• 締切済み



  • UKMinoh
  • ベストアンサー率40% (2/5)

Candies and chewing gums are loved by a lot of people of the world. -Candy and chewing gum are loved by a lot of people the world over. (私にとって、'Candies'の代わりに'Sweets'と言いたいですが、両方は正しいです。) There are some differences between them and we often choose which to eat according to those differences. (本当に意味が分かりにくてしまいましたが、推測の意味どおり直しました) First, a candy melts on our tongue as time go. -Firstly, candy melts on your tongue over time. (英語で'a candy'と言えない、'a piece of candy'とも'candy'だけといえます。'our'はここに間違いないが'your'といえばもっと自然らしいですが。) It is disappeared from in our mouth after a few minutes. -It disappears from your mouth after a few minutes. On the other hand, chewing gums don't melt even if we continue to chew. -On the other hand, chewing gum doesn't melt even if you continue to chew it. (大変ながら、「gum」は複数回だってもいつも「gum」だけです。迷惑な不規則な言葉ですね) When we finish chewing it, we must throw away. -When we finish chewing it, we have to throw it away. (mustとも基本的な意味を表すが、'have to'とはもっとマイナス面の意味を抱きます。) Another differences is that ingredient is different. -Another difference is the ingredients. 〇 Candies are made from suger. The taste is so sweet. In the meantime, gum is not food but it is ingredient of chewing gums. -Gum, however, is not food, but it is an ingredient of chewing gum. We should not swallow it. -We mustn't swallow it. ('We should not swallow it'とは完璧ですが、私はこれを書いたら「must not」と書くと思います) Finally, we can find a new distinction of them. -Finally, there is one more distinction between them. It is how to eat. -That is, how we eat them. When we eat candy, we roll it over on our tongue. -When we eat candy, we roll it over our tongue. We can enjoy the taste during we lick it. -We can enjoy the taste while we lick it. In contrast, when we eat a stick of chewing gum, we chew it and we can enjoy the rubbery texture for a long time. When we eat candies or chewing gums, these differences affect the personal choice. -When we eat candy or chewing gum, these differences affect our choice (of which to eat). 括弧に入った部分は推測の意味を書きましたがもとの文章は少々なおかしいです。どんな「personal choice」がわかりませんのですから、その部分が添付しました。 よくできました! 私は日本語でそれほど自然に書けません。


  • 英文の添削をお願いできませんか?

    「私はE-mailはとても便利だと思います。まず、E-mailはとても経済的です。電話を使うとE-mailを使った時に比べて沢山お金がかかります。2つめに、何か面と向かっては言いにくいことがあるとき、e-mailを使えばより簡単に伝えることができます。最後に、e-mailは文章だけでなく写真も送れます。今では、デコレーションメールも送れるようになり、私たちは気持ちをより伝えられるようになりました。だから、e-mailはたくさんの人に幸せを与えられる道具だといえます。」 この日本文を英語にしてみたのですが、文法的に間違っているところや、意味の通じないところを指摘していただけませんか?お願いします。 In my opinion, e-mail is a blessing. First, it is quite economical. When we use the phone, we have to pay much more money than when we use e-mail. Second, it is very useful when we want to tell something hard to say personally, we can do easily by using e-mail. Finally, we can send not only the sentences but also pictures. Now that we came to be able to send decoration mail, so we can send more our feelings to others. Therefore, e-mail is a tool which sends a lot of happiness to many people.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    テレビの功罪について70語程度の英語で書け。 The television plays a vital role in our life. First, we can get various information of the world from it. Second, we can also derive enjoyment from it. Certainly, there is the fact that the television does us harm. For example, it cause failure of eyesight. However, the harm can be diminished easily by our slight care and it is indispensable to us now. From now on, the television is going to develop and have a good effect on our life. 書いてるといつの間にか文の始まりがほとんど副詞になってしまいました...問題は無いですよね…? なるべく主旨の一貫性を狙ってみたのですがどうでしょうか?またザッと流し読みして単複・時制などにおかしなとこありましたら指摘していただけるとうれしいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文の添削を願いします。hon

    When we Japanese people decline an offer or an invitation, we often reply “yes” when we actually “no” to be considerate of others' feelings and vice versa. For example, even when we say "yes" to you when invited to a party, our "yes" can/could mean "no" at times. It is easier for us to distinguish our true intentions and words , but it would be very difficult for foreigners to understand those of us. 何度かアドバイスを頂いた上で上記のようにしてみたのですが、distingish以降が特に表現として気になるのですが、校正いただければ幸いです。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    ・It is very important to cooperate on a recycle campain to protect evironment. ・We should start thing that we can do even if it is small things.That is one step for improvement of environment. この2つを確認したいんですけど、文法的など、おかしいところがあったら教えてください。おねがいします!

