• 締切済み




んじゃ,会議まであいた時間で,No.1の方の残りを引き継ぎますか。 It's racial and ethnic groups do not always mix - instead creating something more like a "salad bowl" where each group is unique but makes up one part of a whole. アメリカの人種・民族集団は,(しかし),つねに融合しているわけではありません。そのかわり「サラダボウル」というほうがいい状態をつくりだしています。そこでは,それぞれの集団は独自性をもつと同時に,全体の部分をなしています。 While it's sad, America's native cultures have been almost wiped out. Immigrants from around the world have replaced them. 残念ながら,アメリカの先住民の文化はほとんど消滅しています。世界中からの移民が,それにとって代わっているのです。 So today, we're going to focus on the dominant cultures in modern America. そこで今日は,現代アメリカで優勢となっている文化について,焦点をあてていきましょう。 Today, there are over 300,000,000 Americans which makes up about 4.5% of the world's total population. いまや,世界人口の4.5パーセントを占める,30億人のアメリカ人がいます。 Of these Americans, 31,000,000 live in New York or Los Angeles. So roughly 1 in 10 Americans live in one of these two cities - which is why we see them so much in movies. これらのアメリカ人のうち,3千100万人がニューヨークとロサンゼルスに住んでいます。おおまかにいえば10人にひとりのアメリカ人が,これらの大都市のどちらかに住んでいますので,映画でもこれらの都市がよく題材となります。 But we're not going to talk about them. しかし,彼らのことをお話するつもりではありません。 We're going to talk about the other 90% of Americans who are spread throughout the fourth largest country in the world. お話したいのは,世界で第4番目に大きな国土にちらばっている,その他の9割のアメリカ人についてです。 Now lets talk about race, ethnicity, and ancestry. America as a whole has a very diverse ancestral makeup. Lets take a look. ここで,人種や民族,または出自についてお話しましょう。全体としてのアメリカは,とても多種多様な出自による構成を持っています。それを概観すると, Out of 100 Americans, 15 people are of German ancestry. 100人のアメリカ人のうち,15人はドイツ系です。 10 people are of Irish ancestry. 9 people are of African American ancestry. 9 people are of English ancestry. 10人はアイルランド系, 9人はアフリカ系, 9人はイギリス系, 7 people are of Mexican ancestry. 5 people are of Italian ancestry. 3 people are of French ancestry. 2 people are of Native American ancestry. 1 person is of Japanese ancestry. 7人はメキシコ系, 5人はイタリア系, 3人はフランス系, 2人はアメリカ先住民系, 1人は日本系です。 These make up about 60% of Americans. The remaining 40% are from a scattering of countries around the world. これらを合計しても,アメリカ人の60パーセントにしかなりません。残りの40パーセントは,世界じゅうの国から来た人たちです。 Another important factor in shaping our culture is religion. われわれの文化を形成するもう一つの重要な要素は,宗教です。 Different religions bring with them a different set of morals, food, music, literature, and ways of life. 異なった宗教は,異なった道徳,食物,音楽,そして生活様式の体系をともないます。 America has long been a destination for religious immigrants. アメリカは,長いあいだ,宗教的理由による移民の目的地でした。(意訳:宗教的迫害を逃れてきた移民たちにとって自由の天地でした) These immigrant communities have made large impacts on the cultures of regions. これらの移民社会は,宗教文化に大きな影響を与えたのです。


  • 日本語に訳してください!

    In recent years,people have become serious about protecting the natural environment. Very few people now question the motto,"Save our environment,save the earth." However,about forty years ago,when scientists began talking about the serious conditions of our planet,nobody took thdm seriously. Many people believed the earth was too big to be hurt by humans."Just imagine,"they said,"how small humans are before the earth. We cannot damage this huge planet."Some of them said the scientists were only trying to scare people. These days,however,heavy rainfalls,heat and cold wavds,big typhoons and extremely dry weather are reported all over the world. We also hear that the ice at the North and South Poles has started to melt. All these are happening beccuse humaos have been using too much oil and coal,and they are now using more of them. We also have seen trees and plants destroyed in many different places in the world. If you see a photo of the earth taken from space,you must notice how beautiful it looks. At the same time,you will feel that this planet is alive. In fact,it is alive,and we humans are part of it. So we must take good care of it. You may think one person's effort is nothing,but today there are over 6.2 billion people living on the earth. Think of the power we would have if we got together. 長いんですが、お願いします(T_T)

  • この英文を和訳していただきたいです。

    和訳お願いします。 What makes somebody attractive? And this can be asked at all sorts of levels but a simple level is what makes for a pretty face? So,these are,according to ratings,very attractive faces. They are not the faces of real people. What's on the screen are computer generated faces of a Caucasian male and a Caucasian female who don't exist in the real world. But through using this sort of computer generation,and then asking people what they think of this face,what they think of that face,scientists have come to some sense as to what really makes a face attractive,both within cultures and across cultures. And that's something which we're going to devote some time to when we talk about social behavior,and in particular,when we talk about sex .Not all attractiveness,not all beauty of course,is linked to sex. So,pandas for instance,like this panda,are notoriously cute,and I don't have anything to say about it really. It's just a cute picture(laughter).

