriers, conscripted from Ugandan civilians and assembled at Mbarara in April 1916. The Force Publique, started its campaign on 18 April 1916 under the command of General Charles Tombeur, Colonel Molitor and Colonel Olsen and captured Kigali on 6 May. The German Askari in Burundi were forced to retreat by the numerical superiority of Force Publique and by 17 June, Burundi and Rwanda were occupied. The Force Publique and the British Lake Force then started a thrust to capture Tabora, an administrative centre of central German East Africa. They marched into German territory in three columns and took Biharamuro, Mwanza, Karema, Kigoma and Ujiji. After several days of battle, they secured Tabora. During the march, Carbel lost 1,191 carriers died or missing presumed dead, a rate of 1:7, which occurred despite the presence of two doctors and adequate medical supplies. To forestall Belgian claims on the German colony, Smuts ordered their forces back to Congo, leaving them as occupiers only in Rwanda and Burundi. The British were obliged to recall Belgian troops in 1917 and the two allies coordinated campaign plans.