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英語的な倒置の表現ですよね。それを分かりやすくするためにハイフン-で区切っていますけど、それに慣れてないとかえって判りにくい表記になりますよね。次のように考えたらいかがですか? (1)私たちにできる何か「他のこと」をちょっと考えてごらん、 の対として、 (2)テレビにかじりついて、役にも立たない番組を見るだけじゃなく があって、「他のこと」の例として、 (3)たとえばバイクに乗ったり、お手伝いしたり。。。。 以上、ご参考まで。



回答ありがとうございました^^ たしかにハイフンには慣れていないです・・・。


  • ここは肯定文にしてもよいのですか?

    こんばんはいつもお世話になっています。 英語の参考書に出てきた、東京大学の入試問題です。 "How much and how often we congratulate ourselves upon it [=a sense of humour]..."  この文を訳すと「我々は自分たちがユーモアの感覚を持っていることを、どれほど、そしてどれくらい頻繁に、ありがたく思うだろうか」となると思います(完全な直訳ですが)。  しかし参考書の和訳では「我々は自分たちがユーモアの感覚を持っていることを心から、またしばしばありがたく思うのである」と肯定文になっています。どのように考えればこのような意訳になるのでしょうか? 長い文章で申し訳ありません。 ご回答はお時間のある時で結構です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 速単の一部です

    Among the effects of violent game playing are increace in physiological arousal and physically aggressive behavior, such as hitting , kicking, and pulling clothes or hair. are increace って、VSと倒置が起きてると思うんですが、どうしてですか?

  • 英語の訳がわからなくて困ってます。

    訳がわからなくて問題が解けません。英語の全部の訳を教えてください。 訳がぜんぜんわからなくてちょっとつまずいてます。 Professor Strauss, a psychologist, is being interviewed on WLTT radio. She is talking about the effect that watching violent TV shows has on children. Interviewer: Professor Strauss, you've recently done a study of how watching violent TV shows affects the way children behave. What did your study involve? Professor Strauss: We studied fifty children at a city pre-school. They were all four years old. We divided the children into two groups and gave the groups different cartoons to watch for one hour a day. They did this for five days a week, over a period of three weeks. One group watched violent cartoons―cartoons showing characters fighting and being hurt or killed―while the other group watched non-violent cartoons. We then observed the way the children behaved when they were playing. Interviewer: And what did you find? Professor Strauss: The results were very interesting. We found that the children who had watched the violent cartoons were more likely to fight and argue with their playmates; they were more likely to disobey adults and they also became more impatient than the children who had watched non-violent cartoons. Interviewer: So, the violence in the TV shows did have an effect on the children's behavior? Professor Strauss: It seemed to, yes. お願いします。

  • この文の構造を教えて下さい

    1「we are inclined to look upon ourselves as the products of a growth from within, upon the unfolding of our personality as something that would have been the same on the Robinson Crusoe's manless island as it has been in the particular social environment of which we are a part.」 まず上の文について質問です。we~somethingまではわかるのですがsomethingにかかるthat~partまでの構造が全くわかりません。学校の先生は仮定法だと言っていたのですがifも見当たらないですし・・・。 2「we can hardly be too often reminded, though it may be a well-known fact, that there was once a man named Socrates between whom and the legal authorities and public opinion of his time there took place a memorable collision.」 次に上の文についてなのですがこれは最初の方からほとんどわからない状態です。 最初は「私たちはほとんどよく思い出すことができることはない、それはよく知られている事実だけれど、昔ソクラテスという名前の男がいて~」でいいでしょうか? その後はほとんどわかりません。 わからない点は ・between whom の後に何でandが来るのか? ・thereは主語になるのか? の二点です。 先生に聞けばいいのですが、授業が終わった後は行列ができていていつも聞けずに時間切れになってしまうので質問しました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Weiland recently embarked on a new run of solo tour dates beginning on August 2 in Los Angeles. As with his other shows earlier in the year, Weiland is playing material from STP's first two albums, "Core" and "Purple", as well as a smattering of covers, solo tunes and other STP tracks. Weiland's use of STP songs in his solo shows was reportedly one of the reasons why the band sacked and then sued him. The band members claim that this, along with his erratic behavior and substance abuse issues, damaged their career.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    The song was about a woman who had been murdered. Two of STP's first shows from the Core era were performing two shows on a side stage at Lollapalooza 1992, Scott Weiland said his voice was hoarse and it was two of the worst shows the band ever played. At the shows Robert DeLeo introduced himself to Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder and Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell, both ignored him and shunned him, angering DeLeo. Core exploded by early 1993 when the Grammy winning “Plush” became a mega hit, and with STP's new found fame the tensions with their contemporaries up in Seattle increased. Eddie Vedder told Rolling Stone in 1993, “Beth (Vedder's first wife) and I were part of the scene in San Diego. We knew what was going on, which was not a lot. Those guys are supposedly from there? I have never heard of them.” Vedder's remarks were off the mark, since the full STP lineup featuring Dean DeLeo did not start playing live shows until August 1990, a month before Vedder moved to Seattle. The band were also based in Los Angeles contrary to media reports, while also playing shows in San Diego and Orange County. Vedder also claimed Weiland was “coppin his trip.”