  • 英文の和訳をおねがいします。

    It is salutary to realize the fundamental isolation of the individual mind. We have no certain knowledge of any consciousness but our own. We can only know the world through our own personality. Because the behaviour of others is similar to our own, we suppose that they are like us; it is a shock to discover that they are not. As i grow older I am more and more amazed to discover how great are the differences between one man and another. I am not far from believing that everyone is unique.

  • 添削お願いいたします!

    トルコアイスについての説明を英語ですることになったのですが、英語にはちょっと自信がないので… 詳しい方、添削をお願いします。  This is Dondurma.  The Turkish ice sold in Japan is called Dondurma.    Dondurma is made of sugar and sheep milk and salep , and the taste has vanilla , milk , coffee , chocolate .  When I eat Dondurma, the Turk prepares the water by all means .  This is because it prevents that Dondurma is clogged up by water.  Powder of Dondurma is sold in Turkey and can make Dondurma easily at home.  It may be said that Dondrums is ice loved by the Turkish nation  How if I eat , everybody ?

  • 英語の添削をお願いします。

    We can seldom see animals, for instance, lion, elephant, tiger and so on as long as we do not go to the zoo. (私たちは動物園でも行かない限り、ライオン、象、虎などあまり見れない) We can go to the zoo of my house near for free only student and old person. (私の家の動物園は学生とお年寄りは無料でいける) we heal our mind to see a baby (赤ん坊を見ると心が癒される) It can be said that in common is this. (このことは、共通して言える) 4つの英文の添削、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    HPの英文版を作ることになっていまいました。少量ですので、ここに頼ることにします。以下は、機械翻訳により、英文化したものです。読んで違和感がないレベルで結構ですので、添削していただけるとありがたいです。 ---------------------------  The XXXXX is a company dealing with commercial and non Commercial Vehicles.  We are specialized in exporting Japanese high quality Vehicles around the world at a cheap prices.  We provide variety of services such as,purchasing,sales and export. Buying Used cars online from Japan is a challenging task and we make it easier and simpler for customers.  We are member of various auction in Japan. In our Website you can choose suitable cars,trucks,Vans,Industrial and Commercial machinery.  Please do not hesitate to contact us either of the following when needs arises, Phone,Fax.Or e-mail.

  • 英文についての質問

     As Nobel prize winning political scientist Elinor Ostrom said, “Conflict isn’t necessarily bad; it’s just how we articulate our differences.”  It is the means by which we resolve conflict that may be bad, not the mere existence of conflicting interests. We can resolve conflict conflictually, or we can choose to resolve conflict cooperatively.  The choice of means by which we resolve conflict is, of course, also political, as that choice is the “how” in determining who gets what, when, and how. という英文があるのですが… ・一文目の””内はどういうことでしょうか? 「紛争は必ずしも悪いことではない。それは私たちに違いを明確に表してくれる。」でしょうか?;の後の訳し方(何を言いたいのか)がわからないです。 ・3段落目のThe choice以降は「私たちが紛争を解決する選択はもちろん政治でもあります。それは誰が何をいつ、どこで、どのように得るのかをどのように選択するかだ」という訳であっているでしょうか? politics is who gets what, when, and, howという文章が前にあったので、それに繋がってくると思うのですが… ややこしくてすみません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈の問題です。

    英文解釈の参考書に It is not a question of what you can do but of when you can do it. (君に何ができるかではなく、それができる時期が問題だ。) とありました。 私は、 It is a question of what you can do but of when you can do it. という英文を作ると、上述の和訳の意味になるような気がしてしまうのです。なぜ、最初に書いた英文が、その直後の和訳になるのでしょうか?