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。

    What makes somebody attractive? And this can be asked at all sorts of levels but a simple level is what makes for a pretty face? So,these are,according to ratings,very attractive faces. They are not the faces of real people. What's on the screen are computer generated faces of a Caucasian male and a Caucasian female who don't exist in the real world. But through using this sort of computer generation,and then asking people what they think of this face,what they think of that face,scientists have come to some sense as to what really makes a face attractive,both within cultures and across cultures. And that's something which we're going to devote some time to when we talk about social behavior,and in particular,when we talk about sex .Not all attractiveness,not all beauty of course,is linked to sex. So,pandas for instance,like this panda,are notoriously cute,and I don't have anything to say about it really. It's just a cute picture(laughter).

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。翻訳は正しいですか?

    Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 日本語訳 重要な地位にあるアメリカ人は、別の理由もあって車内でどこに座るかについて大げさに騒ぐようなことはしないでしょう。アメリカ人は、理想としての平等を強く信じています。高い地位にいる人は、自身の重要度を抑えた振る舞いをすることが期待されるのです。彼の周りの人たちもまた、彼のことで大騒ぎしないことが望まれます。「平凡な人」に印象の良い重要人物が尊敬されるのです。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    "How much longer is America going to continue to support, condone, endorse and finance the king of all the Sunni kingdom that is Saudi Arabia while simultaneously confronting the Sunni terrorist group that is ISIS? The one thing that you have to respect about Vladimir Putin is he's consistent; he knows who his enemy is and he's going to kill them. Sunni terrorists are the enemy of Russia, of the Syrian government, of the Iranian government. When it comes to America, I don't know who the enemy is! Are we for the Sunnis, which we finance and arm in Saudi Arabia or are we against the Sunnis, which we claim to be fighting with ISIS in Syria? America needs to create clarity for itself, and for our voters and for our military as to how we are going to deal with Saudi Arabia, which inherently makes America a Middle Eastern hypocrite on a level that can no longer can be sustained." where is the logic

  • 日本語に訳してほしいです。

    Reunions are interesting parties. It's usually a group of people who were all together some time in the past, trying to come together again to relive something of what they once had. They are usually somewhat more generously proportioned now, possibly a great deal, uh, more experienced and possess faces and bodies with a lot more, shall we Say, character? What really counts is that these are all friends united in a common cause of memory and everyone should avoid saving things like (Good Godl Look at you! What happened ?" Still, they're not the same people about them in the car on the way to the reunion.Aren't we all looking we expected to see while thinking for the old faces and the old bodies, and to hear a lot of the old jokes? We expect to pick right up where we left off. Of course, no one remembers what it was really like.

  • 英語の訳

    英語を訳してもらいたいです。 Do you know how many languages are spoken in the would? About 6,000! Butexperts say about half of them will probably die out during this century because the would is getting smaller in terms of communication. There is a clear need for languages that many people can understand. As a result, minor languages are being forgotten. When a language dies out, what happens? Its culture is lost. Culture is the whole body of human activies and language plays an important part in them. What can we do about this? In many parts of the would, people are trying to save their native tongues. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の分を日本語にしてください。

     (1)Americans look forward to their Saturdays and Sundays - days off - with great anticipation. And an annual 2 or 3 week vacation is taken for granted by most people. (2)A tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth and plentiful rainfall. Tropical rain forests stay green throughout the year. Almost all such forests lie near the equator. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)Why go on a trip up Mt.Snowdon - it is raining heavily, we won`t be able to hike up the mountain, so what about putting it off? (2)Mutual understanding is something that is particularly important for people of different cultures, enabling them to respect one another`s. (3)As a result, they behaved in a manner which we considered unpleasant or even impolite.

  • 英語の添削

    英語 文法的に間違っているところ、直したほうがいいところの指摘をお願いします。 Is it important to learn about different cultures? I think that it is very important. There are two reasons. Firstly, for example, in America, when people are asked "Would you like coffee or tea?" , they are expected to answer "Coffee/Tea please." But some of Japanese may answer "Either will do" because they are diffident. Such a response is taken with the irresponsible attitude in America. secondly, people all over the world can understand each other by learning about different cultures. And by becoming so, the earth may become a better place. Therefore,I think that learning about different cultures is very important. 以下、書きたかった日本語 異なる文化を学ぶことは重要だろうか? 私はとても重要だと思う。 理由はふたつある。 第一に、例えばアメリカで、人々が「コーヒーかお茶はいかがですか」と聞かれたときに、彼らは「コーヒー/お茶 をください」と答えることが期待されている。 しかし、日本人は遠慮がちなので、「どちらでも」と答える人がいるかもしれない。 そのような応答はアメリカでは無責任な態度と取られてしまう。 第二に、異なる文化を学ぶことによって、世界中の人々がお互いを理解できる。 そして、そうなることによって、世界はよりよい場所になるかもしれない。 したがって、私は異なる文化を学ぶことはとても重要だと思う。 以上です。 添削お願いします。 また、現在完了形や過去完了形などの文法的要素を入れたほうがいいということなんですが、どこかにそのような文法を入れられる部分があるでしょうか?