• 締切済み


以下の英作文ですが、自信がありません。添削をお願いします。 1. 「最近の物価の上昇は給料の低い人には厳しい」  (         )is rough on( )  ※給料の低い、は be low paid を使用する 私なりに The rise of recent prices is rough on ... ここまで考えましたが、 「給料の低い」に low person of the salary が使えないのでわからなくなってしまいました。  2. 「彼の部屋の壁には世界地図が貼ってあり、その下には本棚があった」 ※壁に貼る、は put up・・・on the wall を使用する。 上の使用単語を使うと、「彼の部屋の壁には」を主語にできないので、まったくわかりません・・・。 どうかよろしくお願いします。


  • nekomac
  • ベストアンサー率43% (162/371)

1 The rise of recent prices is rough on a person who is low paid. ではダメなんですか? salary も使わなければいけないということでしょうか? low paid で給料の安いという意味ですから、問題ないと思うんですけど。 2 In his room, a world map was put up on the wall, and a bookshelf was there below . というように作って見ました。 でも「彼の本棚には」を主語にしなければならないという決まりがあればダメですけど。 ご参考に、、、



ご回答ありがとうございました。 かなり近い回答とは思うのですが、もっと他に別の言い回し(回答)があると思いましたので・・・。



  • 英作文の仕方。

    「私の家の壁には絵があります。」はThere is a picture on the wall of my house.なのでしょうか。それともThere is a picture in the wall of my house.なのでしょうか。これをI have a picture on the wall of my house. のように I などの人称代名詞を主語にして書くことはできるのでしょうか。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    オンライン英会話がテーマの自由英作文です(後半) On the other hand, there are a lot of online English schools which offer low price lessons to us using Skype. Their prices are lower than even 200 yen per lesson when we choose affordable packages. In terms of opportunities of speaking, it is of great help for improvement to make use of them. If you want to learn English conversation, first I recommend you have lessons of such online schools. Then if you study by yourself simultaneously to help your conversation become better, I can assure you that your English conversation will be getting much better. 後半はなんとなくyouで通しましたが、よくわかりません よろしくお願いします

  • 日本の財政問題について英作文を作ってみました。

    Japan is confronted with which is financial crisis problem. First, it problem is gradually increase the amount of the national debt. Now amount of the national debt is about 9 hundred trillion yen. Japanese national debt is increase in about one million yen in one minute. There are about sixteen million to a household. Greece finance was fell through but even Japanese economy is on the verge of collapse about to fall apart. If gradually more increase the amount of the national debt, Japanese economy is no doubt end in failure. Secondly, it problem is member of the Diet, which have too many member of the Diets and a member of the Diet’s too high salary. Number of Japanese member of the Diet is about 7 hundred thirty two people. It is felt that there are a lot of numbers of member of the Diet members in Japan even if it sees worldwide or it sees personally and objectively. There are a lot of numbers of member of the Diet members for the population. There is sleeping Diet member when member of the Diet is held and the discussion is done. The salary paid to such an assembly member is indeed useless money. No impossible problem this, and exist. Such Diet member doesn't have the qualification who is the assembly member and not have the qualification that receives one's salary either. Eyes of the society do not permit it though it is permitted to keep getting a position a private company in the law. The people who receive a large sum of retirement allowance in getting a position a private company and run away are like stealing money in the country and money of the independent administrative agency. Many politicians spend money in the country and meal and the amusement. Actually, eyes of the society won't permit it of course though it is permitted in the law. This can easily spend money in the country only because it writes the purpose to spend money on the document at random. For Diet members in Japan, Shinkansen is the unlimited rides. This is also indeed strange. Thirdly, it problem is waste of the provinces, it is putting out. The provinces have received the aid money from the country every year. The aid money can be used by making various fiscal programs. However, there is then putting out problem of brightness. It is money that is spent to construct the road and gotten. If the gotten subsidy is not exhausted, the subsidy is decreased from the age of entertainment. Therefore, the subsidy is tried even if it exhausts it by unnecessary construction. This road works concentrate in February from November. Fourth, it problem is Tohoku earthquake. Economic shock due to the Tohoku earthquake is very large. The economy of Japan and industry do not operate and cannot be restarted. The nuclear plant has destroyed it. The trust of Tokyo Electric Power Company swings by the influence, and the credibility to Japanese businesses and the stock has weakened. The economy of Japan will not recover at a dash. Japan will recover slowly. These four problems are truly terrible and make financial crisis in Japan. 添削をお願いします!文法語法のミスなど教えていただければと思います。

  • 大学受験、英作文の添削をお願いします…

    TOPIC:THE LOW BIRTH RATE IS NOT REALLY A PROBLE FOR JAPAN. Im against the opinion.There are many problems difficult to solve. For example,if this low birth rate continues,Japan will have too small population.Besides,Japan is aging society.In that case,the government cannot get sufficient tax,so it has to raise tax in order to keep current level of social security.Young people will have to lead hard living and not afford to have a child.That will lead to even lower birth rate.74 Low birth rate also has a effects on educational enthusiasm.If you have only one child,you will arguablly hope that he will have high academic background to get good paid job.So many people will make their child study hard from 10 years old or so.Average academic level will rise,and companies will requre much higher abilities.There will come much diffcult time to get a good job for the non-educated. 長くなりました。こんなにwill連発でいいのでしょうか??改善のしかたを教えてください。英文(の書き方や話のつなげかた)をまずひと通り暗記したほうが早いでしょうか。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    こんばんは!自由英作文の添削をお願いします!  ネットカフェ難民について One of the problems Net cafe refuggees are now facing is that almost all of them could not find the regular employment if they want. This is because they don't own or rent a residence and thus have no address. No company will employ those people. To solve this problem, the gorvernment should support them. But,you may say that they should stand on their two feet. However,their low-paid temporary jobs make it impossible for them to save up money by themselves to rent an apartment. Thus, the gorvenment should take some action to disconnect the vicious circle in which they can't find regular employment because they don't have housing. ※私は大学受験生です。周りに添削をしてくれる人がいなくて困っています。どんな些細な点でもいいのでご指摘くださればありがたいです。よろしくお願いします! 毎回ご丁寧に添削してくださってありがとうございます!今回はネットカフェ難民について書いたのですが、改善策の部分が説得力に欠けると自分で感じました。ご意見いただけたらありがたいです。お願いします!