  • Human Conflict

    SCIENCE の18, may, 2012 のイントロダクションより HUMAN CONFLICT: WINNING THE PEACEを読みました (1)In this special issue on human conflict, we consider the deep evolutionary roots of violent confrontation. We trace the trajectory of violonece and war throughout history, exploring racism, ethnic conflicts, the rise of terrorism, and the possible future of armed conflicts. ヒトの紛争における今回のサイエンスの記事において、我々は暴力の対立の深い進化の根源を考える。我々は歴史のいたるところで暴力と戦争、人種差別を探し、宗教の対立、そしてテロの発生、将来可能性のある暴力的な紛争を追跡する。 と訳してみましたがこれはthrouhout historyでいったん切れて、そのあとexploringに続くのでしょうかそれともこのexploringは名詞的な活用なのでしょうか。それで文章の解釈がちんぷんかんぷんになってしまいました。 (2)The groups we consider ourselves to be part of, our"ingroups," are critical to our understanding of "self " and categorization of "other" or "outgroups";these groups often form the basis for conflict. 我々が「集団内」の一部と我々自身が考える集団は「ほか」「集団外」の分類や「自己」を我々が理解をするために重要である。この集団群は頻繁に紛争の基盤を形成する。 でいいのでしょうか。 (3)We hope that understanding how human societies have overcome the odds and developed peaceful relations will help chart a path to a less violent future. ヒトの社会がこの奇妙なものに打ち勝つための理解と発達した平和な相互関係が暴力のない社会の道へと手助けになることを我々は望む。 と最後の文章がまとまりが悪い訳になり意味が解らなくなってしまいました。 ご教授お願い申し上げます。

  • "breast of cancer" ?

    下記文中の”breast of cancer” は”cancer of breast”の間違いでしょうか。それとも文法的に正しいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 Dr. Sterns said researchers need to find out how much of the drug is needed and how often it should be administered to rid the breast of cancer. --出展-- http://www.voanews.com/english/news/health/New-Breast-Cancer-Treatment-Shows-Great-Promise-135778523.html

  • 英語に翻訳してください。。。

    Respect! People, futures and places open the interpretation of Respect topic towards the contemporary challenges, as identified with the SDG - Sustainable Development Goals - by UN (www.globalgoals.org). The ultimate goal of design – and all the related work a designer brings to the table – is to improve the world and people’s lives. Getting dressed, moving about, entertaining ourselves, telling stories, thinking, living in our homes: these are just some of the things we do as a matter of habit, but which have the ultimate aim of making us feel better, whether individually or collectively. The goal of sustainable development is to improve individual quality of life and at the same time to improve the collective condition of the planet. Develop your project based on one of the objectives stated in the Brief: Identify three design products (material or immaterial, physical or digital) of the last fifteen years that has contributed to increase the level of respect towards individuals, genders, minorities, cultures, environments and habitats. Select one that’s relevant to the specific undergraduate course you’re interested in and comment the reasons behind your choice.

  • 英文日記の添削をしていただけませんか(^^)

    またまた英文日記を書いてみました。文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)ネイティブならこんな表現をするなど、指摘してくださると,なおうれしいです(^^) I’ve worried about my son’s meals lately. He usually reluctant to eat fish, meat, and vegetables. He likes fruits and staple food such as bread, noodle, rice…. I’m worried that this way would harm my son’s health and growth, so I force food into his mouth every time. I thought that I needed to idea that he could eat nourishment, so I made special soup. I put fish, meat ,mushroom , and vegetables to this soup. He rather eats this soup so I often make this special soup. I ‘m worried ,however, that he will perhaps become no sense of taste if he continues eating this soup.