• ベストアンサー

ive pretty much come to the conclusion that every guy tries to run game on ...

ive pretty much come to the conclusion that every guy tries to run game on every girl they see thinkin that fb and twitter wont tell it all 私は〈すべての男たちは女の子を騙そうとする、男たちが何を考えているかはfacebookeやtwitterではわからない〉という結論に至った。 という意味であってますか? they see thinkin ってのが特にわかりません。なぜこういう文章になるのでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

瑣末なことですが、#1 の回答者へのお礼の中で  '...they see,( I am ) thinking that fb...' と書いておられますが、私は ,( I am ) を挿入するのは適切ではないように思います。  ... that every guy tries to run game on every girl they see thinking that ... とつながるような気がします。つまり、thinking の動作主は they (= every guy) ではないでしょうか。 tries to run game on every girl という行為と thinking ... は、同時進行だと思います。

その他の回答 (1)

  • UKMinoh
  • ベストアンサー率40% (2/5)

the-uglyさんの結論は十分に正しいですが。 'they see thinkin'といってもこういうふうに分別すればよかった: '...they see, thinking that fb...' というによむべきでしょう。 「どんなやつでもがすべての女の子に口説いても、そのうちfacebookやtwitterでも女にやつのぼろを出す」という意味だと思います。 下手な日本語ですみません!



なるほど! '...they see,( I am ) thinking that fb...' こういうことですね。 try to run game on every girl they see =目に入った全ての女の子を騙そうとする fb and twitter wont tell it all = web上ではそういう行為は表面化しにくい 直訳としてはこういう感じですかね。


  • "To that"について

    以下はロイターのweb版にあった一節です。 "But when you try to tell the victims that their penises are still there, they tell you that it's become tiny or that they've become impotent. To that I tell them, 'How do you know if you haven't gone home and tried it'," he said. このパラグラフの中程にある"To that"とはどのような意味・用法で使われているのでしょうか? そして訳すとしたらどのような形になるのでしょうか? お手数ですが、どなたかご教示お願いいたします。

  • 英語の和訳お願いします。

    You and I will tell tell everybody that we are going to put on a fight and that every animal will have to bring a freshly killed boar in order to get in and see the fight. 宜しくお願いします!

  • All (that)you habe to do is (to)~の応用

    All (that)you habe to do is (to)~ ・・・「~しさえすればよい」の文を応用した問題で All (that)you habe to rememeber is ~というのがでてきました。 どう訳せばいいのでしょう。 全文を参考までに載せます。 Some people find it hard to write a friendly letter, but I do not think so. All you have to rememeber is to write the person ahat you would tell him if you were in the same room talking to him-the small incidents of every life, pleasant happenings, a really funny joke, news of mutual friends - any and all news that would interest a person of his particular age and personality.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I'm a 19-year-old college student with a bone to pick with the millennial sex life. Or the millennial political environment. Or really anything my professors tell me I'm supposed to like. The last girl I dated was an ardent feminist, which I also followed along with, and chastised me every time I became squeamish when she talked about all the guys she used to have sex with. She insisted on hanging out with them while I was at work, claiming that they were "just friends," and that I wasn't trusting her enough. I get where she's coming from, but it's a point of pride for me that she not hang out with them. Regardless, that relationship rapidly deteriorated for a myriad of petty reasons before I started college, I myself being torn up about it until about two months ago, when she moved on to yet another guy, and another guy. 1 millennial sex lifeとmillennial political environmentとは何でしょうか? 2 followed along withはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 she not hang outはミスプリでしょうか?どうしてこのような形なのでしょうか? 4 I myself being torn upはなぜwasの代わりにbeingが使われているのでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • on the no entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it