  • 英作文の添削

    こんばんは。 英作文の練習をしているのですが、自分では間違いに気づかないので、添削をお願いします。特に冠詞、単数か複数か、苦手なもので…。 文法のミスの指摘や、私ならこう書くなどあれば、嬉しく思います。 1 大学では様々な授業を受けたり、授業以外の活動をするチャンスがありますが、それらをどう生かすかはあなた次第です。→In university, there are chances that you take a variety of lectures and do extracurricular activities, so those depend on your use. 2 母に私の部屋の掃除をされるのはいやだ。→I don't want Mother to clean my room. 3 このセーターは両肘のところがすりへって薄くなっている。→This sweater was worn at both of elbows. 4 自然と文化を対立したものと考えるのは、無知に根ざしたわれわれの誤解である。→It is our misunderstanding based on, ignorance that we think nature and culture conflict each other. 5 一般に日本人は旅行好きのようで、昨夏に国内外のどこかへ旅行した人の数は約5千万に達したようだ。→Japanese is likely to like travel generally, and according to the report, the number of Japanese traveled abroad and in Japan reaches 50 millions.

  • 英作文の添削&解答お願いします。

    英作文の添削&解答お願いします。 7文あるので1文や2文からでも解答よろしくお願いします。 1)仕事はいくら慎重に選んでも慎重過ぎることはない。 It cannot be too choose work carefully. 2)電話をもらったので君に手紙を書く手間が省けた。 Your calling relieved me of the bother of writing a letter. 3)悪いのはジョンではなく彼の弟です。 The one at fault is not Jon bat his brother. 4)2ヶ月前にダイエットを始めてから随分体重を減らした。 5)息子が先月退職し修道院に入ったのを知りました。 6)「4月に社長は給料を上げてくれるかね」「いや、彼の態度から見て値上げ交渉の余地はほとんどなさそうだ」 Do you think president increace a salary? No, 7)「彼は今朝はとても疲れているようですね」「昨夜徹夜で宿題をやったからだと思う」 He looks like tired. I think he study his homework through the night yesterday.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    テレビを見てマスターズのレポートを書く宿題が出ました。自信が無いので添削お願いします。ゴルフのことも良く知らないので困ってます。よろしくお願いします。 タイトル:The First Day The chairman introduced Arnold Palmer to the patrons at the 1st tee. Then Arnold Palmer hit his tee shot to signal the start of the Masters. The game started one hour late because of the fog. There were so many spectators. There were some super shot. At the 16th hole, Ian Poulter hit his tee shot and the ball landed on the green, then the ball rolled into the hole. He got a hole in one. Patrons were very excited. It was his 11th hole in one. At the 12th hole, Zach Johnson, who is the defending champion, hit a ball on the green. The ball landed just beside the hole. At the 1st hole, Phil Mickelson hit his 3rd shot from out side of the course, and surprisingly the ball fell into a hole. He had a birdie on the 1st hole. Tiger Woods wasn’t very good. At the 7th hole, he hit his third shot, the ball landed on the rough, it seemed too strong, but the ball came back to the hole, and it stopped near the hole. At the 13th hole, he hit his second shot, and the shot was very good but the ball didn’t land on the green. He hit the ball to the left side but the ball didn’t get up the hill. At the 14th hole, his tee shot was not good and the ball didn’t land on the fairway. At the 15th hole, on his third shot, he approached the hole and the ball fell into the hole. He had an eagle at the 15th hole. At the 18th hole, he hit a ball on the green by two shots, but it was far from the hole. On the green, he hit the ball, but the ball stopped short of the hole. He had a par. He had one eagle and two bogeys without birdie; his first day score was even par.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    「Social statusとHealthを関連させて食について論じなさい」 字数指定はありませんが、過去の問題から推測すると少なくとも100字は必要だと思います。 点数を25点満点でつけて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。  (1)It is important to consider both social status and Health. This is why there are many food problems such as unbalanced nutrition, eating without measure, and food shortage yet to be resolved.  (2)There are, for example, my friends who eat many instsnt foods almost everyday. One of my friends had had a serious stomachache for three monthes. This desease was due to overeating instant foods. It is true that the instant foods are low expense, but they lack in nutrition.  (3)Arother example is overeating and foodshortage. Former and later are related with each other. I have watched a very fat people and small, poor children who are not able to eat enough foods on TV. I often think the part of which people who eat to excess eat should be given to poor people.  (4)There are other many problems yet be resolved. We shoud take food problems like above exampleks into considering .

  • 【至急】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    取引先(派遣先)へ連絡したく英文で作成しましたが、ビジネス的に自信がありません(;_;) ご添削の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 日本文 スタッフひろこの有給について確認で連絡しました。 今年に入り彼女は御社から有給を10日間付与されていますが、6月末の彼女の退社までに有給を全て使用しても問題ないでしょうか? 英文 We would like to confirm about the paid salary of Hiroko. This year she got paid 10 days, but could she use all of this paid salary before her retirement at the end of June?