• ベストアンサー



  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

私も"moral of physical"は"moral or physical"だろうと思ったりして、また他にも色々面白そうな言い方もあったので、確認のためインターネットを検索してたら、そのものずばりらしいサイトに当たりました。エドガー・アラン・ポーだったんですね。 The feeling of vexation thus engendered grew stronger with every circumstance tending to show resemblance, moral or physical, between my rival and myself. そうして始まったいらいらは、精神的なものであれ肉体的なものであれライバルと私との類似点を明らかにしそうな状況に出くわすたびに、ますますつのっていったのだった。 もうひとつのほうは、少し言葉が抜けてませんか? That he observed it in all its bearings, and as fixedly as I, was apparent; but that he could discover in such circumstances so fruitful a field of annoyance, can only be attributed, as I said before, to his more than ordinary penetration. 彼があらゆる点から、私と同じくらいしっかりと、そのことを観察したのは、明らかだった。しかし、そういう状況に実り豊かな嫌がらせの場を発見したことは、前に述べたように、彼の並外れた洞察力のたまものとしか言いようがない。 大きくはずしているかもしれませんが、大体こんなもんだと思います。ポーなら図書館で全集とか探せば、翻訳もあるんじゃないかな。





  • QA59……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか

    QA59 And finally, if your industry is to be fruitful, you must know what days are suitable for various kinds of work. This moral aim—as opposed to the currently accepted technical aim of the poem—explains the otherwise puzzling incompleteness of the instructions on farming and seafaring. 試し訳 また、最終的に、もし、あなたがたの作業が実りの多いものでありたいなら、あなた方はいろいろな仕事に適しているのは何時かを知らねばならない。 この教訓の目的は、例えば現在受容されている叙事詩の専門的な目標と違って、農事や漁獲の際の指南に関するその他いろいろな困りごとを説明することにある。 (1)the otherwise puzzling incompleteness 他の困っている不完全性/ 他の未解決な困りごと/このように訳せるでしょうか  (2)This moral aim— as opposed to ……—explains     このaim は名詞でしょうか(動詞ならaimsとなるのだろうか)     このexplains名詞ではなく、複数でもないと思われる。 この“s”は三人称のsでしょうか。     このas opposed toはas aboveの用法と同じと考えて良いでしょうか。

  • to be

    Universal design , is an approach to the design of products , services and environments to be usable by as many people as possible no matter their age , ability or circumstance. Carbon nanotubes have the potential to be 100 times stronger than steel as flexible as plastic. 二つの文のそれぞれのto beの働きを教えて下さい。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • QA59の二度目

    QA59の二度目 And finally, if your industry is to be fruitful, you must know what days are suitable for various kinds of work. This moral aim—as opposed to the currently accepted technical aim of the poem—explains the otherwise puzzling incompleteness of the instructions on farming and seafaring. 試し訳 また、最終的に、もし、あなたがたの勤勉さが実りの多いものでありたいなら、あなた方はいろいろな仕事に適しているのは何時かを知らねばならない。 この教訓の目的は、叙事詩が現在世間一般に信じられているような技術的な目標とは対照的に、農業や漁業に関する指南についてそれとは異なる不可解な不完全性を説明する。 (農業や漁業に関する指南ではなく、不可解な不完全性を説明する) 質問 今度はどうでしょうか。 The otherwise puzzling incompletenessのotherwizeの意味がとても 難しかった。

  • この英文は日本語でなんと訳せばいいでしょうか?

    (1)What he must do was to regard the whole situation impersonally and look on Madame Zilensky as a doctor looks on a sick patient. (2)Jamie had been silent, though the other men around the farm were ready enough with glances and words to show their admiration for their master's lovely housekeeper, for all that she offerd them no encouragement. (3)She nursed him, tending him untiringly.(tendingの意味が辞書を引いても分かりません・・・) たくさんすみません(/_;) 英語に堪能な方よろしくお願いいたしますm(__)m

  • 英文の邦訳

    The described and attributed strategies of states as owners in the global network of state capital are a first step in this direction: we develop this contribution by distinguishing broadly between state strategies that show a clear interest in financial returns on investment (and thus more adaptation to transnational capitalism), and others that predominantly seek to control the firms they invest their state capital in (and thus carry the potential for a more state-controlled form of global expansion). Our results hence implicate that tackling the question of adaptation or challenge need to be answered at the level of state strategies. 上記英文のラストのOur以下を御訳しください。

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 As late as 1988 then this had become apparent. The developments show, in addition the tendency of the system geared totally towards one party. It guaranteed the basic rights of the citizen(e.g. freedom of speech, press freedom, the freedom of assembly and of religion as well as the right to strike). It guaranteed private property and insisted that the economy had to ’serve the wellbeing of the whole people and the provision of needs’. The state was to carry out public economic planning by means of legislative bodies.

  • この英文を訳してください(長いです

    "To join together industry and art, to demonstrate that a piece of furniture, a fabric, a light-fitting, a pair of scissors or any object no matter how humble is as worthy of the attention of the artist as a statue or a painting; to elevate all the crafts which employ for decorative purpose line and color and above all to make our epoch the rival of the eighteenth century and of Japan - to achieve all this has been the aim of the many who are struggling against the decadence of the decorative arts." お願いします。

  • traditon v innovation

    tradition v innovation というdebateの文章がありまして、それについてお聞きさせてください。 We need a sense of continuity with the past in order to benefit from the insight and wisdom of past generations and learn about the ehhos from which contemporary morality, politics and culture have emergerd. Respect for tradition and authority is of itself a good thing because it is essential for social continuity and the preservation of moral stability. Moral relativism is a doctrine that, as we have seen already, leads to moral degeneracy and the break-up of society and the family. insight 洞察とありますが 後ろの文を読むと、「過去を見通し、過去から知恵やどうすべきを知る(洞察)」ということでしょうか?洞察の辞書的定義は調べました。 respect for tradtion 伝統を尊重することは必要なことで、とありますが、その理由が社会を継続させるsocial continuity ,moral stability道徳の安定とありますが、この文章が言いたいことがはっきりわたしにはわかりません。この文章はどういうことがいいたいのでしょうか。 全訳などはしていただかなくても大丈夫です。

  • 意味を教えてください

    My first visit to Tokyo was a sensory overload unlike any I’d ever experienced. The sheer bombardment of sights, sounds and smells coupled with the labyrinthine train system are enough to give even an expert gamer synesthesia. I honestly never thought I was going to be able to get around a monstro-megalopolis like this. It took me a few months (and a ton of mistakes) to get some semblance of my bearings, sensory overloadとsemblance of my bearingsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の文章の和訳をお願いします。

    1. Introduction The role and exact extent of natural and anthropogenic forcing for the climate evolution has been under much debate and one of the major sources of external forcing can be through solar variability. As is well summarized by Hoyt and Schatten (1997), several meteorological phenomena, such as temperature variations, cloud coverage, frequency of lightning strikes, and droughts, seem to be responding to solar variables over a wide range of time scales such as the 27-day solar rotation period, 11-year activity cycle, 22-year polarity reversal cycle and the other longer quasi-cyclic periods. Although the most straightforward mechanism of the sun–climate connection is the direct heating of the earth by solar radiation, it is unlikely that the entire solar influence on climate can be attributed simply to the variation of TSI (Foukal et al., 2004 and Foukal et al., 2006).