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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:(173)The only other……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか)

The only other considerable hymn to Pan and its translation


  • ベストアンサー
  • Ahiru-san
  • ベストアンサー率49% (50/102)

QA173 (1) この文だけ読むと「山々や茂み、河流の間をで」というと「狩り」にしか見えませんが、「追っかけまわす」だけかも。ニンフも追っかけたのですか。解説は専門家が書いているんですから、きっとそうなのでしょう。専門家にも、独りよがりの人もおりますが。 原典の古代ギリシャ語にはそういういみがあるのかもしれませんね。 (2) makes music これは「演奏する」でしょう。パンは「パンフルートの名手ですから。 「楽を奏でる」と訳しましょう。 あとは、dusk「夕暮れ」、薄暗い時。 「暗がり」だと薄暗いところに入っていったみたい。 QA174 まず(2)から  いつものように分解しましょう。 beyond most works of Greek literature は前後にコンマがあるから挿入句ですね。 「(ほとんど)すべてのギリシャ文学作品を越えて」。  ということで(3)は問題にならない。 (1)  残りは、 This is remarkable for its fresh and spontaneous love of wild natural scenes. love of  は背景でなくて、もう少し直接的です。「荒々しい自然の情景への愛」。全体は 「荒々しい自然な情景への(おのずから発せられる{=抑えがたい}清新な)愛」 fresh and spontaneousの順序を変えて訳しました。ごろがいいので。 細かいことを言えば natural scenes は 「自然な情景」。「自然の情景」 ならnature scenes。  「自然の情景」 としても意味は変わりませんが、気分の違いを汲み取っていただきたいところです。 wild  それほど険しく嵐が起こっているような感覚ではなく、「人の手のはいっていない」程度の感じです。 remarkable for  は「xxxゆえに注目に値する」。 「xxが注目に値する」といってもあんまり意味は違いませんが、ほんの少しニュアンスが違うようです。 これで素材は全部です。あなたの言葉で文を構築してください。



回答を読んで、   次のご指摘をいただきました。   ’正にこの通り’だと思いました。 やり直してみます。 (1)make music (2)dusk (3)beyond most works (4)love of wild natural scenes (5)remarkable for ありがとうございました。   *162)The "Hymn to…が残って、気がかりです。     回答は一言で結構です。よろしくお願いします。


  • 英文分析してください

    この文をS、V、O、C、< >などでわけてください ※S 主語、 V 動詞 O 目的語 C 補語 Psychoanalysis is both a new understanding of how the human mind works and a new way of treating illnesses of the mind. One of the important ideas of psychoanalysis is that we do not know most of our thoughts and feelings and cannot control them. Sigmund Freud compared the human mind to a block of ice floating in the ocean. Just a small part of the ice shows above the surface of the water, while most of the ice is beneath the surface.Freud said that the mind was somewhat like the ice. We know only a small part of our thoughts and feelings. He called this part of the mind the conscious. The large part of our thoughts and feelings that we do not know and cannot control he called the unconscious. 構造分析お願いします!!

  • この英文を訳してください!!

    The greatest scientific contribution of the Greeks was their approach. From about 800 B.C.,the Greeks searched for general principles that would describe how nature works. In contrast to earlier thinkers,the Greeks applied human reason to the understanding of the processes of nature. The Greeks developed theories based on What they could prove. Unlike the great cultures that had come before them,the Greeks separated science from religion and mythology. As a result,their studies of astronomy produced results that went far beyond the knowledge of earlier times.In the fifth century B.C.,the Greek philosopher Philolaus suggested thatthe Earth moved and was not atthe center ofthe Universe.In the fourth century B. C.,the Greek astronomer Heracleides claimed that atleast some planets moved around the Sun. The Greeks were also the firstto think of mathematics as something more than a practical means of calculation and measurement. Over a period of eight hundred years, the Greeks developed methods of reasoning in geometry and algebra that form the basis for modern mathematics. Practical applications, of course, were also of interest to the Greeks. Among the many discoveries of Archimedes (287 ?-212 B.C.) was an explanation of the principle of buoyancy. Perhaps the greatest Greek scientist was Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Who made many practical contributions. He not only laid out a system of rational thought we calllogic, but he is also recognized as the father of the life sciences. Aristotle examined and classified more than five hundred species of animals, and his student Theophrastus did the same for a similar number of plant species. The practical approach ofthe Greeks also led to advances in medical science. The fifth-century B. C. Greek physician Hippocrates is called the father of medicine because he rejected the idea thatillness Wれs the result of supernatural causes. Greek physicians were the firstto dissectthe human body, beginning about 500 B. C.,in order to learn how the body really functioned. By 100 B.C., Greece had declined, and Rome was supreme in the Mediterranean world. The Romans found many uses for Greek knowledge, especially in engineering and construction. As the Roman Empire spread, so did the extent of Greek learning. When the empire collapsed toward the end ofthe fifth century A D., scientific inquiry came to an end in Europe for nearly a thousand years. The Dark Ages had begun.