    "The Graveyard Book"(by Neil Gaiman)という小説に出てくる一節について質問します。  主人公のボドは,赤ん坊のとき,墓地の幽霊に拾われました。大きくなったある日,育て親の幽霊たちが近づいてはいけないと言っている,犯罪者や自殺者が埋められている無縁墓地へ行きます。そして,そこで魔女狩りの被害にあって無縁仏となったリザ・ヘンプストックという幽霊に出会います。お墓のないリザを不憫に思ったボドはお墓を建ててあげようと思い立ちます。 There were broken lumps of other people's stones and statues in the graveyard, but, Bod knew, that would have been entirely the wrong sort of thing to bring to the grey-eyed witch in the potter's field. It was going to take more than that. He decided not to tell anyone what he was planning, on the entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it.  上野"on the entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it."を翻訳してください。 (試訳)  墓地には他の死者たちの墓石の破片が落ちてるけど,そんなものを灰色の瞳の魔女のところへ持って行くのは,どう考えても間違っている。他のものが必要だ。ボドは自分の計画していることを誰にも離さないことにした。on the basis that they would have told him not to do it.

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I went to visit our oldest son and his wife. They have three children, ages 6, 9 and 11. The youngest girl screams at the top of her lungs when she does not get her way. She also hits her mother when her mother tries to correct her. The oldest child baits the others to stir up trouble. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 訳を教えて下さい

    It's like a guy who likes a girl romantically but the girl only likes him as a friend yet he does romantic things for her that don't really matter to her or will seem desperate この文章のthat don't really matter~の文はどう訳されますでしょうか? (ちなみにこの"guy"はこの文章の話し手だと思います。) よろしくお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    下記のMとJの会話文の最後にJが言ったIt’s gonna take a lot more than a rejection from a soft girl to get this guy downの意味を教えてください。 M: It turns out that when she said she likes Jackson, she meant she likes President Andrew Jackson. And I mean come on, who doesn’t? J: So she doesn’t like me? M: No. When she heard that I thought she meant you, she laughed so hard … J: She laughed? M: Not really a laugh, it was more like a little giggle, little titter, like ‘he he he’, but less. J: I get it. M: Come on Jackson, it’s not like you cared anywayz. J: You’re right, I didn’t. I mean, I was just trying to be nice, ‘cause … ‘cause that’s totally the kinda guy I am. It’s gonna take a lot more than a rejection from a soft girl to get this guy down.

  • 英語の問題についてです

    一部自分で解いてみたものの、英語が苦手でさっぱり分かりません。 どなたか分かる方、宜しくお願い致します>< *日本文から英文に* 彼らはジョンにチームのキャプテンになってほしいと思っている They want John to have captain of their team. 私の両親は私にテレビゲームをさせてくれない My parents don't let me play video games. 私の兄に宿題を手伝ってもらった I had my brother help me eith my homework. 彼らは彼女が歌うのを聞いたことがなかった They have never heard her sing. 何を読んだらよいか教えてください Please tell me what to read 私はあなたに以前会ったことがあるようだ I seem to have met you before *2文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように()に語を入れる* The box is so heavy that no one can lift it. →The bos is ( ) ( ) ( ) lift. She was kind that she helped me with the work. →She was ( kind ) ( of ) (to ) help me with the work. *[]内の適当な疑問詞を用いて、対話文を完成しなさい* Tell me when to see her. - See her on Friday. Tell me how to take.- Take this one. Tell me what to add some.- Add some eggs. Tell me whici to go there.- Go there by train. [what/when/how/which] *()内の語を適当な形にして入れなさい* 彼らはその仕事を終えてしまったようだ(finish) They appear to have finished the work. その計画はうまくいっているようだ(work) The plan seems__________. 宜しくお願い致します・・・!

  • pick up on social cues

    I've been friends with a girl for 3 years—let's just call her Elliot. I had a huge crush on a guy—we'll call him Joe—and I felt like I had to confide in someone about it or I would explode, so I told Elliot. Little did I know that she also liked Joe. She decided to be a big jerk and tell Joe about my feelings for him–and not only that, but she also told our entire friend group. We eat lunch with these people and it's embarrassing to be around them now. I'm stuck because I have three classes with Elliot and various classes with other people in that group of friends. It takes a long time for me to warm up to people in terms of trust, and I'm also a very sensitive person. I feel like Elliot has betrayed me, but when I confronted her about it, she acted like she had done nothing wrong. She doesn't seem to pick up on social cues in a sense that she tries to ask people out on dates repeatedly when they don't have feelings for her in return. pick up on social cuesの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします