Are you ready to order, or you need one more minute ? (Do you have any question? と聞いてあげれば尚親切)
You have a choice of a or b for this course menu. Which would you like to choose ?
Have you done (finished) with this dish, or you are still working? (まだの場合には、Please take your time.と言ってあげれば親切)
We have a salad-bar comes with this menu. Please feel free to use the dish at salad-bar.
May I prepare your desert if you have finished with your dishes ? (まだなら再度、Please take your time)
We have two desert today, a and b. Which would you like to choose ?
Thank you very much, here is your check. Whenever you are ready, please bring it to the register.
わーい明日から使ってみます 一つ質問させてください。please take your time はどういう意味なんですか 意味っていうかどういうニュアンスなんでしょーか