• ベストアンサー




(変形)生成文法の勉強でしょうか。そんなに詳しくありませんが、ComplementかAdjunctかって言うことでしょうか。about the accidentってなくても文としては成立しますので、Adjunctでしょうかね。とは言っても、to his parents もなくても文の構造は成立しますので、そこら辺が鍵でしょうか。どこで枝分かれさせるかって言うことにも通じかと思いますし、最近の考え方ってあまり知りませんので、どうでしょうか。





  • 統語論の樹形図(tree)に詳しい人に質問します。

    I persuaded a specialist to examine John. という文の構造はこれで間違いないでしょうか? ↓ [S [NP I][Aux past][VP [V persuade][NP [Det a][N specialist i]][S [NP [N PRO i]][Aux to][VP [V examine][NP [N John]]]]]] ちなみに↑をコピーしhttp://www.yohasebe.com/rsyntaxtree/にペーストし「Draw」をクリックすれば樹形図が出てきます。 お願いします。

  • 文の構成を教えて下さい?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より Sorry, Dad. It's just that my friends and I had so many important things to talk about. ごめんなさい、お父さん。友達と私とで話さなくちゃいけない大事なことがとてもたくさんあったからなの。 (質問)文末が前置詞で終わっているところから疑問が生じました。my friends 以下についてお尋ねします。 1)次のような文が書き換えられたものと判断しました。如何でしょうか? My friend and I had to talk about so many important things. 2)何故置き換えが必要なのか? about以下が長すぎるから? 3)前置詞以降の文が長い場合は、前置詞以降の文を動詞の後ろに移動して、文末を前置詞で終わらせる。と判断してよろしいでしょうか? 4)易しい類似の例文を2~3いただけませんか?  何かヒントだけでもいただければと希望します。宜しくお願いいたします。以上

  • 英文添削して下さい

    5つの文章でストーリーになっています。よろしくお願いします。 1.私の友達がスリに遭いそうになったことがあります。 My friend was about to be robbed his purse. 2.何人かで地下鉄に乗ろうと階段を降りていたときのことでした。 It was the time that my friends and I was going down the stairs. 3.私の友達はズボンのポケットに財布をいれていました。 One of my friends’ purse was at his hip pocket. 4.私の友だちによると、ある男がその財布に手を伸ばそうとしていたといいました。 One of them told me that the man was going to reach out his purse. 5.その友達が止めたおかげで、財布を盗まれることはありませんでした。 Because my friend stopped the pickpocketer, my friend was not robbed his purse.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Shocked to hear that his friend was waiting for a heart transplant,Robert Test decided to become an organ donor. This is what he wrote about his decision. At a certain moment,a doctor will decide that my brain has stopped functioning. When that happens, do not attempt to revive my body by the use of a machine. Give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sunrise,a baby's face, or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused him nothing but days of endless pain. Give my blood to a teenager who was seriously injured in a traffic accident,so that he or she might live and see his or her grandchildren playing.

  • 分詞 と to不定詞の形容詞用法

    My grandfather didn't know about my parents ( ) a divorce. この答えはwantingですが to wantでは何故だめなのですか。

  • 英文の添削

    この英文が合っているか添削してくださる方いませんか? I wrote a short letter to my parents. です。 練習問題の英文を解いた後に、それを参考に自分で英文を作っています。 でもたまに間違えていないか不安になります。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    If you know what I mean by real friends, I prefer my man to be my friend, and his friends to be mine. この文章の意味がいまいち正確にわからないので和訳をお願いします。

  • givenの意味

    Q. Strict parents, bisexual best friend: I’m an 18-year-old girl living at home with my very conservative parents. They are very against gay people and seem to think they’re all monsters. I’m not able to live in the dorms when I go to college because my mother is afraid I’d end up with a lesbian roommate who would rape me. She also proudly recounts the time she talked a friend into a gay conversion camp. My problem is that my best friend is bisexual. I want to have her come over to study sometimes, but if my parents found out she’s bi, she wouldn’t be allowed in the house, and I don’t want her to have to hear my parents on one of their rants about how gays want to adopt children just to molest them. Is it possible to maintain a secret friendship with her or is it better to wait a few years until I move out of my parents’ house? A: I can’t imagine it would be very comfortable for your friend to study at your house if your parents are that often given to making wildly homophobic statements. givenは「好きな」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳を!!10

    お願いします (1) Everyone in first-century BCE Rome knew Marcus Tullius Cicero's name. He served as a consul―Rome's top office―and his fiery speeches drew crowds of listeners. When Cato the Younger, the great grandson of Cato the Censor, called Cicero“the father of his country,”everyone cheered. Yet Cicero's letters show that he sometimes couldn't decide what to do. And he worried a lot about his children. When his daughter Tullia died, he was heartbroken. He wrote to his best friend, Atticus, about his sadness: I have isolated myself, in this lonely region.... In the morning, I hide myself in the dense...forest and don't come out until night.... My only form of communication now is through books, but even my reading is interrupted by fits of crying. (2) Cicero wrote hundreds, maybe thousands, of letters. Amazingly, 900 of them have survived, more than 2,000 years later. They include letters to his friends and to other politicians, in addition to those that he wrote to his brother and his unruly, playboy son. In them, we learn about family problems, deaths, and divorces―not to mention his opinions on almost everything. (3) Like many grown-ups, Cicero liked to give advice, and his letters are generously sprinkled with hints, warnings, and words of wisdom. He was often pompous, even conceited, but he showed his feelings in his writing, even when his honesty made him seem weak or afraid. (4) Some of Cicero's letters report on the latest happenings in Rome. His words give us the best picture we have of life in the 1st century BCE. He wrote about simple things: the weather, gladiatorial games, and the price of bread. But he also described wars, riots, scandals, and the plots of scheming politicians.

  • 翻訳お願いいたします。(出家)

    「私の友人が出家中に、彼の実家からそのお寺に彼と他の僧侶たちの雑用を手伝いに七日間通っていました。 」 1During my friend's Buddhist training (at a temple),I visited that temple from his parents' house to help him and other munks with chores for 7days. 2While my frriend was serving as a munk,~ 3While my friend was a munk,~I went to that temple~ 1,2,3は文意をなしているでしょうか?またWhile my friend was in the presthood,~で出家中と表すことはできるでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。 補足 追加で質問させていただきます。「通っていた」を単に過去形にしたのですが、強調するのにはwas doingとしたほうが良いのでしょうか?