• 締切済み


A second strand of what is often termed 'corporate citizenship' 'corporate citizenship':企業市民権


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もうやめたほうがいいのでは・・・? http://okwave.jp/qa5325747.html



  • 和訳

    what often result is a more thoughtful framework of personal values and this is, indeed, broadening. what often resultのところの解説を お願いします。

  • What was termedの使い方?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より The 60s saw an explosion of what was termed garage bands--groups of kids who practiced in their garages. 60年代はね、いわゆるガレージバンド--ガレージで練習した若者たちのグループのことだけど--それが急増した時代だった。 質問:what was termed でお尋ねします。 (1)訳文によりますと「いわゆる」となっています。what is calledも同様の意味ですが置き換え可能ですか? (2)これは副詞句と考えていいですか?慣用句ですか? (3)関係代名詞と考えた場合、whatは主格で先行詞はgarage bandsですか?garage bands what was termed と倒置してますか? (4)what was termed garage bandsがofの目的語という考えもありますが、そうするとwhatは2つ訳し方があるのでしょうか?   疑問文として「ガレージバンドと呼ばれているいるのは何ですか?」  平叙文として「ガレージバンドと呼ばれているいる物。」 平叙文とは、どうも考えられないのですが・・・、有りですか?whatの使い方がよく判りません。何か基本的なアドバイスをお願いいたします。以上

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    Can you please send an image of the circuit board. What is size of the 3.5a c-drive i need so nothing goes wrong.

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    It is important to note that not all temporal shifts and developments do this, but what we are most interested in is how deconstruction can be used to analyse when such temporal shifts, and crises, take place. Ofcourse part of this is to recognizse that such shifts cannot simply be seen as a clear-cut change from one order to another, for often there is overlap and blurring. 英語できる方翻訳お願いします><

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    Religion can be the enemy of God. It's often what happens when God, like Elvis, has left the building.

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    It doesn't matter what kind of problems a family is having; it should always stay in the family.

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    この文章はどうゆう意味でしょうか、おしえてください Right after World War II, the German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, had a good piece of advice for citizens who feared others’ anger: “It’s only after having made yourself unpopular that you will be taken seriously.” 参考のためこの前後の文章もあげときます。 The real danger Germany faces today is neither a creeping leftist regime nor a nascent far-right dictatorship. Rather, it is the irrational insinuation that people who hold views different from your own are themselves illegitimate. This suspicion leads to tribalism, and tribalism is what drives societies apart. What protects us against this drift? A good start might be the realization that complaining about “the others” who allegedly impair one’s freedom of speech is often an excuse for one’s own lack of courage to speak out. Right after World War II, the German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, had a good piece of advice for citizens who feared others’ anger: “It’s only after having made yourself unpopular that you will be taken seriously.” In the age of Twitter, it is extremely easy to make yourself extremely unpopular. It is also easy as never before to gain a voice. That’s the new deal.

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    日本語に翻訳していただける方宜しくお願いします。 意味不明な文が日本語になるようにお願いします。 His sun falls in Sagittarius in your third house. This means a happy circle of friends. There may be long intervals between seeing each other or being in contact. One of you may travel and often be out of touch. This sign often means travel to long distances, sometimes to other countries, but you will keep in touch no matter how far. His communications brighten your life. He is also a good listener Between you, you may have many interesting casual friends and email friends, and are always looking for thing that make new impressions and for new experiences, and are open for new situations. You know a lot about him and his life intuitively. He is open with you, or tries to be. You have a similar intelligence, though he make you see your own life and environment in a slightly different perspective. Both of you have a remarkably wide rage of interests. He can make you feel more optimistic in life, and can widen your horizons. In Synastry the was the second house of one persons chart intersects with the other person and any planets there tell us about money. This is the portion chart which is below the eastern sector and above the nadir. Its axis shows of mutual resources. It reveals what each partner will contribute materially, and how compatible a financial union will be. Money provides the material security in a marriage, It is always an important element in any lasting union. It can help or hinder a partnerships, future, and can have devastating effects when it goes wrong. Emotional security is sometimes more important than material security, or we like to think it is, but usually in the grim reality of life the one is are interdependent on the other. It is very difficult to have a totally happy relationship if there is financial hardship and deprivation, that makes each day a cold somber misery, or worse if the couple simply cannot afford financially to be together and must wait for better days. Such a relationship doesn't advance, and what doesn't advance soon begins to fall back or turn sour. Sometimes a couple are together but one partner is carrying some great financial debt or burden that eats destructively into the fabric of the relationship, with all kinds of side effects. This is why money must always be looked at in a chart.

  • お手数ですが、翻訳をお願いいたします

    ebayに蒔絵の万年筆を出品しております。下記質問が届きました。 (Vanishing pointは、商品名です) 自信がないので、お手数ですが、翻訳よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you for your reply. I now realize I must purchase two pens, and now I do not need to be in a great hurry. I have some questions. The turtle and the phoenix seem to have the least amount of color contrast. Is that true? I like the contrast of the dark orange. Second, what is the least expensive pen you might ever have to sell that is maki-e? The second pen I need is for a man who does not own a fountain pen and I'm not sure how he will react to one. He may love it! He may not. So I want to spend the least possible money on it. His first choice is maki-e. His second choice is any Japanese 'good' pen that is black and silver. What about the Sailor resin owl, dragonfly or deer? Are they less expensive? Do you have an inexpensive pilot vanishing point? Thank you for your help. Janis

  • 翻訳お願いします;;うぅ

    できれば全てお願いしたいですが、なにせ長いので途中まででも有難いです・・。 ※Physical therapy:理学療法 Nothing can prepare us for the difficulty of losing our ability to walk. Many hours of physical therapy are required to help us get back our skills. Not only is physical therapy often painful,but it's difficult. A lot of demands are put on the patient, including emotional ones. A person in this situation often feels helpless.Pain can cause a person to feel like giving up. Physical therapy is difficult, so any improvement helps patients with their recovery. In recent years,newer methods of physical therapy have become popular. One of the most helpful trends is for physical therapy to take place in the water.There are several reasons for this. First of all,warm water is more comfortable for the patient. The decreased gravity in water makes it easier to do the exercises.Plus,the water gives resistance to exercises.This results in greater stamina and strength as time goes by. Many types of patients,with various disabilities,are now benefiting from this method. Other modern methods of physical therapy include swimming,karate,dance and shiatsu. These types of therapies are especially popular with children.Kids not only improve their motor skills,but they have fun as well.Since physical therapy is often difficult and painful, people often feel like giving up. Therefor fun is an important element to keep patients going. An added benefit to these newer methods of physical therapy is eemotional.learning a new skill,such as swimming or karate,helps rebuild a person's confidence.Helping patients through physical therapy means making it as painless and enjoyable as possible.

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