  • 次の英文について教えてください。

    次の英文でわからないところがあります。 He hated missing out on any gathering, and the consequent round of tea parties, dinners, soirees and balls exhausted him. 'You know how awful it is when all you want to do is go to bed, and suddenly everyone wants you to start improvising,' he complained, somewhat disingenuously, to a friend; he always complied, and, having sat down at the piano, would improvise for hours. *You know how awful it isのitはthe consequent roundですか? *when all you want to do is go to bedのところで、goは名詞ですか? * and suddenly のandは"それなのに"、と訳せばいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 出典:「Chopin: Prince of the Romantics」

  • 英文で質問があります。

    (1)At first, the deprivation of having no one to talk with upon subjects that most deeply interested me seemed all but unbearable, but as I became acquainted I made the surprising discovery – I made it again and again in later life – that if I talked with the men and woman I met casually about things that interested them, if I drew them out, I often discovered unexpected riches of character or experience, sometimes the most delightful or amusing oddities or absurdities. (2)Every human being has a story in him – how he has come to be what he is, how he manages, after all, to live, just to live. これらの英文の訳を教えてください。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

     Then he took up the pen. I can still smell the rain and hear it thundering about me, and feel it dripping on my head from the bough hanging above me. He raised his eyes and looked out at the rain. It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station between the tree and the window. I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain. Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he me, for it was growing dark. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 he=検眼士です。 窓の外から主人公が検眼士の様子を窺っている場面です。 ------------------------------------------ ●It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station ~・・・ここのmy stationとはどういう意味ですか? ●I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain.について a hunted piece of natureとはどういう意味ですか? ●Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he meについて he meのつながりがわかりません。どう読むのでしょうか? 前文は He did extract one long sheet of paper, and held it up. It was typewritten with a paragraph in handwriting at the bottom on the side visible from the window. He laid it side by side with another sheet of paper which was lying on the desk. I pressed close up to the window, intending to wave and smile if I was seen, and to call out that I was sheltering from the rain which was now coming down in thumps. But he kept his eyes on the two sheets of paper. There were other papers lying about the desk; I could not see what was on them. But I was quite convinced that he had been practising handwriting on them, and that he was in the process of forging his mother's will. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • この英文訳してください。。。

    この英文訳してください。。。 文が難しくて訳せません。 わかるかた教えてください Jamie `s program is fun, but he is a serious young man. For example, he has trained disadvantaged young ?sters to be professional chefs. Also he was won awards for helping children to learn about healthy eating. His program teaches skills which many young people don`t learn at home anymore-how to shop well, or how to choose fruit and vegetables. Jamie`s philosophy can be found in the title of his program. The naked chef. It shows that he values preparing simple, healthy food. Today many young people eat fast food. But Jamie`s is telling us to be creative with the things that we find in our kitchen. He also reminds us of the pleasure of sharing good food with family and friends. This is the recipe for his success, and for great cooking お願いいたします

  • 英単語の意味について質問です。

    英文法の参考書に It goes without saying that love is one of the most important themes in literature. という英文の訳が「愛が文学でかなり重要なテーマであることは言うまでもない。」 となっていました。しかし、most は、「最も」という意味なので、上記のような訳にはならないと思います。なぜ、上記のような訳になるのでしょうか?

  • 英文

    1.日本は天然資源の乏しい国である。私たちは資源の大切さを知り、無駄遣いしないように心がけなければならない。 Japan is very poor in natural resources. We should keep in mind how important they are and sholud not waste them. 2.自然破壊が叫ばれる今日でも、日本の国土の3分の2以上は森林であり、日本は世界有数の森林の多い国である。 Recently, we have paid attention to deforestation, but more than two thirds of Japan is forest and Japan is one of the most forested countries. 3.多くの点で人はどこでも同じです。しかしながら土地が異なれば、言語も習慣も違います。 People are the same in many ways, but different areas have different languages and customs. 今まで見えにくかったと思いましたのですぐ下に書くことにしました。まず文意が正確に伝わるか見ていただき(おおよそ○×の判断)、あとはどんなことでも構いませんのでご指摘お願いします!

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    デザイナーに関する本を読んでいるのですが、この辺りが訳せなくて困っています。お時間のある方、よろしければ日本語訳お願いします。 From the beginning,Jean-Paul Gaultier has enjoyed a reptation as the enfant terrible of fashion. It is a subversive and yet strangely innocent image that he has always been keen to live up to. Of all the top designers,he is the most marginal,but also the best at incarnating the aesthetics,attitudes,desires and ambiguities of a whole generation of young people,not only in France but on an international level.The high level of recognition that Gaultier has achieved in London and New York is reinforced by the success of his perfume.

  • A169The lines ……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか

    QA169 The lines (247-255) in which Aphrodite tells of her humiliation and grief are specially noteworthy. There are only general indications of date. The influence of Hesiod is clear, and the hymn has almost certainly been used by the author of the "Hymn to Demeter", so that the date must lie between these two periods, and the seventh century seems to be the latest date possible. 試し訳 アプロディテーが自分の屈辱と悲しみを話す行(247-255)は特に注目に値する。そこには、唯一、一般的な年代を示すものがある。ヘーシオドスの影響は明らかで、この讃歌(Hymn to Aphrodite)は最も確実に『デーメーテールへの讃歌』の作者に利用された。そのため、この年代はこの二つの時代にまたがることは確実で、(紀元前)七世紀が最後の年代である可能性が高い。 質問 試し訳の不自然なところを指摘していただきたいと思います。 QA170 The "Hymn to Dionysus" relates how the god was seized by pirates and how with many manifestations of power he avenged himself on them by turning them into dolphins. 試し訳 『ディオニーソスへの讃歌』は、いかにして、この神が海賊に捕まるか、また、いかにして、大勢の武力による威嚇をもって、彼らを(pirates)イルカに変え、彼らに復讐するかを語る。 質問 (1)howについて    二つあります。 この解釈は正しいでしょうか (2)many manifestation of powerについて   Manyは「多くの」、「大勢の」のどちらでしょうか。   Manifestationを「威嚇して」と訳せば、語呂はよいが、動詞扱いとなる。     通常、このような場合はどうすればよいでしょうか。     訳者の好きなように訳してよいのでしょうか。